IHSAA News Release Indiana High School Athleঞ c Associaঞ on, Inc. 9150 N. Meridian Street, PO Box 40650, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240-0650 317-846-6601 ▪ Fax: 317-575-4244 ▪ IHSAA.org ▪ IHSAAtv.org ▪ @IHSAA1 TICKETS THE 53rd ANNUAL $10.00 per person. All seats general admission. Children age two and younger free of charge. IHSAA BASEBALL STATE FINALS Tickets may be purchased at par cipa ng schools the week of the state fi nals (contact June 17-18, 2019 schools for cket distribu on hours) or at Victory Field on gameday. Victory Field ▪ Indianapolis, Ind. PARKING The Victory Field lot to the west of the stadium is the nearest op on and requires a $5 parking fee. If full, there are several lots available within short walking distance of Victory Field. The State Garage, opposite the centerfi eld entrance on the northeast corner of Maryland and West streets along with the underground garage northwest of the stadium for the NCAA, Indiana State Museum and White River State Park. GATES OPEN Gates open at at 4:30 pm ET / 3:30 pm CT (one hour prior to the fi rst game each day). TWITTER Follow us @IHSAA1 and use hashtag #IHSAA UNIVERSITY (21-10-1) vs. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP (23-6) TELEVISION & WEBCAST MON, 5:30 PM ET ▪ VICTORY FIELD ▪ INDIANAPOLIS ▪ FOX SPORTS INDIANA ▪ IHSAATV.ORG All four state championship games will air live on Fox Sports Indiana and be streamed at UNIVERSITY TRAILBLAZERS WASHINGTON TWP. SENATORS IHSAAtv.org. For viewers outside of the Fox Head Coach: Chris Estep Head Coach: Randy Roberts Sports Indiana coverage area, a live stream CLASS A Record at University: 128-91-1 (11th Year) Record at Wash. Twp.: 441-239 (23rd Year) will be available at IHSAAtv.org. For those Overall: 128-91-1 (11th Year) Overall: 441-239 (23rd Year) within the FSI coverage area, the stream will be available only on delayed basis following the conclusion of the telecast. COLUMBUS EAST (25-4) vs. HAMILTON SOUTHEASTERN (22-8) MON, 8:30 PM ET ▪ VICTORY FIELD ▪ INDIANAPOLIS ▪ FOX SPORTS INDIANA ▪ IHSAATV.ORG COLUMBUS EAST OLYMPIANS HAMILTON SOUTHEASTERN ROYALS Head Coach: Jon Gratz Head Coach: Jeremy Sassanella CLASS 4A Record at East: 148-88 (9th Year) Record at HSE: 22-8 (1st Year) Overall: 148-88 (9th Year) Overall: 84-92 (7th Year) BROADCAST TEAMS EDGEWOOD (24-3) vs. ANDREAN (35-1) Class A ▪ Play-by-Play Mark Jaynes TUES, 5:30 PM ET ▪ VICTORY FIELD ▪ INDIANAPOLIS ▪ FOX SPORTS INDIANA ▪ IHSAATV.ORG ▪ Color Analyst Brian Jennings ▪ Sideline Reporter Pat Boylan EDGEWOOD MUSTANGS ANDREAN FIGHTING 59ERS Head Coach: Bob Jones Head Coach: Dave Pishkur Class 4A CLASS 3A Record at Edgewood: 493-363 (34th Year) Record at Andrean: 1,013-284 (40th Year) ▪ Play-by-Play Mark Jaynes Overall: 493-363 (34th Year) Overall: 1,013-284 (40th Year) ▪ Color Analyst Brian Jennings ▪ Sideline Reporter Pat Boylan Class 3A ▪ Play-by-Play Greg Rakestraw SOUTHRIDGE (22-8) vs. ALEXANDRIA MONROE (28-6) ▪ Color Analyst Rob Blackman ▪ Sideline Reporter Jeremiah Johnson TUES, 8:30 PM ET ▪ VICTORY FIELD ▪ INDIANAPOLIS ▪ FOX SPORTS INDIANA ▪ IHSAATV.ORG SOUTHRIDGE RAIDERS ALEXANDRIA TIGERS Class 2A Head Coach: Gene Ma ngly Head Coach: Jeff Closser ▪ Play-by-Play Greg Rakestraw CLASS 2A Record at Southridge: 47-15 (2nd Year) Record at Alex: 208-186 (13th Year) ▪ Color Analyst Rob Blackman Overall: 47-15 (2nd Year) Overall: 208-186 (13th Year) ▪ Sideline Reporter Jeremiah Johnson #FaceOfSportsmanship #IHSAA RADIO