Regional Radio Networks

Regional Radio Networks

Regional Radio Networks Home, KBHC Nashville, KNBY & KOKR(FM) Newport, ville, KKZZ Lancaster, KPAY Chico, KYOR Blythe, KOSE & KHFO(FM) Osceola, KZRK Ozark, KCCL KHOT Madera, KZIQ Ridgecrest, KMYC Marysville, Paris, KYDE & KCAT & KCLA Pine Bluff, KCYN KBEE & KBEE -FM Modesto, KMJ & KMJ -FM Fresno, Pocahontas, KTPA Prescott, KAMO & KAMO -FM KPMC Bakersfield, KXO El Centro, KOMY Watsonville, Rogers, KWAK Stuttgart, KSUD West Memphis, all KTOB Petaluma, KCHV Coachella, KDAC Fort Bragg, Arkansas; KDFÑ & KOEA(FM) Doniphan, all Missouri; KRKC King City, KPLY Crescent City, KIQS Willows, Hqtrs: 4021 W. 8th, Little Rock 72204. (501) KSYC Yreka, KONG Los Banos, KORV Oroville, KYOS Regional Radio Networks 661 -7550. Tom Longfellow, mgr; Francoise Clay, exec Merced. Hqtrs: 2855 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley, Calif. asst, John Reeder, station rel. Representative: Blair. 94705. (415) 644 -7086. Parke Blanton, opus mgr. B adger Farm & Dar Network -Comprising Central Maine Group- Comprised of WFAU -AM -FM Alamo Farm Network -KCAD, KFMN -FM, KEAN- WAPL -AM Appleton, WISS Berlin, WWIS Black River Augusta, WTVL -AM-FM Waterville, WRKD-AM -FM AM(FM), Abilene; KOPY Alice, KVLF Alpine, KZIP Falls, WDMP Dodgeville, WRDN Durand, WOKL Eau Rockland. Hqtrs: Box 79, 36 Silver St., Waterville, Me. Amarillo, KACT Andrews: KALT Atlanta. KCWB -FM, Claire, KFIZ Fond du Lac, WTKM Hartford, WLIP 04901. (207) 873 -331 1. Harold L. Vigue, natl sis dir. KRUN -AM Ballinger, KBUK Baytown, KBST Big Spring, Kenosha, WMIR Lake Geneva, WOMT Manitowoc, KFYN Bonham, KBBB -AM(FM), KATY Borger, KBAN WLOT Marinette, WRJC -AM -FM Mauston, WMNE Christian Broadcasting Network - Comprising Bowie, KNEL Brady, KSTB Breckenridge, KTTX -AM, Menomonie, WJMT Merrill, WIXK New Richmond, WMIV(FM) Bristol Center, WJIV(FM) Cherry Valley, KWHI -FM Brenham, KKUB Brownfield, KBOR, KDUV- WOCO Oconto, WAGO Oshkosh, WNBI Park Falls, WOIV(FM) De Ruyter, WEIV(FM) Ithaca, WBIV(FM) FM Brownsville; KBWD, KOXE -FM Brownwood, WGLB Port Washington, WPRE Prairie du Chien, Wethersfield Township. Hqtrs: Sunshine Mt., Newfield, KORA -FM, KTAM Bryan, KHBJ Canyon, KDET Center, WRJN Racine, WCWC Ripon, WEVR -AM -FM River N.Y 14867. (607) 272 -8080. John Tomczyk, mgr; KCTX Childress, KCAR Clarksville, KJCH Cleveland, Falls, WVLR(FM) Sauk City, WTCH Shawano, WHBL Csilco Sawyer, prog dir; Doris Rowland, sis mgr KVMC Colorado City, KIKR Conroe, KIOU, KNCN -FM, Sheboygan, WXYQ -AM, WSPT Stevens Point, WJJQ KOUL -FM, KRYS Corpus Christi, KAND Corsicana, Tomahawk, WISV -AM, WGBM(FM) Viroqua, WLKE Connecticut Radio Network- Comprising WAVZ KBSN Crane, KEWS Cuero, KEGG Daingerfield, KXIT, Waupun, WDUX Waupaca, WXCO Wausau, WBKV New Haven, WBIS Bristol, WCNX Middletown, WELT KXIT -FM Dalhart, KDLK, KDLK -FM Del Rio, KDSX West Bend, WNNO Wisconsin Dells, all Wisconsin. New Haven, WEZN, WICC Bridgeport, WGCH Green- wich, WILT Denison, KDNT Denton, KSPL, KSPL -FM Diboll, KDHN Hqtrs: 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 60606. (312) WICH Norwich, Willimantic, WINF Dimmitt, KEPS -AM, KINL -FM Eagle Pass, KERC East- 236 -8887. Robert J' Walton, pres. Rep: Walton Bcstg Manchester, WINY Putnam, WIOF Waterbury, WKCI