MARINE CORPS LEAGUE NEWS “ONCE A MARINE...ALWAYS A MARINE…‖ MARINE CORPS May 2010 From the Commandant‟s Fox Hole– Robert “Moon” Mullins Greetings Marines, Highlights Thank you for your support and encouragement this past 2009 calendar year; it has THE PACIFIC PREVIEW & PHOTOS been a learning experience for me. I am certain I can count on each of you this VA NEWS 2010 calendar year to continue in your efforts in making this a rewarding year for IWO JIMA REUNION the Department . I am proud to report the Department continues to grow. Once again we were awarded the South East Division MILTON OCKMAN AWARD for DEVIL DOG NEWS the greatest number of new detachments within the 2009 calendar year. We were DETACHMENT NEWS also awarded the THOMAS B. PERRONE AWARD for the net membership growth within the 2009 calendar year. I thank you all for your perseverance, instance, and execution in achieving this award. Recruitment of new member’s is an enduring MCL Detachments effort; we must continue our endeavor for new members. Because of you, I want you Aubrey Gilbert Det.. know, that the Grits Bowl will remain with the Department of Georgia for another Clyde Thomason Det year. Alabama will need to realign their efforts to claim the Bowl. Due to the Currahee Mountain weather conditions this past February, I was not able to attend the Midwinter Con- ference, but did attend the Southeast Convention where we received the above men- Dalton Georgia Det. tioned awards. I hope to catch sight of each of you at the Department Convention in Gen. Ray Davis Det. Athens, GA. Georgia Black Sheep I wish to acknowledge a few of our finest. For the Congressional Medal of Honor we had the following recipients, LtGen. Davis, Major Pless and Rodney M. Davis. Glynco Det. Rodney M. Davis was awarded for service in Vietnam (posthumously). A thank you Greater Atlanta Det. goes out to the members of the Macon Detachment (Middle Georgia) for their endur- Jake Puryear Det. ing efforts with the up keep of his grave site. Joseph Schmittou Det Again, Georgia Marines faithfully represented this 2009 year; thank you all for your Kings Bay Det support. With your enduring efforts we can make 2010 a triple repeat. LtCol Jimmie Dyess I look forward to seeing you in Athens, GA. Maj. Stephen W.Pless R‖ Moon‖ Mullins Maj Lawrence Desjardines McDonough Det. Commandant Dept .GA. MCL Middle Georgia Det North Ga Mountain Dept. of Georgia Officers Elections PFC Geo Eiland Det. Savannah Det. Att All MCL members SgtMaj Louis Roundtree At the state convention, all elected posts are open. If you are interested in Unicoi Det. holding on of the elected or appointed posts within the Dept. of Georgia Upper Chattahoochee please let your Commandant know prior to the start of the conference. Waycross Det. West Chatham Det. 1 Woodstock Det. MARINE CORPS LEAGUE NEWS NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE most innovative technology If you have photographs, MARINE CORPS will surround visitors with materials or artifacts that irreplaceable artifacts and you would like to donate Opened to the public on 13 immerse them in the sights to the museum please November 2006, the National and sounds of Marines in contact Dr.Jim Ginther Museum of the Marine Corps action. Hours and Admission is a lasting tribute to U.S. Manuscript Curator, Ar- Marines — past, present, and chieves Branch, Library The Museum is open every future. Situated on a 135-acre day from 0900 until 5:00pm of the Marine Corps, to the Marine Corps base in every day except Christmas 2040 Broadway Street, Quantico, Virginia .The Mu- Cost of Admission is..FREE Quantico, VA 22134 seum’s soaring design evokes the image of the flag-raisers of Iwo Jima and beckons visi- tors to its 118,000-square- foot structure. World-class interactive exhibits using the MCL Department News: The Depart- BOY SCOUTS MARINE 4 LIFE ment of Geor- MINORITY gia has several MJROTC RECRUITMENT openings for AMERICANISM some of our YOUTH PHYSICAL on going en- FALLEN MARINES FITNESS PROGRAM deavors. Take CARE PACKAGE a look at this list and if you YOUNG MARINES can fill in and UNIFORM REGULATIONS: MEDALS & RIBBONS Marine Corps League medals and ribbons and De- with the formal uni- fense medals and ribbons cannot be mixed on any form either on the eve- MCL uniform. The wearer has a choice of using ei- ning dress jacket or the ther but never both together or mixed. red MCL blazer when worn as the optional The basic Marine Corps One, two or three large medals or Defense medals jacket for the formal League Uniform Cover may be worn centered over the left breast pocket dress uniform. of the MCL red blazer uniform. Medals must be mounted on a single bar. Miniature