Sky and Telescope

Sky and Telescope

index to volume 111 january – june 2006 ■authors of 2006, The, 1:115 MacRobert, Alan M., Backyard Guide to Saturn, A, Faber, Thomas, Wanton Destruction? 5:12 2:62 Aguirre, Edwin L., book review: Patrick Moore, Fienberg, Richard Tresch, Astronomy in the Spotlight, book review: Astronomy Hacks: Tips & Tools Patrick Moore, 5:86 2:8 for Observing the Night Sky, Robert Bruce China’s Boötes Star Party Shines, 6:87 book review: Astronomy On Ice, Martin A. Thompson and Barbara Fritchman Thompson, Community News: Amateurs Spot “10th Planet,” Pomerantz, 2:90 1:109 6:88 Camera Always Lies, The, 3:8 Predicting Your Events, 4:61 Astronomy Outreach Book Now Available, 6:88 Clouded Vision, 4:8 Can an O III nebula filter be referred to as an Historic Observatory’s Fund Drive a Success, Just Plane Nuts, 6:8 “oh-two” filter because of doubly ionized oxy- 3:92 My Trip to the Moon, 5:8 gen atoms? 2:96 London Planetarium to Close, 5:91 Space Race Against Time, 1:8 Europe’s Partial Solar Eclipse, 3:60 Manufacturers Cut Back Film-Camera When will the last ever total solar eclipse occur? Extreme Parallax, 4:22 Production, 5:91 2:96 How well defined is a meteor-shower radiant? 4:92 Martian Crater Named After Japanese Flanders, Tony, book review: Next Step, The: Finding Is there a good test for a telescope’s optical qual- Amateur, 5:91 and Viewing Messier’s Objects, by Ken Graun, ity? 3:100 SOHO Celebrates a Milestone, 3:92 4:82 Neutron Stars Flying Pole-First, 2:20 Hyperactive Sunspot, A, 1:94 Does advanced technology make diffraction theo- Porrima After Periastron, 6:65 Look Back at Mars in 2005, A, 4:70 ry obsolete? Is obstruction of less consequence Was the brightening of Comet Tempel 1 after RS Ophiuchi Has a Rare Outburst, 6:66 for photography than observing? 5:98 Deep Impact the most-distant human caused Solar Eclipses on Stamps, 4:85 Measuring Skyglow with Digital Cameras, 2:99 event? 1:132 Why do we need a hydrogen-alpha filter to see Sky Quality Meter, The, 2:104 What does “true color” mean in a deep-space solar prominences? 2:96 Frederick, Richard, What Star Is That? 3:118 photograph? 3:100 Alpiar, Ronald, Deep Impact, 2:12 French, Sue, Canes Redux, 6:73 Why do craters sometimes look like bulges or Anderson, Carl, Building a Simplified Yolo, 1:125 Dear Chara, 5:71 indentations? 6:96 Anderson, Jay, see Espenak, Fred Dog-and-Pony Show, 3:66 see also Naeye, Robert Ashford, Adrian R., Celestron CPC 800 GPS, 3:74 Icy Blue Diamonds, 2:69 Mais, Dale E., Where Amateurs and Professionals Beatty, J. Kelly, Asteroidal Dust Shower, An, 5:20 Leo’s 11th Hour, 4:67 Come Together, 5:90 Crater-Free Asteroid, A, 1:19 Winter Wonders, 1:83 Martin, D. Christopher, see Friedman, Peter G. Hayabusa Mission Gets Long Delay, 3:24 Friedman, Peter G., Kerry Erickson, and D. Christopher McDowell, Jonathan, AGILE, 5:26 Martian Ice: Wide and Deep, 6:18 Martin, GALEX Lives, 4:12 Apollo Again? 1:28 Bell, Trudy E., Rape of the Observatory, 6:110 Garfinkle, Robert A., Adams Family, The, 1:14 book review: Big Dish, Douglas J. Mudgway, 6:82 Beish, Jeffrey, see Dobbins, Thomas Gehrels, Tom, What Is a Planet? 