• James Maditor University library HauUGnl*!* Va. 2JHW1 OCT 31 1380 N/ / Vol.58 James Madison University Friday, October 31.1W0 No. It Alleged rape attempts involve JMU students Suspect heed on $2,000 bond Campus police investigate case By DONNA SIZEMORE By DAVID HAYCOX and DONNA SIZEMORE A Harrisonburg man has been charged with attempting to rape Campus security and Harrisonburg police are investigating a 22-year-old James Madison University student in the living what has been termed an attempted rape of a James Madison room of her Main Street apartment earlier this semester. University woman at a Harrisonburg apartment complex which The judge will decide Dec. 1 whether to send the charges primarily houses students. against 32-year-old David Martin to the grand jury. Martin is not The student was allegedly attacked in her apartment at 2 a.m. a JMU student. Sunday, Oct. 19. She asked that her name and the name of her A preliminary hearing was held Oct. 23 in "the Rockingham apartment residence remain anonymous. General District Court. However, ruling was delayed because of a The woman said she was in the apartment alone, dressing for motion by defense attorney Bruce Wiles to suppress statements bed. She said her roommate called and while on the telephone, she made by Martin to the police. heard a knock at the door. Martin has been released on $2,000 bond. She said she opened the door, believing it was another room- The alleged rape attenpt occurred Aug. 28, the woman's first mate, but instead a male entered her apartment. night in her Harrisonburg apartment. According to the woman, the male requested to know the According to an article last week in the Daily News-Record, whereabouts, of another male, .Slje said she did not know and i ft, HarrisniibucajMlice suspected,V~1~ ^,facing the license pn)ceederftot..cv»me auuitaa-m Wefihtilk ..." S<-,,A*• *i- Aii rwmoer tb'a Blue Volkswagon Tie allegedly was driving the night ■ ?**... - of the incident. The woman's roommates, who were present in the AFTER REALIZING no such name was listed, she said she apartment during the alleged attempted rape, provided police began to wonder about the man's intentions. According to the with the license plate number. woman, the man began to say "nasty things" to her. She grabbed the telephone and yelled "Get out" or "I'll call someone". THE WOMAN was awakened by a man about 5'10", while she The man grabbed the receiver and hung up the telephone, she was sleeping on the sofa, the newspaper reported. said, adding that he then covered her mouth and wrestled her to The man knelt beside her, telling her to roll over and put her According to the woman, he the floor. The woman said she managed to free her mouth, face in the pillow, according to News-Record information. bit her on the back twice, scream, and her assailant fled. The woman said she was instructed by the man to avoid looking proclaiming that he would According to the woman, she contacted Campus Security and at him, adding that hesaid, "Don't turn that way. You'll be able to show her what pain was, then the Harrisonburg Police Department. A source in the security see my face." show her what pleasure was, office called the attack an attempted rape. The assailant threatened several times to kill the woman if she Alan MacNutt, director of security and safety at JMU refused did not cooperate, the woman said during testimony at the SHE SAID rape was to comment on the alleged incident. "I have no comment on it at preliminary hearing. prevented when one of her all. The case is under investigation," he said, adding that com- She said Martin forced her to remove her gym shorts and un- roommates entered the kit- menting "might just blow our case." derwear and ordered her to get on her knees and keep her face in chen. She testified that Mariin the pillow, the News-Record reported. Continued on Page 9) (Continued on Page 9> Enrollment figures break Virginia legislative acts Cutback of 200 students considered for 1981 By TRICIA FISCHETTI the first year JMU has exceeded its James Madison University has enrollment figures set by the state, exceeded enrollment requirements and this year's difference is not the set by the state for this semester, and greatest the university has ex- administrators are considering the perienced since the provision went possibility of reducing enrollment v into effect in 1976. "I'm optimistic," next year by 200 students. he said, "because we've gone through The State Council of Higher this several times before and we Education in Virginia set an haven't had to give up any revenue enrollment figure of about 8,450 yet." students for JMU based on projec- The university requested an tions for this year. Enrollment