MCL medals or Defense medals , wings, badges may be worn only 2 MARINE CORPS LEAGUE NEWS MCL SOUTHEAST DIVISION NEWS The 2010 SE Convention , Growl. Our Sat business con- Southeast Division coins held this year in Mobile Al cluded and the members are still available. See the was a real hit with the MCL headed off to the US Alabama order form on the SE web membership. Upon arrival for a memorial service and site at WW.sedivmcl.org members were treated to a then a tour of the WWll bat- SE Div Leaders are fish fry/ shrimp boil with all tleship and the WWll sub the trimmings. USS Drum. Sat night we had Dave Gardner, On Friday, business almost 250 attend the ban- Nat.SE Div Vice Com- got rolling at 0830 and we quet. Members voted to have mandant concluded around noon time the 2011 conference in Or- Jim Smith, which gave us time to relax lando, FL and the 2012 con- Asst.Div Vice Comman- and head to the Devil Dog ference in Myrtle Beach SC. dant MCL DEVIL DOG NEWS Woof... Woof to all the Leaders and look forward our growth is to extend the Devil Dogs of the South- to working with them to honor of joining our ranks east Division. I am hon- make this a banner year to active League Members ored and proud to be your for our Division and the with an invitation to join new Vice Chief Devil Dog Kennel. We need to em- the Devil Dogs. Our for the best Division in the phasize the FUN and Growls need to be well Kennel. Many of you may HONOR part of becoming published and scheduled remember me as the Past and being a Devil Dog, to well in advance for maxi- Pack Leader from South train our new Pups well, mum participation. I am Carolina for four of the and to work on the reten- making plans to attend past six years. I have re- tion of our Dogs by keep- several Pack Growls as I cently spoken to all of the ing them involved and ac- travel with my show dogs Southeast Division Pack tive. The way to ensure through the Southeast. MCL DETACHMENT NEWS-GREATER ATLANTA #647 Greater Atlanta is pleased to Our members are working steady at 40 members, two Regards and Semper Fi have Big Al Meade back after with the Wounded Warriors associates, and 26 are lifetime Christian Roberts- a lengthy sick call. Program to assist wounded members. Commandant- Marines returning home to the [email protected] Our detachment worked with Atlanta area. We are helping We like to say welcome to HBO to help them throw a these Marines in making their our two newest members, Ken fabulous cocktail party and homes easier for them to get Stadler and Richard Wake- movie preview of their upcom- around in by building ramps, field.MCL members are wel- ing series call THE PACIFIC. changing out door knobs ect. come to attend our monthly Attended by 400 MCL mem- We invite other Detachments meetings which are held at bers and WWII vets who to join us in this worth wile 1100 am on the first Sat of fought in the Pacific. A good endeavor. Our members plan each month at the Delkwood entertaining evening was had on marching in the July 4th, Grill, 2769 Delk Rd. Marietta by all. You can watch this City of Marietta parade for the GA series every Sunday night 7th year. Membership is hold- 3 MARINE CORPS LEAGUE NEWS MCL DETACHMENT NEWS: Maj. Lawrence Desjardines Det. Sr. Vice Commandant: Awards Committee New members: 1 Ron Kirstatter Amendment to By-Laws voted on and approved by Total membership 68 Jr. Vice Commandant: the membership. The De- Members in Distress: Ma- Gale Rodgers tachment sponsored a booth at the Albany Mardi rine Sam Tucker has Fol- Judge Advocate: JJ Kraus licular Non-Hodgkin’s Gras festival. Lymphoma Stage 3 Can- February –Detachment cer. Appointed Officers are Discussed the SE Division installed: Conference and State Con- Maj.Desjardines Members Deployed: Adjutant – Jim Rodgers vention with the detach- Marine Ken White is de- Paymaster- Bob Adams ment membership at the ployed to Iraq and is due to Web Sgt. Ron Kirstatter January, February, and return in June 2010. The Chaplain – Ernie Elmore March meetings. Detachment conducted a Sgt-At-Arms- ―Fallen Marine‖ ceremony Kelly Fisk Quartermaster – for the family of retired Gale Rodgers Semper Fi, Master Sergeant Bob Kane th Tom Newton passed away on Dec 19 Chaplain and Commandant visited with two members Commandant January – Detachment of the detachment; Felix . awards were presented. Demuth and Sam Tucker The detachment awarded a who has Lymphoma. total of 2 Certificates of Appreciation, 14 Meritori- Review of Awards Com- ous Individual Commenda- mittee Amendment to By- tions, 5 Community Ser- Laws vote to be taken dur- William Morgan-Iwo vice Awards, 6 Distin- ing March meeting.
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