, 1 IIU• IU2 Sl SQUIC INTI NNIAL VOL. XXIV NO. 58 House sustained Bush's veto to lift a WASHINGTON (AP) -The Foley, in a rare speech on the Rep. Vin Weber, R-Minn., a strict counseling for pregnant !louse on Tuesday sustained House floor, condemned the leading anti-abortion lawmaker. women. President Bush's veto earlier in veto as motivated by "a mis­ "This was an issue where it was He pointed to a memo he sent the day of a bill that would have taken principle." very hard for us to demand to Louis Sullivan, the secretary lifted his ban of federally At stake was an overall $205 party loyalty .... This was a of Health and Human Services, financed abortion counseling. billion spending bill for educa­ tough one." which he said "makes clear that Democrats had thought they tion, labor and health pro­ Fifty-three Republicans and there is no 'gag rulo' to in­ had the muscle to override grams. But the fight was cen­ one independent joined 222 terfere with the doctor-patient Bush for the first time, but fell a tered on a provision that would Democrats in voting to override relationship. I have directed dozen votes short. block for one year the Bush the president. Forty-three that in implementing these reg­ The outcome left Bush with a administration's rule banning Democrats voted with 113 Re­ ulations, nothing prevents a perfect 24-0 record for making abortion counseling at federally publicans to sustain. woman from receiving complete his vetoes stiek, and was a blow supported family planning clin­ medical information about her to House Speaker Thomas Fo­ ics. "What happened was the condition from a physician." ley, 1>-Wash., who convened the That provision has been at­ Thomas Foley White House worked very, very Democrats denounced Bush's override debate immediately tacked as a "gag rule" by critics sure, either - when it was ap­ hard," said Rep. Steny Hoyer, D­ veto in strong terms aud said after the president's action with who say it shackles doctors and proved 272-156. Md., chairman of the House that in vetoing the measure, a prediction that "We have the , prevents pregnant women from The bill had cleared the Sen­ Democratic Caucus. "I think the Bush was jeopardizing the bill's votes" on the hotly disputed obtaining information pertinent ate 72-25, more than the two­ president loses on this. I don't spending for major health and abortion issue. to their right of choice. thirds veto-proof majority, think the American public education programs. Rep. Vic But Foley didn't; the 276-156 Supporters did not have the earlier this month. agrees with him." Fazio, D-Calif., called the veto tally was a dozen short of the two-thirds override strength in "The president ought to feel In vetoing the bill, Bush con­ two-thirds necessary. the last House vote on the mea- pretty good about this," said tended he was not trying to re- see ABORTION I page 4 War crimes committed by Saddam, said Beres By JOHN CONNORTON of Kuwaiti citizens and aggres- News Writer sion against non-combatants Israel and Saudi Arabia. Although thll war in the Per- Saddam has also been ac- sian Gulf is officially over, the cused of committing genocide issue of war erimes remains against the Kurds "before, unresolved, according to Louis during and after the invasion," ) lhmH Bmes. Beres said. Despite President Rush's The difficulties in prosecuting , statement in March 1991 that Gulf War war criminals have "Saddam Hussein and all those been compounded by the with him are accountable" for United States' fear of the geo­ war crimes, the Iraqi President political costs such prosecution rtlmains in firm control of his might cause, Beres said. He country and, as many maintain, added that the U.S. fears continues to commit genocide strengthening Iran, Iraq's against Iraq's Kurdish popula- principal rival in the Middle tion. East, and is hesitant to alienate Berlls, professor of political other Arab nati~ns. sdnnce and international law at Another dilliculty involved in l'urdun University, spoke yes- any such prosecution is decid­ tmday at the Ilesburgh Center ing where the war crime trials for International Studies about should be held. thn possibilities for prosecuting "Kuwait's right to speak on Iii!,~· .. ·· .. ··~· thn criminals of grievous war matters of international law has <--~ crimes that occurred during the been compromised because of Persian Gulf War. r its oppression of Palestinians The Observer/Andrew McCloskey Iraqi war crimes include in- and other minorities." he said. Ready, aim ... human treatment of coalition "Some argue that America's prisoners of war, barbarous and right has, as well," because of Dillon Hall sophomore Dan Dipaola takes aim at his target Tuesday afternoon at the stadium rifle unjustified assaults against its