New H.H. Scott Stereo Amplifier has features never before offered at $139.95* Until now, tile high fidelity fan with a limited budget had to settle for second-best products. Introduction of the new H.H. Scott 24 watt stereophonic amplifier, Model 222, puts top qua within the reach of all. This new amplifier has many features never before availab1e It is backed by H.H. Scott's fine reputation for engineering leadership. Check th=·T,"''''T· ... you'll see why you should build your new stereo system around the H.H. Scott Equalization switch lets Special switch posi· This position lets you Separate Bass and Effec tive scratch filter Channel balance con­ Master vOlume contrOl you choose between tions for accurate bal­ play a monophonic Treble controls on improves performance trol adjusts for dif­ adjusts volume of both RI AA compensation for ancing. for playing source such as an FM each channel let you on older worn records ferent speaker effi­ channels simultane­ monophonic and stereo stereo, reverse stereo tuner or a tape re­ adjust for differences and improves recep­ ciencies and brings ously. Also functions as . records; NARTB. for and for using mono­ corder through both in room acoustics and tion on noisy radio channel · volumes into automatic loudness tape heads. phonic records with power stages and different speaker sys­ broadcasts. balance quickly and control whenever de­ your stereo pickup. speakers. tems. easily. sired. Ins'ist on genuinel!..:.li: S cott COm l)Onents SPECIFICATIONS:. Dual12 wall Exclusive center· channels ; 0 .3% I M distortion; 0.8% harmonic channel output lets you distortion; frequency response 20 to 30,000 cps; use your present amp­ extremely low hum level (-80 db) ; DC operated lifier for 3-channel preamplifiers heaters ; Inputs for stereo or mono­ stereo or for drivIng phonic recorders, tuners, phono cartridges and extension speakers. tape heads. Phono sensitivity 3 mv. SUb-sonic Separate stereo tape­ rumble filter prevents overload from noisy ~erorder outputs. changers or turntables. Price $139.95* * l-Vesl of R ockies $ 1 -4$ .25. Accesso ry case extra. H.H. SCOTT INC. DEPT. MR -9, 111 POWDERMILL ROAD, MAYNARD, MASS, EXPORT: TELESCO INTERNATIONAL CORP., 36 W. 40TH ST., N.Y.C. SEND NOW FOR Rush me complete details on your new Model 222 and your complete 1959 Hi Fi Guide & Catalog_ Dept. MR-9 FREE HI-FJ GUIDE Name________________________________________________ ___ AND CATALOG Address; _________________________________________________ City State'_________________ _ the original and positive sound reproduction techniques necessary for true high fidelity are presented on AUDIO FIDELIT~ RECORDS the highest standard in high fidelity ro musIc gay enna captured in all of 'its tune· ful beauty by the artisfry of Jo Basile and his accordic5ri. AFLP 5868 Jo Basile ngs ar· made tistry to the haunting b~auty of as played by the Dukes of Italian song favorites for your land. You have to hear It to listening pleasure. believe it! AFLP 1823/AFSD 5823 AFLP 1871/AFSD 5871 Complet~ illustrated ------­catalogs of the entire Audio fidelity library are available from: Au d i 0 Fidelity, Inc., . Dept. HR759, 770 11th Ave., New York 19, N. Y. I .. ALL ALBUMS EXCEPT AFSD 5890 ARE AVAILABLf BOTH 3 SEPTEMBER 1959 -----_.­ "Our All-New !\i VR22 Stereo Cartridge provides unsurpassed performance in a Garrard Changer." In thanking Mr. Welsh for these personal comments, we would like to point out that hundreds of thousands of GE Monaural cartridges played a vital part in making high fidelity history during the past decade. Particularly significant is the fact that more GE cartridges were used with Garrard changers in fine component systems, than in all other changers and turntables combined! Now, GE owners, and all others converting to stereo, will be delighted to know that a Garrard changer, such as the incomparable RC88, guarantees the superlative performance that has been built into the new GE stereo cartridges. "Unsurpassed Stereo Results with the ® VR22 in Garrard Changers," says Mr. S. J. Welsh, Manage?'-MOIl'keting, High Fidelity Components, . Gene?'al Electric Company The same 7'easons why Ga7Tard changers pe,,/orm so "The new GE Stereo Classic cartridge Model VR22 has a tnagnificently with GE caTt7'idges have also made them 'floating armature' design for increased compliance equally popula7' with all othe7' manufacturers of fine Stereo and reduced record wear, a nd a flat frequency response cartridges-Shure, Electro, Voice, Pickering, Fairchild, etc. of 20-20,000 cycles. To retain this performance, it is • Vibration,free turntable. necessary that a tone arm track freely and with the • V ertical a nd lateral rumble completely inaudible. Wow recommended light pressure. The motor must also have a and flutter far below