BED BANK All tb* News of An Ideal Place to Un BED BANK Located on the Beautiful and Surrounding Towni •• Shrewsbury River oni bout fold Fesrlnil; and Without Bias from New fork and provid- RED BANK 1EK ing ever; cltj convenience luutd WHMJ, Enttnd u S«co»d-C]»«i Matter at the Post- Subicrlptlon Price: On* Year 12.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 20. offiu at Bed Bull. H. J, under the Act ol March 8, 1870. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1935. Six Monthi J1.O0. Single Copy 4o. PAGES 1 TO 14, CLOSED ELECTION DAY. PROCLAMATION. Third Election The Earthquakes Red Cross Roll Call Employees at the Brood Street The date for the annual roll call Bank Get a Day OH. Easier Way Proposed for the Monmouth County Chap- Friday, Nov. 15At New Monmouth ter of the American Red CroaB The sign on the entrance door to Drive Opens Monday has been set for the period begin- Second Election for Eatontown Human Beings Not Alarmed, but the Broad Street National bank Tuesday created a number of laughs For Payment Of Taxes ning on Armistice Day, November School Proposition Is Lost by There Was Much Terror in 11, and ending Thanksgiving from those who could, at least feel a Goal for Red Bank District Is 2,000—Mayor Charles Day. Eleven Votes — Public De- Some Chickenhouses — No bit humorous in the shadow of the Workers who helped in the roll mands Third Special Vote. Poultry Was Stolen. walls and tearB caused by the bank's Councilman Harry G. Degenring Introduces Resolution call last year turned from their failure. The sign read "Legal Holi- R. English to Buy First Membership— For toe third time the Eatontown No human being/was alarmed at day Tuesday Next Election Day— solicitation to carry on the year's : Which If Passed Would Be of Large Benefit program of relief for victims of school board will hold a Special elec- New Monmouth by the two slight This Bank Will Not be Open." Captains and Workers. accident, disaster and disease. tion for tho expenditure of $70,363 earthquakes which occurred early If any of the creditors who took a to Owners of Real Estate. They come to us now with an- for the additions and alterations to BYiday morning, but some of the trimming when the bank failed to The nineteenth Rod Cross roll call the Eatontown HChool No. 1 on the chickens of that place were terrified. open can get a laugh out of such a Dther appeal for membership dues The efforts of The Register to alt drive will gel under way on Novem- that will finance the work of an- Eatontown boulevard. The third Ralph Tiigoski, John Fitzpatrlck, sign posted on the doors of the closed ber 11 and will continue until Needlework Guild's election was agreed upon Monday at Henry Wusserman and Curtis J. bank they certainly "can take it on leviate harah conditions in the collec- other year. Since our Red Cross tion of taxes due from distressed Thanksgiving day. The goal for Bed asks so little from the community, their regular meeting. It will bo held W'.-illiiif; will all bear witness to this the chin." ,. Moninouth Dentists Bank and auxiliary branches Is 2,000 Friday, November 15, between the effect. property owners has borne fruit. Tho Annual Meeting ind contributes so much itself to mayor and council aro considering memberships. Mayor Charles R. the general welfare, I hope and houra of two to nine P. M., at School- Mr. PrlgoKlil was awakened by the Meet At Red Bank English will open tho drive by re- house No. 1. cackling of his fowls. He did not measures to make tho payment ol urge those who are asked for the taxes less painful and to prevent tha ceiving tho first membership at the Will be Held Next Tuesday at relatively small participation of According to Richard Roberts, know there had been two earth- Election Day Pony borough hall. He will also speak over clerk of the Eatontown board of ed- (lunkr-fi and he had no idea that these Dean of College of Pharmacy sale of properties for unpaid taxes to Red Bank Woman's Club— paying tho annual membership tax sale sharks. It. l expected that station WBRB Monday evening at fee will respond promptly again ucation, the public has demanded manifestations of Old Mother Earth Gives Tallt Before theMon 3 half-paat seven o'clock. Other Bpcak- Forrtier National Correspond- had anything to do with the conduct Races At Holmdel j - action on this matter will bo taken this year. that tho Eatontown board call the nt the next regular meeting Monday, ers will bo Rev. Otto L. F. Mohn, ing Secretary to Make Address third election as the second election of his fowls. Hurriedly dressing, he. The relief program of the Red grabbnd his trusty gun and rushed Exciting Sport on Joseph Kin- Fridamouthy CountNight.y Dental Society [ November 18. Enrique C. dcVillavorde, county roll The Red Bank branch of the Nee- Cross Is recognized by city ofli- held last Friday night was so close. call chairman, and Mian Gladys The proposition was defeated Fri- nut.