.. ....v'- ■ a- ■ 1 • r^. v-^ - t: ,T SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 195^ FAGE TEN ilaturljfHt?r„ ^usttins ^ ^More Dontii's Are Meeded jh Bloodnipbile Visit Here Tomorrow n r - and colored halls . , . The postmen LAND. SURVmNG beginnlhgy'to lose ■ that round- Sailor Duffy Hel(M ^anta C1qu« Power Break ATcraKCyDaily Net Press Rjon The WcRihCT About Town shoulder^ took now that : their Perecaat ot 0. 8. Weather Bnrens Heard Along Main^ Street bags hiBve-hieen lightened . That Edward L. Dayii, Jr* Pdr tk e Week f&nded ' D ec. *7, 185* - - -- T h e ' .Pk»t Mistress piub of half^ot glint in the, stray mon- Cause Sought RegtBtereFuwd $am yor ' A Dsughters. of' Liberty Kor 17, And on Some of MuntUe»ter^$ Side Streets, T.po gre.l's eyes aa^ he posed,, for a 15 Proctorr RMM w l / »MgaelMater efnudy, snow Bhowen late'to­ l^raid photo with Dog Warden LOU, will meet Monday night at m w i o , 10,819 night and early Turn day. Clear­ 8 o'cl^k-at the home of Pest Mis­ Tlir Magic inn •Bongwriters in the theoi*y that .tin tint Power Cp. linable tp ing, eoMer Tbeeday aftemoon. tress Mfs.. Martha Bell-, 17 Rose­ - Member of the Audit ; 0t>n't 16t a lapel pin lem you moon is covered with a thick la ^ , d ^ w Bureau ot Circulations m ary pllsce. l^ a n y e m b l r X l n i f sltua^^^^^^ er of dust. 1 o ^ a ^ oU ck ao o ^^ Down Trouhtk Origin, Manchester— A City pf VillageVii Charm We, have in mind a- story v a Now the'theory has-shifted to roar,, stonmnestopping for a oulckquick appre-appre Mpn^ Late for Work Among the divorces granted In friend told us Vcccnlly. Seem,s the point of view that in.sUad of hcnslve glance to the west before Superior Court'yesterday were the remembering, rather sheepishly, (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE C E I ^ used to hang out a t a local tlu h idusl, the m oon's surface ^ cover-j, ' A piivver fa ilu re ^ e re last ni]^ht, r GOSMETIGS i (Clatalfled Adrertlalnf oa Page U) MANCHESTfiR. CON'N., MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1953 following to local residents: Lewis quite a bit. .Somehow, he got hold\cd'iold\cd with a spongy honeycomb of. lat It's been going on fdg years VOL. LXXIL NO. 80 i Shoppers., in ones and - twos, P \WE CARRY ALL d Fiysinger of 'Manchester from of Ui'e lapel pin of a large but rqcK and dirt.d Further explanation CBjUse ofXwhlch could tipt be deter­ i.sed snows , thiathis is caused by heavy WHtRhlng the Jarv is shovel biting mined today ^yV'the Manchester L Lk a d i n o b r a n d s i A |^s M. Fryslnger on the 'secret ; organization. H«f" Just u.sed .steel yawfula of c^th from the grounds' of desertion; Florence to wear it - because he liked Ihtf co^lc 'rays from tj/ie sun and dis- Division of the Connecticut Power tanl\sta'rs whtcli . nave been' boiu- parkingXlpt bank/at the. Locust Sulle of Manchester'|roih Theodore w'ay the light bounced ort It, for lany, remltetKin many^peo- > Arthur Drug Storss j Sulle of Maybrook, ■Y.^.'on the barding thq }ivp<(^ for a'million or •street coiW and mentally trying Statehood ho other reason,, he clainicd..*— to measure-flovromuch a seven-foot ple belng^late ^or- w ^ k . Company 'grourida^of desertion ;\Frances Lu But that WAS until a little exj iiinr^ years. !TKe cirec^oTThe hohi- Lynch of .this town from, Daniel P. bardmcnl, according to scientists, strip would wim^ the street. officials ate^ st for an explarta- pericncc he had. Seems that an-' The little ..girlSstandlng in the tion to the failucp'that oecurred at- Lynch, also of Majichester, on the olhor visitor to the club one night has been to turh the surface of the \ groimds of Intolerable cruelty, moon into^a fine-honeycomb. crowdetl biyik, anWA^avely trying 12:50 this m om inis^d left most \ spotted the pin. The visitor was to blink.tjfc fears oiftsof her big, of the town without -poww until . vrith the plaintiff granted JIO a wearing' one, too. .and he inimdit^ Yet therc^ fiirfy he a faint re ­ week each for the support of'two prieve in Ihiit; Couldn't sopiebod.v brown eyes as she looRed around. 2 :10. atcly figured that he had found a for heiymother-.