
Jewish Periodicals UNITED STATES ALABAMA JEWISH BULLETIN OF NORTHERN CALIFOR- NIA (1946). 225 Bush St., Suite 1480, San DEEP SOUTH JEWISH VOICE (1990). P0 Box Francisco, 94104-4281. (415)263-7200. 130052, Birmingham, 35213. (205)595- FAX: (415)263-7223. E-mail: info@jbnc. 9255.FAX:(205)595-9256.E-mail: corn. Marc S. Klein. Weekly. San Francisco [email protected]. Lawrence M. Brook. Jewish Community Publications, Inc. Monthly. (WWW.DEEPSOUTHJEWISHVOICE. COM) JEWISH COMMUNITY CHRONICLE (194 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, 908 ARIZONA (562)426-7601, ext. 1021. FAX: (562)595. ARIZONA JEWISH POST (1946). 2601 N. 5543. E-mail: [email protected]. Har. Campbell Ave., #205, Tucson, 85719. riette Ellis. Fortnightly except January (520)319-1112. FAX: (520) 319-1118. E- July & August/ once per month 21 issuei mail: [email protected]. Editor a year. Jewish Federation of Phyllis Braun. Fortnightly. Jewish Feder- Long Beach & West Orange Co ation of Southern Arizona. JEWISH COMMUNITY NEWS (1976). l. Oka Rd., Suite 2, Los Gatos, 9 JEWISH NEWS O GREATER PHOENIX (1948). (408)358-3033, ext. 31. FAX: (40 1625E.NorthernAve.,Suite106, 0733. E-mail:[email protected]. Eileer Phoenix, 85020. (602)870-9470. FAX: Adv. Lindsay Greensweig (408)28 (602)870-0426. E-mail: editor@jewishaz. Monthly. Jewish Federation of C corn. Editor Rabbi Barry Cohen. Weekly. San Jose. (www.jaWlSHAz.coM) JEWISH JOURNAL OF GREATER LOS Al CALIFORNIA LES (1986). 3660 Wilshire Blvd., Suite THE AMERICAN RABBI (1968). 22711 Cass Los Angeles, 90010(213)368-166! Ave., Woodland Hills, 91364. (818)225- (213)368-1684. E-mail:[email protected] 9631. E-mail: [email protected]. Ed.- Lichtenstein. Weekly. in-Ch./Pub. David Epstein; Ed. Harry Es- JEWISH NEWS (1973). 1506(, vI1IuLa srig. Quarterly. Suite210, Sherman Oaks, CA 9l40 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA JEWISH HERITAGE 786-4000. FAX: (818)380-9232 (1914). 20201 Sherman Way, Winnetka, Blazer. Monthly. (Also weekly Suna 91306. (818) 576-9000. FAX: (818) 576- and radio broadcasts in l.A. NY 9910. E-mail: [email protected]. Miami.) Dan Brin. Six times a year. Heritage JEWISH SPORTS REVIEW. Group. Blvd., #174, Los Angeles, 9003. shel@jewis HERITAGE-SOUTHWEST JEWISH PRESS (1914). 510-9003.E-mail: 20201 Sherman Way, Suite 204, Win- review.com. She! Wallman/Ephrain netka, 91306. (818) 576-9000. FAX: (818) son. Bimonthly. (WWW.JEWISHS 576-9910. E-mail: heritagepub@earth- VIEW.COM) link.net. Dan Brin. Weekly. Heritage Los ANGELES JEWISH TIMES (IOrflH Group. B'RITH MESsENGER) (1897 682 JEWISH PERIODICA1S / 683 llvd.,Suite 903, Los Angeles, 90036. DELAWARE 323)933-0131. FAX: (323)933-7928. E- nail: [email protected]. Ed.-in-Chief Joe JEWISH VoIcE. 100 W 10th St., Suite 301, lobker; Mng. Ed. Jane Fried. Weekly. Wilmington,19801.(302)427-2100. FAX: (302) 427-2438. E-mail: jewish NGE COUNTY JEWISH HERITAGE. 24331 [email protected], Lynn Edelman. 22 times 4uirlands Blvd., Suite D-347, Lake For- per year. Jewish Federation of Delaware. st, 92630. Phone/FAX: (949)362-4446. -mail: [email protected]. Stan Brin. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA liweekly. AZURE (1996). 5505 Connecticut Ave., NW, DIEGO JEWISH PRESS HERITAGE (1914). Suite 1140, Washington, 20015. (877)298- 615 Kearny Villa Rd., #111, San Diego, 7300. FAX: (888)766-1506. E-mail: patrick 2123. (619)265-0808. FAX: (619)265- @shalemcenter.org. Dan Polisar. Quar- 850.E-mail:sdheritagehome.com. terly. Hebrew/English. The Shalem Cen- )onald H. Harrison. Weekly. ter. WWW.AZURE.ORG.IL DIEGO JEWISH TIMES (1979). 