_ Serving the Unioersityof Iowa and the PeopU of Iowa City Established in 1868 10 cents a copy James '-Meredith Shot lMPUS POLICEMAN Clip. I Singleton fllIe. • la"""" rklng meter on the top flow tha Unlyerslty', P.rkhlt mp. But according to C_ ssissippi March I Security Chl.f John H. Inn. th. chi.f problem I. net 'limed meter. but ,.rkhlt Ilation. by ,tude"fI. - Photo by Bill N.wb,.... Wounded By Shotg'un; 'ar Parking Suspect Being Held HERNANDO, Miss. (AP) - James H. Meredith wu ig Problem shot and wounded from ambush Mooday as he marched along a Mississippi highway on a pilgrimage against racial erys Hanna fear il) his Deep South bomeIand Three blasts &om a shotgun caught him in the baa and by ~OBERT MUR?HY lep II be aDd • IIMll baDd at. Staff Writer followers stared a demonstration the IhootInr "an awful aet III vio. " mp~s ::'ecuri,y "hief John H. mArch to exhort fellow Negroes lence" and directed Atty. Gen. 'l .•" .aid In an jll , er~jew reo to cast aside their lonl·standing Nichol.. Katzenbach to fPIl't "110 .•y ..n.... ,ue loam comp.aml feM of whites and to reaister to effort in bringfn( the fUlIt, peT' BLOOD nAINS .... III the ....rt .. "-Mer ....... he .... III the ..... Hlthw.y 51 ...... he (j~pa r _men, has with uruver· vote. IOn or perIODI to ;Iuatlct." wa' .... "'-*1. Unll.... tl .... ~ .... "'-I", ayer h/,IIedy. -AP Wi .......... s"unen"s IS in campus pan. Taken to Caston H08pital in Katzenbacb, in turn, pled(ed regUJa,ions. [,'s a big probiem, there's no ~:j~:hh~' b~enn.:et ~da~: ~~~ceaca:edth:,J= H· h C rt 0 d 10 t Of K Jt aoou, i,. Almost our eo- to = teo a 225-mlle trek Jackaon, Mlu., in, on a publlc hipway "a 19 ou r ers us er Y day shift spend their whoie Meredith w.. reported in ..tJ.I· flection of how far wa .tlll have ) eniorcing the parking regu· lOS," he said. sonra~~~I::::'~onGov. sald Aubry Jamea Paul Norvell, John· tO~~"premarch, Shenrood.. coordinator Rosa. 33,for fromthe Sheppardls Retrleal Sought Aga,·n f>PROXIMATELY 130 park. tickets are issued daily by JAMI. MERIDITH ,rlmaca. In ,.In a. he pulls hlm ..lf Kroll HIghw.y 51 ne... He"","', 41, of Memphll, a wbite man. a WuhlO(tOll. D.C.. radio ItA- dellar,menl. Millo, IIftw he wa. IIIet ManRy .~ 1Mi", hi' march to JacklOfl, Mill. -AP Wirephoto had been arrested at the scena tlon, w.. with Meredith at the B B ddh e and that be had admJtted to time of the abootJnl· IIhen a student registers \Us ( -------------------------------- slAte blJhwll)' patrolmen that be Roes told Dew.men: "W. were WASlllNCTON (AP) - The Supreme Court ru Ie d Y u IStS at registration time he iJ II fired the mot met by lOme ltudenta wearing Monday that prejudicial publicity ADd 'bedlam' in the court- n tfle green booklet on part. Gov. Jobnaon uld Norvell had Confederate hata and wavln, house denied Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard • fair trial in the SAIGON (1\ - fUilant Budd· regulatiolls," Hanna said, told officera be bad bid under • Confederate flap. The' belan ....f hilts Monday scorned an attempt t I doubt if very many lUI· " Gem;n; Crew Home Jubilant culvert on U.S. $1, IOUth of bere, becJdlnr UI but w. pulbed pa.t bludgeon of WI e. laymg his fIrst to attach lOme of their moderate .5 ever sit down and read II. crawling out after Meredith', them. The carnival atmosphere at trial could ea Uy have been membera to tbe ruling JunIa, rhen a student geis a parting party pasud. The weapon wu "Jun AIOUT that time a mill avoided," the court laid In order. alain demanded that Premier et and doesn't like it. I un Nguyen Cao Ky resign, and deJcrlbed as a Io-raula Ibot(Un came out of the wood, on our lnl tbe fonner Cleveland osteo. THEN, RANGING beyond the erstand that receiving 8 tic· braced for a long After Near Perfect Landing loaded with bird shot. left. He cried, 'Jam. Meredithl' path freed unle.. the state livel Sheppard case aJ:)ne, Clark said fight. isn't pleasant but the regula· Meredith. 