JOHN RUDDELL o~ the Shenandoah Valley: ns Children and Grandchildren TABLE OF CONTENTS Pretace, Acknowledgements, etc. I Genealogical Text 2 Notes and References i Appendix A: Wills of John1 Ruddell and Neai Cook; Robert Ruddle's Power of Attorney x B: Will~~of John Ruddell, Jr., Thomas Rogers and Corneli- us- Ruddell xii C: Wills of Stephen2 Ruddell and Archibald2 Ruddell D: Wills) of Isaac2 Ruddell and his wife, Elizabeth xviii B: Will. and Pension Application of James3 Ruddell. xix F: Application of Archible2 Ruddell, and Bond, for mar­ riage of his daughter Elizabeth~ to George Sharp xxii G-: Family Bible Records of James F. Haines x:rli H: Family Bible Records of Stephen R. Mulherin x:rlv r I: The Mulherins1 Some Data and Some Speculation xxv- ~= Inventory or Cornelius3 Ruddell's Estate 11111 K: Inscriptions from the Old Shawnee Mission Cemetery xxxiii L: My Grandchildren's Line from Clarinda3 Sharp xxx11i M: Ruddells at Random, Awaiting Identification xxx1v Addenda· to Genealogical fext xxxvl Index or Names 46 Addendum to Index 5'9 Errata 60 l Preface. My interest in this family, sometimes Rudd!§., Riddlet Riddell in the records, stems from the fact that my daughter-in-law, Joycelynn (Mason) Smutz, and my three grandchildren are descended from it--a confusing and troublesome one to arrange gene-alogically because of a family predilection for repeating the same given names in successive generations which, in point of time, overlapped. Thus a particular John, Stephen or Elizabeth is difficult to identify and separate from others with the same given name unless the specific reference includes other identifying data. Through Joycelynn's parents, Rays. and Beulah (Snow) Mason of Edina, Mo., and the kindness of Mrs. Anna and Miss Virginia Swartz, also of Edina, Joycelynn was enabled to copy for me some notes on the Ruddells which were made a number of years ago by Gladys Fowler, a cousin of her grandfather. I was told that Miss Fowler had worked in the Library of Congress with access to much genealogical material, and had done her research there. However her notes, cited hereafter as NGF, gave no specific sources or records; perhaps what I obtained was excerpted from a more comprehensive account which did contain citations altho Barb referred to her as •~n alleged descendant of George's ••• of Lit­ tle Rock, Ark." stating that her data possibly were taken from Bibles in the possession of her f~mily and not available to him. Ll7* The line she claimed to George Ruddell #6 was accepted by the Daughters of the American Revmlution--hereafter DAR--but, in the humble opinion of this researcher and others, without sufficient valid documentation to confirm it. Despite diligent research and correspondence, I have , been unable to reconstruct from official records the line of descent Miss Fowler claimed. Ultimately I obtained from Dr. James L. Hupp. West Virginia State Ar­ chivist and Historian in Charleston, a photoprint of the 11Ancestral Chart of Stephen Lewis Ruddell" of Glenville, W. Va., hereafter cited as !g~ Chart. It had been prepared by Robert Lee Rudd.ell of Charles­ ton who had donated it to the W. Va. Archives in 1944 when he was past 80. He credited Dr. Barb, above, of Camden, N. J., with much of the research on which it was based. Through the courtesy of Dr. Hupp I was able to reach l'-ir. Fred K• .rtuadell, lvlr. R. L. Ruddell' s nephew, also of Charleston. From him I obtained Dr. Barb's address but no source data. I wrote Dr. Barb, and Mrs. Chloe Vide Toothaker of Bates­ ville, Ark. who had helped him, but I had no replies; both, presumab­ ly, were gone. Continuing my search for valid and verifiable data, I placed inquiries in various genealogical papers and periodicals; these brought some answers as well as return inquiries, and I have corres­ ponded with several people interested in the Ruddell-Sharp(e) families. Two have been especially helpful: Mr. Elmer E. Sharpe, Hunnewell, Mo. 63443" and lwiiss Blanche Hinshaw, 1530 !Io. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. 