CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-20 TAMIL NADD PART XIll-B DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CHENGALPATTU A. P. MUTHUSWAMI fJ/ the Indian A.dministrative Service Director of Census Operations, Tamil Nadu Price PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU AND PRINTED BY THE DIREctOR. .·OF STATIONERY AND PRINTING AT THE GOVERNMENT BRANCH PRESS, CHOQLAJ.. MADRAS-Il2. CONTENTS Page Nos. Foreword iii Preface v Important Statistics .. vii District Map .. FaCing viii Analytical Note 1-12 District Primary Census Abstract 14-43 Primary Census Ab:;tract for Scheduled Caster 44-63 Primary Census Ab,tract for Scheduled rribe~ 64-83 VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 1. Gummidipundi TaIuk Taluk Map Facing 86 Alphabetical list of villages 87-88 Village Primary Census Abstract 90-104 2. Ponneri Taluk Taluk Map Facing 106 Alphabetical list of villages 107-109 ViUage Primary Census Abstract - .. .. 110-141 Urban Primary Census Abstract .. .. 142-152 3. Uttukkottai Sub-Taluk Taluk Map Facing 154 Alphabetical list of villages .. •• •• .. ISS-lSi Village Primary Census Abstract .. .. •• ... 158-173 4. Tiruvallur Taluk Taluk Map Facing 176 Alphabetical list of villages 177-178 Village Primary Census Abstract ... .. •• .. • • 180-209 Urban Primary Census Abstract .. •• •• .. 210-214 5. Pallipattu Sub-Tal uk Taluk Map Facing 216 Alphabetical list of villages 217 Village Primary Census Abstract ,. .. .. ., .. .. 218-231 Urban Primary Census Ab<;tract 0·. .,. .. • .. 232-236 ] 1O-C-.t-- B (). Tiruttani Taluk Page Nos. Taluk Map Facing 238 Alphabetical list of villages 239 Village Primary Census Abstrac[ 240-253 Urban Primary Census Abstraci 254-258 7. Sriperumbudur Taluk Taluk Map Facing 260 Alphabetical list of villages 261-263 Vi1iage Primary Census Abstract 264-299 Urban Primary Census Abstract 300-316 8. Saidapet Taluk Taluk Map Facing 318 Alphabetical list ofviUages 319 Village Primary Census Abstract 320-334 Urban Primary Census Abstract 336-406 9. Chengalpattu Taluk Taluk Map Facing 408 Alphabetical list of vi IIages 409-413 Village Primary Census Abstract 414-467 Urban Primary Census Abstract 468-477 10. Kanchiparam Taluk Taluk Map Facing 480 Alphabetical list of villages 48i-483 Village Primary Census Abstract 484-515 Urban Primary Census Abstract 516-531 11. Uttiramerur Taluk Taluk Map Facing 534 Alphabetical list of villages 535-536 Village Primary Census Abstract 538-562 Urban Primary Census Abstract 564-568 12. Madur~dtakam Taluk Taluk Map Facing 570 Alphabetical list of villages 571-575 Village Primary Census Abstract 576-641 Urban Primary Census Abs-tract 642-648 Respo nsibiHty for the cerrectr e~s of intemal 'detail'S' sho\\n in the map. rest with the publisher. FOREWORD The DistriCt Census Handbooks (DCH), compiled mise the regional imbalances in the process of deve­ by the Census Organisation on behalf of the State lopment. A few new items of information have also'lbeen Government, is one of the most valuable products of the introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. items of information as adult literacy centre" primary It is inter alia used for deliinitation of constituencie'i, health sub-centres, and community health workers in formulation of local level and regionr.J plans and as an the village have been introduced in the village directory aid to district administration. The district' census hand­ with this objective in mind. The new item on approach book is the only publication which provides Primary to the village is to have an idea about the villages in Cenms Ab.;tract (PCA) data upto village level for the the district which are inacce,~ible. A new c0lumn, rural areas wardwi~,e for each city or town. It also 'total population and number of households' has been provides data on infrastructure and amenitie;; in iiltroduced to examine the correlation of the amenities villages and towo-;, etc. with the population and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenities are available and according The District CensuS Handb.)ok series was initiated to the proportion of scheduled caste and ,cheduled during the 1951 Census. It contained important tribe population to the total p.)plllation, has also been census tables and PCA for each village and town of made with this view in mind. the district. During 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account The formats of the town directory have also been of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory, including PCA. modified to meet the requirements of the Minimum The 1971 DCH series was planned in three parts. Needs Programme by providing information on a few Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B new items. A