DOCUMENT RESUME ED 254 334 PS 014 955 TITLE Paterr1 Absence and Fathers' Roles. Hearing before the .3 ct Committee on Children, Youth, and Famillft_. House of Representatives, Ninety-Eighth Congtess, First.Session. November 10, 1983. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S Washington, DC. House Select Committee on Children, Youth, and FamIlies. PUB DATE 84 NOTE 177p.; Portions contain small print. AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (Stock NO. 052-070-05944-3, $4.i5). PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Blacks; *Business Responsibility; *Family Influence; *FatherlessFamily; *Fathers; Hearings; Military Personnel; One Parent Family; Parenting Skills; *Parent.Participation; *Parent Role; Prisoners; Voluntary Agencies IDENTIFIERS Congress 98th; Military Dependents ABSTRACT Subsequent to a related hearing surveying the economics of family life, the Select Committeeon Children, Youth, and Families of the House of Representatives metto hear statements addressing the topics of paterne absence and the role offathers in society. The first panel presentedan overview of paternal absence and father involvement: Testimony disputes the view thatemphasizes father absecnce and lack of Interest in childcare. New levels of father interaction and skill in dealing with infantsare described. The second panel concentrated on military families andpaternal absence, the Army's efforts to deal with both the changingnature and circumstances of the military family, and stresseson and-needs of military families. The third panel described effects of paternal absence and involvement on children. The importance of economic security for families is substantiated by findings of studieson black fathers and fathering. The final panel listed private-sector initiatives that address paternal absence and father involvement. Discussion focuses on what voluntary organizationsare doing to serve youth, new institutional developments enhancing the roles of fathers in their families, and the impact of father absenceon families of incarcerated men. Included in the documentare the United States Army Chief of Staff's 1983 White Paper on the Army Family and Margaret Slack's collection of information about the single-parent family. (RH) .1% *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplibd by EDRS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** PATERNAL ABSENCE AND "FiatintsvIRKES U.Q. DIEPAITIDENTie SEDUCATION NATIONAL MISITTUlt OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 411( TheOwosso/Fs; how boon sepsuclooscl os too:weed hum thoe person or cogennenon ongetinsng rt Minus changes hove been mono to improve seinucluctson ouster. I-JEARING lawns of *die* of coupons slatted a, ntoidocsa scent dd not necessarily sepaistiont ofholoi NIL BEFORE THE position of poky SELECT C011t TTEE ON CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-EIGHTH CONGRESS ruin SESSION . HEARING HELD IN WASHING TON, D.0,ON NOVEMBER 10, 1983 Printed for the use of the Select Committee on Children, Youth, andMAMMON kr) ittti * U.S. GOVERNMENT PillpITING OFFICE 33 M 0 WASHINGTON : 1954 For anIts by the Superineradent of Docueseaft. U$. Gassffirsnent Printing Office water,DC: 2040 2 "di I. ;11 .4 SELECT COMM 11745g ON CHILDREN. voyra. pp FAMILIES GEORGE California. Chauwan WILLIAM LEHMAN, Peri& DAN Utah .FATRICIA SCHROEDER, Cohando HAMILTON FR, J.., Nes= York LINDY ROGGS:Loutinins DAN COATS. Indiana MATTHEW F. Mt:HUGH. Now York THOM.AS BLILEY. Js, VisOnit, JERRY M. PATTERSON, Ca lifocnia FRANK R. WOLF, Vim 'Ittnin BARBARA A. mama Morytund DAN BURTON, Indians /ED WI 2giv New York NANCY L. JOHNSON. Connecticut BERYL /kNISOKY. Jet., Arkansan ° JOHN IL WESSMAN, du-. Maim MOM LELAND, Tense BARBARA F. VIICANOYICR, Nevtula BARBARA BOXER, Cadifo1Wil4A SANDER M. LEVIN. Mich WM A. MORRISON, Connecticut J. ROY ROWLAND, Gene& GERRY SIERMINU. Minnesota ALAN WHEAT. Itieseuri COMMIlita: STAW 7: MAN J. Slows. Skiff Direc4or and Counsel Anti Rosewanit, Deputy Staff ftinvtar Cabignita Emicirratoovcs, Minority Staff :Veda "ft .7' °gin.qrr 3 4 CONTENTS Paw tlearinheld in Washington, DC, oft November 10. 1914a- . ... 1 Statement of Kuhlmann, David W., chair. N-ational Collaboration for Youth, and execu- tive director, Big Brothers / Big Sisters of America, Philadelphia. PA le6 Li Iler. Henry 13..Ph.D., professor of psychology. University of Rhode Kingston. RI iK Heade, Rev. Herman. Jr., national director of urban affairs and church relations, Prison Fellowship. Waahington. 