land, KBFM -FM Edinburg, KULP El Campo, KROD El Sls Corp. Hamden, WLAD AM /FM Danbury, WLIS Old Saybrook, WMMW Meriden, WNAB Bridgeport, WNHC New Paso, KPSO Falfurrias, KZOL Farwell, KFLP Floydada, Beasley Broadcasting Group - Comprising WFMC KFST -AM, KPJH -FM Ft. Stockton, KXOL Ft. Worth, Haven, WNLK AM /FM Norwalk, WNTY Southington, Goldsboro, N.C.; WOKN(FM) Goldsboro, N.C.; KNAF -AM Frederickburg, KILE KGTN, WPLR New Haven, WPOP Hartford, WQQW Waterb- Galveston, WWMO(FM) Greensboro/Reidsville, N.C.; WFAI Fayet- KGTN -FM Georgetown, KHYM Gilmer, KSWA, KWKQ- ury, WRYM Newington, WSNG Torrington, WSTC Stam- teville, N.C.; WJNC Jacksonville, N.C.; WRCM(FM) FM KGRI ford, WSUB AM /FM New London, WWCO, WWYZ Graham, Henderson, KHBR, KMBR -FM Jacksonville, N.C.; WGAC Augusta, Ga.; WSGF(FM) & Hillsboro, KRME Hondo, KEYH, KLVL Houston, KEBE, Waterbury, WYRS Stamford, all Connecticut; WNUS WKBX Savannah, Ga.; WMOO Mobile, Ala.; -FM KTXJ Springfield, Massachusetts. Hqtrs: Box 3086, New K001 Jacksonville, Jasper, KMBL Junction, WBLX(FM) Mobile, Ala. and WDMT(FM) Cleveland. KAML Kennedy /Karnes, KERB Kermit, KIXS, KIXS -FM Haven, Conn. 06515. (203) 562 -9400. Barry H. Ber- Hqtrs: Box 1355, Mid Towne Mall, 200 W Ash St., Killeen, KCOT -FM, KPET Lamesa, KCYL, KLTD Lam- man, dir; Kevin J. Buckley, dir. Goldsboro, N.C. 27530. (919) 734 -8003. George G. pasas, KLVT Levelland KPXE KETX Liberty, KETX, -FM Beasley, pres. Bob Manning, exec VP Dakota Farm Network -North Dakota- Compris- Livingston, KCLT Lockhart, KFRO, KLUE Longview, ing KBMR Bismarck, KDAK Carrington, KDLR Devils KEND Lubbock, KKYR, KMHT Marshall, KBGH Beck -Ross Group- Comprising WKMF Flint, Mich; Lake, KXPO Grafton, KNDC Hettinger, KMAV Mayville, Memphis, KMND, KNFM -FM Midland, KORC, KORC- WGMZ(FM) Flint, Mich.; WBLI -FM Patchogue, N.Y; KHRT Minot, KDDR Oakes, KGCA Rugby, KOVC Valley FM Mineral Wells, KVKM Monahans, KRAN Morton, WHCN(FM) Hartford, Conn. Hqtrs: 100 Merrick Rd., City, KBMW Wahpeton. Hqtrs: 20 N. Wacker Dr., KMUL, KMUL -FM Muleshoe, KEEE, KJCS Rockville Centre, N.Y 11570. (212) 343 -1234, (516) -FM, KSFA Chicago 60606. (312) 236 -8887. Detroit: Enterprise Nacogdoches, KWBC Navasota, KOYL, KYXX Odessa, 764 -8999. Martin F Beck, pres; James E. Champlin, Minneapolis: Zenith 7772; St. Louis: Enterprise KOGT Orange, KNET Palestine, KPDN Pampa, KPRE gen sis mgr. Representative: Jack Masla & Co. 417772;135 Paris, KIUN Pecos, KEYE Perryton, KATX -FM, KVOP- Beef Empire Radio Group- Comprising WJAG, AM Plainview, KBOP KBOP-FM Pleasanton, KYKR, Dakota Farm Network -South Compris- KEXL(FM) Norfolk, Neb., and KCOL & KCOL -FM Fort Dakota- KYKR -FM Port Arthur, KGUL Port Lavaca, KPOS Post, ing KABR Aberdeen; KBFS Belle Fourche; KBRK Collins, Colo. Hqtrs: 309 Braasch Ave., Norfolk, Neb. KOLJ Quanah, KCLR Rails, KSOX Raymondville, Brookings; KDSJ Deadwood; KBJM Lemmon; KJAM 68701. (402) 371 -0780. Bob Thomas, VP WJAG KROB, KROB-FM Robstown, KTLU Rusk, KPEP KTEO Madison; KORN Mitchell; KCCR Pierre; represented by McGavren -Guild; KCOL by IMN /RKO KVRA Ver- San Angelo, KCNY San Marcos, KBAL San Saba, KIKZ million; KSDR Watertown; KYNT Yankton. Hqtrs: Radio Rep. 20 N. Seminole, KSEY Seymour, KBYP Shamrock, KIKM, Wacker Dr, Chicago 60606. (312) 236 -8887. Detroit: KTXO Sherman, KKAS Silsbee, KCAS Slaton, KSNY Beeline, McCletchy- Comprised of KMJ AM /FM Enterprise 7772; Minneapolis: Zenith 7772; St. Louis: Snyder, KBMF -FM Spearman, KWWM -FM Stephen- Fresno, KFBK & KAER(FM) Sacramento, KBEE AM & Enterprise 41 135. Robert J. Walton, mgr. Rep: Walton ville, KTAE Taylor, KTER Terrell, KIFS Texarkana, KTLW FM Modesto, all Calif. and KOH Reno, Nev. Hqtrs: 21st Bcstg Sls Corp. Texas City, KTUE Tulia, KTBB, KTYL -FM, KZAK Tyler, and Q. Sacramento, Calif. 95813. (916) 446 -9674. C. Delta /Net- Comprising KBOA, KTMO(FM) Kennett: KVMC Vernon, KTXN-FM Victoria, KKIK Waco, KBEC K. McClatchy, pres; Ramsey Elliott, exec VP and dir of KWOC, Poplar Bluff; KMPL, KMPL -FM Waxahachie, KNTI -FM, KTRN Wichita Falls, all Texas. hcstg. Rep.: Katz radio Sikeston, all Mo.; WDSG Dyersburg, Tenn. Hqtrs: New Hope Rd., Hqtrs: 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 60606. (312) The Centertown, Mo. 236-8887. George Caccippio, sis mgr. Rep: Walton Berkshire Group- Comprising WSBS Great 65023. (314) 584 -3317. Clyde G. Barrington and WMNB -FM Lear, mgr; Broadcasting Sales Corp. -AM North Adams, both Derry Brownfield, farm dir; Don Osborn, asst Mass. Hqtrs: 466 Curran Hwy, North Adams, Mass. farm dir; Dan Coons, farm broadcaster. Allegheny Mountain Network -Comprising WKBI 01247. (413) Rep.: Nona Co., 663 -6567. Kirby Boston. Eastern Public St. Marys, WFRM Coudersport, WNBT Wellsboro, Radio Network -Comprising B & KMHT-FM Marshall, KLUE WMEH -FM Bangor, Me.; WFCR(FM) WTRN Tyrone, WBLF Bellefonte, WGMR Tyrone -State ig -K Media -KMHT Amherst, Mass.; Longview, both Texas. Hqtrs: WGBH -FM Boston; College, WTMX Ridgway-Johnsonburg, WIYQ(FM) 2323 Jefferson Ave., PO. WAMC(FM) Albany, N.Y; WITF -FM Box AA, Marshall, Tex. 75670. 758 H.A. Hershey, Pa.; WUHY -FM Philadelphia; Ebensburg-Johnstown, WGCR -FM Wellsboro- (214) -2222. WRFK -FM Rich- Bridge Jr, pres -gen mgr; Mildred J. Mahone, VP Repre- mond, Va. Hqtrs: c/o WFRC(FM) Mansfield, all Pennsylvania. Headquarters: Box 247, Univ. of Mass., sented nationally Amherst, Tyrone (Altoona) 16686. (814)944 -3131. Representa- by Jack Masla Assoc.; Southwest, Mass. 01002. (413) 545 -0100. Godwin G. Riley Representatives. Merchandising co-ordinated Oyewole, pres, bd of dirs; John Beck, Peter tive: Dome & Associates. Cary H. Simpson, pres; David Darg, through Outdoor Marshall Inc. Albert Fredette, Lester Spencer, and Dr. Hill, VP; William E. Moses, VP sis; David Burket, VP; Walter Shep- pard, bd members. Tina Knapp, VP; Eugene Dendorfer, VP; James F. Brownfield Network - Comprised of 90 radio sta- Kershner, VP; Paul Bryan, VP; Dennis L. Smith, VP tions in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ken- Esterotempo 99- Comprised of WIOB -FM San opus; Robert H. Lynn, VP engrg; Ann G. Searer, bus tucky, Missouri and Tennessee. Hqtrs: New Hope Rd., Juan, WIOC(FM) Ponce, WIOA(FM) Mayaguez. Hqtrs: mgr; David Siegler, VP mktg. Centertown, Mo. 65023. (314) 584 -3317. Clyde G. Box 13427, Santurce, P.R. 00908. (809) 725 -4020. Lear, mgr; Derry Brownfield, farm dir; Don Osborn, asst Alfredo R. Arizona Lotus Network -KRUX Phoenix, MT Tuc- deArellano, pres; Glenn A. Tryon, VP chief of farm dir; Dan Coons,

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