46202, cited hereafter as EES and BH, respectively. AcknQwledgement~. None of us then had access to Barb's material which we fully believed would save much time and effort in compiling our own family records. Per haps it was just as well. We have checked Virginia and Kentucky records as well as many in Pennsylvania and Maryland, both from Photocopies and from Courthouse Books, not to mention many publish•· ed redords, most of which we have verified. When I finally received *A list of abbreviations, Notes and References, an Appendix and Adden­ da will be found following the genealogical text. -2..;... a~ copy of the Barb typescript I found that what we, severally, had brought together was more accurate than, and negated in whole or in part, some of his conclusions. /27 We might not have been as thorough in our own research had Barb's account been available to us. Even so some parts of this history are regrettably, but unavoidably, tenuous and speculative. BH and EES have each contributed valuable information from reliable sources to help in rounding out this bit of family history--and the former has commented on my draft--which I have eompiled for Joycelynn and my grandchildren: William Mason Smutz, Mark Allen Smutz and Jenni­ fer Smutz, and to them I dedicate it with deep affection. From it, they may know something more of the people to whom they owe their be­ ing--not that they may develop a boastful and vainglorious pride of ancestry, but that they may have a wholesome satisfaction in it as well as a goal to strive for in living up to the standards which these forebears have set. For me, it has been a labor of love. In concluding these brief introductory notes, May I express my appre­ ciation to those who have helped me in my search; some I have already mentioned. There have been others: archivists, librarians and public officials who have assisted by locating official records and other valid data, and I do thank them all. My particular recognition and gratitude are due these: Mrs. Alma Vaughan, Newspaper Librarian2 Mo. State Historical Society, Columbia; Mrs. Ann~ McDonnell, Librarian, Ky. Historical Society, Frankfort; Mr. John w. Dudlei, Ass't. Archiv­ ist, Va. State Library1 Richmoqd; and. Mrs. Mary Ann •adely, Deputy Clerk, Shenandoah Co. ~ircuit ~ourt, ~oodstock, Va. And may I point out, too, that I have been careful to cite source maierial. As Pliny.· the Elder wrote in the First Century A.D.: "I have lgiveg_7 the names of my authorities. I have done so because it is, in my opinion, a pleasant thing and~one that shows an honorable modestL., to own up to those who were the means of one's achievements, ••• " L3.I Where data have been ambiguous or conflicting, I have presented my reasons for coming to the conclusions offered. In the final analysis, the reader must decide for himself on the reliability and validity of my data, and arrive at his own conclusions. l. JOHN RUDDELL was b. circQ 1695-97, perhaps in England. The origin of the name is said variously to have been English, Irish1 Scotch~ Irish, or German. It is entirely possible that an English family mov­ ed to Ireland and emigrated from there, or vice versa: The name is found in both places. The first contingent of Scotch-Irish came to Pa. ~ 1717-18, about the time Barb gave for John Ruddell's arrrival. Fam­ ilies named Riddell and Euddeli, who still live in Ireland, use the same crest: "A demi-greyhound. 11 In I/a. and ~7• records these names have sometimes been used interchangeably.~ J. A. Waddell An.!1§.ls of Aygusta Co.~ V~~ 1726=1~1 discussed the origins of the Scotch-Irish and their early settlement in Augusta C.o. but, in the first 92 pages, carrying his account to roughly 1750, the name RUQQ~ll is not mention­ ed. However, had he been a foreigner, it is doubtful that John could have escaped takin~ the oath on arriving in the Colonies; hence it ap­ pears that he was ,l!;nglish or lrish. BH and some others are strongly inclined to the latter; in fact, one or two have reported it as trad­ itional in their branches. The possibility that the Ruddells were ~ua- kers must not be overlooked. Altha Barb, p. 9, stated that he had searched the ~uaker records in both the Fa. iiistorical and the Pa. -3- Genealogical Societies and had failed to find a "single" Ruddell men­ tioned, Robert W. Ramsey Carolina Cradle 11Appendix B" found, listed under the· heading "New Garden--Nottingham 11 for Chester Co., Pa-. Ann~, Cornelius and ~ohn Ryddel~. They were among those attending the Quak­ er monthly meetings'in the period 1675-1747. However, the Ruddells do not, in my j/~7ement, appear to have been sufficiently peace-loving to qualify. Mrs. Idros Roberts, 1325 Raymond Ave., Glendale, Calif., in a letter to Mrs. Norene Gann (?4rs. J.W.), 947 6th St., Boonville Mo. 65233 on 23 Aug. 1971 wrote that she had recently received from 1•a woman II some old letters written by the "Rev. W. Twyman vlilliams who was minister of the church at Hamf(len-Syaney, Va." In one of them Williams wrote that he had been in tne Augusta Co., Va. Courthouse and, wh!,le search­ ing there for records, r•1n a box of Miscellaneous papers f.hf}.7 found the will of John Ruddell, Jr. 1749 ••• The interesting thing ••• is that it was sealed with his coat-of-arms ••• quite unusual ••• in the Valley of Virginia, though rather frequent in the eastern part of the state ••• a According to Mrs.
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