COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA VICENTE CERVERA FRANCISCA MASCARO Some decomposition lemmas of diffeomorphisms Compositio Mathematica, tome 84, no 1 (1992), p. 101-113 <http://www.numdam.org/item?id=CM_1992__84_1_101_0> © Foundation Compositio Mathematica, 1992, tous droits réservés. L’accès aux archives de la revue « Compositio Mathematica » (http: //http://www.compositio.nl/) implique l’accord avec les conditions gé- nérales d’utilisation (http://www.numdam.org/conditions). Toute utilisa- tion commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d’une in- fraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit conte- nir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques http://www.numdam.org/ Compositio Mathematica 84: 101-113,101 1992. cg 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Some decomposition lemmas of diffeomorphisms VICENTE CERVERA and FRANCISCA MASCARO Departamento de Geometria, y Topologia Facultad de Matemàticas, Universidad de Valencia, 46100-Burjassot (Valencia) Spain Received 9 April 1991; accepted 14 February 1992 Abstract. Let Q be a volume element on an open manifold, M, which is the interior of a compact manifold M. We will give conditions for a non-compact supported Q-preserving diffeomorphism to decompose as a finite product of S2-preserving diffeomorphisms with supports in locally finite families of disjoint cells. A widely used and very powerful technique in the study of some subgroups of the group of diffeomorphisms of a differentiable manifold, Diff(M), is the decomposition of its elements as a finite product of diffeomorphisms with support in cells (See for example [1], [5], [7]). It was in a paper of Palis and Smale [7] that first appeared one of those decompositions for the case of a compact manifold, M. They proved that for any finite open covering of M, any diffeomorphism of M close to the identity can be decomposed as a finite product of diffeomorphisms with supports in such open sets. They used this decomposition to prove the structural stability of some elements of Diff(M). There is not such a general result for diffeomorphisms preserving a volume element. But, there is a decomposition in some cases. In particular, if M is a compact n-manifold and S2 is a volume element on M, Thurston in [9] stated that any element in the kernel of the flux homomorphism (0,: Diff03A90(M) ~ Hn-1(M; R)/F) decomposes as a finite product of diffeomorphisms preserving Q and with supports in cells, and gave a sketch of a proof. This fact allowed him to transfer his result that ker 0, is simple when M is a torus to a similar result for an arbitrary compact manifold M. (Banyaga [ 1 ] gave the same result for symplectic diffeomorphisms). It is clear that when the manifold M is not compact and the diffeomorphism f has not compact support it is not possible to decompose f as a finite product of diffeomorphisms with supports in cells. In this case, the best we can expect is a decomposition as a finite product of diffeomorphisms with supports in disjoint unions of locally finite families of cells. Mascarô [4] proved that this is true for any volume preserving diffeomorphism of M = Rn for n 3, and used it to give a lattice of the normal subgroups of Diff03A9(Rn). The authors were partially supported by the CICYT grant n. PS87-0115-C03-01. 102 This note is mainly devoted to give conditions for a non-compactly supported volume-preserving diffeomorphism, f, of a manifold M that is the interior of a compact one M to decompose as a finite product of volume preserving diffeomorphisms with supports in locally finite disjoint union of cells. We thank the referee for his suggestions on clarifying some parts of this paper. 