PHSC Journal Nº 150 ISSN 0714-8305 Summer 2012 The only national journal totally dedicated to Canadian postal history $8.75 CANADA POST AGREEMENT NUMBER 40069611 In This Issue Advertisers In This Issue 3 Message from the President 37 Back 2 Paul 5 The Editor’s Word 37 British North America Philatelic Society 7 Secretary’s Report 12 Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain 9 Treasurer’s Report 37 Canadian Stamp News 14 Annual Meeting 72 Classified Ads 16 In Memoriam - Maggie Toms 2 Hugo Deshaye (Philatelist) Ltd. 17 In Memoriam - Jim Kraemer 76 Eastern Auctions 18 Favourite Covers 6 Jim Forte 65 Book Review 4,8,49 Greenwood Stamp Company 67 Letters to the Editor 38-39 Gary Lyon (Philatelist) Ltd. 71 Coming Events 73 R. Maresch & Sons 74 Officers 12 Royal Philatelic Society of Canada 13 Saskatoon Stamp Centre 75 John Sheffield Philatelist Ltd. 57 Société d’histoire postale du Québec (SHPQ) 6 Toronto’s First Post Office Message from the President Stéphane Cloutier Our 40th Anniversary Annual General positions, to streamline some of our pro- Meeting has now come and gone, and you cedures and to promote our Society. There can read more about it elsewhere in this are also many new website projects under- issue. Back in March our Secretary Chris way. Green stepped down from his position We received lots of very nice feedback and I am happy to announce that Scott to our last issue of the PHSC Journal. Here Traquair has volunteered to fill a most you will find a second installment of our important Secretary-Treasurer position. I members’ favourite, or interesting covers, wish Scott the very best in this new jour- and I hope you will enjoy reading these ney with us, and hope that our members contributions. As mentioned before, this will contribute to making his job easier. will be a four-Journal venture to span our My own term has ended after two 40th Anniversary year. years, and our Directors have voted to I hope everyone is enjoying their sum- extend my Presidency for a further two mer, and taking some time to research and years. My short-term goals are to continue write up some postal history! e work on a detailed job description for all Summer, 2012 • PHSC JOURNAL • 3 FOR SALE PICTURE POSTCARDS SHOWING ONTARIO POST OFFICES MANY PHOTOS nnn R. F. Narbonne, OTB, FRPSC Telephone: 1-613-257-5453 or toll-free 1-800-247-5619 (Canada only) GREENWOOD STAMP COMPANY 136 Morphy Street Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada K7C 2B4 n Our Golden Anniversary Year n Celebrating 50 years of service to philately 4 • PHSC JOURNAL • Summer, 2012 The Editor’s Word Larry Goldberg About This Issue This issue is a continuation of our dis- I think that the issue of the PHSC Jour- play of members’ favourite covers that we nal, Number 149, shows what can happen started in the last issue. You’ll also find if and when we all try. The flow of favou- a report on the annual meeting, year-end rite covers that we received outscored even information, et al. I have a backlog of ar- the most optimistic forecast. In fact, we ticles waiting to be published. If you have are still receiving them, and my guess is sent me an article, we will probably begin that we are approaching 100 submissions. publishing these submissions in our our Obviously, true to the lines of Guest’s Fall issue (#151). poem, we tried and succeeded. I am grate- Editor’s Note for Orapex Meeting ful to everyone who made the effort to Unfortunately, I could not attend the participate. annual meeting, but I did send a note that Let me acquaint you with a couple of Gus Knierim kindly read for me: facts. Number 1, to the best of my knowl- edge, no one has ever won a Pulitzer Prize I have from time to time (for reasons or Nobel Peace Prize for an article in a known only by God and my psychiatrist) philatelic publication. Similarly, no arti- edited journals for sundry societies and cle in a philatelic publication has received study groups. A truth that holds for all as- a critical review in any major metro daily sociations, philatelic or not, is that 90% of newspaper or at anyone’s wife’s book re- the work is done by 10% of the people. It view circle. is a barrier as difficult to surmount as the Number 2, an editor edits. He will four-minute mile, a record that was sur- correct the grammar, restate sentences to passed by Roger Bannister in 1954. enhance clarity of thought, and so on. I look at these sorts of obstructions There is no reason that any member of the in the flow of things and am reminded of Postal History Society of Canada cannot the poem by Edgar Guest, which says in have an article published of which