The Sunday Sun, January 26, 2020 7B 1000 Heritage Center Circle Piping consisting of 8” PVC only heirs of the said $10,000.00. A penalty under the District for all expenses or enforcing these Rules and Legal Notices Round Rock, TX 78664 Pipe and Appurtenances; Ex- CHARLES MICHAEL this Section is in addition to penalties borne by the Dis- Regulations is cumulative of Announcements NOTICE TO CREDITORS cavation, Embankment, and BOSHERS, DECEASED, and any other penalty provided by trict, including legal and en- the others, and the exercise Notice is hereby given that Paving; Sedimentation & Ero- their respective shares and the laws of this State and gineering fees related to any of any rights hereunder shall CITATION BY original Letters Testamentary sion Control; Water Quality interest in such estate. may be enforced by com- lawsuit filed by federal, state not divest the District of any PUBLICATION in the Estate of Robert Lee Improvements Including Two Said application may be plaints filed in the appropriate or local authorities regarding other rights of enforcement or DRINKING THE STATE OF TEXAS Mathews, Deceased were is- (2) Batch Detention Ponds, heard at 10:00 o’clock a.m. court of jurisdiction in the violations by the District of ef- remedies. Nothing in these COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON sued on January 23, 2020 in and Various Other Site Im- on or after the first Monday county in which the District’s fluent parameters applicable Rules and Regulations shall PROBLEM? TO ALL PERSONS INTER- Cause No. 19-1203-CP4 provements. next after the expiration of principal office or meeting to the District’s Sanitary Sew- be construed as a waiver of ESTED IN THE ESTATE OF pending in County Court at Sealed Bids addressed to the ten days from the date of place is located. Under Sec- er Collection System. In con- the District’s right to bring a Get Assistance NOW EMILIA MARIE ELMQUIST, Law Number 4 of Williamson Owner and marked “Bid for publication of this citation, at tions 51.128 and 54.206 of nection with violations of Ero- civil action to enforce the pro- DECEASED, Cause No. 20- County, Texas, to Williamson County MUD No. the Williamson County Jus- the Texas Water Code, rules sion Control and Environ- visions of these Rules and Call 863-9938 0062-CP4, in County Court at Joy Mathews. 31, Caughfield Phase Ten tice Center in Georgetown, and regulations adopted by mental Protection (Article IX Regulations, and to seek all Improvements” will be re- Williamson County, Texas. the District are recognized by of the Rules and remedies and damages as al- Alcoholics Anonymous Law #4 of Williamson County, Claims may be presented to: Georgetown, Texas 405 Martin Luther King Representative, Estate of ceived until 10:00 AM on Fri- All persons interested in said the courts in the same man- Regulations), failure to ad- lowed by law. Street, Georgetown, Texas Robert Lee Mathews, day, February 14th, 2020 at estate are hereby cited to ap- ner as penal ordinances of a here to such Erosion Control The full text of the Rules and Meetings at 78626. Deceased the MUD Engineer’s office, pear before said Honorable city, which may be enforced requirements will subject the Regulations Governing Sani- COREY MITCHELL ELM- c/o PETERSON & PETER- BGE, Inc., 101 West Louis Court on or before above under Texas Local Govern- violator to a fine of five hun- tary Sewer Facilities, Service 2409 Dawn Dr. QUIST and JESSICA ANN SON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Henna Blvd, Suite 400, Aus- mentioned time and place by ment Code 54.012. If the Dis- dred dollars ($500.00) for the Lines, Connections, Erosion • Sunday-Saturday ELMQUIST, Applicants in the 1205 S. Austin Avenue tin, TX 78728. filing a written answer con- trict prevails in any suit to en- first violation and seven hun- Control and District Property above numbered and entitled Georgetown, Texas 78626 Bids will be publicly opened testing such application force its Rules and Regula- dred fifty dollars ($750.00) for is on file in the principal office Noon, 6:00pm & 8:00pm estate, filed on the 21st day All persons having claims and read aloud at 10:00 AM should they desire to do so. tions, it may, in the same ac- the second and subsequent of the District located at c/o • Saturday & Sunday 9:30am of January, 2020 an APPLI- against this Estate which is on Friday, February 14th, If this citation is not served tion, recover any reasonable violations per lot per day to Willatt & Flickinger, PLLC, • Monday-Friday 6:00am CATION FOR DETERMINA- currently being administered 2020 at the MUD Engineer’s within 90 days after the date fees for attorneys, expert wit- be paid by the builder, devel- 12912 Hill Country Boule- TION OF HEIRSHIP AND are required to present them office, BGE, Inc., 101 