SPRÁVY / NEWS ARS 48, 2015, 1 The reconstruction of the Bratislava Franciscan Monastery’s tower in the 19th century Pyramid or dome? 5êilyljrp The tower of the Franciscan monastery in Bra- the original shape of the rebuilt tower, a misunder- tislava was completely restored in the last decade of standing that has been inherited from decade to the 19th century under the supervision of Frigyes decade, from author to author. The history of this Schulek. It was first disassembled and then recon- misunderstanding is worth our attention. structed. A garden pavilion was built in the Aupark The first publication about the reconstruction (today Janko Kráľ Park) using the old stones. But is contemporaneous with the reconstruction itself. there is an important difference between the tower of The Franciscan monk Viktor Maszárik summarised the monastery and the pavilion: while the aforemen- the history of the monastery on the occasion of its tioned has a pointed, pyramid-like spire, the latter’s restoration in 1897.1 About the garden pavilion he termination is curved and dome-shaped. wrote the following: Both terminations emerge from a wreath of “The dismantled stones of the old tower were offered to gables and pinnacles. Above the gables runs a band the city by the Provincial Superior. The city was thankful for of blind tracery with quatrefoil motifs drawn inside the offering, and the 1st Savings Bank of Pressburg2 erected a circles. Up to this height, the two towers are identical. nice memorial for the 1000-year existence of Hungary (1896) Above this area, the edges on the spire of the mon- in the Pressburg Park using the stones under the supervision astery ascend to the top rectilineal, without bend- of the architect László Gyalus.”3 ing, framing a hexagonal pyramid. The edges have The 8th volume of The Counties and Cities of Hun- crocketed ribs, and the surfaces surrounding them are gary (edited by Samu Borovszky, published in 1904) decorated with blind tracery. In contrast, the edges discusses Pressburg. In it, Ödön Vutkovich writes of the other spire are curved above the tracery band the following about the reconstruction of the tower and join each other at a relatively moderate height. and about the garden pavilion: The edge ribs are also crocketed, but the surfaces “The construction of the tower, led by the teacher Frigyes between them are plain and without tracery. Schulek, took from 16 June 1895 until 16 June 1896. The The difference between the two terminations led new tower is an exact copy of the old one. to a misunderstanding in academic literature about […] 1 MASZÁRIK, V.: A Szűz Máriáról nevezett Sz. Ferenczrendű commonly used in the English language. That’s the reason tartomány pozsonyi zárdájának, templomának, kápolnáinak és góth for using it in this paper discussing earlier events, instead of stylű templom tornyának története. A zárdatemplom hatszáz éves the current name, Bratislava. In Hungarian the city is called felszentelésének emlékére 1297–1897. Pozsony 1897. Pozsony. 2 Before 1919 the German name of the city (Pressburg) was 3 MASZÁRIK 1897 (see in note 1), p. 120. ©¥ Fig. 1.: the present tower of the monastery. Photo by author Fig. 2.: the garden pavilion in the Janko Kráľ Park. Photo by author Using the stones of the old tower, the 1st Savings Bank Vutkovich almost exactly and publishes a photo of of Pressburg erected a nice memorial in the Liget gardens the tower’s condition before the reconstruction,6 but commemorating the 1000-year-existence of Hungary.”4 his work became lesser known than Forster’s. Gyula Forster also mentions the garden pavilion Jaroslav Bureš mentions the tower in a few para- in his book Monuments of Hungary published in 1905, graphs in a 1968 article. He discusses the dome shape but only in one sentence: “The old spire was erected in as original, and according to him, it was the product the city park by the 1st Savings Bank of Pressburg at the cost of local Austrian tradition.7 of 5000 Ft.”5 This laconic phrasing could have been Two years later he published an important, the origin of the subsequent mistakes, despite Ödön comprehensive article about the possible works of Dümmerling’s article in 1941. Here the author quotes Michael Chnab in the territory of Slovakia. It was 4 BOROVSZKY, S. (ed.): Pozsony vármegye, Pozsony sz. kir. város, 6 DÜMMERLING, Ö.: A ferencesrend középkori csúcsíves Nagyszombat, Bazin, Modor és Szentgyörgy r. t. városok. [Budapest] építészetének emlékei Magyarországon. I. Ferencesek. In: 1904, p. 155. Technika, 22, 1941, No. 9-10, pp. 389-390. 