32, emerged unacath· Then 1 saw a rUle and lboUted, hlm a new trial "wllhln a rea· all courts had t. ta.ke steps "tbat Shortly alter th government s are in the book." CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. III - day was full of cbllls and tbrills mobile for the crew quarters on ~ four yean aro fr.om bloody 'Jim, be', ,ot. (Unl' IOnable Urne." announced an increa of the 10- rioting that mArked bll entrance "The man called a second time. will protect their proce from iE DEPARTMENT operates The Gemini \) pilots flew back. to through one and a third turns the spaceport grounds. prejudicial outside interferences." man military junts by an equal THE SPACE agency aald thal Into the all·white Unlve1'llty of We all scattered and I ran aeross It wal not immedUltely clear e patrol cars and two scoot· W. buIy 'paceport Monday night around the earth. Sheppard got first ward of the number of civilian. Buddhi I There are 26 men, including - bappy and buratlng witb talk Frogmen reaching the space­ Stafford and Ceman would live MississippI. He went on to be- the highway. Then I beard a whether there wlll be a retrial. crowds roared defiance to thp come Its first Negro graduate. shot. It IOUnded like a POP(Un. TH E TRIAL judge, said Justice ruling from hl' IOn. Samu I Shep­ ilia. in the department at about .pace blstory', most ac· craft at sea just after the 10 a.m. the wrap'up of their space mis· pard Jr, t9 , at their home in a government al a rally It ap­ sion at a news conference in PRESIDINT JOHNSON called I saw carl comln( at me down Tom C. Clark in the 8-1 decialon, ,ent.. curate landing, 'three toUlh daYi EDT splashdown found it still suburb of Cleveland. peared th political truC(! bet ren Houslon, June 17. the hilhway. We got UP and dived "should bave adopted stricter :cording to his figures, If' of predalon night, aDd tbe IhrllIJ bot to the toucb from Its fiery " Thank God !" &ald."Jl was the reglm lind th Buddbl t. had of a champion spacewalker. re-entry. into a nearby ditch. rules governlnl the use of the h limalely 7,000 campus park· The orange and white .triped a great reaSluranee of the free· collapsed. They landed at Cape Kennedy THE ASTRONAUTS, flyimg as "Then J heArd a teCOlId abot courtroom by newsmen, as Sbep­ permits have been issued this parachute dropped the Gemini 9 73 Killed dom. we have in this counleY and Unreat again stirred In HUt. minutes apart at about 6:42 p.m. copllota in two twin-engine Navy and looked up ADd "'" Meredith pard', counael requested." . while there are only 5.000 to lhe Atlantic Ocean some 345 8 resurgence oC lb faith thal I the far north stron,hold of Budd · IIId quickly went Into the mind- planeJ, made a pass over the dng spaces available IJII cam· miles cast of Cape Kennedy in cra"Ung. He shouted, 'ObI ObI'" But, Clark lIid, "the fact i. had at one time 10It." hls.t extremi 18 who d mand Ky wringing recital of the detalla of skid Itrip at Cape Kennedy's full sight of the crew of the Wasp By Hurricane ROSS CLAIMID that De Soto that bedlam reigned at the court IN COLUMBUS, Gerald Dona­ .t p /lown and let a civilian r • their 72-hour. 21-minute space launch area beCore landing on and a nalional television audio County SherlH Walter t..e. Mere. house during the trial and newi' /Ie have approximately l.~ hue, an assistant to Ohio AUy. lime take over. Buddhi~t leaf· .o)'age. the second leg of the long trip ence. dith "stood at the .lde of the men took over pracUcaUy the rved spots available aad 2.116 Gen. William B. Saxbe, said : "As lets scattcred In the city dcsrrii). "WE HAD A real good time up bome to HouJton, Tex. H was a tribute to the flying In Honduras woods but didn·t lIUfllle the 1II8Jl enUre courtroom, hounding moat ricted spots, plus 3M SpaCIS far al the slale 1. concerned the ed President Johnson a a "co· there." said Command Pilot As he stepped from his plane, skill of space veteran Stafford MIAMI Fla. III _ Hurricane that the (Un." o{ the participants in the trial, campus visitors," be said. lhot cale la closed. If there ia to be a 10niaU.t. " Thoma. P. Stafford wbo brougbt Cernan beld out his hands to his and the rapid-fire calculations of Alma toward Cuba Mon- "He could have atopped It," especially Sbeppard." ba~eled retrial It Is up to CoyahOla Coun· As the political truce appeared ! reported that there wert bla apacecraft down one-half mJle friends and aald "Eureka!" his copilot as Stafford rolled the day nilbt with 8O-mUe-an·bour Rosillid. IUd trial Judge Edward BIy· ty." to be cracking wide open aft r additional parking spaces thort of Its ocean target. and Then in front of the micro­ spacecraft right and left during windt. and a message from Hon. SherlU M~ ..Id in a thin, now dead, reatr\ct~ "p,:ej· In CI veland. the county prose­ days In which U.S. officials boped e available on campus this JuJt 3~ mile.
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