What Time Do You Have? If JVILI nsk th~tquestio:l of Conductor Thomas or Engineer S~~llivan,of che Rock Islancl "Midcontirlcnt Special," thcy will both answcr: "Ha~nilcontimc." These veterans in railroad serv- ice !<now that I1;:mllron ti~~icIxans ;iccur;ite time; Hamilton, to thcm, is just anotticr rvorcl for zxcuracy. Hamilron r:lilroad models And that's the way most railroad men feel ahout it. They ucnow avaihhlc iirrctl \\.irh L~OWchat Hamiiron is :I![ that a milrod watch should be-a r~rherchc famous Harnilron 002 movement, 2! ,jewels, rimepiece of zccuracy, sturdiness and clependabilicy. They know ndiusrcd to five pourloris, or chat Hamilton embodics every rvorrhwhile feature known to rhe Hamilton 950 niovc- wntchmaking science, evcn though its makers never bo:lstfuily Inent, 23 jcwls, adjusccd ro " blo\v slnoke" :tbo~~tit. Ilvc posirions. Your jeacicr will be glad rohow yo11 anv \i;hcn yoa need a watch-xncl perhaps during r~)zSyou will of rhcsc models-in filli-d want to make a change-insist on owning a Hamilton. That is whitc, green or ycllow gold. the hcst rvay of insuring yourself watch satisfaction. Write for a copy of the new Hamilcon Timc Book 2nd folder denling with the vario~~srnilro;~cl mc>dcls. You rvill find them both mighty useful. HAMILTON WATCH COLMPANY 990 ~VIIL,\TL.\XI)AVENUE, LANCA~TLR, PENMA., U. S. A. y -4;. The Railroad Timekeeper of America" fr iiary, 1928 Page 1 Plants at + ABERDEEN, MISS., on Frisco SUPPLYING COLUMBUS, MISS., on Southern PILING STEEN, MISS., on Southern for WIBLEY,' MISS., on C. Q G. J. W.McMURRY on MILPORT, ALA., on Southern BRIDGE WORK FERNBANK, ALA., on Southern MIKE P. PARRA DEALER IN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH POLES TIES AND PILING for RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION AND FOUNDATIONS BOX 30 COLUMBUS, MISS. Magnus Company INCORPORATED Journal Bearings and Bronze Engine Castings NEW YORK CHICAGO I Indiana and Illinois Coal Corporation MONTGOMERY COUNTY ILLINOIS COAL 1425 Old Colony Building CHICAGO Iaily Capacity, 20,000 Tons Located on the Big Four and C. & E. I, Railroads Page 2 -.-_AL.?( D(CLUSIvELY MAIN PLANT AND GENERAL OFFICES SPRINGFIELD. MISSOURI BUFFALO BRAKE BEAM COMPANY - BRAKE BEAMS - AUXILIARY SUPPORTS FOR BRAKE BEAMS ft Key Locks (Self Locking) Brake Pins (Self Locking) NEW YORK BUFFALO THE OHIO INJECTOR COMPANY 1437 Monadnock Block CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Manufacturerm of OHIO LIFTING INJECTORS CHICAGO NON-LIFTING INJECTORS CHICAGO AUTOMATIC FLANGE OILERS, CHICAGO LUBRICATORS, OHIO LOW WATER ALARMS, CHICAGO AUTOMATIC DRIFTING VALVES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILER ATTACHMENTS, OHIO CAB SQUIRTS MINER FRICTION DRAFT GEARS IDEAL SAFETY HAND BRAKES I SAFETY BOLSTER LOCKING CENTER PINS I REFRIGERATOR CAR DOOR FASTENERS SIDE BEARINGS /A W. H. MINER, INC. 1 CHICAGO THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOM 743 FRISCO BUILDING :: ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUGGINS, Jr.. Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. Assocfrrte Edllor WM. MsM1L.LAN. Aducrtlslng Monagcr H. A. PICKWS. Asst. Ed.-Frlsco Mcchanlc J. J. KAPLAN. Adocrtlslna Sollclllrr Vol. V JANUARY. 1928 No. 4 Permission is given to reprint, with or without credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Col~~mbr~s(Xliss.) Welcomcs First Train ............................................... 4-5 Our Railroads as Taxpayers.......................................................................... ,.......................... 6 By 11. 0, Bishop in Ah!ioitol Repttb1i:- Fullers Serve Frisco 107 Ycars ................................... .................................................................... 7 rllucbonnet Christened on First Run .......................................................... 8 Frisco Poultry in kcat Slio\\. ............................................................................................................. 9 New l'car Greetings from President Kurn............................................. ..10 News of the Frisco Clubs ............................................................................................................. 11-15 Frisco Completes Track with Katy at Shcrman ............ ....... ........................16 The History of 1927 Frisco Dollar .................................................................................................... 17 I'mployes Reduced Rough Handling 40 Pcr Cent in First 11 l\iontlis............................. .......:..... 1'1 Passenger Trains 95.1 Per Cent on Time for November ............................................................ 21 New Year's Greeting from Veterans' Auxiliary ................................................. 23 By Mrs. IV. R. Boyd Silkworm Raising Unique Hobby of Frisco Employe ............................................. 