5 FORSTER, Gy. (ed.): Magyarország műemlékei. Budapest 1905, 7 BUREŠ, J.: On the Beginnings of Late Gothic Architecture p. 32. in Slovakia. In: Ars, 2, 1968, No. 1, pp. 92-93. ©¦ written in English and has often been cited. He designing the correction Schulek acted also as an architec- considers the dome shape as the original, mediaeval tural historian: recognising the tower’s similar shaping to form, for which the tower of the church Maria am the architecture of the Stephanskirche, he enforced on it the Gestade in Vienna could have served as a model.8 »regular« design of the Stephansturm and other towers in Milada Černá-Studničková analysed the artistic its circle.”12 connections between Vienna and Pressburg dur- As can be seen from the above, through the ing the reign of the king Sigismundus in a likewise decades it has become widely accepted that the comprehensive study in 1984. She also considers the dome shape is the original, mediaeval form and that dome shape as original and draws a parallel with the the pyramidal spire is modern. So not surprisingly baldachins and tower of the Maria am Gestade. In Gergely Buzás,13 Norbert Nußbaum,14 and Pablo the formal analysis of the dome shape, she mentions de la Riestra15 also accepted this statement in their Deutsch-Altenburg too: “the plain surface of the dome conclusive works. above the band of the circles is decorated only on its edges by On the other hand, Elisabeth Hassmann makes crockets; in this aspect it is similar to the tower of the church a different statement in 2002 in her very thorough in Deutsch-Altenburg, located close to Bratislava”9. monograph entitled Meister Michael. According to Ernő Marosi published his synthesis in 1987 her, the curved termination is not original. She re- about the Gothic architecture of the Hungarian fers to two survey drawings with a pyramidal spire Kingdom. In this work he also considers the dome from 1862 and mentions some stone fractions in the shape as original and expresses criticism of Schulek’s courtyard of the monastery, which can be identified work: as the remains of a pyramidal spire.16 “The main characteristic of the octagonal10 spire, namely The entry about the tower in the comprehensive its termination with dome-like curved edges, whose Viennese catalogue of the Gothic on the territory of Slovakia parallels are known e.g. from the baldachins and tower of the accepts Hassmann’s statement, citing her 2002 work, Maria am Gestade, incurred the suspicion of the restaura- without any further exposition of the subject.17 teur, who »corrected« it to a »regular«, slender pyramid-like Most recently, Péter Buday published an article spire.”11 about the construction history of the monastery.18 In In an article published in 2004 he goes even this article he also discusses the events of the tower’s further: he analyses the “correction” citing Forster’s reconstruction but without questioning whether the 1905 book with the following conclusion: “while dome shape is the original. 8 BUREŠ, J.: The castle church in Kremnica and the problem 14 NUSSBAUM, N.: Deutsche Kirchenbaukunst der Gotik. Darm- of Michael Chnab’s architectural school in Slovakia. In: Ars, stadt 1994, p. 381. 4, 1970, No. 1-2, p. 136. 15 BORK, R.: Gotische Türme in Mitteleuropa. Petersberg 2008, p. 9 ČERNÁ-STUDNIČKOVÁ, M.: A művészeti élet és kapc- 43. solatai Pozsonyban, Zsigmond király uralkodása idején. In: Ars Hungarica, 1984, No. 1, p. 41. 16 HASSMANN, E.: Meister Michael: Baumeister der Herzoge von Österreich. Wien 2002, p. 317. 10 In fact hexagonal. 17 POMFYOVÁ, B.: Bratislava, Kostol Nanebovzatia Panny 11 MAROSI, E. (ed.): Magyarországi művészet 1300–1470 körül. Márie a veža františkánskeho kláštora. In: Gotika. Dejiny slo- Budapest 1987, p. 516. venského výtvarného umenia. Bratislava 2003, pp. 622-624. I owe thanks to Viktor Karľa for the translation form Slovak. 12 MAROSI, E.: Gótikus és neogótikus kupolák. In: Romantikus Kastély. Tanulmányok Komárik Dénes tiszteletére. Budapest 2004, 18 BUDAY, P.: K stavebným dejinám františkánskeho kostola p. 360. v Bratislave. In: Bratislava. Zborník Múzea mesta Bratislavy, 24, 2012, pp. 29-51. 13 BUZÁS, G.: Gótika és kora reneszánsz. Budapest 2001, pp. 66- 67. ©§ The reconstruction led by Frigyes Schulek The history of the tower’s reconstruction was discussed in Péter Buday’s aforementioned article.19 In the following I will discuss the events of the reconstruction, focusing mainly on the actual dis- mantling and construction works, relying on the files, drawings, and photos of the Commission for His- toric Monuments (Műemlékek Országos Bizottsága, MOB), which can be found in the collections of the Gyula Forster National Centre for Cultural Heritage Management (Budapest). Early in 1865, Flóris Rómer reported the bad condition of the Franciscan tower.20 In the beginning of 1890, the minister of religion and education del- egated Frigyes Schulek and Béla Czobor to examine the building. During the session of the MOB held on 13.3.1890, they called the attention of the ministry to the importance of starting the restoration works as soon as possible.
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