he or its first four lines: she cannot be proud. Number 3, I have a philosophy of writ- Somebody said that it couldn’t be ing. If you cannot hear yourself saying in done, a conversation what you have written, you But he with a chuckle replied should not write it. We all communicate That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would our wishes and desires every day. People be one hear what they are and respond. Think of Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. writing as an alternative medium for your continued on next page Summer, 2012 • PHSC JOURNAL • 5 The Editor’s Word (continued from page 5) Problems: Important! Please read! Let me acquaint you with one of Goldberg’s laws: no major project can be completed without something occurring. In the case of the last issue, two such events took place: I moved my office and a carton was lost, and, a few days later, a hard drive was attacked during a storm and a fatal crash occurred. As a result, some of the covers I re- ceived in February were lost. If you sent me a favourite cover by either email or snail mail and it did not appear in either this issue or the last, please send it again. Both my email and street address appear on page 74 of tbis issue. HELP WANTED! Brian Cameron has asked to be re- lieved of his duties as Study Group Editor. This is an important post and one that I find very beneficial. Essentially, it re- quires someone to read through a number of journals or bulletins of sundry study groups and provide brief synopses of key articles. Brian has done a great job, but everyone needs a break now and then. Please contact me with your questions and, hopefully, to advise me of your will- ingness to assume this important respon- sibility. e SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS. THEY SUPPORT US. 6 • PHSC JOURNAL • Summer, 2012 Secretary’s Report Stéphane Cloutier New Applicants: 1512 Hugh Quinlan, Toronto, ON The Membership Committee has ap- 1513 Ed Tittley, Toronto, ON proved the following applications for membership in the Society, and unless the 1514 John Cranmer, Mirfield, UK Secretary receives valid objections in writ- 1515 J. Alex Hadden, Richmond, BC ing within sixty (60) days of the publica- 1516 Michael Burrington, Dalkie, IE tion date of this issue, membership will 1517 Barry D. Magill, Calgary, AB be granted to the persons listed below in New Members: accordance with the constitution, a copy of which is available from the Secretary. The two applicants published in Jour- Listings include name and address, postal nal #149 have been admitted to full mem- history interests, and PHSC sponsor. If an bership status, having met all admission address is not listed, and correspondence requirements. with the applicant is desired, sealed cor- Deceased: respondence may be sent under cover to the Secretary, who will forward it, pro- 0066 Margaret Toms vided the applicable Canadian postage is included. Members are invited to send 0153 Jim Kraemer changes in, additions to, and deletions 0171 Robert J. Frost from postal history interests, and changes 0948 Garvin Lohman of address, to the Secretary, who will have Rejoined: them printed in the following issue of the Journal. C stands for collecting interests. 1276 Peter W. Kritz Resigned: 1509 James Anglin, Victoria, BC 1510 Louis De Nobile, Montreal, QC 1481 Art Bunce 1511 Terrie Woodrow, Scotland, ON Summer, 2012 • PHSC JOURNAL • 7 WE CAN SELL YOUR CANADIAN OR FOREIGN COVER COLLECTIONS, STAMP COLLECTIONS & ACCUMULATIONS ON CONSIGNMENT FOR THE NOMINAL FEE OF 10 % NO COLLECTION TOO SMALL CASH ADVANCE AVAILABLE Please enquire before forwarding material. nnn R. F. Narbonne, OTB, FRPSC Telephone: 1-613-257-5453 or toll-free 1-800-247-5619 (Canada only) GREENWOOD STAMP COMPANY 136 Morphy Street Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada K7C 2B4 n Our Golden Anniversary Year n Celebrating 50 years of service to philately 8 • PHSC JOURNAL • Summer, 2012 Treasurer’s Report 2011-2012 Scott Traquair Another year has come and gone. As I We had another very good year as far reflect on my past report many things are as advertising revenue goes. Many thanks unchanged from a year ago and the Soci- to those who advertise in the Journal and ety remains in a good financial position. I would encourage all members to let the We ended the year with another small advertisers know that you saw their ads, surplus. This is good news given the ris- responded to their ads, and/or appreciate ing costs we are faced with on almost all their support. Without the support of the fronts.
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