THE SPECTRUM VOLUME Li V. Z 545a STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1940. NUMBER 15 ANNOUNCE COMPLETE CAST FOR 'THE BLUE KEY TURNS' Religion, Life Celebrated Tenor, Hoyden, Arnold izry7/;w770:040/4v" Bison Brevities Conference Hayes, Sings Varied Heads Select Program At College Star In LCT '40 Personnel Plans Progress Roland Hayes, negro tenor who Production sang on Tuesday evening's lyceum Anderson, Weltzin, Mac- Ten Speakers Secured For program in Festival hall, charmed a Mason Arvold, Art Director Gibbon, Hoyden, Ness, Meeting Jan. 27-Feb. 2; packed audience with a program of Promises Unsual Setting; spirituals and classics that his listen- Hathaway, Given Leads Social Life Suspended ers did not fail to appreciate. Cast Includes 20 The completion of casting last With ten speakers already secured In the Fargo Forum, Francis for the Religion and Life conference Schoff of the NDAC English depart- "Thar's gold in them that hills" and night marked the initial step on the to be held here Jan. 27-Feb. 2, in co- ment lauded him for a well-balanced a powerful breed of men are road to success for the 1940 Bison operation with the University Chris- program, pointing out encores that there to take it out in the Little Brevities, all-college musical show. Country Theater melodrama, "The tian Mission, plans are progressing called him back on both the negro Chosen for the leading roles were folk songs and on 16th century songs. Girl of the Golden West" by David for the first of this type of meeting Bob Anderson, Dick Weltzin, Alex on this campus. Schoff praised him, "one of the Belasco which will be presented Wed- MacGibbon, Jeanne Hoyden, Marjory Robert B. Giffen, campus secretary greatest lyric tenors of our time," nesday at 8:00 p. m. Jeanne Hoyden for the University Christian Mission, particularly for a smooth, pure qual- in the title role of The Girl provides Nees and Vernon Hathaway. Because was here Friday, Saturday and Sun- ity he showed in spite of a cold that incentive for some meldramatic lov- of an abundance of talent, the cast- ing along with melodramatic living. day- making arrangements for the only succeeded in marring a few ing committees worked overtime to Belasco's characters, ranging from conference. "Preliminary plans seem technical details. MARGARET CALHOUN, left, and MYRLE 'ANDERSON a pony express rider to a concertina are direc- select the finest personnel available. to be in good shape and the impos- "One was fascinated by the blend tor and business manager, respectively, of the 1940 Blue Key sponsored An original story by Roy Peder- ing array of speakers would indicate of mind and emotion which made player, are human, real, and yet fabu- musical show, The Bison Brevities. lously romantic. The entire plot sen, The Blue Key Turns, has been that the conference will be a suc- each song formally perfect. .. and chosen as the axis about which the cess," he said. Giffen will have an . emotionally warm," Schoff said, teems with adventure set in an at- mosphere of six-shooters and whiskey show will revolve. Written especially office in the YMCA building through- and that, "part of Hayes' greatness `School And Society' for available talent, the story is that out the conference week. lies in the sincerity and conviction bottles. Mason Arvold as art direc- Date Selected tor promises the unusual in settings. of a crooner, Larry Benton, played Niles To Be Here he pours into these spiritual works, Shows Larger N. D. the closest thing we Americans have A cast headed by Bill Arnold as For '40 Little by Bob Anderson, who tires of pub- Heading the list of notables who to genuine folk music." Dick Johnson play supporting roles College Enrollment lic life and threatens to quit his will speak and conduct seminars to Miss Hoyden. Betty Critchfield radio show for the quiet of the coun- throughout the week is Daniel T. as Wowkle will be responsible for Enrollment for 1939 in North Da- International try. However, his conniving mana- Niles, a native of India and evange- much of the humor in the play. kota colleges (NDAC, UND, and ger, Dud Richards, played by Dick listic secretary of the World's YMCA. Tryouts Being Others in the cast include: Don Jones Jamestown college) showed a greater Stanley Bale, manager of the 1940 Weltzin, sends him to a rest home He was also chairman of the Am- as Jack Rance; Kenneth Jones as increase over 1938 figures than col- Little International, has announced sterdam conference in 1939. Other Sonora Slim; Robert Pile as Trinidad leges in any other state in the United that the date for the show will be There will be a meeting of speakers are M. H. Bickham, profes- Held For Men's Joe; Kenny Archer, Nick; Don Land- States, according to an article ap- February 6. The show will again be the entire staff and cast of The