__On New-^Year's I'd:—Primary failure was in thfe><ild. children; and Thdmas .1. Regina of friend. AiTil-e-■-a- song -'•inc.orpontting- the a Manchester from Glad.vs E. Re- mpds and the bees and the lioney- morning, on tne bur. the /liMlow ^ e that runs from Hartford alon^ -glna, a^sp of Manchester, on—the The ■visitor loSt no time In in­ cohjh nhd. kinda iWcotion the moon with/the tousled brown hair imd ^ e railroad^tracks into Buckland; rounds of Intolerable cruelty. troducing himself. He eyed, the ;pt the same time? tw^d coal trying desperately It blew put'two transformers In NfiJew York, Jan. 5—(/P)-—' pin. then irtvUed, our .friend to- keep his eyes .open. ; ,.». The .fellow that section of towm and this •re­ Sen. 'William; W. Knowland have a.drink. BeforeJorig, the two , . vliist U'onder'ooTleWng going If) the Armory, to see the ..A" sulted in failures of transformers Edward Lehah. '^Vlce president were buddies. Allhoiigfi he realized dico wotild/^A '' wondering how the at Autumn street, Hilliard street, X / (R., Callfi) said after a con­ and^poK^gage officer of the FlrM How many limesTies Nan fpe visitor thcfughl he was a mem­ h.gve had ib'-hll LaMollVLaM ollVk and witwlt_l(j if flcvil he's going to get in w ith th a t Manchester Grecii and Bolton, ference with Pre.sident-Slect National itank, will^be a member ber of the. particular organisation, Hid s t/p '' ramTi, all dug up. About two.' minutes .after- the of the'panw, whlrthlrtl "will ydlscus.'; W hat befomdlie referee 'would st/p Lending an Ear Eisenhower today that he has our ftiend didn't bother Id tell hirn the tight(lit,? . .'WhyVhy Itit isla Inat Mkn- power was, re-established, It failed every reason' to believe that "The Bullding-PlclureBuilding T*lclur4'Iclure forffpgIflfiS" at' he wasn't. The drinks taslefl lot) Many Talents again for about two\mlnutes. At T b the meeting of' the H orn Builders chestei;!i; ta n go for>aonnso 111m anya months Hawaii will get Statehood "tit good. wtthofit a fatalityily Xnda,nd then have Mrs. AnXe B- F ranke of Spencer '5 o'clock this mom'ingi residents Here to See Ike iui«l Triiriian Association of Hartford County on j- A lid so ij.-Went on. They/met street, whone^culinar'y skill la well of the North End were without, a*very early date.” Death Eisenhower Jan. 13 in' the auditorium of^ the four within the spa>)^ of, a few pow,er for -a few moments, Com- TiC'Vernl ynles after tJiat at tpe club. Weeks? . How ni(tqy people known to 'members of the Country Knowland, new^chalrmah ot-the H artford Om Company During" the “roiirsc hf the/ several Club and their fHcnds. apparently pgily engineers have been' unable lea See SenatF Republican Policy commit­ still insl.al Hint Vet Mavc/i>e/f ).-iis ju.ii.ju.at au : . v - i u ™ . to track down the source of the meetings, our friend found hint- temporary , housing pi^jeH.'ihatI'flIofM. IhAf in°^^ \ tee, told neWsmen he did not feel Offer Madfe^ Committee chalmlen a«e sglf Biibjectcd to Sern'ct/hands^kcs will come down ‘X 'l^t aflch the .was one of the prize Ivlnners in the failure. ' / - FUEL OIL at dlberty to discuss what Eisen­ minded to bring their anniuil-;, rn- an^-n^ullercd pa.s.s \wfrd.s. Being a war"?__________ . Whatever_______ ..happencfl\to .j ......... W al Garden Club-YWICA contest IniK^vnote hower had. to say about Hawaii to.^the .meettog^.pl. th^ .^.rl. very; ^versatile- g;*wilftmgji, how-J;the 'big demsnff fftt'- a .the .best decorated ^incS,..at. ^Jditatehood, Scout "Cbuhcip Tiiesd^ night at ever, he rrianagetr to >i‘bspond' in comfort? ‘ / 1 ChKIsfmas. Her old-fashioned ‘‘But I have every reason to be­ 7:46 A t the" honie of Mrs. .lohn / I colonial home lent itself admir­ o r kjjid to the l^ndshake and to Who the louse .was thal stole the Engagement lieve," he added, “that Haw'ali will .Boyle, 661 Mtjrdle turnpike east. mumble,,a few-'P#s4 words of his ably to her scheme, of placing in Hartford, Jaii. — get statehood at a very early flashlight.frqm.ihe glove compart­ each window colored glass objectd> own. / /' ... Governor Lodge is .expect&dX date." New York, , Jaft. 5—C/P) ment of that car behind the high mostly kntiquea, which were lllumlr iVhitehill-V^uzzi Stw Yorlc, Jui. S—o n - - Among the bVlhs reported ' at The visitpi- never found oilt-that school;? . .'. Who the lice are that Mr. and Mr*. DaVta L. Whilehlll to welcome tlie 1953 GenerjlX New Bill Ready the Hartford 'Houital on Dec. 30 naled frhm within. The grounds CU15H0 /A conditional ? stay of execu­ Winston Churchill uriifM^n his "brotper'' wasn't. The' friend­ make a prauticc of ransacking cars of PaaSumpsifc, yt?;. announce the ASK FO R Assembly .
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