new statement on civic and other to Village and town PCA and Part-C comprised amenities in slums in Class-I and Class-II towns analytical report, administrative statistics, district (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with this ob­ census tables and certain analytical tables based on jective in mind. It is expected that this will help the PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. However , planners to chalk out programmes on provision of civic in some states it was confined to district census tables ameni ties for the improvement of slums. The columns and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay on Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population In compilation and printing. in Statement IV relJ.ting to civic and other amenities and adult lite:-acy chssesjcentl'es under educational facilities in statement V are als3 added inter alia with While designing the format of 1981 DCH series this view. A significant aM.iticn is class cf tcwn some new features along with the restructuring of the in all the seven statements of the town directory. format of village ~nd town directory have been attemp­ The infrastructure of amenities in Urbc.n areas of the ted. At the same tIme, comparability with the 1971 data country can be best analysed by taking the class of has also been kept in view. All the amenit ies except towns into consideraticn. The ac,e.iticn of the cclumns ~wer supply in the village have been brought together on civic administration status ane. populaticn in a few In the village directory with the instruction that in case statements 3.1so serves this purp::lse. an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in. broad ranges from the nearest place whe re t h e. amemty is available may be given. The restruc- The format of the Primary Census Abstract for the tur.mg of the format of the village directory and incorpo­ villages and towns has been formula tee. in the J:ght ratl~g more. exha~stive data on infrastructure aspect, of changes in the economic and other questions can­ ~arhcularly III relatIon to amenities and land-use pattern, vassed throt'gh the individual slip of 1981 Census. IS ex~ected to further meet the need of micro level plannmg f~r rural areas. It is expected to help In order :0 avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCR not ?~ly III local area planning but regulating the series, it h:>.s been so designed that part-A of the volume provISIon of goods and services as well, so as to mini- contains village and town directory and PClTt-B, the (iv) PCA of villages and towns including the Scheduled behalf of the State Government which has bJrne the Castes and Scheduled iTribes peA upto Taluk/Town cost of Pdnting. The task of planning, de,igning levels. At the beginning of the, "DCH, a detailed and co-ordinltLm of this pJblicdtion was c.Hriei out analytical note supported by a numbe,r, of inset tables by Sh"j N. G. N 19., D'-!j)uty Regist"a1' General (S )cial based on PCA and non-census data in relation to the Studies) of my office. Dr. B. K. R,)y, Deputy Registrar infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value. G~.lc.·,ll (\'1\)) j),'.)vilel the te:.:h 1ical g'lidance in the The district and 1aluk level maps depicting the b.:)Un­ preparations of the lUlp5. D.l.ta te.::eivel from C'-!usus daries and other important features hwe been inserted D:i·e:.:t)fJ.te, htv;,; b~;';l sC'utinisd in the S)cial Studies at appropriate places, to further .. enhance the value Division at the held quark's under the guidance of of the publication. Sh,'i M. M. O.ILl, Seaior Rese.l1'ch Officer. I am lit tl-t 11:(f" Ii t J III VI' 1t t I;'; ~) It 'ib Itel in this project. This publication is a joint. venture of the State Government and the Census Org<j.nisation. The data have been collected and compile,? in the State under the direction of Shti A.P. Muthus'Yami. I.A.S., New Delhi, P. PADMANABHA, the Di,'ect,)r of Census Operations, Tamil Nadu on 26th Ap;'il 1982. R'lgistrar-General, India. PREFACE It has been the tradition of the Government of further categcrised into four broad groups, viz., Culti­ Tamil Nadu to p:J.blish immediately after each Census, vators, Agricultural labourers, Household Industry a Di:itrict Census Handbook separately fer each District Workers and Other Workers. Information is al~o fur­ containing the census statistics, besides other v:lluable nished regarding marginal workers and non-workers. d"ta of local importance for the use of the State Govern­ The village and townwise Prim:uy Census Abstract ment, district administration, research scholars and other gi ves similar infcrmation for villages and wards of towns data users.
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