{b}{3}10 use. 424 22 MARCH 1953 131;; c; COPY NO. V DIAIS 68—68 Egg-I311“ U-S-C- DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY (U) |{b]{3j1fl use. 424:3ec. 3.313;) {a} .- .'-c'.'_'.| Hi}: :".1 =- =4-':.m .f-Ll__I1IL.-rn-1::~ .- i-' W 5HE_'-F-F.:l'x|'_':-:.'-.L'1:I2--‘.‘-E':- !].h.1 I - .Illl'Il. nu"; -'~.-. T-O-F—S-E-GII-E-T The Defense Intelligence Summary is predneed by the Direeter ef the Defense Intetligenee ageney te serve the needs ef the Department. et' Defense fer aperenriate enrrent intelligence- It is furnished te nen—Defense Department ageneies fer infer— matien Unljf. Interpretattens et' intelligenee int'ermatien in this ptlhlieatien represent preliminary views whieh are .stt‘e— jeet Le medifieatien in the light ef tnrther intermatien and mere eemplete analysis. {131(3) 10 1130.424 33mm [fig “This deenment eentains elassified infermatien afteeting the natienal seenrity ef the United States within the meaning ef the espienage lawsT US Cede Title 18, Seetiens T93. T94, and 798- Irbtr311ou.s.e.424 See. 3.30:) {1) Seo. 3.303) (1) DIA INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Non Responsive * * * VIETNAM AND RELATED DEVELOPMENTS REPUBLIC OF Situation report. A—S VIETNAM: NORTH Air defense developments. A—T VIETNAM: Air situation and status of airfields. A-8 Top Western envoy now in Switzerland. A-8 Possible visit by American newsman. A—Q COMMUNIST Rotation of AAA units in North A-lO CHINA: Vietnam. ' Non Responsive 22 Mar 68 i DIAIS 68—68 Sec. 3.303) (1) Sec. 3.313;} {1; Non Responsive ii . ,. Sec. 3.3m) {1} EASTERN Men Respensive Reserd Men Respensive Reserd Men Respensive Reserd SflllTll VIEINAM Hen Respensive Reserd .- Sec. 3.3m] {1} Lao Generals' Attitude Toward North Vietnam Stiffens High—ranking Lao Army (FAR) officers believe the government should abandon its neutralist posture if the nations that signed the Geneva Accords do nothing to remove North Vietnamese troops from Laos. They have, however, apparently done little to put this view across to Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma. The commanders of Military Regions (MR5) 4 and 2 —— Gens Phasouk and Vang Pao —— told a gathering of general officers on 14 March that the country's neutralist stance would have to be changed in view of the increased threat posed by North Vietnamese troops. Phasouk proposed that Vientiane press the Geneva signatories to force Hanoi to remove its troops. If this failed, the government should then take a firm stand against North Vietnam. If it didn‘t, Phasouk suggested that the FER generals epon— sor a vote of censure in the Assembly. The generals were supposedly resolved to support Phasouk, but when they met with Souvanna, their deter— mination had disappeared and they did not even men— tion his proposals. Gen Vang Pao did, however, get Souvanna to per— mit air strikes against several towns in MR 2, in- cluding Sam Neua. The Prime Minister exempted two specific buildings as targets -— those housing Commu— nist China's cultural and economic mission in Phong Savan and its military representatives in Khang Khay |Sec. 3.3m) {1) ‘ l- Despite their timidity when confronting Souvanna, the generals —— especially Phasouk and Vang Pao, two of the country's most able —— are upset at the progress of the war. That the FAR can prosecute it more vigor~ ously, with or without Souvanna's consent, is doubtful. The army has had difficulty holding some of its defen- sive positions. Unless its capabilities are greatly increased, the generals will probably support, how— ever reluctantly, the present government. (3595!? ii-iiiiiii-iiiiiflfl 22 Mar 68 DIA Intelligence Summary page g_1 n -- ~ - "Salifim - -- m E {'1 ‘~.—-! \‘I l. RIHI ——-.. {HIE-x '1 ..; OF i": h-TAEZE 1| "x KI». ' " ‘5. WHITE; FLAG ATTACH: i - ~ 5 {IIH D I ETFE ICT TGWH H r ." 1. If“; I l||I”I'll-'41::. J {'J arr/KaraI". fiMfi_ L! \ CAMP C'F WHITE FLAG 'I'! Hall. ”y‘all“: AEMED EAEGTEUHS .' H , 14 MAR A a; I3; a M A ax g; I'- Eulghni‘i? .-'“'_’_';"‘*-~.r' Qfflnmun ,~ r. 1 I} 12°1_,__ EEK-ff}; - f‘q- - ' ‘ I Isl—Ju-H—Erf" " - j “‘1 1:" a i-i—iiQ-i)1 a "a. .; '5‘. I -'_I' ‘-._ 1 1.1 .I _ "31.n- qae __ l__ " :- "I'b tum Pun: ti?" :5: J "'1' “FE r '[il-LE ur— HiiJu-I f {'3 {ham} 1:: u.s.cl.gé424 _ . '3 — STUTuTr: Hula: Eli MAR 63 {b}{3}1fl use. 424 Page 08 of 42 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act THAILAND 3 iIV - MH\I I i MR_H fi { REPUBLKT OF ax \HELNAM “a. (”N\t. if,2” ___ . I . -. f) I” DE PHU DUCK C— A N" BC) [) I _A f, / (W3) 10 U.S.C. 424 SPECIAL LETTELLIGENCE M A TERIA 1’. ON RE FERSE OF PA GE ~ “ 39'3- 33m] 1 i"- _'-_=. 