not-quite surgical bombings range. The exercise was a part of the Army ROTC rifle team's practice session. Kuwait, the calculated murder see SADDAM I page 4 Loretto renovation certain; SMC community divided By KAREN ALBERS believed to be inadequate, she News Writer said. Because of the high, concave architecture, sounds Renovation of the Church of tend to bounce around, making Loretto at Saint Mary's is im­ it hard for others to hear the minent, despite opposition from service. many in the Saint Mary's com­ The walls of the church will munity, according to Mary be altered to better the acous­ Turgi, chairperson of the reno­ tics, according to Turgi. vation committee. Presently, the walls of the Turgi discussed the reasons church slope down to niches, behind the decision at an open into which various statues are forum held yesterday at Saint placed. The walls above the Mary's. niches are composed of colored Renovations have been dis­ tile mosaics, depicting various cussed for at least eight years, scenes from the Bible. but until last September, there Wooller decided that the first has been no real planning. The fifteen feet of the walls should committee spent three to four be removed, taking off only months finding an architect be­ mosaics of palm trees while fore deciding on Evans Wooller, leaving the pictures intact. The the same architect who de­ niches would be removed under signed Saint Mary's Cushwa­ the architect's plan and the re­ Leighton Library. sulting wall area made convex, One reason behind the deci­ to counteract the acoustics. The Observer/Andrew McCloskey sion was that the committee Wooller believes that the ren­ Un Momenta thought that there are many ovations will cause a fifty per­ Faust Capobianco, a Cavanaugh Hall sophomore, pauses for a moment while watching an structural defects in the church, cent improvement in the acous­ instructional video at the Language Resource Center for his first year Italian class. according to Turgi. tics. The acoustics and lighting are see LORETTO I page 4 ~~~~~-------...------------ --- page2 Wednesday, November 20, 1991 INSIDE COLUMN FORECAST: "ND family" isn't Cloudy and turning colder with a 40 percent chance of showers. Partly as great as it sunny, decreased cloudiness in the afternoon. sounds TEMPERATURES: As the time for turkey------­ City H L Athena 66 48 and gift giving approaches Atlanta 68 49 none too quickly for Bertin 39 36 B06ton 68 45 overworked students, Chicago 70 50 thoughts of family Dallas-Ft. Wor111 65 54 holidays past keep Denver 44 25 Detroit 8.4 54 popping into mind. No Honolulu 85 73 where are thoughts of Houston 79 63 ndianapolil 68 60 "family" more prevalent Lisa Eaton London 48 41 than at Notre Dame. At Loa Ange\901 77 51 the very core of the whole Managing Editor Mlarri Beach 78 75 New Orleans 83 72 Notre Dame mystic is the N-York 67 45 Paris 50 43 idea of the "Notre Dame family." Philadelphia 62 40 This is a concept diligently promoted by ND Rome 63 39 representatives across the country as they san Diego 74 48 San Francisco 67 47 attempt lure prospective students to life Seal\ Ia 54 46 under the Golden Dome. They speak of how South Bend 11 47 Pressure Tokyo 66 50 dorm life encourages a sense of family, how Washington. D.C. 65 45 everybody at Notre Dame is just one big H L ~~w 0rn~ happy family and how the administration is HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T.STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY going to be there to shoulder the parental role for the new students. .··::· In theory, there is nothing really wrong with this idea. Almost everybody has a positive concept of families and it is natural to want to TODAY AT A GLANCE have the comfort and safety of home come along to college. The real problem with this WORLD warned of a "satanic conspiracy" facing the ministry. idea lies in its practice and application. "The really sad thing is that so many of these people take There is en loco parentis, that gem of Train derails near Mexico City the attitude that we really don't need the money, that administrative policy giving good ole' Monk there is no crisis," according to Mark Swadener, chief and his cohorts the authority to act as mom MEXICO CITY - A freight train derailed and plunged into a busy highway south of the capital Tuesday, killing financial officer. Robert's son Richard blamed the and dad away from home. decrease in contributions to the scandals involving To the average high school senior and or injuring at least 50 people, authorities said. The accident occurred just outside the town of Tehuacan, 152 former PTL leader Jim Bakker and evangelist Jimmy his/her parents, this is undoubtedly a very Swaggart.
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