Free. Weekly. 9 // Issue 68 // Volume Weekly. Free. o ctober 31 ctober THE look ISSUE Make your STATEMENT BRONWYN ORDnry CLOTHING & Sarah ParadiS Scott NolaN & JoaNNa Miller thoMaS d’arcy The official s TudenT newspaper of The universiTy of winnipeg CUT AND SAVE. TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT IS COMING UP IN... DON’T MISS A DATE. AT THE PARK THEATRE NOVEMBER 698 OSBORNE ST. / 1 204 478 7275 / PARKTHEATRECAFE.COM FIND US ON PROUDLY SERVING MANITOBAN CRAFT BEER Tickets to these events and others can be purchsed at: The Park Theatre, Music Trader, & Ticketbreak.com/ParkTheatre the uNIter // october 31, 2013 03 FASHIONISTAS UNITE. Or don’t, whatever. you’re probably too cool. If you’re not, then you should check out some spiffy new looks in our centre spread, featuring menswear (Ordnry) and ladies (Bronwyn at Para Mix). On another spectrum, Drew Nordman’s column hits it big with how D&D is more popular today than ever, and Brian Lorraine gives us the skinny on Comic Con. on the cover you can also have your heart broken by Thomas Such great heights - Johanna and Bronwyn Seier, D’Arcy, hear about the Global Justice Film Fest, get photographed for the Uniter by Kasia Nawrocka. a take on Russell Brand’s take, eat out at Mercadito’s new location, get spooky with author David Annan- dale and see what the ladies have to say about Movember. Boo? online “Another great uniter. I love this thing. Fact.” - @AceBurpeeShow via Twitter exclusives “Shake it Loose” is ouR Free WeekLy Download, “@theuniter thanks for bringing @jeankilbourne Available on Scott NolaN anD Joanna Miller’S and her important message about consumer aware- livE record, North/South. ness to @uwinnipeg.” CorreCTions Scott Price investigates Manitoba’S dirty - @mollykarp via Twitter In our October 24 issue we mistak- Hydro problem in this week’S online ExclusivE. Talk Back enly used a photo of the Conawapa DO you want TO be parT of the conversation? “Great ‘hometown haunted’ piece in @theuniter! generating station instead of the love a good ghost story” Send A letter TO the editor, TweeT @TheUniter Keeyask generating station. The or comment on ouR Facebook page. - @KaileyRiane via Twitter Uniter regrets this error. @theUniter @theUniter facebook. Nicholas Friesen com/theuniter UNITER STAFF The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the CONtACT US » University of Winnipeg and is published by Mouseland ConTrIbUTorS General Inquiries: 204.988.7579 Press Inc. Mouseland Press Inc. is a membership based Advertising: 204.786.9790 Managing Editor Staff Photographer organization in which students and community members Michael Carlisle, Jean editors: 204.786.9497 nicholas Friesen » [email protected] Kevin Legge » [email protected] Fax: 204.783.7080 are invited to participate. For more information on how Floch, Raegan Hedley, to become a member go to www.uniter.ca, or call the Business Manager Arts Reporter e-mail: [email protected] robert J. Holt » [email protected] Deborah remus » [email protected] Kasia Nawrocka, Drew Web: www.uniter.ca office at 204.988.7579. Nordman, Adam Petrash, LOCAtIoN » CreativE Director arts Reporter room ORM14 SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES, LETTERS, GRAPHICS AND Ayame Ulrich » [email protected] Kaitlyn Emslie Farrell » [email protected] Fabian Suarez-Amaya, university of Winnipeg PHOTOS ARE WELCOME. Articles must be submitted in Martyna Turczynowicz Senior editor city Reporter 515 Portage Avenue text (.rtf) or Microsoft Word (.doc) format to editor@ Harrison Samphir » [email protected] Samantha Duerksen » [email protected] and Shelby Wagemakers Winnipeg, manitoba r3b 2e9 uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for Arts & Culture Editor Beat Reporter submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before Jared Story » [email protected] Melanie Dahling » [email protected] publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, CITy Editor Beat Reporter six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves brian Lorraine » [email protected] Vacant the right to refuse to print submitted material. The Mouseland Press Board of directors: Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, Photo Editor ListingS co-ordinatOR Ben Wickstrom (interim chair), Kent Davies and Ksenia Prints. Daniel Crump » [email protected] Ken Prue » [email protected] misogynistic, racist, or libellous. We also reserve the For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] right to edit for length and/or style. WHose House? OUSE. SARAH’S H LocAL ARTIST SARAH PARADIS IS IN LOVE WITH THE woRLD AroUND HER Words + images by kaiTlyn emslie Farrell moNster clAsh VIdeo stIll, dreAm GuItAr Arts reporter @kemsliefArrell “Layered video clips, contrast boosted, luma key on, “My