h'uc 47. Volume 95 Friday, March 30, 2001 INSIDE ASMSU vote tally ruled inaccurate; PINIONS election results remain the same Pat Hill Council. "It's pretty simple Parker and Perry still would a new election would be dam­ Exponent \\ riter and straightforward." ha\'e won by three votes. aging in the end. • MTA v. ins. sort of Nydegger explained that an "Every election has a "Only 7.2 percent of eligible page 2 imbalance in the number of bump,"· she said. "I felt this voters participated in this elec­ A Judicial Council at verified one went tion," he said . .. We'd get even .Montana State University voters with t h e less in a re-vote.·· Schell said voted on Wednesday to Jet counted smoothest earlier this month that the low the recent ASMSu presiden­ ballots of any rve \'Oler turnout was "about aver­ PORTS tial election results stand. constituted been in­ age" for the four years he has The nine-member Council a \'iolation " o I ,. e d attended 1\ISU. • Stirmlingcr and found .. sufficient reason to of the with .·· "It's surprising to me we Walton ka\C basketball im alidate the presidential AS :-.1 S C .J i m don't have a greater turnout,'" election of ~larch '7 and 8" Constitu­ Sch e I 1 . he commented ...It's troubling but decided clgainst another tion. There president we onl: speak with ten percent election .. with consideration were 706 pro tem­ of the students' voice." of the number of YOtes in ballots and phmo by Ja} Than~ pore of the Council members asked question. Jennifer 6 9 3 \ e ri- Ar ti\ Par kt r ,uu:I ""'111 1 rt llia11• s u about problems with voter DT Nydegger and John fi ed >tcrs. Pcrn icnwt11 A '\MSL \ p1i;m/( and Sena also verification, possible ballot s Wishman lost the race to acer ding '"( prntdenr. told the box "stuffing'' and voting Andy Parker and Bill Perry to AS\1Sl' Elect10ns Chair- Council at t h , ~C'nd esult area staffing before retiring • ·Galactic' rod:cd by 16 \'Otes and contested the pers 1 Katie Donath. stands u for private discussion before the Emersl n election results on March 19. " D •spit<:' the ntra votes, '"It \\ s n ir larity. It their final decision. "We did this to uphold the it \"\ 1 'dn't haH' made d dif­ \\a<;n't ma] review on page 7 :ous," 1 said. "It "The decision is entirely integrity of the election,"' fere n e," Donath told the was a do, election, but it's up to you," current ASMSU Nydegger told the Judicial Council, explaining that still the <>am ." Schell said that see Election page 4 • ndRyan'cam 1gn Mo tana teens rally at ML IJ to protest tobacco pus 2001. 1,400 " up MSU ca at of More than deaths annually in the state Exp l lent Wri er ------ are smoking-related, and $153,420,000 is MTUPP·s A busload of Montana 1993 estimate of direct medi­ teens stopped at Montana cal costs in Montana due to State University on Tuesday smoking. morning, spreading the word Tobacco use remains the about the dangers of tobacco. single most preventable The young people were cause of death and disease in pa1t of a statewide bus tour the United States. coordinated by the Montana "I want to find out the Tobacco truth so I Use Pre- can fig­ Yention ure out Program fiction (MIUPP). fr o m Three "Montana's teens are a power­ non-fic­ groups ful force. They will not be tion facts touring 'targeted' by the tobacco indus­ about to­ the state try." bacco." a r e said tour - Kjersten Forseth, sched­ partici­ MTUPP tour coordinator uled to p a n t meet in G i n a Helena Hall, 14, photo b) Jay Thane on Wednesday. A rally is in a MTUPP press release. k scra11·/i11g.1 appcarl'd campu.1-11 idc at MSf.., 011 Tlwrsdav: the meuar:es directed .1111dem.1 to a planned "to show that Sixth-graders from Arlee stia11 \\eh ~ire awhorl'd hY WSU .1111de11t~. Montana's teens are a power­ made their contribution to ful force. The: will not be tar­ Montana's anti-smoking most classrooms. A Web ad­ dig the chalk a ll over cam­ geted by the tobacco indus­ message in a letter to The dress, mikeandr)an.com, ac­ pus, I a m wholeheartedly for try, and they promote a to­ iVfissoulian, published on co mpanied many of the your open witness for our bacco-free lifestyle," accord­ Thursda). chalkings. Savior J esus Christ," read ing to 1'.jersten Forseth, coor­ "Smoking is a big waste of iike Woodberrv and R\ an When questioned about the one message. dinator of the eastern leg of mone)," wrote Shea Lefler. nson ha\ e t;;ken tl;eir motivation for the campaign, .. Along with C\Cr) other the tour. "Some people spend so much stian message beyond thL Woodberry commented . .. I person on campus. I have seen The bus tour leads up to money in a year you can prob­ rm en tar: usuall: wi tnesscd don't want to let the cat out of chalk telling me to look at this "Kick Butts Day' on April ably buy a car." a111 pus, an<l their beliefs the bag just yet." site all day.