Rhode Island History Pubhshed by Th .. Rhod.. IsbnJ Hrsroncal Volume 46, Number 3 August 1987 <>oc ,..t)', 110 fkn lenl 'If""!, Prrwrdence, Rh Je leland. 01,,",,*. ..nd prmted by a gram trum the SUIl: 01 Rhode Contents 1~land ..nd Pwndence Planuunn~. Ed.....ard D. n,h"I". Gn\"l~ rn " r. KalhlCC'n S Connell, Secretarv 01SU le Issued Quarterlv ,1 1 l'tn\·ldcn<,: e. Rhude Island , February, Ma~·. AU.(U~I .;ln.! Rhode Island and the American Nation da~§ November. Second fII><OU,i:e f';I,d al ALBERT T . KlYHER G Provrdence, Rhude Is];lnd K",! Encson pr..,,,I..m Alden.\t And..r""n, VIC.. ptestdent A Day in the Life of Rogel Williams 95 "'tr~ . Ed..-m G fischer. 1'lCe messdem GLENN L AFANTA SI E Nancv fhhel Chu,hcutt <ecr r t arv W. RIChard Sullivan. In,nure, Mrchael n Lmcoln, a""',,m ueasuter Arnold Fnedman, "''''''"m <ecretarv Book Reviews 112 Albt-n T K l y bt- r ~ director fELLOWS tI, THI '>('<.IITY CMI Bnde nbaugh Sydney V lames Amolfle(le F Du wnm,i: Richa rd K, Sh"wm.1n rUlltlL"A H <I ~ ' l 'tl,\{ M , TT II Leona rd I Levin , chairman Henry l. 1'. Bcckwlth. lt. roc! A Cohee Norman Flcnnlo: Ruben Allen Gre ene Pamela A. Kenn ed y Alan Srrnpsun Willia m M ~K ell ~ l c WIHldwafd qAH lonarhan Slsk, ..dllm levee BUlclh o, graphICS cdnar Lcon ardl. t.cvm, COPI' t·J,/or Emily Gallard", designer W Paul Yal n , ..dirofl<JJ o-st-tam The Rhode bland H ht"t1~al StH;lel)' J~~ u mc~ no lesl'''nslb, ltt y lnr the ul'lm"n ~ ul co mnburors. RHODE ISLAND HISTORY IS pub h~ hc..,J In Pcbrua rv, M ;l y, AU.tU~I , and Nove mbe r b~' the Rhode Island UI'tonu ! St";'l'lY s..'(.".>OJ·clJo,~ fII"'lJo,i:e rald;ll Providence, Rhode bland S-ot: lely me mbers recei ve- each Issue .lS a mem ber..hlr benefit. lnstnunonal 1911 1 by The Rhode Island H I~ltlll(;l1 subsc nprnms 10 RHODE ISLAN D 11iSTORY and the Stll:lcty's quarterly newsletter ~ lS~Ul·S Socrc tv are SI annua lly. lndrvrdual CU P ICS 01cu rre nt and Nck are available from Ihc Socu: ly lor S~ OO ,..\,;tnU SCTl pl ~ ;lnd uther el"re~fII>oJern;eshuulJ be sent 10 lonathan IlHOPI I \ LA~ I> "'UOIlY l l \' ~ OO H-.ll'l l y! Srsk, w Ho r, ;l1 the StIL I.:ly Rhode Island and the American Nation Albert T. K1 yberg Pride am ong the American states, It would seem, benefit o f laser technology or antisep sis at the is a bountiful, natural resource whi ch defies th e drop of a hat-unless they arc of a Q uake r per ­ laws of dcplcuon.State nicknames-the endless suas ion, in which case th ey do it with th eir hats C ui nncss race for first s, biggest , most cnd ur­ on. T he art of hair sp l i tt i n~ in Rhod e Island wa s mg-c-arc all part of American folklore. We all never raised to a productive enterprise like hair kn ow that virguua IS for lovers, that Nort h Caro­ cloth man ufac tu re. hu t was left lar~ely as a co t­ lma is a vale of humi lity be tween (W(I mountains tage mdusuv to be shown off, as it we re, like a of conceit. that Cahforrua is for dreamers, that prize preserve at 3 fai r during those frequen t and Kansas is wher e the West begins. We assoc iate incessant long dist an ce exercises of the lung and Ohio with buckeyes, Connec ticu t With nutmegs larnyx, kn own in Rhod e Island as town meetings. and consti tutions-the land of steady habits, and One might also nhSCTVl' that give n all of the so forth. Texa s seemmglv is affli cted with an ell­ bla ck crepe Rhode Islanders ha ve bedecked them­ lar ged go ite r of bra ggadocio, while Rhode Island selves over th e yea rs, th er e must be sumc sec re t sutlers w it h an infcnornv com plex despite its rnil honarres m that corner of the texti le ind us try. claim to be sole prop rietor o f the Atlannc Ocean. To the doubters, gainsayers, curmudgeons, At times of significan t anruversa nes. how ­ and novitiate devotees of the muse Cho who ever, it IS not unseemly to ta ke stock, to make claim Rhode Island really wasn'e an entity until assessments, to observe crrcu rnspcc tlv, and to the Patent of 1f<l 4 4 , the Po rtsmouth assembly of note with appro priate reserve one's achievements, I f<I .p , the C harter of I n f<l " or the restoration of one's accomplishments, and the corunbunons to th e C h arte r in 16 94, I say, "c ool your quills," cap what James Bryce described as the American your vimol. The evolut ion of th is co m m un ity of Com mon wealt h. Such an occasion for Rhode Is­ Rhode Island began in June of I 6 }6 with Roger land is the marking and com mem oration of it s Willi ams's in itial settlement ot Moshassuck and j coth yea r. proceeded ..... ith an inexorable, orgamc-c-rhough First , let 's deal w it h those ar chetypal Rhode not al ..... ay!