instrumental expression device. His name is AJ inverted, those are my edits.” and he’s a sunburst because the inner portion is a Sarah Paradis, also known as Toxic Prophecy, is a master “It’s a good networking opportunity,” she confirms. “It’s [also] a nice environment. I get a lot of positive brighter and gradually fades to a darker tone.” craftswoman, her tools consisting of everything from INdoor gardeN pencils and markers to computers and video cameras. feedback from people about my work. I like music “I’m trying to learn how to grow organic herbs and brokeN bIrd Feeder A graduate of the Fine Arts department at the and I like working with musicians and other perfor- vegetables so that one day I can have an actual full “I painted a bird feeder in the spring and hung it up all University of Manitoba, Paradis, 24, has not wasted any mance-based artists. yard of organic food. It’s kind of a kick start plan while summer. Just recently, in the fall, the squirrels became time in pursuing her dreams – she is an artist focused on “Hopefully I’ll work at Big Blue Stem for the Winni- I’m living in a smaller space.” curious and started eating from the bird feeder. One the natural world around her. peg Folk Festival by 2015. I’d also like to do the Manitoba day a big grey squirrel knocked it off the tree. Now I “It gives me the opportunity to express myself in a Electronic Music Exhibition again. That was a good elemeNts oF ecoloGy don’t get to watch birds which was a highlight of my tangible format,” she says. “I like to interpret environ- opportunity.” “A scientific exploration of plants and animal evolution. mornings.” you can catch Paradis’s stunning visuals at the mental issues through positive symbolism of the discon- It provides a good framework for intrinsic human Monster Clash, a Halloween party on Friday, Nov. 1 at nection between humans and nature or the connections behaviour.” CaleNdAr Mondragon Bookstore & Coffeehouse. The night will humans have with nature. “It is very full. School, work and art take up 80% of my feature such DJs as Kimo Boh, El Richee, MC Diverse, “Right now, ecological integrity is an underlying yoga mAt life, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Knowledge is the Silver Fox, B Zwax, Theo Tzu, Elizabeth Shearer, MC theme in my work.” “My yoga mat is a place where I go to release all my power and making art is so relaxing. I feel very privi- Pucona, K Line, Saratonin, James Helwig and Ari IQ. The video animation is Paradis’ major passion, and she inner tensions. It grounds me. It keeps me healthy and leged. I feel like I have the best of both worlds.” consistently works as a visual artist at nightclubs. show is $5 in advance and $10 at the door. focused.” THE COLUMN the uNIter // october 31, 2013 05 CRITICAL HIT WiTH dreW nordman @AnomAlous1 THomas Dippel/Flickr c tabletoP reSurgeNce as paramount as the puzzles, challenges bizarrely by some as an occult practice, its lame elves, orcs and such? That’s the and enemies created to best the players. given its western fantasy theming. Slay- beauty of it, as long as you can imagine the Albert Einstein once said, “the true sign of I’m talking of course, about Dungeons & ing demons and gods alike were among setting, there’s an RPG out there for you! intelligence is not knowledge but imagina- Dragons. some of the things that were plausible, Take Shadowrun for example. It’s a game tion.” If the guy who conceived the theory On the surface, its premise is quite so when uptight parents heard what their that takes place in a cyberpunk-like future of relativity said it, it probably has some simple. A team of friends take on a quest kids were up to, they immediately branded (think Bladerunner) where countries are clout, right? created by the Game Master. It’s the GM’s the hobby as satanic. Throughout the ‘80s run by mega-corporations and it’s your job Next year will mark the 40th anniver- job to challenge the players, and create an and ‘90s, when archetypal killer babes and to do their dirty work. Hell, even fantasy sary of a prolific pastime that celebrates the immersive world for them to exist in. As jocks were the “cool kids”, RPGs became football is basically an RPG! use of imagination as its key mechanic – a long as you have an imaginative group of further marginalized. The hobby was sim- Role playing games are such an influen- hobby or game where you create a charac- players and a talented GM, there is no limit ply deemed “nerdy”. tial pastime of mine that the title of this ter from scratch, with as much or as little to what you can expect during an adven- Today, when brilliant fictional intro- very column was inspired by their mechan- detail as you want, as long as you adhere to ture.
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