·· said another mes­ 4 , a nationwide event that ··l\.1~ opinion is that ciga­ ow 01 1 nL. for the world \\'oodbern and .Johnson. sage, from a person claiming l\.1TUPP said will inrnlve rettes should ne,·er have been Montana State University both l\1SU students, h<l\e links to be a long-time Christian ...I more than 25 l\.lontana made," said l\Jandy Hunter. 1are. on their Web site explaining must tell: ou. rm not incred­ communities. Scott Gardipe was e\·en ide\\ alb all over the who they are and\\ hat they be­ ibl) impressed. How man) l\.1TUPP statistics show more to the point. "I will .; campus were chalked lieve in. There is also a link for people \\ill simply add this that. based on previous data. talk about the bad things l the question ... Do vou a discussion forum. which had onto a Jong list of reasons to more than 650 young people about smoking because •e with :\like and Rva.n?" received a few hits by Thurs­ dislike. distrust or simply ig­ in Montana have started there are no good things tfhu rsda: morn1n.g. as day afternoon. nore Christians? .. smoking since the beginning about it.·· he said. I as the chalkboards in .. Although rm not sure I March 30, 2001 2 Opinions - ~ MTA wins, but not really: Joe Spangler art programs is frightening and offundingintheMrAdepartment simple math would show that purchaseofastate-of-theart\.ideo- puzzling, to say the least. is quite different mathematics spends about editing machine, rumored to ha~ Exponent Columnist It's not as iffilm, television and There are 487 students in the $15,000 yearly per student, while cost over $150,000. The MTA The air at the Academy theatre at MSU department, and MrAspends about $1,500. department cannot even begin to Awards last Sunday was thick have failed to prove about half of those Of course, these numbers are afford luxury or educational with the sweet taste of success at their worth. The students pay out- generalized and do not take into opportunity like that. A ma · the pinnacle of entertainment MTA department of-state tuition. account other factors, such as credit that is five years old and a third e.xistence. Even Bozeman, Mont., (film. television/ By using hourstaken,graduateprograms or thevalueistheconsideredstat vvas represented at the event, as video, photography average tuition funding for required core credit the art in !\.ITA Jon Johnson (former MSU and theatre) has dollars spent (in classes like math. MSU budgeting It is tragic that athletics student in Media and Theatre churned out some and out of state, runs on a centralized system. even produce a decent footbat Arts) won the Oscar for best of the most respectively, and Therefore, it is extremely difficult team with millions more 1r sound editing in U-571. s u c c e s s f u l not including to understand where all of the funding, while MTA produce! It was surprising to see Jolmson professionals in the books, e.\.-penses or money goes and what it is used for. internationally famolU achieve the highest international i n d u s t r y . room and board), Howe\er,theseroughnwnbers professionals. honor possible in film, after Broadcaster Chet one can figure that doreflectthefactthatsomethingis One thought for :'\1TA is tc graduating from a school where Huntle} is an l\ITA MTA students sickly awry in the funding formula befriend athletics in order to usa officials preach the importance of alum, along with generatednearly$3 for liberal arts. some of its video editin1 athletics and ironicall) label film as talk show host Craig Kilborn, and million for MSU, this year. Also, consider that the :.1TA equipment, that is, if athletio an e:q>lorative major instead of a film director John Dahl. faen actor Sadly, students see a little more department has grown by two- would e\'er consent to being a Pali practical one. Bill Pullman taught in the theatre thanaquarterofthatmoneyintotal hundred students in the last 10 of the bigger academic pie The greatest paradox of this years ago. Not to mention the !\.ITA departmental funding each years.
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