sional student of social problems; eck, The Sidney Duck; Helmuth pearing in a recent edition of School held in the Fieldhouse under the Blue Key Turns on Thursday at H. D. Ballinger, in charge of the Rifle Team Froeschle, Jim Larkens; Roland Pfef- and Society, weekly publication of auspices of the Saddle and Sirloin 4 o'clock in Festival hall. \Wesley Foundations Board of Edu- fer, Happy Holiday; John Peterson, the Society for the Advancement of Club. in the country. Also sent to the rest William Ames, last year's rifle Handsome Charlie; Al Artz, Deputy Education. Frank, Johnson, junior in Agri- home by Richards are a troupe of Dick Sweitzer has called a team captain, has been re-elected, Sheriff; Oliver Uthus, Billie Jack- The percentage increase for North culture, will assist Bale in the capa- vaudeville actors headed by Hena- meeting of all members of the and tryouts are being held afternoons rabbit; John Emo, Ashby; Dwight Le- Dakota was 11.64. Next largest city of assistant manager. Officers show Franklin, who is known on the committee of 100 in charge of for berths on the team, it has been wis, Jose Sastro; Dick Crockett, Pony growth was found in West Virginia, in charge of individual departments campus as Alex MacGibbon. the Conference for Sunday, Jan. announced by Major E. F. Boruski. Express rider; Raymond Holkestad, whose college enrollment increased will be as follows: Superintendent of 14, at 3:30 p. m., in the college Y. After eliminations are complete, Jake Wallace; Bob Brandenburg, 10.06 percent. Montana, Minnesota, superintendents, Raymond Stangler; Tells Off Public those making the team will spend Bucking Billy; Clarence Larson, Con- and South Dakota showed 4.30, 2.04, supt. of awards, Richard Crockett; The story winds up when the cation, Methodist church; Miss r ran- three months in preparation for the certino player; Gordon Johnston, the and 6.82 percent increases respective- supt. of beef cattle, Kenneth Ford; vaudeville troupe gives a show be- ces P. Greenough, student secretary intercollegiate matches in the spring. Lookout; and Merl Hough, Man from ly. supt of swine, Wayne Bellamy; supt. fore a "dead" microphone for the of the Northern Baptist Board of Only ROTC men who have not the Other Camp. Another interesting fact brought of sheep, George Strum, supt. benefit of the inmates of the clinic. Education; G. Merrill Lenox, - pastor been commissioned in the reserve The play is being produced by A. out by the article is the significant of dairy, Gordon Erickson; supt. of Larry steps to the microphone and of the Judson Memorial Baptist are eligible. G. Arvold, and coached by Miss increase in the number of freshmen horses, Elton Baldwin; supt. of poul- gives his views of the American pub- church in Minneapolis; and Gould Though a small school in compari- Gwendolyn Stenehjem. Helmuth entering engineering in the United try, Floyd Monteith; supt of dog lic. Later he learns that the mike Wickey, general secretary of the son with other contenders in these Froeschle has charge of properties. States. In 1939, 34.1 per cent more show, Oscar Juntunen; supt of arena, was not dead but had been planted Council of Church Boards of Educa- matches, NDAC has placed fifth or Tickets are available now at the freshmen enrolled in engineering than Al Artz; Dan Robinson, public ad- by his manager. The good-natured tion, Washington, D. C., all of whom sixth in the past three years. Last Little Country theater, or may be in the previous year. The next dress system; Bill Gray, broadcast; public takes his criticism and clamors will be present on the campus for year, the team bettered its previous purchased at the door. largest increase was shown by fresh- ticket sales, Robert Brastrup. for more. He and Dud Richards are the entire week. offered a contract for the first tele- year's record by 62 points in the men in agriculture. The dog show which attracted con- Part-Time Leaders LAST CHANCE vision show ever broadcast by Sam Seventh Corps Area competition. The figures specific for NDAC show siderable attention last year promises Leaders who will be here for part Rogers, radio executive. Off stage Other matches, which the team All persons wishing to get on however, that although in the 10 year to receive its share again at this of the conference are J. 0. Chris- will compete in, are the National In- the editorial staff of the Bison be Rogers is Jack Garry. period between 1929 and 1939 the en- year's show. Although rules and reg- tianson, superintendent of the school tercolegiate Meet and the William present at a staff meeting in the Love interest is furnished by pret- rollment went from 1,077 to 1,747, ulations for the mutt exhibit have not of agriculture, University of Minne- Bison office Tuesday at 4 o'clock.
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