Georgia College Knowledge Box Colonnade Special Collections 2-22-1937 Colonnade January 22, 1937 Colonnade Follow this and additional works at: https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Colonnade, "Colonnade January 22, 1937" (1937). Colonnade. 250. https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade/250 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Knowledge Box. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colonnade by an authorized administrator of Knowledge Box. I T «, If*' s t Vol XII Georgia State College For Women, Miiledgeville, Ga., Jan.;22, 1937. Number 14 SHEPPERSON, WELTNER, RAPER SPEAK TODAY ( •;...-..il.,'i.'.: . • :.•:•:• : . •.;,;... ; ... ,...,. Execs Refuse ff Looks PWAHead :..';wi.f .;-..:•; <••,-•:'••' Dean's List from Here Guest of 1 •>>••.'• By W. C. Capel Privileges THE NATIONAL SCENE Institute "It Looks"l often •wishes ; thia+; it Committee :Defeats *' had the happy faculty of the late Arthur Brisbane,, and be able to Moti6n Proposing ''Economic Future Of sum.up the entire of the world's Optional" Glasses * wops in-; one., little ...pill,, coat lightly The South" General \ with sugar, swallow and forget all .The request that students, mak- 'about it. Yet, in spite of Bris- Theme for Friday j ; ing the dean's list'be given some bane,, somehow, the. pill keeps on additional privileges, which has having to, be swallowed. Industrial "The Economic Future of the been,an issue in. the Colonnade for ' troubles that are besetting the co- South" is the specific phase of so- untry cannot be . dismissed by some" time, was turned down by cial change to be considered today - - •***. • • • •.. .... the executive committee at a in the Institute of Human Rela- simply putting them down to a meeting on Monday night. The tions with Dr. Arthuj^Raper, Miss bunch of "foreign" agitators re- recommendation was presented to Gay Shepperson, and Di\ Philip presenting, a very, small minority the committee by Catherine Mal- Weltrier leading discussions on of the people. Such a point of view lory before Dr. Wells,' Dr. Little, various. topics. 1: is as, childish: as believing that Dr. Wynn,' Dr. Edwin Scott, Miss Dr. Raper, professor of sociol- the present day-..German govern- Louise Smith, Miss Lena Martin, ogy at. Agnes Scott College^ will ment exists without the active sup- Miss Harper, Dr. Salley and Dr. speak in chapel on "Who? Farms port of the majority of Germans. Taylor, who comprise the mem- in the South?" Myi,a'.J6nkinB-.wU{ How tYe. intelligent people of Ger- ibership of that group. " ' ' preside J at the chapel exercL^ejs, many can bring themselves to be- In explaining the stand of the During the day Dr. Raper wity i lieve. the fantastic hodgepodge of executive committee on the recom- speak to' the classes' in Contem- 1 Institute Speakers: Left to right, Dr. Raper, Dr. Roemer, and Dr. Barr myth, hysterical reasoning and mendation, Dv. Taylor, 'secretary, porary Georgia Problems;'' Rui'4| pure,propaganda that they, do is ihaS given pei*mission to quote Sociology. He will rbe, ithe (luncheon another., j m a t t e r. Nor can we deal' !from the minutes the discussion of Skinner Fits j Check Increases guest of the Social Science faculty s with economic situations in over that particular question. The' ex- Seniors Cast members. simple terms. A classic example ei-pt from the minutes follows: '' ••—. Brown Loan Fund Miss Shepperson, state director of that ^economic . baby t a l k ,, came "Catherine Mallory, President of the' Works Progress" Adminis- from a former president of the of the College Government Asso- The college has just received" a Annual Loain tration will speak.on 'JHow.-Will United States and is. quoted in a Program to ciation, appeared by invitation be- the Soutb,Make Its Living?" .^t fascinating new .History of the check for a hundred.dollars to go fore the committee ,'jand. reborn^ an, open^ forum , discussion ,to ^be United 'States 'by W,' E. Wopdr aiiidience on the Corrie Hoyt Brown Loan Amended that some additional dis- Fund Show , held. in (Ennis Recreation. Hall, , on ward. "Without quibbling we majf Fund. This.fund was established ; tinction be given to students mak- Friday jafternoon from ,2230.to as well get out of this by;. saying' ing 'the Dean's ..list. ;Her sug- by George M. Brown and a group 4:30. ,>:P,r. Salley will, preside. " that it was Calvin Coolidge. This Cornelia ' Otis Skinner, famous Casting for the annual senior u gestion, w a s that probably optional 'daughter of- a distinguished fath- in the Ponce de Leon Avenue ,'The. Soutlx-,at the Cross Roads'1 particular bit of. profound thought musical comedy has ' / b e e n cbmplet'- classvattendance,would be>a desir- er, Otis Skinner,'dean of the Am- Baptist Church, known as the will, be. the .subject of, a, platform was as follows. "When large num- able distinction ! to make. This ;ed