FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2003 • VOL. 174, NO. 30 • 90 CENTS • BOSTON’S CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER ✝ AMERICA’S OLDEST CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER 1 • THE PILOT • SPECIAL SECTION • AUGUST 1, 2003 AUGUST SECTION • • SPECIAL THE PILOT 1 • Welcoming a new shepherd BY FATHER ROBERT M. O’GRADY stallation of their new bishop, the Most siastic ‘‘yes’’ accompanied by an imme- Deacon Paul Sullivan of the diocese Rev. George Coleman. diate response. of Providence made sure that we had a he word deadline took on new Coordinating the effort of so many Father Douglas Clark of the diocese copy of Archbishop O’Malley’s coat of meaning for the entire Pilot staff professionals, contacting valued col- of Savannah, Ga., and editor there of arms, as well as its description. Dea- T at the beginning of July. In the laborators, both here in the archdiocese The Southern Cross, made his article on con Sullivan is a world-wide expert on midst of our annual “hiatus” the half and in other dioceses, has been a thrill. Bishop Persico, the first Capuchin to the heraldry of bishops and has de- of the staff that was in the office learned Typically it would start “Hello, Irene? serve as diocesan bishop in the United signed and executed coats of arms for that Bishop Seán P. Father O’Grady from Boston. We’re States available for our use. more than 400 bishops, archbishops O’Malley, OFM Cap. working on a special issue for Arch- A few individuals not associated and cardinals. the fourth bishop of bishop O’Malley’s installation on July with newspapers or communications Mr. Charles Bransom of Mango, Fla., Florida’s Palm Beach 30. I was hoping that you might have also made generous editorial contribu- who is a renowned and internationally diocese, would be the the story you ran last November on tions: On very short notice, Father known expert on the “family trees” or ninth bishop and sixth page five of The Florida Catholic in elec- Rodney Thibeault of the Fall River dio- episcopal lineages of bishops, contrib- archbishop of Boston. tronic form? And pictures in electronic cese provided a first-hand and personal uted three articles, one from his area of The editor decided form? And can we have your permis- view of Archbishop O’Malley’s rela- expertise and one each on other Capu- that a special “extra is- sion to use them?” tionship with the seminarians and chin bishops and other bishops from sue” was in order and Invariably the answer was an enthu- priests of the Fall River diocese. religious orders in the United States. literally within hours we had planned The seemingly infinite resources of the layout, started gathering stories and ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ the Internet provided us with some in- information, and with cooperation and formation about two well-known Ca- collaboration from many people in puchins — St. Pio of Pietreclina, more many places, we had the special issue For new beginnings in the Archdiocese of Boston familiarly known as Padre Pio; and an out even as Archbishop O’Malley was American candidate for beatification, winging his way home to Palm Beach. Father Solanus Casey. When the date for the installation of Gracious God, You have asked that we love one another after the A particularly Franciscan devotion the new archbishop had been set for example of Your Son Who died that He might live and that we might is the San Damiano Cross. Both the ex- July 30, the staff shifted gears again. live with You forever. planation and points for prayer and de- Joan McAllister, in advertising, set the votion accompany that article. gears in motion to seek ads from busi- The strong become weak under the strong power of Your grace. The remaining material is all “in nesses, parishes, and agencies and from Pour the strengthening power of Your grace over each and all of us house” that is The Pilot’s staff either the dioceses across the nation. Their re- wrote it or we used material from our in this Church in Boston. sponse, on such short notice, has been own library written or collected by overwhelming. That support has made present or previous staff members. Your Son, Jesus Christ gave us life through His Cross and prom- this 72-page special issue possible. It is our hope that this issue will pro- The editorial staff was doubly ised us that in this sign you will conquer. May the victory of your vide you not only with information pressed as they still had regularly Son be the victory of His people in this local Church. about our new archbishop; but more weekly papers to produce, while at the importantly will introduce you to the same time gathering information, con- Give us strength in hard times that we may know You, the only true person, the priest, and the bishop — ducting interviews and collecting pic- God, and Him Whom You have sent, Your son Jesus Christ. May we Seán Patrick O’Malley. tures