Coordinating Special US. Department of Transportation Transportation Services in Louisiana December 1988 UMTA Technical Assistance Program As originally issued, this report included a number of appendices deal- ing with design of the demonstrations, and data collection for their evaluation. That material has been omitted fran the current printing of the document. For those interested in such issues, the i^pendices are listed in the table of contents, and the full document with Appendices is available at cost through the National Technical Information Ser- vice in Springfield, Virginia. Coordinating Special Transportation Services in Louisiana Final Report December 1988 Prepared by Urban Systems, Inc. 4822 Prytania Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70115 Prepared for Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development P.O. Box 94245 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 Funded by Urban Mass Transportation Administration U.S. Department of Transportation 400 Seventh Street SW Washington, D.C. 20590 Distributed in Cooperation with Technology Sharing Program U.S. Department of Transportation Washington, D.C. 20590 DOT-T-89-08 DISCLAIMER This report on llic .S/;cr/V;/ Transponiuion Enhuncciuen! Pro^ra)}} for Elderly, Handicapped, and Dischh'aniai^ed Transjn)nati(>n Patrons was funded by the Urban Mass Trans{X)rtation Administration (UMTA Grant No. LA-()h-(K)()7) and \'vas prepared for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development pursuant to State Project No. 700-20-25. The report uas prepared by Urban Systems, Inc. Tlie opinions expressed in this report reflect the \ieu'S of Urban Systems, Inc., and do not necessarily reflect the position or fiolicN' of the Urban N4ass Transportation Administration or the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development. Thus, no official endorsement on the part of the sponsors should be inferred. Acknowledgements Tliis report was made possible through the cooperation and assistance of many people. Urban Systems, Inc., wishes to lliank tliose 16(b)(2) operators in Orleans Parish and Tangipahoa Parish that assisted us with an inventor}' of special transportation scr\'ices (Table 3.1) and those that participated in the demonstration program (Table 9.1). Tliese operatorsprovidedpertinent operational data on their transportation programs and offered valuable insight from their own experience into the specialproblems affecting transportation sen'icesforthe elderly and handicapped. Wuhout the cooperation of the 16(b)(2) operators, completion of this project would not have been possible. Urban Systems, Inc., also wishes to thank the Regional Planning Commission ofJefferson, Orleans, St. Bernard and St. Tammany Parishes for their assistance on this project. Specifically, Mr. Walter Brooks, Mr. Jim Harx'ey, and Ms. Barbara Philips each provided Urban Systems his/liertime andprovided coordination and technical assistance in carr^nng out this project. Finally, Urban Systems, Inc., wishes to thank the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, especially Ms. Deidre Adams and Ms. Carol Tullier, for their guidance and assistance throughout this project; and the Urban Mass Transportation Administration for their assistance and financial funding for this project. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter I: Introduction Background I-l Goals 1-2 Project Description .....1-2 Organization of the Report 1-5 Part I: Inventory of 16(b)(2) Special Transportation Services Chapter II: Special Transportation Overview Funding Sources II-l Overview II-7 Chapter III: 16(b)(2) Special Transportation Services, Orleans Parish General Profile or Service Agencies III-l Transportation Services IIT8 Origin and Destination of Trips Ill- 13 Operational Analysis III-15 Chapter IV: 16(b)(2) Special Transportation Services, Tangipahoa Parish General Profile of Service Agencies IV-1 Transportation Services IV-4 Origin and Destination of Trips IV-6 Operational Analysis IV-6 Chapter V: Comparison of 16(b)(2) Special Transportation Services in Orleans and Tangipahoa Parishes Operational Analysis V-1 System Deficiencies V-4 Estimation of Demand V-8 Part II: Coordination of 16(b)(2) Special Transportation Services Chapter VI: Identification of Coordination Alternatives Literature Search VI-1 Coordination Efforts Used in Section 16(b)(2) Programs VI-5 Description of Coordination Alternatives VI-8 (Continued) 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Chapter VII: Evaluation of Coordination Alternatives Preliminary Evaluation VII- In-Depth Evaluation VII-6 Chapter VIII: Implementation of the Special Transportation Enhancement Demonstration Program Development of Coordination Alternatives VIII-1 Operational Procedures VIII- 10 Record Keeping Requirements VIII-14 Chapter IX: Results of the Special 7 rans{)()rtation Enhancement Demonstration Program Analysis of Implemented Coordination Alternatives IX-1 Transportation Operating Cost Analysis IX- 11 Chapter X: Recommendations for Enhancing