TTTR RTTXDAT OHEGONIAN. POTITL-AND-. NOVEMBER SO. 1913. Ida Lurig, who had retired and did not morrow. The giant tenor returns to accept any more pupils. But when she America for an extensive concert tour heard the young American girl, Madame under the management of Haensel & Lurig was bo Impressed with her voice Jones, of Aeolian Hall, New York. Be- that she offered to give Miss Samrnis tween the Fall and Spring tour of Sle- a daily lesson and direct all her studies, zak he will be featured by the Na- voice, language, diction stage deport- tional Opera Company, of Canada, as ment and acting tradition. the leading dramatic tenor, both on and To Melba Kubelik such brilliant achievement did this tour and. during the season in Montreal. young artist work and study that on This is the fourth season In America her return to New York she filled a tri- for Slezak. and the demand . for him umphant engagement at the huge Madison-- greatly exceeds the number of con- Square Garden as Wagnerian solo- cert dates allotted. make records ist with the great Metropolitan Opera-Hous- e Orchestra. Then came a concert A distinguished archaeologist and ex- exclusively for the tour, the Itinerary pretty well scattered plorer who for several months past has over the East and the Middle West, and been excavating the Temple of Sais. Including appearances with some of the ,ln Egypt, says that he has found In EDITED P.Y JOSEPH M. QUENTIN." great stars, such as Madame Nordica, scriptions on monuments which prove PORTLAND people should awake to Schumann-Heink "and Campanari and the ancient Egyptians had musical in other members of the Metropolitan struments 4000 years offered to enjoy Opera Company. ago, and orchestration higrh-cla- ss more remarkable than anything VICTOR good concerts of popular and London next attracted Sibyl Samrnis, we now have. The unwritten law was music, at reasonable prices, by attend- and there she had the honor of being that prima donnas, or prime donne, as ing one or more of the series of con- soloist with the London Symphony Or- the Italians write, must take their own Melba (the great soprano) and Kubelik (the wonderful certs grlven Monday nights by the chestra. Sir Henry Wood conducting. lives at the moment of their greatest Violinist) will appear in joint recital December 4th at Portland Musical Bureau, at Christen-sen'- s Such favorable impression did she make vocal fame. Hall, Eleventh and Yamhill upon the veteran conductor, that he en- the Armory. Come in now and hear some of their TV 4 gaged her as a special feature for th'e Miss Marguerite streets. George Hotchklss Street, bari- I w Eleanor Moore, solo famous Victor records on the VICTROLiA. tone; f. Queen's Hall concerts and later on tour ist of the Mount Tabor Methodist Charles Swenson, pianist, and with the orchestra the leading organi- Church, sanfr "Fear Ye Not. Oh Israel' other well-know- n Portland musicians zation in Great Britain. (Dudley Buck) last Sunday. Miss Moore take part in these concerts and. the Since her return to America, Sibyl nas a rich voice of fine quality. - programmes are prepared to suit va- Sammls-MacDerm- id has sung with the MELBA RECORDS ried tastes. Theodore Thomas Orchestra of Chicago, A large and enthusiastic audience Lucia Mad Scene (Donizetti 88071 the Minneapolis Symphony, the St. Paul enjoyed the delightful recital by the Symphony and other leading orchestras faculty of St-- Helen's Hall last Mon Rigoletto Caro Nome (Verdi) 88078 Space now admitting, it is proper of this country and has been engage'd day night. Miss Bingham opened Traviata Ah, e . to speak of the rare musical treat af- as soloist at music festivals in New programme the tors' lui (Verdi) .88064 ST is w with the "Praeludium and "Goodbye" English forded at the concert of the Apollo York, Ann Arbor, Mich; Evanston 111., Toccata" (Lachner) ' which afforded a (Tosti), in 88065 Club male chorus, given under the di- and other large musical aTfairs, appear- excellent opportunity for the display "Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon" rection of W. H. Boyer. last Tuesday ing world-famo- us with artists. or ner technique. In charming con (Robert Burns) . rilght, at the Masonic Temple Auditor- trast to this were her other numbers, a .88150 ium and to speak especially of the The choir of St. Mary's Catholic "Sarabande" of Bach, and lovely "Believe Me if All Those' Endearing Young splendid singing of the soloist, George Church, of Mrs. the Wilber Reed, tenor, from grand opera under the direction nowlng "Etude in D Flat" (Liszt). Miss Charms" (Thomas Moore) 88156 and concert work in Berlin, Germany Catherine Covach-Fredric- h. will render Merrill won warm