> visible-progression to Aqu idneck Islander s, who. m a manner of time-honored dis­ and Sh awomet. Although tuncn onmg w ithout sent, h ave expressed their doubts that 1I}86 really offi cial royal sancuon, Providence bcgat Ports­ marks the j coth anniversary of Rhode Island. m outh, Portsmouth su bdi vided IIItO Newport, Rhode Island has always had it s sh are of legal and Gorton's se tt lement at Shawomct derived hair splitt ers who relegate other world-class ca­ from all three. Williams earl y on demonstrated suis ts to the farm team, and who have performed that he .....as not on ly a citizen of Providence, but the delicate di ssection of fin e points without by grace, the su ffera nce, the permission 01 the Ne ..... !cr-<)' bred . AI K I )' bc r ~ came to Rhode 1~land 101 ­ ueth veat ~I Rhude IslanJ HIMUTl COlI Soclely. hc tea ches 10....101( college and graduate ~tudlc~ 10 OhIO an.! ....h c hl ~n the ~ I al ""s ht~ t or)' m e\'emn~ C'>\J ho('S at the Umversuv 01 While caulul:ulOl: manu"'f1rt~ 10 Ann Arb...r ·~ WIlham L Rhode Island and Providence Collcge_111l~ e~ ' ~ v was OfI!!: 1­ Clements Llhrar y. he became a fan of Rhode lvlandces Na­ nally p resented a, the address at {he S'M;lcty 'S 1 <1 ~ f, annu al tha nael Greene and Oli ver Hazard Perry Nn ..... III hrs twen- mcenng. H3 RHODE ISLAND AND T HE AMER I CAN NAT ION native Narragansetts also a freeman of the whole vestors who might have cast their economic lot count ry- nothing else could explain the ease with this corporation. ..... ith wh ich he set up a trading post at Wick ford All dangers. internal flaws , and conspiracies or raised goals on Prud ence Island. Rhode Is­ not wnbstanding, however, Rhode Island survived land- whatever it s reversals in it s natal days of it s first century. At one point or another, every th e seventeent h centu rv-c-bcgan in th e spring of one of th ese aforementioned potential threat s r636 at th e spring of Providence. It is this begin­ materialized and challenged its existence (some­ nin g tha t we observe now three and one-half cen­ times more than once) and were overcome. The turies later. boundaries betwee n Rhode Island, Massachu­ Although my ma in th rust dea ls with Rhode setts, and Connec ticut were resolved in Rhode Island's contribution to th e Ame rican nation , and Island's favor. Its lac k of standing as part of the IS not a review of the historical turning poin ts of British Empire was corrected , not once, but three our state's history, nonetheless some attention times. Rhode Island emerged with enormous m­ needs to be pard to the incredible durabihty of dependent status. virtually a free and indepen­ thi s comrnunuv, this most unusual of soci al con­ dent republic, with guarantees and protec tio ns trac ts, the "lively experiment" whic h was a long­ particul arly in the area of rehgrous liberty that shut wager III the su rvival sweepslak es of the were pract ically unheard of anywhere else in the founding of American colo mcs . old, or new, world s. Although the mainland sett le­ That we are here ,~o years later is amazing ments were burned to the ground Juring King enough. never mind the shape we're in. Nu one Philip's War, the colonis ts rebuilt. And th e in­ thought Rhode Island wou ld survive as an entity. stab ility ste mming from a lack of a central, Even the ong ma l settle rs them selves were not powe rful government, as opposed to a loose asso­ really ce rtain about survival; the mos t optimism cia tion of indepe ndent towns, was eventually they could muster is expressed in the motto, rectified.
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