4731 Palm B'NAIB'RITHINTERNATIONAL JEWISH ye., La Mesa, 91941. (619)463-5515. MONTHLY (1886, under the name Meno- AX: (619) 463-1309. E-mail: jewish- vah). 2020 K Street, NW, 7thFloor,Wash- [email protected] ington, DC 20006. (202)857-2708. FAX: irota. Fortnightly. (202)857-2781. E-mail: ijm@bnaibrith. LOM L.A. (1988). 16027 Ventura Blvd., org. Editor Elana Harris. Quarterly. B'nai 400, Encino, 91436.(818)783-3090. B'rith International. AX: (818)783-1104.E-mail: news@ CAPITAL COMMUNIQUE (1991). 777 N. Cap- Iolomla.net. Gal Shor. Weekly. Hebrew. italSt., NE, Suite 305, Washington, KUN MAGAZINE (1986). 2342 Shattuck 20002. (202)216-9060. FAX: (202)216- Ye., Suite 1200, Berkeley, 94704. (510) 9061. Jason Silberberg. Biannually. Na- 14-1200. FAX: (510)644-1255. E-mail: tional Jewish Democratic Council. [email protected]. Michael Lerner. THE JEWISH VETERAN (1896). 1811 R St., imonthly. Institute for Labor & Mental NW, Washington, 20009-1659. (202)265- ealth. (WWW.TIKKUN.ORG) 6280. FAX: (202)234-5662. E-mail: .jWv ITERN STATES JEWISH HISTORY (1968). @jwv.org. Seymour "Sy" Brody. 5 times 1711 Cass Ave., Woodland Hills, 91364. per year. Jewish War Veterans of the 18)225-9631. E-mail: amrabbi@pac- U.S.A. Quarterly ll.net. Ed.-in-Ch. Gladys Sturman; Ed. avid Epstein. Quarterly. Western States MOMENT (1975). 4710 41 St., NW, Wash- wish History Association. ington, 20016. (202)364-3300. FAX: (202) 364-2636. E-mail: editor@momentmag. COLORADO corn. Hershel Shanks. Bimonthly. Jewish Educational Ventures, Inc. RMOUNTAIN JEWISH NEWS (1913). 1275 lerman St., Suite 214, Denver, 80203- FSU MONITOR (1990). 1819 H Street, NW, 199.(303)861-2234. FAX: (303)832- Suite 230, Washington, 20006. (202)775- p42. E-mail: [email protected]. Exec. Ed. 9770. FAX: (202)775-9776. E-mail: ucsj abbi Hillel Goldberg; Pub. Miriam @ucsj.com. Nickolai Butkevich. Quar- oldberg. Weekly. terly. Union of Councils for Soviet Jews. CONNECTICUT NEAR EAST REPORT (1957). 440 First St., NW, Suite NECTICUT JEWISH LEDGER (1929). 740 607, Washington, 20001. Main St., W. Hartford, 06117. (860) (202)639-5254. FAX: (202) 347-4916. Dr. Raphael Danziger. Fortnightly. Near East 1-2424. FAX: (860)231-2428. E-mail: Research, Inc. [email protected]. Lisa Lenkie- :cz. Weekly. SECURITY AFFAIRS (1976). 1717 K St., NW, ISH LEADER (1974). 28 Channing St., Suite 800, Washington, 20006. (202)833- ) Box 1468, New London, 06320. 0020. FAX: (202)296-6452. E-mail: info@ 60)442-7395. FAX: (860)443-4175. E- jinsa.org. Jim Colbert. Quarterly. Jewish [email protected]. Ed. Mimi Perl. Institute for National Security Affairs. weekly. Jewish Federation of Eastern WASHINGTON JEWISH WEEK. See under )flnecticut. MARYLAND 684/AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2006 FLORIDA 0606. FAX: (847)966-1656. E-mail: infc chicagojewishnews.com. Joseph THE CHRONICLE(1971).580 S. McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, 34232. (941)371-4546. Weekly. FAX: (941)378-2947. Barry Miliman. CHICAGO JEWISH STAR (1991). P0 B s, Fortnightly. Sarasota-Manatee Jewish Skokie, 60076-0268. (847)674-7827. FAX: Federation. (847)674-0014. E-mail: chicago-jewish- [email protected]. Ed. Douglas Wert- HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH News (1976). PU Box 300742, Fern Park, 32730. (407) heimer; Assoc. Ed. Gila Wertheimer. 