$3.00 June-July 1986 Special AI Issue PROLOG On The PC ................................... 6 A thorough comparison of PROLOGS available on the PC. Expert Systems and Logic Programming ................. 12 Expert systems designers are handing out numbers to prospective customers. Opening Bids In Bridge ............................... 18 A great example of how AI works. Grab your PROLOG and start coding. And More Building Your Own Logic Analyzer .............................. 26 Can't afford a commercial 32-channel logic analyzer? You can afford this one. 86 World ....................................................... 36 Our man in Turkey trots all over Asia looking for the complete supplier of drives, systems, boa_rds. 0'° ,., 256K RAM For Your 83 Kaypro .................................. 44 co Finally, a do-it-yourself RAM upgrade for this venerable Z80 machine. co M °'~ 0 PC-DOS For Non-Clones ........................................ 54 "- ~ Write a PC BIOS for your 8086-8088 system. ~ "- 0 Brep-by-step tutorial, demo programs with source code included! Turbo Prolog 1.0 Technical SpecitJ.cations Borland introduces Turbo Prolog, ProgzmnmiDt 8yst,em .libatures f!:1' Compiler. Incremental rompller gen­ erating Illl.tlVe ln-llne cxxle and llnkable oQJect malules. The l1nk1ng fonnat la the natural language of romµit.lble with the FCOOS linker. large memmymcxiel support. Complies over 2600 llnea per minute on a standard !EM ro. f!:1' Int.eracttve 1'4tt.or: The E\)'Bt.em Artificial Intelligence. lnCludes a p:iwerful lnterect!Ve 1\J!l-rereen text editor. If the rompller detects an error, the ed!tor auoomatlCalzy pooltJona the curoor epproprlately In the rource cxxle. At run-t!me, Turlxl Prolog ~can call Prolog is probably the most the edit.or, and v1eW the runrung PI'®'Wil's oouroe cxxle. powerful computer programming f!:1' 7Jpe 8yBt:8m: A flexible oQJect,orWnted language ever conceived, which is cype E\)'Bt.em la supported. f!:1' W1Ddowtng Bupport: The E\)'Bt.em wbywe've made it our second supports !xJth graphic and text WlndowB. language-and ''turbocharged" it to f!:1' Input/Output: Full I/O fac111t!ea, Including formatted I/0, streams, and create Turbo Prolog ... random aooeaa files. f!:1' .Numeric P.a.nges: Integel'B: -32:lf!7 to Our new Turbo Prolog brings 32767; Reala: lE-307 to IE+zre supercomputer power to your IBM® f!:1' .Debugg1Dg: Complete bullt-tn trare de­ buggtng CB.IW111t!ea allow1ng Single PC and introduces you step-by-step to st.eppJng of~ the fascinating new world of Artificial Intelligence. And does all this for an ,........... , astounding $99.95. I YES I !~a~~st I Turbo Pascal the wey you I • I could compare Turbo Pascal w I Turbo Prolog at only: I @ :f:/::~fi:ir~ _Q;;J=~:;;~e::, machine language. Pascal® is to Pa.sca.1! ~ our free tutorial will You get the complete Our Turbo Pascal aston1Bhoo get you st;a.rt;ed right away Turbo Prolog = $99.95 =1 eve:cyone who thought of Pascal I To order by phone, You'll get started rlght away I or for a dealer nearest you, 1 as 'Just another language:' We because we have tncluded a $ f;'=~~~Bsystem changed all that-and now Turbo complete step-by-step tutorial as I Call (800) 255-8008 I You get a complete Turbo I in CA call (800) 742-1133. 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Then Turbo Pro1og NOT COPY PROTECTED mountatns, rivers, and Wghweys, I *60-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE I progra.rn.rnrng language, it 1s aloo "th1nks" the problem through and comes complete With natural I Name.- I a complete development enV1ron­ and comes up With all the query language. Use GeoBase ment-juBt like Turbo Pascal reasonable answers-almost immediately "as 18," or mod!zy it I Shipping Address· I. Turbo Prolog radically alters tnstantly. to fit your own tnteresta. I I and dramatically improves the Ifyou think that th1a 18 So don't delay-don't waste a I City.- I brave new world of a.rttllcial amazing, you just need w second-get Turbo Prolog now. 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Assembled and Tested Systems Designed, Manufactured and Serviced by: • Mono-Chrome System ............ $1,499.00 Includes: 512K, Power Supply, Enclosure, Keyboard, Monitor, Two Drives, and Printer· Port, 1 1 Serial Port, Real Time Clock.· PC [CH :o~·~i~h ~~h street • Quaritity Discounts Upon'·,Requ~st . Lake City, MN 55041 •Call For Info on Add-Ons, Hard Disks, Etc: (612) 345-4555 COD, VISA, MASTER CARO, CERTIFllSD. FUN CS :;MICRO ·, (}ORNUCOPI/\ EDITORIAL The Micro Technical By David Thompson Journal Over The Wall Editor & Publisher David J. Thompson Operations & Advertising Morrow Computers Says Goodby David Pogue · George Morrow is still around, but Morrow computers, one of the early powers in this industry, has filed Associate Editors Chapter 11. · . .. Rebecca Ozrelic Gary Entsminger In his book Quotations From Chpirmqn :Morrow George wrote, '.'Money is the only lethal drug ·available on a non- Accounting prescription basis.'' . Sandra Thompson "We pissed away $11 milliori,". he commented after the filing. (Something not experienced by·many.) Office Manager If someone doesn't come forth shortiy·with ·something Tracey Anthony that's green and folds and interests bankers, there won't be· another chapter. ~ ,, ,. Technical Department Larry Fogg Mirror Says A Lot Be careful when you sue somecme - you might just be Staff Assistants doing t~em a favor. Crosstalk is' suing Softklone over its Laura Logan Cary Gatton Mirror communications package for the Compatibles, but Renee Katter publicity from the suit could be a super boost for Softklone's new product. I called Softklone to see what the fuss was about. It turns out that Mirror will emulate Crosstalk, from MICRO CORNl]COPIA (ISSN 0747-587X) is communications protocol to configuration files. Mirror published bi-monthly for $16 per year by will also speak Christianson (CRC ·or checksum), Hayes, Micro Cornucopia Inc. 155 NW Hawthorne Bend, OR 97701. Second-class postage paid and Kermit protocols. · · at Bend, OR and additional mailing offices. It has. a built.:in text eoitor, password .protection, data POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MICRO CORNUCOPIA, PO Box 223, Bend · encoding/ decoding, plus it runs in the background.
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