2-1 Frisco Derby Day at Tulsa, Okla ............................... ..... ....................................................... 26 -4 Million Dollars for Lights on Frisco Cars................................................................................. 28 By F. G. Baker For Meritorious Service......................................................................................................................... 30-31 Frisco Fuel Perfomance Records............................................................................................... 32-33 I'cnsion Roll ................................................................................................................................................34-35 Homemakers' Page ..................... ..... .......... ............ .................................................................................. 36-37 'The Twilight J:lour .............................................................................................................................8 33 I'ditorials .................................................. ................................................ 40 Flashes of hIerrimcnt............................................................................................................................. 41 Frisco bl[eclianic ........................ ..... ...........................................................................................................4Z.51 I;risco Family News ................................................................................................................................52-80 - - THE--~ FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE MEMBER The Frlsco Employes' Magrrine Is a monthly publicntlon devoted prlmarlly to the Interask of the more than 30,000 active and retired elnployes of the Frisco Lines. It conLnins stories, items of current news, pervonal notes about employes nod their families, nrtlcles dealing with vnrious phases of railroad work, poems, cartoons and notlces regarding the servlee. Good clear ghotojirnphs suIl3ble lor repr0dUdIOn nre especi:illy dedred. and wlll be returned only when requested. All cartoons and drawings nus st be in black India drawing Ink. Employes are lnvlted to wrlte nrtlcles for the magazine. Contribulions should be type- ' wrltten, on one side of the sheet only, arid should be iiddressed to the EdItor. Frisco Building, st. Louis, 310. Ulstrllrut~xl free anion: Frixco eni11loyc.s. To olhers, l~rice1.j cents u col)y : sul~scriptlonrate $1.50 a year. Adrertlsing rates will be mnde known upon appll~?tlon. Page 4 COLUMBUS WELCOMES FIRST TRAIN T was good news, indeed, to these and many others of Colunk Frisco eml~lo~eswhen Presi- Inaugu ration of Passengc bus' business and social register I dent Kurn announced two joined hands in planning for the years ago, that Frisco Lines had SCPU~C~On NCW Extension big event. acquired the Muscle Shoals, Bir- It didn't make much difference mingllani and Pensacola Railroad. Dee* ''9 Enthusiasticazzg to columb~~if the first Fri, Frisco folks knew that this 150- Received freight train did steam into Co- mile line ran north from the lumbus on December 5. The town splendid gulf port of Pensacola to further south than Aliceville, Ala. welcomed that train, too, but it Kimbrough, Ala. They knew that 148 Weeks ago Columbians began lay- wanted to save its enthusiasm for the miles north of Kimbrough, Ala., was ing plans for a fltting celebration passenger service. Amory, Miss., an important point on when the first passenger train All along the Frisco lines to the the Frisco's main line from Memphis north, word spread of the "party" to Birmingham. Columbus was having for that train, Therefore, when the news came President Kurn's Greeting and it is a safe prediction that every from the president's office on Decem- worker on the road envied those who ber 1, 1925, it was a good Christmas to Columbus made up the Frisco's part of the cele- present to this railroad's workers, be- Today is a red lctto- day for the bration. cause they knew that the Frisco had Frisco Lines. So ~olumbuswas "all set" on De- at last succeeded in its attempts to Today we tnkc our place as a new cember 16, when the first passenger secure a tidewater outlet. mrd errthrlsinstic fnctor irr the service train to operate south of Aberdeen, A good deal of water has gone over of your tl~rmitcgcity. ifliss., was run to Columbus, with en- the dam since that announcement two Mo;l!hs of plaitrtiirg, the exbeitdl- ture of h1rirdreds of tlzousarrds of gineer G. 31. Schwend at the throt- years ago. A good many hundreds dollars artd the co-operatiott of thic tle, and conductor "Bob" Griffin, in of thousands of dollars have been conlirttrrrity ltnvc made possible our charge. spent, hundreds of additional men em- dream of train service from Coluiir- Long before the arrival hour or ployed, tons of steel, car loads of
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