BROADCAST ASSIGNMENTS SCOTT ARTHUR TO BE HONORED INDIANA HS BASEBALL COACHES ASSOC. WITH OUTSTANDING OFFICIALS AWARD FINAL REGULAR SEASON POLL Class A ▪ Play-by-Play Walt Ferber Sco Arthur is the recipient of the Class 4A ▪ Color Analyst Bob Lovell 2019 Interscholas c Athle c Offi cial 1. Crown Point (24-4) 148 Associa on Award for excellence in the 2. Center Grove (23-2) 134 Class 4A sport of Baseball. Sco will be honored 3. Columbus East (19-4) 100 ▪ Play-by-Play Greg Rakestraw in a special ceremony at this week’s state 4. New Albany (22-6) 86 ▪ Color Analyst Chris Walker fi nals. 5. Penn (14-3) 78 Each year, the Indiana High School 6. Bloomington North (21-3) 76 Class 3A Athle c Associa on, in coopera on with 7. Columbus North (20-7) 68 ▪ Play-by-Play Sco McCauley the Na onal Federa on of Interscholas c 8. Castle (19-5) 50 ▪ Color Analyst John Herrick Offi cials 9. Jasper (24-7) 34 Associa on, 10. Mishawaka (20-6) 24 Class 2A recognizes Others: Bloomington South, Carmel, Fort ▪ Play-by-Play Brian Jennings and honors an Wayne Northrop, Hamilton Southeastern, ▪ Color Analyst Jus n Keever outstanding Homestead, Jeff ersonville, Lake Central, offi cial in each McCutcheon. of 11 sports during the Class 3A school year. 1. Andrean (28-1) 160 Sco was 2. Edgewood (17-3) 112 selected for 3. Crawfordsville (21-4) 108 this honor by 4. West Vigo (22-3) 104 a commi ee 5. Guerin Catholic (17-5) 84 represen ng the Indiana offi cials 6. New Prairie (22-5) 82 associa ons. A member of the 7. Benton Central (19-5) 68 Southwestern Indiana Offi cials 8. Western (15-7) 44 Associa on, Sco has offi ciated 19 9. South Bend St. Joseph (12-2) 36 sec onals, 11 regionals, 4 semi-states, 10. Silver Creek (18-8) 24 and 4 state fi nals during his 26 years as Others: Griffi th, Leo, Muncie Central, a licensed baseball offi cial. He is also Norwell, Providence, Sullivan. licensed in basketball and has offi ciated 3 Baugh City WYIR 96.9 FM state fi nals for both boys and girls. Class 2A Boonville WBNL 1540 FM Sco is a graduate of the University 1. Hagerstown (23-1) 138 Boonville WBNL 99.9 FM of Evansville in mathema cs. Currently, 2. Alexandria Monroe (23-5) 114 Brazil WAMB 1130 AM Sco works as a mathema cian for NSWC T3. Lafaye e Central Catholic (18-9) 88 Brazil WAMB 106.9 FM Crane and has been for 20 years. In T3. Monroe Central (20-4) 88 Culver WYMR 98.3 FM addi on to his involvement in high school T5. Lewis Cass (10-2) 82 Hammond WJOB 1230 AM athle cs, Sco works with local youth T5. Linton-Stockton (21-5) 82 Hammond WJOB 104.7 FM programs for both baseball and basketball. T7. Union County (21-5) 46 Indianapolis WFNI 1070 AM He also assists the local high school with T7. South Adams (17-6) 46 Indianapolis WFNI 107.5 FM scholas c groups such as Na onal Beta 9. Wapahani (19-9) 22 Indianapolis Network IN 1070 AM Club, and Sco helps with other fund- 10. Wabash (15-6) 18 Jasper WITZ 104.7 FM raising ac vites for the school. Others: Delphi, Eastside, South Vermillion, Jasper WQKZ 98.5 FM Sco and his wife Marci reside in Wabash. Jeff ersonville WXVW 1450 AM Loogootee and have two children, Dylan Michigan City WEFM 95.9 FM (18) and Shealyn (15). Class A Paoli WUME 95.3 FM 1. Hauser (18-4) 98 Plymouth WTCA 106.1 FM 2. Rossville (16-7) 92 Plymouth WTCA 1050 AM 3. Rising Sun (16-5) 88 Rensselaer WLQI 97.7 FM T4. South Central (Union Mills) (17-5) 70 Rensselaer WRIN 1560 AM T4. Washington Township (17-5) 70 Rensselaer WRIN 104.5 FM 6. Barr-Reeve (14-5) 64 Salem