subordinate officers and agents, prescribe of Marion and Marlboro, between the New and F take Great and Little Pedee Atlantic Acid Freight Passenger Route, HE PHONIX, their duties and compensation, and Rivers. artiole, the ATLANTIC Phosphate. Fia Columbia, 8. C., and Wilmington, JV*. C. e0BLI8BKD DAILY AND TBI-WÏÏILI, with ns SEO. 3. Tbat the stock of said prepared by PHOSPHATE COMPANY, under dtrootionof from them such bonds, security, capital THISthoir Chemist, DR. ST. JULIEN RAVENEL, for composting with Cotton Seed, ia now it deem advisable. company shall be one and a half million at the rei-aoe<I price of »»8 ton or may ??¿T*r ~. r * per cash, $31 per ton, payable let November, SEO. ll. It shall be competent, at any dollars, with the privilege of increasing 1872, free of intereat. WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND ArousTA B. B., fHB GLEANER. general meeting of stockholders, to it to two and a half millions of dollars Ordere filled now will be considered as cash 1st March, 1872, or on timo as duo 1st Novem¬ OFFICE GKH'L FBEIOHT &, TICKET AGEIST, EVBBT WKDSEHDAÏ KOBKIXQ. the annual if found to be divided into ber, 1872, thereby enabling planters to haul it at a timo when their wagons and mules are WILMINGTON, N. C., Dec. 13.1871. change the time oí holding necessary, idle-PELZElt, RODGERS dc CO., General Agents, attention of Merchants, Shippers of JY JULIAN A. SELBY, meetings; and extra meetings may be shares of fifty dollars each; and for the Jan 4 3mo Brown's Wharf, Charleston, B. C. THEColton and Produce, and the public gene- POBLISHEB AND called at any time upon a written appli¬ purpose of raising such capital stock, it rally, ia invited to the direct connection now FBOFBICTOB. cation to the Board of Directora, signed shall be lawful to opeu books of sub¬ existing between all interior pointe in South Gfflod on Richardson Street, near Taylor stockholders not lees at such times and and ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. Carolina and Northern cities, hy the Wilming¬ .?. by representing scription, places, ton, Columbia and and ito .*-i!uok than one-half of the and to them open for such of FERTILIZER, manufactured by tho ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMPANY, under Augusta Railroad, And Job Printing of every doso ip- capital stock; keep periods tho direction of their Chemist. Dr. ST. JULIEN is now offered to tho connections at Wilmington, eitler via steam¬ ilon aud at of stockholders each and under tho direction of suob THIS RAVENEL. plant¬ lines from that or promptly faithfully attended to. all meetings timo, ing community at the VERY REDUCED PRICE OF SIS PER TON CASH, or 85» PAYABLE ship port, rio Wilmington ADVEHTI8EMKNTÖ share shall entitle its holders to one vote, persons as may bo determined on a 1ST FREE OF INTEREST. and Weldon Railroad, and its connections via Inserted in tho by NOVEMBER, 1872, Portsmouth or Daily at 75 cents per square and a representation of a majority of majority of said company. That sub¬ This Fertilizer bas been vtry extensively used in this State, and has given entire satisfac¬ Petersburg. or the first and 50 cents each subsequent in- to tion; some of tho most practical it tobe to Peruvian These various lines, connecting at these lertion. Long advertisements by the week, the entire stock, by the holders in per¬ scriptions said capital stock mny bo for planters admitting equal Guano,pound terminal pointa, afford facilities for shipments' or or their shall be made in at a rate aero to be pound. to or from BALTIMORE PB1LADEL- * month year, at reasonable ratea. son, by proxies, requi¬ land, per All sales made now will bc considered as cash on the 1st of March, 1872, and to those daily, 8UBS0BIPTION. site to eoastitute a upon at the timo of on the Bale will be as duo on PH IA tri-wceklv, NEW YORK fivo times per six quorum. agreed subscription; buying time, considered 1st November, 1872. Daily, months, $4 00; Tri-Weokly, 2 SC, SEC. 12. The said is and that each and subscrib¬ thia will bo without extra their manure . BOSTONscmi-weekly. company horeby every person By arrangement, planters enabled, cost, to haul week, sates arc com¬ Meekly, 1 90. a at a timo when their and mules aro idle. the certificate« of Uniform maintained'with all declared capable in law of holding and ing laud shall execute deed to the said wagons Pamphlets containing lines. No detention occur» to the office of and that all amounts sub¬ those who have nted the Atlantic Phi snhate will bo furbished on application to the Agents. peting ship¬ exercising executor, by ap¬ company, . ments. bills between Act* arni Joint Ileso 1 ut Ion» Pasted by tits FELZKU, RODGERS 6i CO., General Agents, , Through hiding given General Assembly of South Carolina, pointment of any testator; the