exacting "broadcast tolerance" standards. very low rumble content. • Exclusive Aluminuln tone arm precision-mounted at "Therefore, we are gratified to report the excellent engineering works for optimum tracking angle. perfect sound reproduction. results we found when testing with Garrard changers. • Unrestricted choice of stereo cartridges-any of them w ill All of the rigid laboratory standards built into our track at t he m anufacturer's li ghtest specified weight. new cartridge were maintained. The result was excellent • Record handling gentler than the surest human hand. stereophonic music reproduction." • Thc importan t con venien ce of manual play p lus completely automatic operation without compromise in perf01.'mance. These are the FACTS, no one can deny them with auth07'ity­ and they are backed by the 86 yea7'S of experience that have cTeated Garrard's unique 7'e putation f07' unsurpassed quality. Send lo( free Garrord Comparator Guide For the best in Stereo ... Your Name _' ________________________________ Address ______________________________ C ily ___________________ Slole ______ Moil 10 Depl. GM ·129 01 a ddress below. THE WORLO'S FINEST! There's a Garrard for every hlsh fldellt¥ system ••••n enslneered .nd wired for Stereo and Monaural records. 1'PA/U - _ _TID ="_SI8.50 =:u-sa9.00 ==:.159.50 ='_. GARRARD SALES CORPORATION, DIvIsion of British Industrl.s Corporation, PORT WASHINGTON, N. Y. Canadian InQuiries to Chos. W. Poin10n, lId., 66 RaCine Rood. ReKdale. Onto rertlrorle, olher than U.S.A. and Canada 10 Garrard Engineering & Mfg. Co.• lid .• Swindon. Wilts .• England FEATURE ARTICLES HiFREVIEiW Should I Convert to Stereo? 38 Norman Eisenberl?; September, 1959 The road La stereo is paved with flood ada.pters Vol. 3 No. 3 The Undaunted Discophiles 4 2 Frank Jacobs P ltblisher A Stu' vay oJ some of lhe record colipe/ors who U have everything" O li ver R end a,nd how lhey got lhal way Edi/Qr Quiet, Rubinstein Recording! 4 6 John Pfeiffer O liver P. FerreU R CA Victor's r CI:or ding director lells what it's li/.w 10 worh 'With Music E dilor lhe greatest Chopin player of ow' day David Hall Old Conductors Never Fade 51 Doron K. Antrim .4 rt D I:N'clor A look ai lhe reasons for lhe aslon­ A Ihert G ruen ish ing vitality of some of our oldest and greatest orchestra. conductors Associate /£flilors lIa ns Fan LeI Omni-Stereo for Odd-shaped Rooms 53 John G. Reinhard Nunc y L a ng lvl ulli-."pealwr sr.f up co mbines omni-dil'cclional willi, stereo pHeels Contrib/l lillf/ Ed ilurs M a r tin Bookspan' Wa r re ll D e M o t Le The Well-constructed Anatomy 55 Nat Hentoff Ha lph J. G leason S ta nley G reen Dukl' E llina!o,"t's /il'stfull-len.!Jlh Nut H entoll' film SCD!'I' turns oul- Io be one of 11./: .'1 Gcorl{e J ell inck most subsiu.nl,:a.l (lch if!IJC mell.is D avid R a ndo lp h J oh n T hornto n Stereo Balancing 56 Hans H. Fantel A dtJcri isi n[1 D il'el"lof' New "null" indica/ors lell optimum John A. R ou3n. Jr. self infl at a giu,nee Easlern Advertising Jltl a. rwyer Lurry Sporn REVIEWS l IFF·DAVIS PUBLISH ING CO .. One Park Martin Bookspan, Warren DeMotte, Ave., New York 16, N. Y. William B. lift, Stereo HiFi Concert 6 1 Chairman of the Board (1946-1953); William George Jellinek, John Thornton liff, President; W . Bradford Br iggs, Execu­ tive Vice President ; Michael Michaelson, Vice President and Circulation Director; Martin Bookspan, Warren DeMotte, Hershel B. Sarbin, Vice President; Howard Mono HiFi Concert 81 Stouqhton, J r., Treasurer. George l ellinek, David Randolph, John Thornton BRANCH OFFICES: Midwestern Office, 434 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 5, III. , Tom Ralph J . Gleason, Stanley Green, Be rry, Midwest Advertising Manager; Stereo Entertainment 95 Western Office, Room 412, 215 West 7th Nat Hentoff St ., Los Angeles 17, Calif., James R. Pierce, Western Advertising Manager; Foreign Ad ­ veri ising Representatives: D. A. Goodall Mono Entertainment 105 Ralph J . Gleason, Stanl ey Green, ttd" London; Albert Milhado & Co ., Ltd ., [ at HenLoff Antwerp and Dusseldorf. SUBSCRIPT ION SERVI C E Forms 3579 and all subscription corre· spondence should be addressed to Cir­ cularion Department, 434 South Wabash COLUMNS AND MISCELLANEOUS Avenue, Chicago 5, Illinois. Please allow at least four weeks for change of address. Include you r old address a s well as new -enclosing if possible an address label HiFi Soundings 6 Bookshelf 22 from a recent issue . • CO NTRIB UTORS Musical Oddentities 16 Just Looking 30 Contributors are advised to retain a copy of their manuscript a nd illustrations. Con· tributions should be mai led to the New York Editorial office and must be accom­ The Basic Repertoire 18 Advertisers' Index 115 panied by return postage.
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