WSLM 1220 AM 7. Covington (11-5) 40 Salem WSLM 97.9 FM 8. Southwestern (Shelbyville) (14-6) 26 Seymour WZZB 99.3 FM 9. Tecumseh (12-5) 24 Seymour WZZB 1390 AM 10. Riverton Parke (17-10) 22 Sullivan WNDI 95.3 FM Others: Daleville, Fort Wayne Blackhawk Terre Haute WAMB 99.5 FM Chris an, Loogootee, Northeast Dubois, Washington WAMW 1580 AM Northfi eld, Oldenburg Academy, Pioneer, Washington WAMW 95.9 FM Shakamak, Shoals. Washington WAMW 107.9 FM #FaceOfSportsmanship #IHSAA STATE FINALS NOTABLES Defending State Champions in Field (1) Vincennes Lincoln, Western, Yorktown COUNTDOWN TO FIRST PITCH Andrean (3A) 2A: Alexandria Monroe, Aus n, Blu on, Delphi, Hagerstown, Indianapolis Monday, June 17 & Tuesday, June 18 2018 State Runners-Up in the Field (2) Scecina, Lanesville, LaVille, North 4:15 – 4:35 pm Both teams warm-up in Southridge (2A), University (A) Newton, North Posey, South Vermillion, the outfi eld (no spikes) Southridge, Speedway, Wabash, 4:30 pm Gates open for fans Returning State Finalists (3) Wapahani, Whi ng 4:40 pm Home team infi eld Andrean (3A), Southridge (2A), University A: Barr-Reeve, Blue River Valley, Daleville, prac ce (A) Fremont, Indianapolis Lutheran, North 4:50 pm Visitor team infi eld Miami, Washington Township, Rising prac ce Former State Champions in the Field (2) Sun, Riverton Parke, Rossville, Shakamak, 5:00 pm Field prepara on Andrean (3A) South Central (Elizabeth), South Central 5:25 pm Ground rules Alexandria Monroe (A) (Union Mills), Tecumseh, Trinity Lutheran, 5:28 pm Team introduc ons University, Washington Township 5:33 pm Na onal Anthem Playing for First State Championship (6) 5:37 pm Play ball Columbus East (4A) Regional Champions Edgewood (3A) 4A: Avon, Columbus East, Hamilton 7:15 – 7:35 pm Both teams warm-up in Hamilton Southeastern (4A) Southeastern, Mishawaka the outfi eld (no spikes) Southridge (2A) 3A: Andrean, Edgewood, Silver Creek, 7:40 pm Home team infi eld University (A) Yorktown prac ce Washington Township (A) 2A: Alexandria Monroe, South Vermillion, 7:50 pm Visitor team infi eld Southridge, Whi ng prac ce First Time State Finalists (3) A: Rossville, Tecumseh, University, 8:00 pm Field prepara on Edgewood (3A) Washington Township 8:25 pm Ground rules Hamilton Southeastern (4A) 8:27 pm Team introduc ons Washington Township (A) Semi-State Champions 8:30 pm Play ball 4A: Columbus East, Hamilton Consecuঞ ve State Finals Appearances Southeastern 2: Andrean (3A) 3A: Andrean, Edgewood 2: Southridge (2A) 2A: Alexandria Monroe, Southridge 2: University (A) A: University, Washington Township Consecuঞ ve Victories 34: Andrean (3A) 12: Columbus East (4A) 10: Hamilton Southeastern (4A) 7: University (A) 6: Edgewood (3A) 6: Southridge (2A) 6: Washington Township (A) 5: Alexandria Monroe (2A) Consecuঞ ve State Tournament Victories 13: Andrean (3A) 6: Columbus East (4A) 6: Hamilton Southeastern (4A) 6: Southridge (2A) 6: University (A) 6: Washington Township (A) 5: Alexandria Monroe (2A) 5: Edgewood (3A) Secঞ onal Champions 4A: Avon, Carroll (Fort Wayne), Castle, Columbus East, Crown Point, Decatur Central, Fort Wayne South Side, Greenfi eld-Central, Hamilton Southeastern, Indianapolis Cathedral, Jeff ersonville, Lake Central, Logansport, Mar nsville, Mishawaka, Northridge 3A: Andrean, Angola, Edgewood, Evansville Memorial, Frankfort, Griffi th, Indian Creek, Indianapolis Cardinal Ri er, Jay County, New Haven, Silver Creek, South Bend St.
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