City of Delta COUNCIL REPORT Regular Meeting To: Mayor and Council File No.: 13400-20ITL From: Engineering Department Date: November 24,2017 TransLink Double Decker Bus Trial Implementation The following report has been reviewed and endorsed by the City Manager. • RECOMMENDATION: .,f THAT staff send a letter to Mr. Kevin Desmond, Chief Executive Officer of TransLink, explaining the challenges related to overhead conflicts and request that they improve the process for addressing these issues. • PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to update Council on the recently announced double decker bus trial in Delta. • BACKGROUND: On September 21, 2017, TransLink announced a trial program for double decker buses for the Metro Vancouver area. In Delta, the trial was planned to include the 301 route between Surrey and Richmond (84 Avenue in Delta), the 311,351 and 354 routes between South Surrey and Richmond, and the 601/620 route between Tsawwassen, Ladner and Bridgeport Station (Richmond). The route maps are provided in Attachment A. • DISCUSSION: In order to implement the trial program with the much higher clearance requirements for a double decker bus, field tests were undertaken by TransLink. Assistance was first requested towards the end of September by TransLink for clearance of tree branches. In response, City staff made arrangements with our arborists and contractors to schedule and complete the works within the required timeframe. In late October, in addition to tree branches, a conflict with an overhead BC Hydro power line on the 601 route was identified by TransLink staff and brought to the City's attention. Although the power line is not City infrastructure, staff attempted to assist TransLink by contacting BC Hydro and requesting the raising of the line. After a field inspection by BC Hydro in mid November, it became apparent that multiple lines needed to be raised including Telus infrastructure. By November 23, another low Page 2 of 2 TransLink Double Decker Bus Trial Implementation 1340-20/TL November 24,2017 hanging power line was identified by TransLink and was added to the list of locations requiring action (Attachment A, Page 1 inset figure). In order for all the identified work to be completed BC Hydro advised that designs would be required, followed by pole installation and line restringing at a greater height. Unfortunately, given these constraints, it was not feasible for the trial program to commence for the 601 route on November 24. We understand that trials did commence on other routes. In an effort to assist TransLink to resolve the 601 route utility conflicts, staff have been in continued contact with BC Hydro in an attempt to expedite the raising of the overhead lines. This will also require coordination with Telus and possibly other overhead telecommunication companies such as Shaw Cable and Eastlink (Delta Cable). At this time, BC Hydro is unable to provide a construction schedule but understands the priority nature of the work. The establishment of improved transit capacity through a double decker bus would be beneficial to the community. As staff, we support TransLink in these initiatives, but recommend that a coordinated approach with more realistic timeframes be taken to deal with the type of overhead obstructions that were identified. In particular, having a dedicated TransLink project manager that can deal directly with BC Hydro and other telecommunications companies for raising overhead lines would be more appropriate instead of asking for City staff assistance. Implications: Financial Implications - There are no financial implications to Delta. TransLink will reimburse Delta for the completed tree branch clearing and would be responsible for costs associated with raising the overhead utility lines. • CONCLUSION: TransLink has experienced difficulties in resolving BC Hydro overhead power line and other telecommunication line conflicts which has delayed the trial program for the double decker bus on the 601 route. Efforts continue to raise these overhead lines to enable the double decker bus to run on this route. o~~e~ ~~teven Lan, P.Eng. Director of Engineering Department submission prepared by: Hugh G Fraser P.Eng., Deputy Director of Engineering. HGF/ll/td/sl • ATTACHMENT: A. Route Maps for the 601/620, and 301, 311, 351/354 Bus Routes flengl2017 docslhgf 20171council reports\cr - coast mountain double decker bus impacts-nov2017(2) rev sl 3.docx I'... --- . -r-:::-r- 601 Bridgeport Station/South Attachment A Delta/Boundary Bay 6.010 Page 1 of 6 . I Coast Mountain September 2016 N ---- J Bus Company , For route and schedule information, visit www.translink.ca 'RANS~K CMBC Service Planning .'". Marine 0 IlVe 800 1,600 3,200 4,800 6,400 A Meters Vanco uver LEGEND '0 ....tr Q SkyTrain Z I I Millennium Line Expo Line Canada Line Highway 91 l .. o.6.~-_ '" ~. ~ I . -+- West Coast Express '1 v..:J. stminsler H'ity --c:J- Sea Bus/Ferry CI:® Route Terminus/Scheduled Stop Granville Ave SkyTrain Station r:I '0 ..­tr West Coast Express Station Q fi Z (i'! <0 Q Z Willia 15 Rd '0 ..,tr ~ _ Finn Rd Shopping TSAWWASSEN South Delta Exchange Centre Bay 1: 601 Bridgeport Station Bay 2: 601 South Delta 601 Boundary Bay Peak hours only ! - Ladner Exchange f Bay 5: 601 South Delta I;, Bay 6: 601 Bridgeport Station Cii Deltaport Way ;!:5 ,-- --lO 5050 - 6 Avenue Overhead Utility Conflicts 1a Ave @ 67th Ave 601 Bridgeport Station l~ ~ ~, :<>'SSE N .. I.-ri is 620 Tsawwassen Ferry/ c 1 Bridgeport Station ~<#0 N • Attachment A 'RANS.fGHK Page 2 of 6 L Coast Mountain www.lran slink.ca ~ Bus Company CMBC Service Planning 495 990 1.980 2,970 3.960 A Meiers G r anvi~e Ave Gfanvike Ave ~ ;l! a: M "o o Z -. Z ~ Blundell Rd Blundell Rd ~ , 0> ;l! 0> ~ Jj >- ;l! ~ j ~ o '" Z Francis Rd .<: Vl." .21" I ,., Willia(flSRd ~ Ryan Rd \ Sleveslon Hw'l L ~ M o Z Finn Rd 4S Ih Avo 44th Ave I iii l' Oeltaporl Way ~ LEGEND SkyTrain _ Canada Line I!I SkyTrain Station (EX§) Route Terminus/Scheduled Stop 12tH Ave iii oS ~ j ill 8AAve ..-.,.... -. ~---···-·..,··.,.,·~;-· ..-·I' _......L....-_'. -~ -._-------- .... -~.-!:... ~7-u ' __ ~tJ J - c........ / ,-.1""'/ / "" ~ • For route and schedule information, visit ~ I ~ --~-- {"arine~ TRANS.fG"NK Coast Mountain )(1 7' ,:,J.....--' North"'ra L. WW'W. translink.ca ~~.-- ~--..:...--~~=--~ ~ A ~...." 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