19/37 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated AUDLEY RURAL PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING of the Parish Council held at Wood Lane Community Centre, Apedale Road, Thursday 18th July 2019 at 7pm Present: Chair: Mr N Hayes Councillors:, Rev Taylor, Mrs C Richardson, Mrs. V. Pearson, Mr. R. Garlick, Ms A Borowski, Mr D Butler, Mr N Crisp, Mr D Jervis, Mr C Cooper Clerk – Mrs C Withington There were 3 members of the public present for part of the meeting PC Jez Moore was available for part 1. To note applications invited for Parish Councillor (Halmer End) co-option deadline is 19th July This was noted and will be considered at the next meeting. 2. To receive apologies – Mr M Joynson and Mr M Whitmore 3. To consider approving and signing minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 20th June 2019 RESOLVED to sign the minutes as a true and accurate record. 4. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda Forms were handed out to the members present for completion or return after the meeting. Clerk to confirm if its acceptable to blank out the signature when Clerk putting these online. Mrs Richardson reported a pecuniary interest in item 8. 5. Public Participation: A person attended to introduce himself to the Parish Council as a candidate for co-option. This was noted. 6. To receive an update from Audley LAP and Police / Parish Liaison Committee PC Moore attended the meeting to say that an officer would be present at every other meeting, due to a clash with Maer Parish Council. Crime statistics were provided for the meeting. It was noted that crime was down by 12% over the last month. Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) was down by 39% on last year due to CCTV and other matters. It was also noted that Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) were down by 30%. Crimes can be reported online via the Staffordshire Police website or via their Facebook page. It was noted that the issue seems to have moved to Halmer Next End Harrison Close/Institute where youths are drinking on Friday and agenda Saturdays. This will be on the next agenda. PC Moore confirmed that CCTV images have been used to prosecute individuals. Mrs Richardson thanked PCSO Wright for taking action regarding obstruction of vehicles. It was noted that trip rail had been removed at Bignall End Road and the Borough Council were putting it back, as it was their land. PC Moore to speak to them about the urgency of this. The matter of cars parked on Church Street land was discussed again. A separate meeting will be needed to discuss what happens to this site, which is now confirmed as adopted Highway. It was agreed this should happen once the other car parks have been taken on. In the meantime PC Moore will seek legal advice for the solicitor regarding the position of a vehicle being untaxed, no mot or insured on this land. 7. Planning - To consider any planning applications received, including:- Proposed outbuilding to form hair salon 14 Barleyfields Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8ED Ref. No: 19/00511/FUL Delegated/Village Env – The Parish Council RESOLVED to object to the application due to concerns that the area is a quiet residential cul de sac, the properties do not have drainage for toxic materials associated with hairdressing or parking suitable for a commercial business. It was also considered to be overdevelopment in a garden. Change of use of domestic storage building to dwelling Wynnbank Farm Wereton Road Audley Stoke On Trent Staffordshire ST7 8HE Ref. No: 19/00487/COU (Green Belt/Delegated/Section 106 Open Space?) RESOLVED to support the change of use. Any Section 106 contribution should be used to improve the off road parking at Station Walks for the benefit of the school. 37 19/38 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated Two storey extension 18 Bridge Close Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8RB Ref. No: 19/00483/FUL Village Env/Delegated – RESOLVED to support the application as long as it is in keeping with the other properties. Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling 16 Fair View Boon Hill Road Bignall End Staffordshire ST7 8LA Ref. No: 19/00472/FUL (Green Belt/Delegated/Section 106 open space?) – RESOLVED to support the application although there was some discussion about a mine shaft and also a request that the fencing at the front of the property is in keeping with the area, plus the new development is no larger than the existing footprint. Any Section 106 contribution should be used towards improving the offroad car parking at Bignall End Road, which supports the green space. FOR INFORMATION ONLY CONDITION APPROVALS (SEE WEBSITE FOR MORE): Application for the approval of the landscaping scheme as required by condition 4 of