and rehearsals:are under way bers of men are "put oiit of work, erican theatre, • will be presented Elizabeth Grisham Brown benevol- address,to,be delivered flby .Dr, Imatter was discussed.at consider- :in' a ^program of her celebrated ifor presenting "Senior Rita" on Philip' Weltner,, former chancellor unemployment results" Just like able length. It seemed,,to:,be, ,the ent fund, in, 1919. : : original Modern Monologues on (February 19. of the University System, now thatr' ; '^' --; ;; /;;; The fund originally amounted opinion, of most of.' .the members Wednesday night, •• January 27, president ofithe -Ruralist JPresa, of The. gist of all this rather' ramb- present; that ,the present standard "Senior Rita," an original play, .under the auspices of the College to $3,000. Through subsequent Atlanta.^ He'will speak,in theJnew ling introduction is to say that the for, the; dean's .list is; :too .low, even ithe work of , Catherine Mallory, Entertainment Committee. gifts and interest the fund now dining-room-at 8 P. UM. .Follovfing. present crisis'in the automobile in- 1 if-jit seemed better:to.have option., 1 iconcei-ns the., happenings, of,;a; his•' address < a reception .wiUujbe dustry can neither be explained by ; Using herself as the one figure amounts to $8,000. al .classes. • ,It,was also ^objected igroup • of seniors - at' a: sinall ; wo-heldiih'the ^Mansion. ' ^, *) saying that it is sponsored by in her theatre of the imagination, Besides this loan fund there, are that probably offering, such a prj, j '•" Saturday's '• p r o g r a m .treats tEdjK , only a small minority of crackpot 1 Miss Skinner appeals' vividly to others that yearly help many girls Imeri's college.' Particularly/'does (Continued: on page..3)••••;•• ; ' O"(Continued, on, page "&) ' labor .leaders ribr by saying that hei' listeners-'in her ability to per- to attend :rG..S.C.,W., Among |the, action hinge around "Rita, a " it" is simply" 'sinb'ther brie' of: the suade them to join in and complete these are 'the Faculty Loan 'Fund, very attractive young girl, who the entertainment. :Her - use of recurrent strikes that always Rivers Is Elected Chappell Scholarship Loan Fund, ithought it would be a good joke to Corrections Made parts of a isentence ; when, a (full come as industry recovers. In the Joseph E. Mitchell Loan Fund, pretend that * her- room-mate's1-brb- sentence is not needed, and even first place, the strike is occurring Corinthian Head and the Sylvester Mumford Fund. jther was her own.J 'Complications On Dean*sList ; her use of a half. a • word i when in an 'Industry that up until a The latter was '•• e s t a b l i s h e d last jimmediately-set in,:wheniBbb','-;the year ago' was considered the weak- i'Dorothy' -Rivers -was elected that is enough to convey the idea year by the daughter'of Mr. and f ; .The names,of four girls have ; f brother; turns the tables on >.Rita est of all organized' industries so editor of the Corinthiantb fill the isi characteristic of a person of Mrs. Sylvester Mumford in mem- 1 • ' • been,,added .to the Dean's list by {by; accepting^ the joke as-a ;reahty far as effective unionization was vacancy left by Blanche'-'Mabbitt. taste and, wit. : ory of her parents. •' .'•'..' -..-•.' . Dr. .Edwin,,. Scott, registrar,) jd concerned. Secondly the strike re- Dbrottiy is from Glenwood and is .She never overpoints a joke. land insisting upon brotherly'privi-. whose. off i c e . the list is prepared. lieges/ •'••'••• •"•••. •• : i'••:... •'••.". veals and boldly outlines, the in- a member of the senior class.' This The • rhythms of. her characteriza- Those, girls , who' have made an Also outstanding in the-play-is tricate divisibn of labor and speci- is; her first year' of experience iwith tions are varied, and true to the Freshmen to !W|age average of 87 or above and whose {Elaine, who creates >•. an , atmos- alization of function that'is dom- the l literary magazine, -i As litei*- individual portrayed. • Her speech names i.; w e r e A i o m i t t e d , > t h r o u g h er- 1 jphere of romance .wherever she inating more and more the modern ary editor of the'Corinthian during is always' clear' however' it may Table Tennis War ror include; Betty. Lott, Blackshear;. ; ; Imay chance to be, and who so'cap^ industrial scene. The strike is aim- the 'past quarter, she •' conducted shrill with' the reflection of shal- r Margaret J Garbutt, Albany; ,Clara itivates a young professor that, he * ed at, General Motors, arid 'by the annual Corinthian contest, as low thinking' or darken 'with the The Recreation Association has Hammond,'^Griffin; and Eloise (W-H- ; Iforgets all about books and jlecV , striking' in stategic plants in ' c e r - well as-assisted in'the editing of intensity of a life shaken to' the announced.,a freshman table; t e n n i s ' son,' Lumbero C i t y .
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