DOCUMENT RESUME ED 313 413 TM 014 179 TITLE Census of Population and Housing, 1980: Summary Tape File 1F, School Districts. Technical Documentation. INSTITUTION Bureau of the Census (DOC), Washington, D.C. Data User Services Div. REPORT NO EF-000082 PUB DATE 82 NOTE 207p.; For the corresponding data file, see TM 014 180. The questionnaire is sometimes illegible due to small and blurred print. PUB TYPE Guides Non-C1-Issroom Use (055) Statistical Data (110) Tests/Evaluation Instruments (160) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Assessed Valuation; *Census Figures; Databases; *Demography; Elementary Secondary Education; Family Characteristics; Geographic Regions; Hispanic Americans; *Housing; Marital Status; Online Systems; Questionnaires; Racial Distribution; *School Districts; *Statistical Surveys IDENTIFIERS *Census of Population Housing 1980 Sum Tape File 1F ABSTRACT This report provides technical documentation associated with a 1980 Census of Population and Housing Summary Tape File 1F--the School Districts File. The file contains complete-count data of population and housing aggregated by school district. Population items tabulated include age, race (provisional data), sex, marital status, Spanish origin (provisional data), household type, and household relationship. Housing items tabulated include occupancy/vacancy status, tenure, contract rent, value, condominium status, number of rooms, and plumbing facilities. Selected aggregates, means, and medians are alsc provided. Data are presented in E9 tables. Summaries are provided at the follmolng levels: national, regional, state, county, standard metropolitan area and other standard statistical geographical area, congressional district, census division, and minor civil division. Information specific to Summary Tape File 1 and information applicable to Summary Tape Files 1 through 5 are provided. The 1980 Census Complete Count Questionnaire Facsimile, changes to this questi=a3re, a list of geographic coverage within summary levels, a discussion of the use of school district equivalency files, and a list of the lead agencies of the state data center programs are included. (TJH) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can De made from the original document. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * 006 CEN tO t of Commerce OF THE CENSUS U $ DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION °Roca of Educational Research and Improvement AND HOUSING, 1980: EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION /CENSUS OF POPULATION 0 CENTER (ERIC) TMs document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization SUMMARY TAPE FILE1F, SCHOOL DISTRICTS oregmattng 1 L, Minor changes have been niade to trnp.ove reproduction quality TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION Points of view or opinions stated in this docu ment do not necessarily represent officio] 0E1,11 position or policy 2 BEST COPY MOW. C'F000 age 1 (Reserve ) DATA BASE DOCUMENTATION (AuthorityPublic Law 93-502, Section 552) PART I- SURVEY SUMMARY A TITLE Census of Population and Housing 1980: Summary Tape File IF B DESCRIPTION This file contains complete-count data of population and housing aggregated by School District. C SURVEY METHODOLOGY 1 UNIVERSE OR SWF, I- 2 RESPONDENTS All Persons and Housing Units in the United States 3 DATE OF COVERAGE 4 FREOUENC) OF 5f.ESSCO SiF ATF SURVEY 1980 6 HIGHLIGHTS 0 RELATED STUDIES 1 SURVEYS 2 PUBLICATIONS IF SPONSORING AoENC,r IL, NOT NCI- S 01) NCES FORM 2411, 6/80 REPLACES OE FORM 2411,12/77, WHICH MAY BE USED UNTIL SUPPLY IS EXHAUSTED V (R( re,' ey DATA BASE DOCUMENTATION PART II FILE DESCRIPTION A TITLE Census of Population and Housing 1980: Summary Tape File IF 8 FILE NAME XEESC5.CEN80.STF1F.US00 C TAPE SE R,Al NUMBER E09695 C TAPE STATUS E STANDARD TAE SPECIFICATIONS 1 NUMBER OF TRACKS 2 DENSITY 6250 BPI 3 PAR,TY 4LABEL(S) ODD STANDARD IBM 5 CODE CONVENTION EBCDIC F E ILE DIMENSIONS 1 RECORD LENGTH 2 RECORD FORMAT 3276 FIXED BLOCK 3 BLOCKING F ACTOR 4 MAXIMUM BLOCK SIZE 9 29484 5 RECORD COUNT Record Type 40 count (School Districts) =16039 25864 Record Type 41 count (County components) =9825 G SEOUENCE NCES ID (positions 246-252), Record Type (10-11) NCES ID is a concatenation of The State FIPS Code (position 34-35) and School District ID (positions 83-87) NCES FORM 2411, 6/80 4 4 USEP NOTES FOR ST'F 1F AND STF 3fSCHOOL DISTPIC r DATA TAPES rr F E ST PIICTURES The record layout for the w.c lino]thlztr ]c-t,2,,Jrnm, f i1or l [i- and S1F3FY 35 iderli,3LH]Lu Lie i,14117, fil;=:, uo,. the tech rii( F 1dorumenat HOW'Ver, th0rParc.' sow, 1!,m-tkai- h-ave been addf.,c1 to Census "fflier" Fo!!