0. Uniform topologies The topology on Diff’(M) that has proved adequate for our purpose is the Coo- uniform topology. Thus, Section 0 is devoted to the definition and elementary properties of this topology. DEFINITION 1. Let M, N be differentiable manifolds and let d be a metric on N compatible with the topology of N. We define the C’-uniform topology on Ck(M, N), k = 0, 1,... as follows: As a basis of neighbourhoods of f~ Ck(M, N) we take the sets On the other hand, there is a natural embedding where Jr(M, N) represents the space of r-jets from M to N, given by (jr)(f)(m) = (jrf)(m) the r-jet of f at m. If we consider the C’-uniform topology on the space CO(M, Jr(M, N)); then, the Cr-uniform topology on Ck(M, N), for 0 r k, is the topology induced by the above embedding (See [6] for more details). We define the Coo-uniform topology on Coo(M, N) as the direct limit of the Cr_ uniform topologies. In this work we consider the Coo-uniform topology on Diff’(M). NOTE. (i) The Cr-uniform topology depends on the compatible metric d chosen on N. (ii) It is clear that the C"O-uniform topology is finer than the C’-compact open topology and coarser than the Coo-Whitney topology. (iii) With this topology, Diff’(M) is not a topological group but if h E DiffQ(M) is any fixed element, the right translation defined by rh(f) = fh is continuous. 103 Since the path-component of the identity in Diff03A9(M) with respect to the Co- uniform topology is not a normal subgroup we will denote by Diff ï(M) the normal subgroup of DiffQ(M) generated by the path-component of the identity. Let f be any element of Diff’(M), we will say that f is Q-isotopic to the identity if there is a differentiable map F : M x [0, 1] ~ M x [0, 1] such that for any t E [o, 1 ] the map Ft:M ~ M {t} ~ M {t} = M preserves the volume element Q and F 1 = f and Fo agrees with the identity. We denote by Diff ô (M) the normal subgroup of Diff’(M) of all elements Q- isotopic to the identity. Clearly, we have Diff03A91(M) c Diff ô (M) and these two subgroups are different in general. 1. Decomposition of some diffeomorphisms of X x R+ Let X be a closed manifold, R+ the interval [0, oo) and Q a volume element on X x R+. We denote by Diff03A9(X x R+, rel X x {0}) the group of all diffeomorph- isms of X x R + that are the identity on a neighbourhood of X x {0} and preserve the volume element Q. Notice that any element of Diff’(X x R+, rel X x {0}) is Q-isotopic to the identity. We will prove here that if X has trivial first real homology group, then, any element of Diff"(X x R +, rel X x {0}) can be decomposed as a finite product of diffeomorphisms with supports in disjoint unions of locally finite families of cells. Let us consider on X x R + the metric compatible with the product topology given by where d’ denotes a fixed metric on X. THEOREM 1. Let X be a closed connected (n - l)-manifold with trivial first real homology group. Then any element f E Diff03A91(X x R+, rel X x {0}) can be decom- posed as f = f1 ··· fm with f E Diff03A91(X R+, rel X x {0}) having support in a locally finite union of disjoint cells, for any i = 1,..., m. Proof. Without loss of generality we can assume that f is an element of the path-component of the identity with respect to the C°°-uniform topology. We carry out the proof in three steps: Step 1. Reduction to the case where f is close to the identity. Let (X: [0, 1] ~ Diff03A91(X R+, rel X x {0}) be a uniform path between f and the identity and let U(id, 03B5, d) be any neighbourhood of the identity. Then, if we denote by at = oc(t), let b be the Lebesgue number of the covering, 104 {03B1-1(U(03B1t, 03B5, d))}. We take a partition 0 = s, s, ... s. = 1 such that |si-si-1| 03B4 for any i = 1,..., m. Thus, for any i = 1,...,m the elements 03B1sl, aSI-l lie in some U( at, 8, d). Therefore, we could write where (Xs-1 1 is the identity and for any i = 1,..., m, (asl 0 (03B1sl-1)-1) is an element of U(id, 03B5, d). Furthermore, we could define a path from the identity to (03B1sl (03B1sl-1)-1) inside U(id, e, d) as follows: where y(t) = 03B1(tsi + (1 - t)si-1) (03B1(si-1))-1. Step 2. By Step 1 we could assume without loss of generality that there is a uniform path in U(id, E, d ) from f to the identity. We will prove that f = f, , f2 with f E Diff03A91(X x R +, rel X x {0}) and isotopic to the identity by an Q-isotopy with support in a locally finite union of disjoint compacts for i = 1, 2. We will also get fl, f2 near the identity. Let a : [0, 1] - U(id, 8, d) be the uniform path between f and the identity. It defines an Q-isotopy, F:(X R+) [0,1] ~ X x R ’, by F((x, s), t) = 03B1(t)(x, s). Inductively, we construct a sequence of positive numbers 0 /Li 03BB2 ···, such that: (i) F((X [0, À’2i + 1]) x [0, 1]) c X x [0, 03BB2i+2) for any i = 0, 1, 2,...
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