West of its issuance, it shall be re- nesses and other costs in- oper, corporation or other en- vard, Suite F-232, Austin, LETTERS OF INDEPEN- within the time and in the Louis Henna Blvd, Suite 400, turned unserved. curred by the District before tity or individual who violates Texas 78738, where it may DENT ADMINISTRATION of manner prescribed by law. Austin, TX 78728. Issued and given under my the court. The amount of the such regulations to be paid to be read by any interested the said estate and requests DATE: January 23, 2020 A non-mandatory pre-bid hand and seal of office at attorneys’ fees shall be fixed the District. Builders/Devel- person. that the said Court determine PETERSON & PETERSON meeting will be held at 10:00 Georgetown, Texas, this the by the court. Such civil pen- opers who begin construction Notice to Creditors who are the heirs and only ASSOCIATES, P.C. AM on Tuesday, February 21st day of January, 2020. alties as authorized herein without approval of plans by Notice is given that original heirs of the said EMILIA MA- 1205 S. Austin Avenue 4th, 2020 at the MUD Engi- Nancy E. Rister shall be in addition to any oth- the District engineer and Dis- Letters Testamentary for the RIE ELMQUIST, DE- Georgetown, Texas 78626 neer’s office, BGE, Inc., 101 Williamson County Clerk er remedy or penalty provid- trict manager shall be fined Estate of Berta Maria Forrest CEASED, and their respec- By: Christina Peterson West Louis Henna Blvd, 405 MLK Street, Box 14 ed by state law, including a $1,000.00. Builders/Devel- were issued on January 14, tive shares and interest in Christina Peterson Suite 400, Austin, TX 78728. Georgetown, Texas 78626 civil action for injunctive or opers and contractors who 2020, in docket number 19- such estate. State Bar No. 00792757 Plans, specifications and bid- By:/S/Kathleen Klingelberger, other relief. The violator of fail to maintain, repair or re- 1100-CP4, pending in the Said application may be T. Layne Peterson ding documents may be ex- Deputy these rules found in violation place defective erosion con- County Court at Law Number heard at 10:00 o’clock a.m. State Bar No. 00797241 amined without charge at the Applicant’s Attorney: of these Rules and Regula- trol devices will also be sub- 4th of Williamson County, on or after the first Monday Attorneys for the Represen- offices of BGE, Inc., 101 Wendi Lester tions shall be liable to the ject to a fine of $100.00 per Texas, to James Wade West Louis Henna Blvd, 4400 West Highway 29 Suite District for all expenses borne day for each day or portion next after the expiration of tative Forrest, Jr. All persons hav- Newsprint end rolls ten days from the date of Suite 400, Austin, TX 78728. 6 by the District including la- thereon which the builder/de- for sale! NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS ing claims against the estate, Newsprint end rolls publication of this citation, at Plans, specifications and bid- Georgetown TX 78628 boratory fees, legal fees, en- veloper engages in construc- Useful for moving, HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST which is presently being ad- for sale! the Williamson County Jus- ding documents may be ob- Notice of Public Sale gineering fees and other tion activities. In addition, the ministered, are required to THE ESTATE OF YVONNE tained without charge from costs incurred by the District District may also require the boils and much more-use tice Center in Georgetown, Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the submit them, within the time Usefulyour creativity! for moving, $0.60/lb Williamson County, Texas. COX DANIELS, DECEASED www.civcastusa.com. Bid- in establishing the violation violator to pay the cost of re- Notice is hereby given that Texas Property Code, TJO and manner prescribed by All persons interested in said ders must register on this 10 X 10 Management, Ltd and resolving the cause of placement of District property law, and before the estate is boilsW illiamsonand much County more-use Sun, estate are hereby cited to ap- original Letters Testamentary website in order to view and/ the violation. The violator or the cost associated with your creativity!707 S. Main Street, $0.60/lb for the Estate of Yvonne Cox Managing properties listed closed, addressed as follows: Georgetown. pear before said Honorable or download plans, specifi- below will hold a public auc- found in violation of these trash removal plus a 15% ad- Representative Court on or before above Daniels, Deceased, were is- cations and bidding docu- Rules and Regulations who ministrative fee for violations sued January 22, 2020, in tion of property being sold to Estate of Berta Maria Forrest Williamson County Sun, mentioned time and place by ments.
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