834-8787. FAX: (407)831-0507. E-mail: Fortnightly. [email protected]. Pub. Jeffrey Gaeser; JEWISH COMMUNITY NEWS (1941). 6464W Asst. Ed. Uim Fischer. Weekly. Main, Suite 7A, Belleville, 62223. (618) 398-6100/ (877)714-6103.FAX:(618) JACKSONVILLE JEwI5I-! NEWS (1988). 8505 398-0539. E-mail: [email protected] San JoseBlvd.,Jacksonville,32217. Steve Low. Quarterly. Jewish Federation (904)448-5000,(904)262-1971.FAX: of Southern Illinois. (WWW.SIMOKYFED. (904)448-5715.E-mail:srgnews@aol. corn. Susan R. Goetz. Monthly. Jack- C0M) sonville Jewish Federation. JUF NEWS & GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN CHICAGO (1972). One S. Franklin St., Rm. JEWISH JOURNAL (PALM BEACH-BROWARD- 701G, Chicago, 60606. (312)357-4848. DADE)(1977). 601 Fairway Dr., Deerfield FAX: (312)855-2470. E-mail: jufnewsjuf. Beach, 33441. (954)698-6397. FAX: (954) org. Aaron B. Cohen. Monthly (Guide, 429-1207. Alan Gosh. Weekly. South annually). Jewish United Fund/Jewish Florida Newspaper Network. Federation of Metropolitan Chicago JEWISH PRESS OF PINELLAS COUNTY (Clear- water-St.Petersburg)(1985). P0 Box iNDIANA 6970, Clearwater, 33758-6970; 11015. ALEPH: HISTORICAL STUDIES IN C E Belcher Road, Suite H, Largo, FL 33771. AND JUDAISM (2001). Indiana Unh :y (727)535-4400. FAX:(727)530-3039. E- Press, 601 N. Morton St., Bloomington, mail: [email protected]. Karen Wolf- 47404. (812)855-3830. FAX: (812)855- son Dawkins. Biweekly. Jewish Press 8507. E-mail: [email protected]. Edi- Group of Tampa Bay (FL), Inc. in coop- torial address: Sidney Edelstein C eration with the Jewish Federation of Hebrew University of Jerusalem Pinellas County. Ram, Jerusalem91904,1sri1 JEWISH PRESS OF TAMPA (1987). P0 Box Freudenthal. Annual. 6970, Clearwater 33758-6970; 11015. BRIDGES: A JOURNAL OF JEWISH im Beicher Road, Suit H, Largo, FL 33771. (1996). Indiana University Press, 001 (727)535-4400. FAX: (727)530-3039. E- Morton St., Bloomington 47404. (8] mail: [email protected]. Karen Wolf- 855-3830. FAX: (812)855-8507. E-n son Dawkins. Biweekly. Jewish Press [email protected]. Editorial adc Group of Tampa Bay (FL), Inc. P.O. Box 1206, Ann Arbor, MT 4t SHALOMTODAY(1994) Jewish Federation of Clare Kinberg. Semiannual. Broward County, 5890 5. Pine Island HISTORY AND MEMORY (1995,. Road, Davie, FL 33328. (954)352-6900. University Press, 601 N. Mo. FAX: (954) 252-6893. Editor Ray Levi. Bloomington 47404. (812)855-3830. Weekly. Jewish Federation of Broward (812)855-8507. E-mail: kcaras@ County. edu. Editorial address: School of GEORGIA Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, 69978 Israel. Gadi Algazi. Semiar ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES(1925).6065 Roswell Rd., Suite 700, Atlanta 30328. ILLIANA JEWISH NEWS (1975). 293 (404)252-1600. FAX: (404)252-1172. F- St.,Highland, 46322. (219)97 FAX: (219)972-4779. E-mail: defw mail: [email protected]. corn. Editor Carol Karol. Quart Bob Menaker. Weekly. cept July/Aug.). Jewish Fe ILLINOIS Northwest Indiana, Inc. CHICAGO JEWISH NEWS (1994). 5301 W. INDIANA JEWISH Pos-r AND OPIN Dempster, Skokie, 111 60077. (847)966- 238 S. Meridian St., #502, In JEWISH PERIODICALS /685 46225. (317)972-7800. FAX: (317)972- KENTUCKY JEWISH POST AND OPINION 7807.
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