and setting up photo shots. make Him known and loved by our lives of faith and service. You will meet a man who loves his Our colleagues Irene Hey and her families — the O’Malleys, Franciscan team at The Florida Catholic in the dio- May the prayer of Your Son that Your kingdom come be the de- and diocesan. You will meet a religious cese of Palm Beach, and Msgr. John sire of each of our hearts. In carrying out His command may we who follows intensely the lead of his Moore and Mr. John Kearns of the com- realize the great vocation each of us has to live is Christ. model in the Capuchin order, Francis munications office, and Dave Jolivert of Assisi. Brother Franciscans and at The Anchor, all in the Fall River dio- The Mother of Your Son entrusted us with the guiding direction priests with whom he has served will cese, were especially kind in their re- to do whatever He tells you. May her prayers for the people re- tell of his joy in being a priest. sponse. To Fall River we owe a special deemed by her Son and for the Church in Boston help us to follow His collaborators in the several dio- debt of gratitude because, while they her example as His first disciple. ceses where he has served will relate were helping us, they were also prepar- their great satisfaction in serving ing for the July 22 ordination and in- May the shepherds of Boston never be without the loving and with Archbishop O’Malley. He enjoys active collaboration of their people; nor may the people of this ven- a distinction in the history of the Church in the United States — he is the erable archdiocese lack the sure guidance of their shepherd. first American bishop to have served SINCE 1829 as diocesan bishop in four different Loving God, after having labored together to further Your King- Publisher: Most Rev. Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap. sees within the same episcopal confer- Editor: Antonio M. Enrique dom, bring this whole Church — bishops, priests, deacons, reli- ence. Assistant to Editor: Father Robert M. O’Grady gious and faithful laity — at last to Your eternal home. Managing Editor: Gregory L. Tracy Capuchin bishops are rare, espe- Editorial Staff: Joan Carney, Meghan Dorney cially in the United States, we hope that Advertising: Joan McAllister Amen. this issue will help you to appreciate Business Office/Circulation/Customer Service: Ann Bruce Production Manager: Nan Wilkins (Italicized words in above prayer are the mottoes of Boston’s nine former diocesan bishops.) and to know our new archbishop and Librarian: Sister Theresa Cunningham, SND to join with him as he takes up the Published every Friday, except for the ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ Lord’s challenge to St. Francis — “re- first two weeks of July and the last week build my Church.” of December, by The Pilot Publishing Company 2121 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02135-3101 617-746-5889 • 617-783-2684 FAX [Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.] Copy Deadline (editorial and advertising): Index 35 What’s he wearing? Friday, 12 p.m. THE EDITOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT, 36 Cross of San Damiano OMIT, OR EDIT ANY EDITORIAL OR ADVERTISING COPY SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION. 3 Introduction 37 His coat of arms Member: Catholic News Service, Vatican 5 Healer, administrator, leader 39 Who picks a bishop? Information Service, Catholic Press Association and the International Catholic Union of the Press. 11 In the coming days 41 The first American Capuchin bishop Annual subscription: domestic $30; 13 His family 43 We few, we American Capuchin bishops Canada $30 (U.S. $); all other countries, $50. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage 17 The O’Malley name 45 Bishops from religious orders provided for in Section 11-3, Acts of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Oct. 1, 1918, entered as periodicals 19 In the Virgin Islands 47 Boston’s previous shepherds postage paid at Boston, MA and additional 21 First day in Boston 49 Boston’s auxiliaries mailing offices. (ISSN 0744-933X) POSTMASTER: Send address change to: 25 Interview 55 Archbishop O’Malley’s four sees The Pilot, 2121 Commonwealth Ave. 31 Father knows best 57 A Capuchin saint—Padre Pio Boston, MA 02135-3101 Email: [email protected] 33 His episcopal family tree 59 Father Solanus Casey Web Site: www.rcab.org 3 • THE PILOT • SPECIAL SECTION • AUGUST 1, 2003 AUGUST SECTION • • SPECIAL THE PILOT 3 • Archbishop O’Malley — a healer, administrator and teacher BY MEGHAN DORNEY, IRENE HEY AND DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR After more than a year of un- certainty, many area Catholics were relieved that a spiritual leader of the Archdiocese of Bos- ton had finally been named and they are anxious for him to begin his work of “healing” the arch- diocese.
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