
FISHERYMANAGEMENT PLAN FINALENVI ROf\lVIENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT REGULATORYIMPACT REVIEW FINALREGULATIONS FORTHE COASTALMIGRATORY PELAGIC RESOURCES <MACKERELS) PREPAREDFOR THEGULF OF MEXICO AND SOUTHATLANTIC FISHERYMANAGEMENT COUNCILS FEBRUARY,1983 FISHERYMANAGEMENTPLAN FINALENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT REGULATORYIMPACT REVIEW FINALREGULATIONS FOR. COASTALMIGRATORY PELAGIC RESOURCES (MACKERELS) IN THE GULFOF MEXICO AND SOUTHATLANTICREGION GULFOF MEXICOFISHERY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL LINCOLNCENTER,SUITE 881 5401 W. KENNEDYBOULEVARD TAMPA,FLORIDA 33609 SOUTHATLANTICFISHERY MANAGEMENTCOUNCIL SOUTHPARKBUILDING, SUITE 306 1 SOUTHPARKCIRCLE CHARLESTON,SOUTHCAROLINA29407 FEBRUARY,1983 Financial assistance tor producing this report was provided by grant funds from the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under Public Law 94-265, the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 2.0 SUMMARY 2.1 Fishery Definition The coastal migratory pelagic resources (mackerels) are those species In the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and In the coastal and fishery conservation zone (FCZ) off the south Atlantic coast as spe­ cified below. The fishery year Is to commence July 1 and terminate June 30. 2.2 Management Area Area for management: Federal regulation plTsuant to this plan wl11 apply to the FCZ within the jurl s­ dlctlon of the Gulf and South Atlantic Councils. 1-bwever, maximumsustainable yield and optimum yield are based on the stocks In the U.S. FCZ, the territorial sea, and internal waters of the various states. Consequently the al locations to _various gear types Include catches both from the FCZ and waters land­ ward thereof. The states bordering the areas of jurisdiction of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Councll. Fishery Management Councils are urged to adopt regulations which are co,npatlble ,,lfth those applying In the FCZ. Regulations are not appl led In the area of jurisdiction of the Mid-Atlantic Councl I because the catches there and the quantities of regulated species occurring there ares:> smal I that regulation would not be cost effective and Is not necessary to accomplish the objectives of the plan. Slmllarly, catches there are not included in 0Y or In catch al locations. Should a fishery develop which slgnlflcantly affects the stocks and Is In the FCZ beyond the area for management, the management area may be extended by plan amendment. 2.3 Species 2.3.1 Species In the Management Unit (for which regulations are proposed) i<.Ing mackerel Scomberomorus cava I I a Span I sh mackerel Scomberomorus maculatus Cobia Rachycentron canadum 2.3.2 Species In the Fishery but not In the Management Unit (no regulation proposed) Caro mac·kerel Scomberomorus raga 11s LI ttle tunny Euthynnus alletteratus Do Iph In Coryphaena hlppurus Bluefish (Gulf of Mexico only) Pomatomus saltatrlx 2.4 Statement of MSY1 0Y1 EDAHand TALFF (mll lions of pounds) 0Y EDAH(1981) TALFF KI ng mackere I 37 37 37 0 Span lsh mackerel 27 27 27 0 For cobla, optimum yield ls defined as all cobla equal to or larger than 33 Inches In length from the t Ip of the head to the center of the tat I (fork length) whlch can be harvested by U.S. f lshennen. MSY Is estimated at 1,057,000 pounds, EDAHIs estimated as 1,000,000 pounds In 1981, and TALFF Is zero. 2-1 2.5 Problems In the Fishery 1. Current and accurate blologlcal and economic data needed as a basis for management decisions are not avallabte. 2. Intense conflicts exist between recreational and commercial users of the mackerel stocks; and between commercial users employing different gears. 3. Rapldly Increasing fishing effort tor king mackerel could soon result In overfishing If no action Is taken. 4. Cobia are presently harvested at a size below that necessary for maximum yield and may be overfished In some areas beyond the management area. 2.6 Management Objectives 2.6.1 King Mackerel 1. Institute management meas1res necessary to prevent exceeding MSY. 2. Establish a mandatory statistical reporting system for ITDnltorlng catch. 3. Minimize gear and user group conflicts. 2.6.2 Spanish Mackerel 1. Institute management measures necessary to prevent exceeding MSY. 2. Establish a mandatory statistical reporting system for 11Dnltorlng catch. 3. Minimize gear and user group conflicts In the event they arise. 4. Promote the maximum use of the resource up to the OY estlmata. 2.6.3 Cobia 1. Institute management measures necessary to Increase yield per recruit and average size and to prevent overfishing. 