-,1 DATA PE(OPL) PM-,111nN ITEm IniLl(1 rJ SC I-10111 1 E Al L-111t1INIAL. 1E1) AI I cic, SILT-A1D ! Ai Pl!A c,f r, IL- 11.1- rJ: IF f NIIriFPIC F rIP t 'e1-1.- I ' rt: F'1 r I r AL PHA STATE APE ,--cy,,citic, Al PHA C,11,11 Ply- Td,cHil 21F 241-211 (...HAF , 2 IF r_IDDE NI E 5 11. :46-;")2 CHr,P Nu FE...,' HohL 01'7..11- ! T It . II DA1A pF t pile-,I I limo F,' I' 1 11 mow `.11111111 rPE. I: HI-1'111'1,P', -c,L Hz-Mill- II 7.1i FAIT, Al H1A 7E. if IIrFIII IF 1. A 1 I NHm[rir Ff.a :.ITY 1 1 ,_ .--..: 11 "-: ::: AI PH, 1 (,:..T Pi I L , !11,F STATE. APE 1 1,_, , 1 :.,:',1 ALPHA PUez,i,',1 ZIP 11635-11,!:2,4 i_. HAP IF' r_C.111 I NCI- F., 11., 11 610 11 :.. ,W, CHAP NCFE. ScHOW PIL,(1'1, 1[. If merging of the SIF lf and 3Efile is required the d.ai olumnt (NOES ID) should be used. PECOPD TYPE The tar rim ^r ,lictionLry ck:Ain(- T,1 SUMRYLVL which identifies the geographiral level of the curreni rerord. There are only two reford on the schurd di,tri. L tapr. The- are: 10=SCH001 41-(OHNTY (FIMPIINIOT OFS( H001 In some States school district:, may include areTis in twc or ms E counlies. Tn such ca,es countv cnnnent summar-y h,ve t1(4--T, compiled and assifjned sflmrvivi 41. Su, h refrirdc will fn11.-1; school c13,..1-rict summ,JrJ rocf.(d (--%umrylvl = 10' on the file ,-1.nd will contain +he 1.chool dislrift IL` numher in the W.F5 sfheold]s 1D fiPld. Thrcc,t..rity nam2 will appcar in tin n,,mr firld ThPre will he countv component re-i ords frr e,Jch s.hnnl dlc.trict therc are counties with arex_ included within ihe J1:1 r1(t bnundarie-s. sfherl d 1 irLrl underiake, It mu-s1 be rPmemL,real flick ih -umry1-1 11 rr-revd_ be ecluded from the.' analysis, In snob State= lhere are serondor .;.schoo' districts that overlap 1 / f hoc)] di str t E-en throigh the.,c ,rho'] mau cr'e lhe same' arf2as, they are treated 2'sep,r,tte entities henLP separate summaries are provided for each. In cu,,h =t:m of aria variable for al] di:A(3.-1s in thP Etate will tho 51,0-E1 total of su.-ti variahle befau_fof the ovk-rlorl.ing. Minor in.:cn':-.1F-1,Enfie: may be oh..erved in E nF the r,d) ,MM ,r 1 riF3n.2 in I e t on us h I hInck group and enum:r r c ts. r)-( 1 Ti( or thn ddta among the c4f_huol fr;DM the biof.A. eriumeratior, diltrict summaries. Apporlioneo 111,--2rt (arliA two decimal places for all split b] ,,_k grnIT= and en:Im._rfill..Dh di---tri(Ls and thou si...mmf-d to cs'ihnnld]=1-Y]rk-I, il- and r--T,1-'0 to whn]e numbt,rc: althf, sf_hen] diTirici Ihf 7.omc vot'iohlr P.q., populal will hr-, found in = 1-7;1 r11,1i Oil 71,: by raf_o by zs .. lf thE =um cj 7:1 'ii LI r] 11.41 if ,lompared to the sum of another di=trilDwilf,r, Mav m!nc.r difff:ren,P in the sums due lo thy roundinlj ihai and thc: appertirmmont:. that were made. differen, are' du, io and should not be ronlidered as tabulation error: In some StaLes not all of the land BYPD of the t3iate within ,Ahool district houndar;es. Indian re',ervalion. installations are frequently not covered by sfho)1 distri,t-. In sufh cases, all of the data for such art' ,- were ...ummarized into a Slate "residue" record that was given a school district ID nuEiher of This residue record will appear at the end of the file and should he eliminated from any analysys of school district summary daia. Although Hawaii is a single school dictrict Stair r =pc, ial arrangement, census data were summarized for ea:h of the attendance areas in the State. The summriry records thot are iThlmdc.d within the Hari. 11 file are thole of t: schnf1 atLendance ihai were doscribod by the S:.ate education ariency. Another special arranclemont was rth,de for the New York rit district. There are a nmmher of community srhoo] ditricis FdYm the New York city school district. S.T,Iraie summaries were for the'`E suh- Fri ci s aid mnre ighed 1D numl in 1 -hr co.(;,)t. series within 1-he Now Y'rirk51,41-E codo. lhc,se summr%. record:, .,li,)111(1 also be eYclmdd from an- (Dna1s-,1- of school disLrict LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY AGGREGATES OF 1980 CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING DATA Legislati7e Authority These tabulations of 1980 Census of Population and Housing data for each of the Local Education Agency (LEAs) in the United States were prepared under the authority of P.L.
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