applause with her (Or any of her other Victor Records) London, England. The Gaul's "Holy City" tonight at 8:16 excellent selections, given as they were and excellent o'clock Club, in a simple and winning way. The reci- singing of the male chorus has already rfiiYm niiitii ra Tin rfimifiirrim at Columbus with a chorus been reviewed. Mr. Reed visited this iriir of 40 voices and orchestra. The soloists tation from "Hiawatha" was accom city last Summer, when he was the will be Mrs. Nettie Greer Taylor, so- panied with warm sympathy and un- KUBELIK RECORDS derstanding by . Dyott. guest of his brother, C. I Reed, of prano; Mrs. R. W. Schmeer, contralto; Miss Adele Zapateado Upper Drive, Portland Heights, and Mr. Stryfeler and J. M. Keating, tenors, Among the most enjoyable numbers of (Pablo de Sarasate) 74255 Joseph Lausch'er, the thoroughly Interesting programme sang before an invited company at the and baritone. All ot were Mtss Pierrot's Serenade (Albert Randegger, Jr.) 74256 University Club and at the First the soloists . are well known either Griffin's dances. In these Perpetuum Mobile Suite No. 3, Op. Church of Christ, Scientist. So much through choir or concert work. The two there was a happy variety ranging 34, No. of a favorable impression did Mr. Reed quartets and trios will be sung by from the sparkling vivacious Spanish 5 (Frank Ries) 74257 and his fine tenor voice make, that Misses Zeta Manning, Miss Olga John- dances to the exquisitely graceful "Blue he was invited to become a resident of son, Miss Gertrude King, Miss Celeste Danube." which suggested vividly the this city, and this Mr. Reed has Just Albln, Miss Gertrude Hogan and Mrs. undulating waves of the great river. decided to do. At the Apollo Club con- D. D. Morton. The personnel of the Miss Gesner proved herself a pianiste MELBA and KUBELIK cert, he was in magnificent voice and chorus: Mesdames Nettie Greer Taylor, of far more than ordinary attainments Ave Maria (Bach-Gouno- d) 89073 won much applause. He is a heroic, A. B. Holderman, H. A. Fredrlch, R. A. by her rendering of the first movements 57, grand opera tenor, and he sings at Duncan, G. L. Wolfe. F. Abercromble of the Beethoven Sonata Op. and she in altissimo and higher, with ease and and H. F. Blakeslee and Misses Zeta played with an ease and command of safety and with pleasure to his audi-'enc- e. Manning, Celeste Alon, Lela Muir, technical difficulties. The delightful, His is a big voice, under good Genevieve Layne, Edith Abst, Marlel ever-pleasi- aria from St. Saens' control, correctly placed and of unus- Johnson, Hllden Melsen, Ruth Brady. "Samson and Delilah" was rendered by Seat sale opens December 1st at our store. ually Addie Thayer; Catherine Franey; Mes- Miss Patterson in a charming manner. fine quality. He takes care to Par-ce- Prices: $3.50, $3, $2.50, $2, $1.50, $1. pronounce every syllable andthe. re- dames Schmeer, D. S. Norton, R. ll The two English songs in her first sult is that his clear and distinct enun- and E. Kraenick and Misses Ger- group afforded fine contrast and the Management: Lois Steers-Wyn- n Coman. ciation is a. treat. Would that more trude Kunz, Oiga Johnson. Nina Joy, Bemberg "Chant Hindu" gave opportu- high-clas- s singers, would speak so dis- Mae Breslin, May Keating and Ger- nity for much dramatic interpretation. tinctly in singing. Mr. Reed sings trude Hogan, contraltos; W. Stryfeller, Altogether the recital was one of high with facility in English, German and Scott Kent. A. J. Kraft, J. A. Kraft, T. standard. Italian, and his specialty is Wagner's W. Sullwan, tenors: Joseph Tauscher music. What a splendid Lohengrin he R. A. Cams, F. A. Ponto, E. Kraenick, The monthly recital by students of would make. Now hat Mr. Reed has J. Burr Eder. William Darby and E. piano music under direction of Mrs. Hans been prevailed upon to take up his Louis Fredrlch, bassos. Orchestra: Pi- Hewitt in Rose City Park, was a pleas- residence in Portland it Is to be hoped ano, Miss E. Mahoney: organ. Miss Lu-ci- le ant affair. The programme: "Groups he will make this city his permanent Chilcote; violins, Miss Julia Burke, of Heller Etudes," by Misses Frances home. There is always room for such Miss Marie Chapman. Miss Agnes Duffy, Jones, Gladys Hewitt and Varle Wil- ,, , , J. Kennedy, Mrs. F, Hoesly; cellos. Miss Sc a good tenor voice as his is. He will son; "Flying Leaves" (Kolling), Ber-nlt- a Sherman,;Mlsy appear r Alice Cearns, M. Seibert: clarinet, M. Go. in public recital soon. Moody; "Tarentelle" (Beaumont), .1 Ulfrand; cornet, F. P. Mueller: trom- Song" (Men- VH.-1U- IALKINO MACHINES. "W PIANOLA. PIANOS Hugh Bal-dr- a.
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