United Nations A/C.4/70/SR.10 General Assembly Distr.: General Seventieth session 30 November 2015 Official Records Original: English Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) Summary record of the 10th meeting Held at Headquarters, New York, on Tuesday, 20 October 2015, at 3 p.m. Chair: Mr. Medan (Vice-Chair) ......................................... (Croatia) Contents Agenda item 53: International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space (continued) This record is subject to correction. Corrections should be sent as soon as possible, under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned, to the Chief of the Documents Control Unit ([email protected]), and incorporated in a copy of the record. Corrected records will be reissued electronically on the Official Document System of the United Nations (http://documents.un.org/). 15-18136 (E) *1518136* A/C.4/70/SR.10 The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. 4. Malaysia had recently launched a third privately- owned MEASAT communication satellite, and during the meeting of the Space Environment Utilization Agenda item 53: International cooperation in the Working Group at the 21st Asia Pacific Regional Space peaceful uses of outer space (A/70/20) (continued) Agency Forum (APRSA-21) held in late 2014, it had 1. Mr. Saleh (Iraq) said that his Government had been asked to lead two research projects on plants in launched its first satellite in 2014, with funding from microgravity. As part of global disaster management the Italian Government and assistance from the United under that Agency’s Sentinel Asia initiative, Malaysia Nations Industrial Development Organization continued to serve as a data-analysis node for the (UNIDO). International cooperation had helped with satellites of countries including Thailand, India, Korea capacity-building in Iraq. In particular, his delegation and Japan, and thanked Japan for its support. Malaysia wished to thank the Korea Aerospace Research stood ready to give its full commitment and Institute (KARI), the Inter-Islamic Network on Space cooperation to the members of COPUOS to ensure the Sciences and Technology (ISNET), the United States success of space initiatives. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 5. Mr. Krasna (Israel) said that motivation, (NOAA) and Iranian partners for their support, which commitment and creativity were vital in using space to had been particularly useful with regard to sandstorms deal with nature’s challenges, improve communication and desertification. The Regional Centre for Space between people and find ways to help solve humanity’s Science and Technology Education for Western Asia greatest problems. With the huge cost of space research was a useful source of support. and development, the leaders in the field should move 2. Problems with the country’s dam structures made beyond national competitiveness and continue space-based early-warning systems vital. Research into cooperation with other nations, academia and the hydrological resources was ongoing, and a civilian private sector. website provided information on natural disasters and 6. The Israel Space Agency was focused on peaceful humanitarian tracking of displaced populations. All outer space cooperation and innovative scientific countries required access to space, irrespective of their projects based on international collaboration. In that capacities and level of development. Iraq firmly vein, the Agency had signed various cooperation condemned the militarization of and placement of agreements, including with the United States National weapons in space, which, as part of the common Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). heritage of humanity, belonged to no one and should A main objective of Israel’s national civil space only be used for peaceful purposes. His delegation programme was to become one of the five leading welcomed the work of the Committee on the Peaceful space nations through international cooperation and Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) on improving the partnerships. long-term sustainability of outer space activities and promoting international cooperation. 7. Israel had hosted the 66th International Astronautic Congress in 2015, and was pleased that 3. Mr. Shahabudin (Malaysia) said that space- participants had included representatives from Arab based technologies were key in ensuring the successful and Muslim countries including from the Persian Gulf, implementation of United Nations initiatives in disaster Jordan, Egypt and Indonesia. Israel also had ongoing risk reduction, climate change adaptation and space cooperation with the European Union, France mitigation, and sustainable development in its various and Italy, and had acceded to the United Nations dimensions. The data collected by space satellites Platform of Space-based Information for Disaster provided vital input for decision-making processes in Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER those fields. As space-based technologies required Initiative), which included Earth Resources significant human capital and large financial Observation and Science (EROS) images and expertise investments, however, his delegation encouraged on disaster management. Agreements between Israel developed countries and relevant international and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs organizations and agencies to assist developing (the Office) were also pending. countries with capacity-building in space science and technology. 2/11 15-18136 A/C.4/70/SR.10 8. In addition to working towards launching a Developing countries required more training and spacecraft to the moon, Israel was also making a capacity-building on the peaceful uses of outer space. communications satellite available for Facebook to The benefits of outer space technologies should be provide Internet access to 14 million people in made available for all humanity. Sub-Saharan Africa. No one had territorial claims in 13. Mr. Elmodir (Libya) called on Member States to space, which belonged to everyone; it was part of the work with the existing legal regimes governing outer solution that would enable new discoveries and space on matters including militarization and improve people’s lives. protecting the space environment from pollution. Libya 9. Ms. Sayed (Pakistan) said that the space industry also called for the development of instruments on the was characterized by regional and international use of outer space to bridge gaps in those regimes, cooperation. The Government of Pakistan was including the lack of a clear definition of outer space, developing the latest technology for geospatial as well as to strengthen international cooperation for applications, including with satellites designed by peaceful uses. Space opportunities should be equally students from 24 national universities under the available to all States, irrespective of their level of Pakistan National Student Satellite Program (PNSSP). scientific progress. All States should comply with the The Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States Commission (SUPARCO), the national space agency of in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including Pakistan, was planning an international conference on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (the Outer Space space in 2016, co-sponsored by ISNET. The Treaty), including the non-appropriation of celestial Conference would cover natural resource management, bodies. The issue of space debris required the ongoing urban and rural planning, health services and development of guidelines for mitigation, and education, sustainable agriculture, environmental COPUOS should develop binding rules on space monitoring, telecommunication services, and disaster debris. risk assessment, management and mitigation. 14. Increased cooperation was needed between 10. Pakistan was participating in the Scientific and spacefaring nations and countries aspiring to use outer Technical Subcommittee’s Working Group on the space for peaceful uses. There should be no Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities, as exploitation or monopolization of information on the well as in discussions of a draft International Code of security of earth or space, because of the risk of natural Conduct for Outer Space Activities, and called for such disasters. Space sciences were also essential for early- initiatives to be conducted in an inclusive manner warning systems in such areas as climate change and under the auspices of the United Nations. Her desertification. There should be no political Government was also a participant in that considerations in any of those areas. Libya was Subcommittee’s Working Group on the Use of Nuclear satisfied with the work of the UN-SPIDER Initiative in Power Sources in Outer Space, and recognized the that connection. need for nuclear power for interplanetary space 15. Mr. Zamora Rivas (El Salvador) said that his missions and deep-space exploration. delegation supported measures to preserve outer space 11. Her delegation supported all international as a zone of peaceful development, prevent its instruments relating to space debris mitigation. militarization and promote international cooperation. However, as emerging spacefaring nations were His Government urged those countries with developing countries that lacked the financial and well-developed exploration capacities to share their technological resources to comply with the COPUOS knowledge. Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines, she called for 16. As a COPUOS Observer, El Salvador
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