1:14 Dawn, 3:26 Birriel, Jennifer, book review: Symmetry and the Glasgow, Rod, Mars Bigger, But Not Better, 3:12 Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope, 5:26 Beautiful Universe, Leon M. Lederman, 6:83 Goldberg, Eric M., Deep Impact, 2:12 Hubble Space Telescope, 2:24 Black, Larry, Memories, 6:12 Goldman, Stuart J., If the asteroid 99942 Apophis NASA Science in Free Fall, 6:16 Brant, Greg, Sailing Along the Galactic Plane, 4:51 ever strikes Earth, how big would the crater be? New Horizons, 4:24 Bromm, Volker, Out of the Dark Ages: The First Stars, 2:96 Stardust, 4:24 A searchable index 5:30 Look, Up in the Sky! 5:88 Venus Express, 2:24 to all issues of Sky & Browning, Michael C., Desert Visions, 3:12 Plurality of Worlds, The, 3:88 Webb Space Telescope, 3:26 Telescope is available Bryant, Greg, Beacons of the Night, 5:51 Try to Find Saturn, 1:112 McGaha, James, Outer Limits, on our Web site at Enjoyable Latitude, An, 3:51 Graney, Chris, Galileo’s Pride and Prejudice, 5:12 The: Observing Quasars at Fly Me to the Cross, 6:51 Green, Terry, There’s Mister Moon! 1:150 High Redshifts, 3:69 Lifetime in Orion, A, 2:51 Gurshtein, Alexander, Landing the Moon, 6:12 Meeus, Jean, Cosmos 1 Jr.? 1:15 magazinearchive Tales of the Bull, 1:59 Hallas, Tony, Of Color and Composition, 4:94 Mellander, Peter, Observers Very Close Comet Flyby, A, 5:60 Hamilton, Maurice, Unmasking Eclipse Details with Wanted, 5:12 Castelvecchi, Davide, New Breed of Black Hole, A, 4:36 Photoshop, 5:100 Mood, John, Lights Out, 6:12 Dalrymple, Les, Rose-Colored Glasses, 5:118 Johnston, Lisa R., More Einstein Rings, 3:20 Naeye, Robert, Andromeda’s Satellite Plane, 5:22 Southern Binocular Highlight: A Cluster in Ring Around a Black Hole, 1:24 Astro News Brief: Thunderstorm on Saturn, 6:24 Search of Nature, 3:49 Seeing the Milky Way Take Shape, 1:26 Astronomers Agog over Nearby Burst, 6:20 Canine Cluster NGC 5822, 6:49 Swift: The Satellite That’s Always On Call, 1:48 Best Transiting Exoplanet Yet, The, 1:20 NGC 3532: Best of the Best? 4:49 Johnston, Lisa R., and Robert Naeye, Milky Way Binary-Star Planets Common, 4:22 See a Seyfert, 5:49 Roundup, 5:16 Black Hole Hive? A, 4:41 Summer Globular NGC 1851, 1:57 Knezek, Patricia, Best Bar in the Neighborhood, The, Black-Hole News, 5:24 The Magnificent Tarantula, 2:49 1:32 Brown-Dwarf Enigma, 5:18 De Silva, Rex I., What Is a Planet? 1:14 Krupp, E. C., Antagonized by Poets, 5:43 Chandra: Taking the Universe’s X-ray, 1:36 di Cicco, Dennis, book review: The Handbook of Bowl of Night, The, 3:43 Cosmic “Twister,” 4:20 Astronomical Image Processing, Richard Berry Fluid Drive, 1:52 Cratering Culprits Identified, 1:19 and James Burnell, 5:86 Fooled by the Moon, 4:43 Creator Calling Card? 5:25 Meade’s RCX400, 2:78 Gold Dust, 2:43 Dark Matter in Ellipticals? 3:24 What does a periodic error in a telescope drive Hanging by a Thread, 6:43 Eta Carinae: Nasty Neighbors, 2:22 mean? 1:132 Laughlin, Gregory, Amateur Contribution, The, 2:34 Evidence Mounts for Brown-Dwarf Planets, 3:20 What does the term “lignes” mean? 4:92 Lehman, Dale E., Death of a Streetlight, 2:118 Exploding Stars Explained? 