office of scribed, either in land or money, shall Brown's Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. all atations and points named. Rates and Regalar Bestión, 1871 and 187a. administrator of the testator or intes¬ constitute the joint 6tock capital, for tho COPELAND ft BEARDEN, Agente, Columbia, S. C. .Tan 4 3rao ,claaeitication sheet H obtained of all Agents. of Tho passenger schedule of night train frcm AN ACT TO CHARTER THE UNION SAVINGS tate, by appointment of the Court of purpose constructing and carrying and morning train into Columbia gives a su¬ BANE OF GEORGETOWN, S. O. Probate; the office of guardian, or other into operation the railroad provided for 1YIAPES' NITRÖGENIZED perior connection for all points on Greenville SECTION 1. Be it enacted tits Senate trustee of any estate which may be held by this Act; and the BU ul railroad com¬ and Columbia and Charlotte, Columbia and by in of shall have to its Augusta Railroada, giving a Pay Lineconnec- and House of of the State trust, by appointment any person pany power mortgage an allrailconnection Representatives or of to and and issue bonds SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. tionvia Portsmostb, and of SoxUh Carolina,' now met and sitting in court competent authority make property franchises, TUE OLDEST via and avoiding all delays at such and the office of on suob terms aud and for SUPER-PlIOSPnA TE MANUFACTURED IN THIS COUNTRY. Waebington, General Assembly, and by the authority of appointment, conditions, of Columbia. the That James A. trustee under auy mortgage; and, in such uses aud purposes of suit! corpora¬ BONES, Potash. Phoepbatic Ouano, Concentrated Animal Ammoniacal Through ticket« for Bale at Columbia to all same, Bowley, W. H. Matter, and Acid. No Salt Nitre- nor Adulterant or - such the said or execu¬ tion as the Coard of Directors thereof COMFOSED Sulphuric Salt, Cake, Cake, Plaster, pointa North. For rates, classifications and Jones, Jr., Thomas D. McDowell, S. C. case, company, Absorbent of any kiud used. Factory opened tor inspection at all times. Ninet-een yeafs of all information, apply to Carr and James Murrell, together with tor, administrator or trustee, shall be may deem expedient. practical experience. Introduced iu"lh52. Patented. December 20,1800. Quick action and A. POPE, Gen'l Freight & Ticket Agent. to the soil. ol hundreds of in its - such other persons as aro now or may subject to tho same measure of account¬ SEC. 1. That tho said railroad shall be permanent improvement Testimony well-known planters J. C. WINDER. Oen'l Snp't. Jan 8 3mo to the of an favor on every variety of crop and soil, even during extreme adverse BeasouB. $15 cash-$50 hereafter be associated with them, shall ability and to the same rules and regula¬ subject provisions Act of November .t tions of law which to such trusts tho General of South Caroli¬ time, payable 1,1872. KINSMAN HOWELL, Change of Schedule. be, and they are hereby, constituted and pertain Assembly Jan 24 -f3mo General Agents for South Carolina, No. 128 East Bay, Charleston, Ö. C. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA R. R. CO. made a body politic and corporate, by when held and exercised by natural per¬ na, passed September 22, 18(18, entitled COPELAND ft BE'UIJEN, Local Agents, Columbia, S. C. SOFEBINTENDENT'S OFFICE, the name and style of the "Union Sav¬ sons, except that, in lieu of any bond to "An Act to declare tho manner by which WILMINGTON, N. C.March 29. 1872. Bank of South be required of said company for the ad¬ the lands or right of way over the lands ' ings Georgetown, Caro¬ EisaMaMSi nFTÍ21t ih\ti ,da,t0 willtbu lina," and by this name and style shall ministration of any trust, the capital of perjons or corporations may be taken aWp^^*>^iW'"'iai?»followirig Bohedule stock and assets of the shall be for tho construction or use of bo run by trainB on this read: be, and is hereby, made capable in law company railways DAY EXFBE8B THAIN [DAILY.] to have, purchase, enjoy and retain, to pledged for tko faithful discharge of any and other works of internal improve¬ VIA Leavo Wilmington [Union Depot | 3.25 A. M. it and its successors, lands, rents, tene¬ trust. ment:" Provided, however, That nothing Arrive at Florence. 9.13 A. M. ments, goods, chattels and effects of SEC. 13. That the stockholders of said herein contained shall be so construed Arrivo at Columbia. 1.25 P. M. shall be liable to the amount as to the said from the Leavo Columbia. 11.40 A. M. what kind or quality soever, and the corporation exempt company S. Arrivo at Florence. 4.16 P.M. or of their share or shares of of taxes. CHARLESTON,* C., same to sell, alien dispose of; to sue respeotive payment TO AND FROM Arrive Wilmington [Union Depot] 10.25 P.
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