Special Transportation Services in Louisiana Centralized Provision of Special Transportation SerA'ices X-1 Recommendations Under the Existing Program Structure X-5 APPENDICES Appendix A: Questionnaire Appendix B: Service Area Maps, Orleans Parish Appendix C: Ridership Profile Data Base Appendix D: Trip Profile Data Base Appendix E: Reporting Procedures and Standardized Reporting Elements Appendix F: Data Base for Determining Trips Per Vehicle Mile and Trips Per Vehicle Hour Appendix G: Coordination of Special Transportation Ser\'ices: Annotated Bibliography Appendix H: Demonstration Program Evaluation Form Appendix I: Recommended On-Line Data Base for a Central Provider System Appendix J: Cost Saving Methods for Special Transportation Programs TABLES 3.1 General Profile of Service Agencies That Use UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, Orleans Parish III-l 3.2 A Breakdown of the Estimated Number of Elderly and Handicapped Persons Using 16(b)(2) Special Transportation Services in Orleans Parish III-4 3.3 Percentage of Total Elderly and Handicapped 16(b)(2) Transportation Users by Area, Orleans Parish (On Page) III-6 3.4 Transportation Services Provided by Agencies That Use UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, Orleans Parish III-8 3.5 Major Origins and Destinations of Trips Provided by 16(b)(2) Operators, Orleans Parish III-13 3.6 Ridership Profile for a Sample of Agencies That Use UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, 1986, Orleans Parish IIM5 3.7 Trip Profile for a Sample of Service Agencies With UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, 1986, Orleans Parish III-17 3.8 Average Monthly Transportation Operating Costs for a Sample of Service Agencies That Use UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, 1986, Orleans Parish III-18 3.9 Examples of How Fuel Price and Fuel Efficiency Can Affect Average Monthly Fuel Costs 111-19 3.10 Average Monthly Operating Statistics and Performance Measures for a Sample of Service Agencies That Use UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, 1986, Orleans Parish III-22 4.1 General Profile of Service Agencies That Use UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, Tangipahoa Parish IV-1 4.2 A Breakdown of the Estimated Number of Elderly and Handicapped Persons Using 16(b)(2) Special Transportation Services in Tangipahoa Parish IV-2 4.3 Transportation Services Provided by Service Agencies That Use UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, Tangipahoa Parish IV-4 (Continued) TABLES (Continued) Table Following Page 4.4 Major Origins and Destinations of Trips Provided by 16(b)(2) Operators, Tangipahoa Parish (On Page) IV-6 4.5 Ridership Profile for Service Agencies That Use UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, 1986, Tangipahoa Parish IV-7 4.6 Trip Profiles for Service Acencies With UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, 1986, Tangipahoa Parish IV-7 4.7 Average Monthly Transportation Operating Costs for Service Agencies That Use UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, 1986, Tangipahoa Parish IV-7 4.8 Average Monthly Operating Statistics and Performance Measures for Service Agencies That Use UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles, 1986, Tangipahoa Parish IV-9 5.1 Average Number of Days/Month and Hours/Day UMTA 16(b)(2) Vehicles Are Used and Average Number of Passenger Trips/Day, Orleans and Tangipahoa Parishes, 1986 V-5 7.1 Preliminary Evaluation of Coordination Alternatives for the Special Transportation Enhancement Demonstration Program VII-2 8.1 Coordination Alternatives Selected by the Participating 16(b)(2) Operators in Orleans Parish and Tangipahoa Parish VIII- 10 9.1 Coordination Alternatives Utilized by Participating 16(b)(2) Operators in Orleans Parish and Tangipahoa Parish During the Demonstration Program IX-1 9.2 Preventive Maintenance/Repair Services Performed as Part of the Demonstration Program IX-4 9.3 Insurance Savings for 16(b)(2) Operators That Used the LACOA Group Vehicle Insurance Plan During the Demonstration Program IX-7 (Continued) - I TABLES (Continued) Table Following Page 9.4 Estimated Fuel Savings for 16(b)(2) Operators That Used Fuelman During the Demonstration Program, Orleans Parish IX-8 9.5 Average Projected 1988 Fuel Savings for 16(b)(2) Operators Using Fuelman, Orleans Parish IX-9 9.6 Estimated Fuel Savings for 16(b)(2) Operators That Used Fuelman During the Demonstration Program, Tangipahoa Parish IX-9 9.7 Average Projected 1988 Fuel Savings for 16(b)(2) Operators Using Fuelman, Tangipahoa Parish IX-10 9.8 Average Monthly Transportation Operating Cost Data and Estimated Savings for 16(b)(2) Operators in Orleans Parish That Participated in the Demonstration Program IX-12 9.9 Average Monthly Transportation Operating Cost Data and Estimated Savings for 16(b)(2) Operators in Tangipahoa Parish That Participated in the Demonstration Program X-13 9.10 1988 Estimated Cost Savings for 16(b)(2) Operators
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