-idi.', expecting to find chicken hafer's Long Driveway, Un- Dr. George C. Schick, assistant At. the meeting of the "town fatln dlework Guild of America will hold clala as a potent factor In meeting thieves. Shropshire, chairman of the roll call its annual meoting and reception present needs, and as an agency day by the ,i%all majority of eleven der the Auspices of the Holm- dean of College of Pharmacy of Rut- era" Monday night Councilman'Har- for tho Tied Bank branch and county Mr. Prlgoskl had 75 chickens and ry G. Degenring introduced a reso- next Tuesday afternoon, November Df incalculable value in tho event votes. The votes counted were 213 del Racing Association. gers university located at Newark, chairman of publicity. Miss Joan 12, at half-past two o'clock at the 3f possible emergency. against the proposition and 202 for. not one was roosting when he gave a unique and interesting talk on lution that Mrs. Julia M. Keough, tha Foster and Miss Eleanor Swonson In the first election held two weeks ie;irhi-d lite place where they usually the subject of drugs as applied to the collector of taxes, he, requested to Woman's club on Broad street. I, therefore, as mayor of Red The/ long driveway on the farm at accept partial payments of toxoa and- will give a playlet, under tho direc- Tho meeting will be opened by Bank, hereby set aside the desig- ago the. proposal was rejected by a .slept. He fuaretl the worst. Eyl- Holmdel, occupied by Joseph Kln- denial billce.; tion of Mrs. Arthur Mayhew. vote of 210 to <J3. .dently thieves had made off with his providing that all. properties sold for Eev. Herbert S. Craig, 'rector of nated period as tho time when all hafer and his family was the scene Dr. Schick emphasized the action taxes be bought by the borough. past members will be asked to re- Tho proposal calls for the expen- entire (inr:k, he thought. Ho, rushed of drugs in combating diseases of the Tho scope of publicity haa been en- Trinity Episcopal church of Red out to the road, fired off his gun of exciting sport late on election daj Mayor Charles R. English and Coun. larged under tho direction of Miss Bank, who will give the invocation. new their memberships and those diture of $70,363 for all additions ami afternoon, under the auspices of a mouth and said that different per- oilman Joaepii E. Irwin said that tho who have not enrolled before to alterations. It provides for issuing three times In the hope that this sons are susceptible to different Shropshire. Through private sub- This will bo followed by a talk by mi^ht frighten the robbers and then newly formed organization, The resolution was one of tho most Im- scriptions a large street banner has Miss Martha Hanson, chief of staff add their names to the ranks of bonds of the district to the amount Holmdel Racing association, The strength of the "'doses to achieve the portant which had been offered In a Red Cross members in Monmouth went back to bed with thoughts of been secured and will bo orocted of the Red Bank visiting nurses of $-12,000 and tho remainder of the refjret over the loss of his poultry. sport was pony and bicycle races. It same remilis. In the realm of medi- long time and that before acting on under the supervision nf Theodore P, who will tell of the co-operation of count, cost would be -met by a grant from cine this ia known as "idiosyncrasy." Tho npxt morning, much to Mr. was also planned to hold a foot race, it they would like to have more time Moore of tho Jersey Central Power the Rod Bank branch of the Nee Charles R. English. the Federal Emergency Public Works but darkness Intervened before thia Dr. fichick'n talk was most educa- to study it. dlework Guild with her work. administration. Prigoski's surprise, the chickens tional, interesting and entertaining. and Light company. Busses will were about the dooryard as usual. At event could take place. carry posters, sidewalk flags will be Miss Eiliza R. Ridgway, former Tile proposition is being submitted The countyiosociety under the lead- Mr. Degenring said this was agree- ilrst the only way that he could ac- The Holmdol Racing association able to him and he did not presa for displayed, 2,000 pamphlets liavo been corresponding secretary in the na- for the third time before the public consists of girls and boys who attend ership of Dr.
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