{, $.r,rx x Bank Regional Office, Chennai TENDER CUM AUCTION SALE NOTICE WHEREAS the Authorised Officer of the Bank had issued Demand Notice dated 07.03.2074 to (1) M/s Almech Engineers (P) Ltd, Registered Office al !1222A, Lt' Main Road, Venkatesvara Nagar, Chennai - 600089, also at No.4/2, Kalasathamman Koil Street, I Floor, Moogambigai Nagar, Ramapuram, Chennai - 600089, borrower and (2) Mr.K.B.Vijayan,5f5, Sri Ram Nagar, 3'd Cross Street, Ramapuram, Chennai - 600089, borrower / guarantor (3) Mr.Sundar Rajan G., DFz, Navin Subamangala Apartments, 4/8, Kalasathamman Koil Street, Ramapuram, Chennai j 600089, the guarantor, (4) Mrs.K.S.Salini Vijayan, 5/5, Sri Ram Nagar, 3'd Cross Street, Ramapuram, Chennai- 600089, the borrower/ guarantor, (5) Mrs.S.Santhi Sundar Rajan, DF2, Navin Subamangala Apartments,4fS, Kalasathamman Koil Street, Ramapuram, Chennai - 600089, the guarantor, under section 13(2) of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security lnterest Act, 2002 (hereinafter referred to as 'The Act') and has.taken symbolic possession of the immovable properties, more fully described in the schedule hereunder under Section 13( )of the Act read with Rule 8 of the Security lntere5t (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 on 27.O8.2Ot4. AND WHEREAS, the borrowers / guarantors have failed to pay the amount, Notice is hereby given that the immovable properties more fully described in the Schedule hereunder will be sold by way of Tender Cum Auction on "as is where is" basis and "as is what is" condition, on the date and at the place mentioned herein below for realization of a sum of Rs. Rs.10,43,79,37O.72 (Rupees Ten Crores Forty Three Lakhs Seventy Nine Thousand Three Hundred Seventy and Paisa Seventy Two only) with further interest and costs as follows and subject to the following terms and conditions: - DETAILS Account Name Nature of facility Balance lnterest & cost due from Almech Engineers (P) ltd OD(Contractor), LCIBG & Rs.10,30,00,550.44 oL-L2-20L4 DBD (LC) Term Loan Rs.2,00,352.00 08-12-2074 Mr.K.B,.Vijayan & Housing Loan Rs.LL,78,468.28 26-77-201.4 M rs. K.S.Salini Vijayan Item No.1 Mr. K.B.Vijayan, Description of property All that piece and parcel of land admeasuring 4368 Sq. ft. (as per title deed), in 55 Manapakkam Village, Sriperumbudur, Chengai Anna district comprised in S.No.89/1, having a lineal measurement East to West on the Southern side 70 feet, on the Northern side 34 feet, North to South on the Eastern side 92 feet & on Western side 76 feet or thereabouts and all improvements thereon, bounded on the North by lands in S.No.80/4, East by lands in S.No.88, West by Plot No.34 in S.No.89/L and South by proposed road in S.No.89/1, more fully described in Sale deed no. 4605/L996 dated 25.09.1995 of DRO Madras South. Rs.L,00,00 /- (Rupees One Crore only) Earnest Money Deposit Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakhs only) by way of DD favouring "Authorised (EMD) Officer, The South lndian Bank Ltd." Payable at chennai along with tender letter in a sealed cover to the Authorised Officer before 10.30 AM on South Indian Bank Ltd., Regd. Olfice. SIB House, T.B. Road, Mission Quarters, Thrissur, Kerala - 680 001 t +gL-487-2420020 Fax +9L-487-2442021Email: [email protected] CIN: L65191KLI929PLCOOLO|7 Regional OIIice: Niagra Apartrnents, No.l, Sterling Road, Nungambald<am, Chennai -600034 TeI. No: +9L - 44 28278542 I 282382501 28281L09 Fax: +91 - 44 - 28232Ot4 E-mail: ro I 001@sib. co. in Website : www. southindianbank. com %rr$e,n* Regional Office, Chennai 27.0t.20Ls Date and Time of Sale 27-0L-20L5 at LL.00 AM Item No.2 Name of Propertv Owner M rs. K.S.Salini Vijayan Description of property All that piece and parcel of undivided share of land admeasuring 326.33 Sq. ft. out of 10018.76 Sq. ft. in 45 cents of land comprised in S.Nos.75l2A,75l2B and 75/38 in Ramapuram Village, Saidepet Taluk together with residential Flat no.L4 on third floor, Block No.6 in "Home Finders Estate", Ramapuram, Chennai having an area of approximately 699 Sq. ft. and all common amenities, spaces and improvements thereon, more fully described under Sale deed no.255/L995 dated 30.01.L995 of SRO Alandur. The entire larger extent consisting of 46 cents is bounded on the North by proierty in S.No.75/1, East by property in S.no.76, West by lands sold to Ms.Moolchand Kothari & Rajkumari Bisani anf South by land sold to Omprakash Kothari. Reserve Price Rs.32,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty Two lakhs only) Earnest Money Deposit Rs.3,20,000/- (Rupees Three Lakhs Twenty Thousand only) by way of DD (EMD) favouring "Authorised Officer, The South lndian Bank Ltd." Payable at chennai along with tender letter in a sealed cover to the Authorised Officer before 10.30 AM on 27.0L.2015 Date and Time of Sale 27-OL-20L5 at L1.00 AM Item No.3 Name of Property Owner Mr. K.B.Vijayan & M rs.K.S.Salini Vijayan, Description of property All that piece & parcel of land admeasuring 2333 Sq. ft. bearing Plot No.5 of Sri Ram Nagar, comprised in S.No.11L/4C, Ramapuram Village, Ambattur Taluk, Thiruvallur District, measuring east to west on the northern & southern side 30 feet, north to south on the eastern side 80% feet & on the western side 75 feet, together with two storied residential building having approximate built in area of 2420 sq.ft. and all improvements thereon, more fully described under Sale deed 43L(2O0O dated 24.03.2000 of Joint SRO ll, Saidapet and bounded on the North by Road, South by Plot no.4, Gunasekaran's Land, East by Sri Ramnagar layout and West by Plot no.6. Reserve Price Rs.1,45,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore Forty Five lakhs only) Earnest Money Deposit Rs.14,50,000/- (Rupees Fourteen Lakhs Fifty Thousand only) by way of DD (EMD) favouring "Authorised Officer, The South lndian Bank Ltd." Payable at chennai along with tender letter in a sealed cover to the Authorised Officer before 12.30 Noon on 27.0t.2075 Date and Time of Sale 27-Ot-20L5 at L.00 PM Item No.4 Name of Property Owner Mr.K.B.Vijayan, Mrs.K.S.Salini Vijayan, Mr.G.Sundar Rajan & Mrs.S.Santhi Sundar Raian All that piece and parcel of land bearins Plot No. 36 admeasuring Two (2 lndian Bank Ltd., Regd. OIIice. SIB House, T.B. Road, Mission Quarters, Thrissur, Kerala - 680 001 L-487-2420020 Fax +91-487-2442O2LEmail: [email protected] CIN: L65191KLL929PLCOOIOI7 Regional OIIice: Niagra Apartments, No.l, Sterling Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai -600034 Tel. No: +91 -4428278542 / 282382501 2828L109 Fax: +91 -44 -28232014 E-mail: ro 1 [email protected] Web site : www. southindianbank. com ZlBxrse,n* Regional Office, Chennai Grou"ds ana f+SO sq. ft. situated in Sree Balaji Nagar, Renga Reddy Garden, comprised in s.No.27/1 Part, New S.No.27lLA\O Part, in Neelankarai Village, Tambaram Taluk, measuring East to west on the Nonhern side 90 feet, East to West on the Southern sideg4feet, North to South on the Eastern side 66 feet, North to south on the western side 70 feet and all improvements thereon, more fully described under Sale deed dated 27.03.2002 and registered as document no. tt4zl2OOG of SRO Neelankarai, bounded on the North by Plot no.37 and road, East by Plot no.35, west by Panchayat road and South by land belongrng to Sailaja & oth (o (Rrrnees lakhs onlv) Reserve Price ac ? nn nOO/- Two Crores Fittv by way uu Tavourrng Earnest MoneY DePosit Rs.25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five lakhs onty) or at chennai along (EMD) "Authorised Officer, The South lndian Bank Ltd." Payable with tender letter in a sealed cover to the Authorised Officer beford L2.30 Date and Time of Sale 27-OL-20L5 at 1.00 PM Item No.5 Name of Property Owner 29 admeasuring 5272 sq' Ft' Description of ProPertY ' situated in Thiruvalluvar Nagar lay out, comprised in 5.No.472/2, in Manapakkam Village, sriperumbudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District, measuring on the North 80 feet, on the South 96 feet, on the East 62 feet and on the West 60 feet and all improvements thereon, more fully described under Sale deed no. 20OL12004 dated 26.03.2004 of DRO Madras South' by Plot bounded on the North by 4.8 Metres road, East by vacant land, West nn ?.fl end Snrrth hv Plot no-28. lakhs only) Reserve Price Rr1^SO,OO,OOO/- (Rupees One Ctore fifty way DD favouring Earnest MoneY DePosit .n lakhs only) by of Payable at chennai along (EMD) "Authorised Officer, The South lndian Bank Ltd." with tender letter in a sealed cover to the Authorised officer before 10.30 A M on 29.01.20L5 Date and Time of Sale Item No.5 Name of Property Owner Mr.G.Sundar Rajan parcel land admeasuring U5.52 >q' MIS., measulrrrE, urr Description of ProPertY All that piece and of the North 7.0L meters, on the east 12.20 meters, on the south 7'01 meters and on the west t2.20 meters together with LIG House bearing No'L-27, at having a built in area of t247 5q. ft and all improvements thereon, situated Alagapuri Nagar in S.No.91/t Part & g4lt Part of Ramapuram Village, no' Ambattur Taluk, Thiruvallur District, more fully described under Sale deed 23t5/2007 dated Lg.og.zoo7 of sRo saidapet, bounded on the North by MIG House House No.
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