here, enrollment figure of 8,600 for 1980-81, as of Sept. 16, is 8,817. but SCHEV "wouldn't buy it," The Virginia General Assembly Jackameit said. first set a limit for the number of students at state universities in the HE ADDED that the actual 1976 Appropriations Act, and it has enrollment figures could not be continued to be included in each determined until spring when num- subsequent act. Section 4-104 of the bers from both semesters may be 1980 Appropriations Act states that if (Continued on Page 9) a state university exceeds its enrollment figures by more than one percent, the extra revenue obtained from the added tuitions may have to be returned to the state. • • "We're going to do everything we —The Slickee Boys storm- can to keep that extra revenue," said trooped their way through a Dr. William Jackameit, director of Wl'l' ballroom performance institutional research. "Because, quite frankly, we need it. We've hired , Saturday. See pages 12. 13 Folio some extra people and added some review and photo spread. extra sections." -^JMU avenges a 1979 defeat, winning over Eastern Men JACKAMEIT SAID he doubts that nonite College in soccer, 2-1. See the excess revenue would be taken out Sports, page 17. of this year's budget. "The worst thing they could do to us would be to —See page 22. as three take it out of our next year's budget. presidential candidate Photo bv YoN»g»ya But since next year is an election proponents discuss good and HALLOWEEN celebrations are children's party sponsored by the year, that would be a politically- bad points to consider in the evident all over JMU. Here, Charlene Youth Association for Retarded unwise move for the governor." upcoming elections. Johnson models her costume for a Citizens here. According to Jackameit, this is not Page 2, THE BREEZE Friday, October 31,1980 $500 albcation requested Finance committee denies Panhellenic funds By CHRIS WARD the membership) was lost. The Student Government "I was very surprised and Association Finance Com- disappointed that we didn't mittee turned down a proposal get anything," said Lisa to grant the Panhellenic Headly, Panhellenic Council Council $500 to pay for its president. , "social services activities." "We're not a fundraising At Tuesday's SGA Senate organization, so we don't have meeting. Finance Committee access to a lot of funds," she Chairman Jenny Bond noted continued. that the proposal was defeated Headljy explained that the by her committee "Because money requested from the they had requested money SGA was to pay for the they had already spent. What pamphlets's printing bill we would have been doing is which was due last summer. more or less balancing their The Panhellenic Council had budget," Bond said. to use other funds to pay that Last spring Panhellenic bill and were left with a "very Council requested $500 to help low treasury," according to offset the cost of pamphlets Headley. that described the Greek "When we returned to system to freshmen female school this year, we had to pay students. However, the Inter- that bill," she added. fraternity Council was granted $500 last semester to HOWEVER, BOND also pay for a similar set of said her committee con- -* pamphlets given\ to male sidered as one criteria how freshmen students. many students would be 7 wat very surpriged and disappointed MMM BY v* Naaaya SGA SENATORS discuss financial decisions at Tuesday's meeting. that we didn't get anything.' receive SGA funds the intramural athletics stitution to clarity exactly who program here. can and who cannot remain in According to Ad- served by the appropriation In other Senate business: The four student the senate during Executive ministrative Vice President and decided against the —Chuck Cunningham's representatives are Doug or closed sessions, Steve Snead, the Panhellenic request. Bond also noted that proposal to lower the SGA Marshall, commuter student —senators also proposed that request was "not turned the Panhellenic Council "is president's salary from $1,600 senator; Zane Neff, IFC in- roll call votes be taken on all down" last year; rather, the eligible for funds and can annually to $1,200 was tramural chairman; Brian financial matters and that all senate was unable to approve request money at anytime." returned to the Constitutional Ska la, Ikenberry student senators go on record during the request last semester Headley indicated the council Revisions committee for more senator, and Cunningham, these votes which would be because two senators walked will make another request study. —the senate approved a published in the Senate out of the meeting, thus either later this semester or proposal to reword the con- meeting minutes.
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