planning permission ref 18/00014/FUL for the erection of two Detached Dormer Bungalows (resubmission of 17/00829/FUL) Land Rear South Of Co Operative Lane Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire Ref. No: 18/00014/CN04 – There was concern regarding the drift mine and the lack of proper investigation through bore holes etc. Application for approval of landscaping scheme as required by condition 04 of planning permission 18/00842/FUL - Erection of a detached bungalow Land Adjacent To Cartref Rye Hills Newcastle Under Lyme Staffordshire ST7 8LP Ref. No: 18/00842/CN04 – Noted. Application for approval of materials as required by condition 3 of planning permission 19/00110/FUL - Erection of a detached bungalow in the garden Ferndale Chester Road Audley Stoke On Trent Staffordshire ST7 8JD Ref. No: 19/00110/CN03 – Noted. Update on the Joint Local Plan – The position was noted that there may be some further consultation soon. 8. Allotments Sub Group –Request to provide access to rear of 4 Alsager Road for hedge cutting Mrs Richardson provided some brief background to the issue and then left the room for this item. It was noted that access could be provided to allow the maintenance contractor to continue to cut the hedge for the owner. It was discussed that a key could be available through the Association. However the main objective of the recent work was to secure the boundary and close off any unauthorised access points. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council will continue to maintain the hedge going forward, as this is their responsibility and it will be done with care. Clerk to include an item regarding keeping the acco drain Next clear at the top of the drive on the next agenda. Sub Group meeting to be agenda arranged by the Chair. 9. To nominate representatives for the following, and any others as agreed: Next Audley Millennium Green Trust – Noted that there were no representatives agenda nominated, therefore this will be on the next agenda. 10. 1. Letter re Highways work at Wereton Road and to consider action (as circulated) – The letter has been sent to the County Councillor Beech Clerk and will be sent to Highways for their attention, with the support of the Parish Council. The Clerk will also send the letter to the Police regarding obstruction of the pavement by vehicles but Clerk to ask the author of the letter to also make a plea via the local community news pages etc. 2. Letter re overgrown hedges and unstable pavement by Nantwich Road (Quarry Cottages to Motorway bridge) and to consider action (as circulated) – The matter was discussed and it was agreed to report it Clerk to Highways and County Councillor Ann Beech for action. It was agreed that the Clerk will also report the overgrown hedge to the landowner. It was noted that the Parish Council does not have powers to deal with 38 19/39 ………………………………………………………Signed ………………………..Dated private hedges, only Highways can take action in default and serve Traffic notice. It was agreed that the Traffic Sub Group including Mr Jervis will Sub provide a list of overhanging hedges, noting that these can be cut during Group bird nesting season if impinging on the highway. Clerk to report the long grass obscuring the A500 when joining from the slip road Clerk 11. GDPR (standing item) Data breaches/Subject Access requests/Information Security – reminder of responsibilities Use of County Council email and Acceptable User Policy – see Appendix A- It was agreed that Mr Hayes will trial the County Council email system, before others then further consider this. All policies in relation to the matter will be considered post the trial. To consider a code of conduct in relation to Emails – Communication policy? – An email etiquette and draft Communication policy was circulated. It was agreed to consider as above. To approve the Information Security Policy – As above. To renew the DPO officer – RESOLVED to renew this appointment. 12. To consider adopting a Policies in relation to Social Media and communications (Appendix B) to be circulated – Mr N Hayes As above it was agreed to put these on hold until after the email trial. 13. Playing Fields/Wildlife Areas inc: • To note Play Area Monthly Inspection for July and approval of any action required or taken under Delegated Authority- The Play inspection report was noted. Dog fouling continues to be a problem in Bignall End Road. Clerk to Clerk report the issue regarding the basket swing to Alsagers Bank Cricket Club. Noted that action had been taken in relation to the trip rail at Bignall End Road. • Further action regarding the unstable access at Royal Oak pub Miles Green and quote to close off unofficial gap (post letter to residents)- Two letters have been sent to the Pub with no action taken.
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