2.7 Proposed Management Measures 2.7.1 Proposed Management Measures for King Mackerel A. The Secretary of Commerce may Implement measures designed to provide I Imitations, where appropriate, on any gear or device used In the king mackerel fishery to reduce gear and user group cont I lets. The Secretary, after consultation with the affected Councl Is, may take the fo I lowl ng action by regulatory amendment based on the fol lowing criteria: (1) When a conflict arises through expansion of a historical fishery In a traditional fishing area or region, the Secretary shal I Investigate the causes and extent of the confl let, the economic and sociological Impacts of any viable limitations on the expanded fishery or other users, other solutions to the confllct and other relevant factors. The Secretary, after con­ sultation with the affected Counclls and states, may resolve the confllct as fairly as poss Ible by takl ng one or more of the fo I lowl ng act Ions: 2-2 (a) Separate the users or gear by area Cf I sh Ing zone). (b) Separate the users or gear by time (day of week). Cc) Assign local qootas to each gear or user group based on the hlstorlcal catches of each for that local area. Cd) Allow un llmlted usage of the gear or device. (2) When the conflict arises through the Introduction of gear or devices Into new regions where they have not been hlstorlcal ly fished, the Secretary shall Investigate the harvesting capa­ city and efficiency of the new gear or device In the local area, the economic and soclologl­ cal Impacts on users of h lstorlcal gear, the hi storlcal level of stock abundance In the area and the other relevant factors. The Secretary may, after consultation with the affected Councils and states, take one or 110reof the followlng actions: (a) Prohibit use of the gear or device In that geographlcal area. (b) Al low only I lmlted use of the gear or device to nore fully evaluate Its Impacts and potentials. (c) Limit the number of L11lts of the gear or device which can be utlllzed In that area. Cd) Al low un I lmlted usage of the gear or device. (3) When a conflict arises as a result of circumstances In the fishery, other than as described In (1) or (2) above, the Secretary may Implement meastres designed to obviate such conflicts by measures provided for In (1) and (2) above, or take such other action as may be appropriate and necessary to resolve such conflicts In a manner consistent with the goals and objectives of the plan, the National Standards, the MFCMAand other applicable law. B. When the Regional Director, Southeast Region, t-MFS, determines, based on rel lab le lnfonnatlon, that a c;:onfllct, as described In FMP Section 8.2.6, exists or Is about to exist, he wlll take one of the following actions by fleld order. The time period during which such restrictions shal I be enforced wl 11 be determined by length of time a direct confl let exists or Is expected to exl st. (1) Establish a fishing window within the following points: (a) Bethel Shoal I lght (27° 44.3 1N, 80° I 0.4 1W). (b) A wreck 15 miles southeast of Fort Pierce Inlet (27° 23.S'N, 80° 3.7 1W). Cc) Marker WR 16, five ml les northeast of Jupiter In let (27° 0.6 1N, 80° 2.0'W). Cd) 100 fm depth due east of point c (27° 0.6'N, 79° 55.0 1W). Ce> 100 fm depth due east of point b (27° 23.5 1N, 79° 54.0 1W). Cf) 100 fm depth due east of point a (27° 44.3'N, 79° 53.5 1W). The Regional Director may proh lblt use of gl I I-net gear to take king mackerel within the area a-b-e-f, b-c-d-e or a-c-d-f. If addltlonal action Is needed, prohibit use of hook and llne gear to take king mackerel within a window landward of a llne between the points a-b, b-c or a-c. 2-3 (2) Establish two fishing zones seaward (east) of state Jurisdiction. These zones shal I be the waters of the FCZ between 27° 101 north latitude and 27° 50' north latitude divided Into two areas along the (Ina of 27° 30 1 north latitude. (a) In the first year In which a conflict arises, the use of gll I nets for taking of king mackerel shall be prohibited In the area south of 27° 30 1 north latitude and use of hook and llne gear for taking of king mackerel shal I be prohibited In the area north of 27° 30' north latitude. In any succeeding year when a conflict develops, the area In which each gear Is prohibited may be changed. (b) Whan a conflict arises, use of each gear within the zone between 27° lO'N and 27° 50'N may be alternated dally. (I) On even days of the rronth, use of gill-net gear to take king mackerel may be proh I b I tad. (II) on odd days of the rronth, use of hook and line gear to take king mackerel may be prohibited.
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