2 {1] Cambodians Concerned Over Internal Security The army is apparently making steady progress against ”Red” Cambodian insurgents, even though it reportedly lacks reserves and good intelligence on dissident activities. An officer said recently that a number of battalions had been alerted but that there were not enough troops to provide adequate internal secur— ity countrywide. He added that some young officers and officials were demanding more prompt and decisive action by the government. After the Reds launched a series of attacks in Military Region 2 in late February, the army appealed to Prince Sihanouk for money to increase its strength by 5,000. The Prince said he could not even provide proper clothing for those already in service. Nevertheless, the army may now have the situation in MR 2 largely under control. a message claimed that ”788 Reds” had rallied there between 12 and 17 March. Incidents continue to be reported, however, in Battambang Province. Some 14,000 ”people” -_ probably an exaggeration —- are said to be participating in the second phase of a sweep there supported by tactical air units and artillery, and additional weapons and ammunition have been provided. Small isolated skirmishes are occurring in the west, and casualties since 27 February favor the government. Red losses were 55 killed, 12 wounded, 144 captured, and 1,425 ralliers —— including the 788 in MR 2. Government forces lost about 21 killed and 14 wounded. (W -W/ cm) 22 Mar 68 DIA Intelligence Summary Page 3-3 ‘ "Se;asm ' H‘a ESTIMATED CHINESE COMMUNIST CUMHH JET MHEHAFT IH 30 UTHEHH CHINA murmur: CHINA lmhfl .55 MRSR‘AFI rdTM MIfiJJ‘fffl'ES-ED 30.4 MIG.]'},.-'FARHEFE ”5 MIG-iifFISHBED {- ILEHIHEAGH 3H _-.u._ 51.5 3'0 MIG—H 30 MIG-1‘? r 1"" Eii+iHGSE1A,-"=AT‘.} PTP'IP:II1‘ I.‘. 111' .- ”EL'I MIG-1.? "I15:- |L-’Efl ' '- I. .,.1-.;..1..~.111~:-:~"h~i~‘- '-'-. 'lfl M13 1? . ID MEG-1‘? 1L15--'-"':‘."'-.'-"'-}'"'- . ‘14 MIG-15‘" Ii} _ i1"!!! MIG- .P-.P-._:.P:._-.P:-P-.P.1_-. KLEEI‘I’IIHGr'lE-IEHUANE 1.: 1-. YANG r“.- l1E| I-1._ .. 9:11-111111-1 I. .'-.' ""-"'n"e-"- HSIHflHEHG I'm. PEITUN/ — l-LUEILEHPI'llflHI flTFUN ‘r'UNNAP-H 'i‘fl MIG-H" 31!- MIG-13' mama-11:1 L\ RUNNING 5 MIG-11" __ r3 Han-mmrml TA"IWAN | WAfiHIAPLI 'EI'J MIG --'|."I" '25 MIG-1"? 1|.'.| MIG-'1‘? "5| MIG—21 :10 MIG-w :1 him: 21 _ \fiMEHG-[I'LflF‘HGTUHHt-HIEH fl HUANGCHCIU,’SI-1ATI i15l" ' .l W" “EH"II-IfiaN'fi * HUIYAHG , ' . .r I : " . " ." jaéflx'll: I": ' .-',-'. -' |._.IP,-1 .- dPr-rg . 3H MIG-l? ' -"-". '. fl" ' - . r": . 4:551..-. ,1.-.1,r.-.,:.-' ” “"- -' ’1'97’ .15’ .- 1"”1'.-".'1h_ .":-:.I' - 51' IE I'I'LIG-l'iI ‘5'" "fix :5?" ':-'"-" f1. MANHLNGIWUTU 'I-lDHG ICING ".11. "1:11 ' .-'.-" P. I. 1 l‘ {U 25 MIG—I? NIMGM1NG "M11161”: . .- ..--' ?_-".'-f_l P. 1 "NUH'HI r"5131-11111 “3215;121:1'1 :' (341 H UK 'ql'i-P'Ffi3;)-flfl .". -1 " —— :_l._EIPE| III“. \I .\ PM 11;" "x. ”-111.54 .1 u : tinl I'fiPfl (5m ERIK. 1 "' “—11...“- ___,.r‘ "HR _-._|. ' ' 1.: -i -HAIKDU _ flHIALAIEHii-d " 5 MIG 1i" MIG-W ' 15 "‘“1.- . HAIHAN FHI""|"HI'"[{‘~IIIII"1-\ —-_1—\_—-_——_ "‘11. '- LINES-HUI ”'39:, 3,3 I f IIHW‘Q‘II ‘1“ I ":1.”- 1' MflR 1'13 3|] MiG-I? "HI \IIJ‘HII "*1 1121:1- I 1.3.11 "1.1-, ""11. '11 11 I fl- mm} 10 ' 1130.424 NOTES COMMUNIST CHINA: The combat jet aircraft order of battle in the south is shown opposite. The 36 to 60 jet fighters that flew from Hainan Island to Leipei (Suihsi) on 2 March may still be there; if they are, total aircraft strength in the south remains at about 580. Of more significance is the fact that Leipei is an air force base and naval air elements are not normally colocated with air force units. The navy fighters may still fly north, as originally expected, but if they remain at Leipei, the air force's 26th Division will probably move elsewhere in South China. Hes-m W911?“ l COMMUNIST CHINA: The deactivated Shantou Air Defense Subsector of the Kuangchou Air Defense District, which was in existence from April 196? to February 1968, was apparently created to provide operational training for personnel assigned to inland radar stations within the district. Its three additional radars contributed little to the early warning capability of the area but offered excellent opportunities to track ”hostile” air- craft from Taiwan; few such ”hostiles” are encountered at the inland stations.
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