2:20 ZenithStar 66 Refractors, 5:76 Lester, Dan, Here’s Dirt in Your Eye, 4:110 Face of Copernicus? The, 2:18 Dobbins, Thomas, Donald Parker, and Jeffrey Beish, Levy, David H., Asteroid Alerts: A Risky Business, Going Deep in Virgo, 5:25 Shadow Boxing, 2:12 4:90 Magnetar Magnificence, 2:16 Doescher, Russell L., see Olson, Donald W. Four Decades of Comet Hunting, 3:91 New Low-Mass Exoplanet, A, 5:19 Dunham, David W., Chasing a Graze of Antares, 1:74 Headed for Pluto and Beyond, 5:96 New Red Spot, A, 6:18 Lunar Occultation Highlights for 2006, 1:71 Master of Occultations, 6:90 New Type of Neutron Star, A, 3:18 Spectacular Pleiades Occultation, A, 4:61 Ringside Seat, A, 2:93 Sirius B’s Mass Measured, 3:26 Upcoming Asteroid Occultations, 3:61, 6:63 Tsutomu Seki and the Great Comet of 1965, 1:121 Surprise! Most Star Systems Are Single, 5:17 Echeverria, Gerardo, Lose the Jiggle, 1:15 Lockwood, Michael, Modern Long-Focus Newtonian, Too Big Too Soon? 1:18 Engstrom, Lars, Moon Illusion, 4:12 A, 3:96 Trojans from the Kuiper Belt, 5:20 Erickson, Kerry, see Friedman, Peter G. Mack, Katherine J., Slice of the Solar Spectrum, A, Vega Mystery Solved, 4:16 Espenak, Fred, and Jay Anderson, Great Total Eclipse 6:26 Why are there two peaks in an exoplanet sys- 1 pindex to volume 111 tem’s light curve? 1:132 Corona, The, 4:28 Seeing Not-So-Ancient Supernovae, 5:22 see also Johnston, Lisa R. Seager, Sara, Unveiling Distant Worlds, 2:28 Spitzer: Living Life to the Fullest, 1:44 see also Tytell, David Seronik, Gary, Apogee RA-88-SA Right-Angle Stardust’s Tiny Treasures, 6:17 Naeye, Robert, and Alan M. MacRobert, Case Binoculars, 4:74 Uranus’s New Rings, 4:18 Strengthened for Inflation, 6:22 Canon 10 × 42 L IS WP Image-Stabilized video review: The Zula Patrol, 1:111 Naeye, Robert, and David Tytell, Titan Revisited, 3:16 Binoculars, 4:74 Why have recent Kuiper Belt discoveries been Noll, Landon Curt, Searching for Vulcanoids, 1:87 Moon’s North Pole, The, 5:28 made while the objects are at aphelion? 5:98 Olson, Donald W., Beatrice Robertson, and Russell L. Northern Binocular Highlight: Ancient Globular Tytell, David, and Robert Naeye, Sizing Distant Worlds, Doescher, Reflections on Edvard Munch’s Girls on M5, 6:48 5:20 the Pier, 5:38 Beehive Cluster, The, 4:48 Walker, Sean, Atik Filter Wheel, 6:78 O’Meara, Stephen James, Charon’s Canal, 3:64 Golden Betelgeuse, 3:48 Deep-Sky Astrophotography 2005, 3:103 Eclipse Timetable, An, 4:64 Orion’s Sword, 2:48 Introduction to Digital Astrophotography, Robert Great Jupiter’s “Ghost”! 1:79 Pair of Leo Doubles, A, 5:48 Reeves, 3:83 M44: What’s the Buzz? Part I, 6:70 Watching the Demon Star, 1:56 SkyNyx 2-0 Camera, 6:76 Scattered Pearls, 2:66 Sheppard, Scott, What Is a Planet? 1:14 Weissman, Paul R., Comet Tale, A, 2:36 Spirits of the Air, 5:68 Sherrill, Thomas J., Envisioning the End of the World, Wood, Charles A., Extreme Basinology, 5:58 Parker, Donald, see Dobbins, Thomas 6:36 Human History on the Moon, 6:60 Plait, Phil, Death from the Skies, 6:30 Sinnott, Roger W., Ansel Adams Encore, An, 1:93 Little Lunar Volcanoes, 4:58 Pulliam, Christine, Deciphering the Globular-Cluster Can Venus ever be far enough from the Sun to Looking Between Craters, 3:58 Code, 3:30 appear east of the meridian? 6:96 Weird Crater Rays, 2:58 Putnam, William L., Lowell’s Legacy, 4:12 Crescent Moons in 2006, 2:60 Why Are Crater Rays Bright? 1:67 Ratledge, David, Starry Night Pro Plus 5, Imaginova, Fast Fact: The Universal Constant Pi, 4:92 4:78 How large an asteroid could a person jump off? ■departments Rickey, Daniel W., Secrets of Telescope Resolution, 1:132 Amateur Telescope Making — 6:92 Outer Planets in 2006, 5:66 Building a Simplified Yolo, 1:125 Robertson, Beatrice, see Olson, Donald W.

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