121 Lamb, Michael E., Ph.D., professor. clepartmeat of psychology. psychiatry and pediatrics, University of Utah. Salt Luke City. 11T 85 Levine. James A., and Debra G. Klinmun, Ph.D., the Fatherhood Project Bank Street College of Education, New York, NY 115 McAdoo, John L., Ph.D. associate professor. School of Social Work and Community Planning. Universii y of Maryland. Baltimore, .......... 91 Whitworth. Shaun, director of research, Military Family Resource Center, Springfield, VA ti 48 Wickhum, Geri. John A., Jr.. Chief of Staff. U.S. Army, Washington, DC, accompanied by Maj. Gen. John H. Mitchell. Director. Human Re sources Development. Department of the Army 17 Wilton. William P., M.D., professor of psychiatry, Duke University Medi- cal Center. Durham. NC .- Yogmun, Michael W,M.D.. atisaciote chief. Division of Child Develop- taunt, Children's Hospital. Department of Pediatrics. Harvard Medical School, Boston. MA Prepared statements, letters. supplemental materiala. etc.: Kuhlmann. David W.. exceptive vice president of Big BrothersiHig Sieters of America, and chair °tithe National Collaboration fur Youth: Letter to Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder. dated Mardi 5. 1004 i.129 Members of the National Assembly of National Voluntary Health and Social Welfare Organizatiorw, Inc.. a list 114 Members of the &Aimed Collaboration for Youth, a list.. 115 Prepared statement o f 1 1 l Biller. Henry 11. University of Rhode Island: Prepared statement of 02 "Therapy and Prevention," excerpt from an article entitled, Father Absence, Diyorce. and Personality Development 128 Heade. Rev. Herman. of Prison Fellowship. prepared statement of 123 Hunter, E.J.. Ph.D.. Academy of Associated Peychotherapieta, letter to Lindy Inner. dated December 3, 1983, enclosing written testimony 168 Lamb, Michael E., professor of jwychology, psychiatry, and pediatrics adjunct professor of family and consumer studies, director of the train- ing program in developmental psychology. University of Utah, codirec- tinIlan Futherhuud Project, prepared statement of Levine. James A.. project director, and Debra Klinmen, Ph.D., proieet manager, the Fatherhood Project. Hunk Street College of Education, New York City, NY. presed statement of 117 Marriott. Hon. Dan., a Rwepresentative in Congress from the State of Utah, opening statement of 171 McAdoo. John L.. Ph.D.. elasociote profiesor. University of Maryland. School of Social Work and Community Planning. Baltimore, MD, pre- pared statement of 93 Miller, How. Georw. a Representative in Congress from the State of California, and chairman of the Select Committee un Children. Youth. and Families, opening statement of 170 BEST COPY 4 , V PIA:pared statements, letters, supplemental materials, ett..--Continued Schroeder, Hon. Patricia. a Representative in Congress from the State of -Colorado, and chairwoman; Economic Security. Task Force, opening statement of % 1 ..pmith, Shirley L.. Ctu:rry Point. NC, letter to Select. Committee on Chil- dmr, Youth, and Families, dated December 28. 1983, enclosing testicno. ny . lti5 "The SingIe,urentamity," article frdm Education Institute, Big Broth- ers/Big Sisterkofmerica, Philadelphia, PA 131 Whitworth., Shouna. director of research, Military Family Resource Center, Spline-wide NA. prepared statement of 53 Wickham, GenJohn A.. Jr., Chief of Staff, U.S. Army: Prepared statement of r 2(1 "The Army Family." white paper 1983 article erffitled 2$ Wilson. William P., M.D., Professor of Psychiatry. Drilic University Medi- cal Center, Durham, NC, prepared statement of .......... : .... .... 15 Yogrnan, Michael W.. M.D., associate chief, Division of Child Develop- went, Children's Hospital. Department of Pediatrics. Harvard Medical \ School, Boston, MA: 'Letter to Congressman Dan Marriott, enclosing requested informs. tam. dated December 29, 1983...,., 171 Letter to Congresswoman PatriciaSchroeder. Derein r 29,1983, enclosing requested information. dated December 29, 1 170' Prepared statement of. 7 .0% ti 5 BEST, COPY t. PATERNAL ABSENCE AND FATHERS'ROLES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 10143 HOUSE OF REPRI,Nb;NTATIVES, ECONOMIC SECURITY TASK FORCE, SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN, YOUTH,AND FAMILIk5, Washington, D.0 The select committee met, pursuant to .notice,at 9:35 a.m., in room 1310, Longworth House Office Building, Hon. Patricia &time- der, presiding. Members present: Representatives Schroeder, Miller,Anthony, Levin, Sikorski, Marriott, Coats, Wolf, and Johnson. Staff present: Alan J. Stone, staff director andcounsel; Ann Rosewater, deputy staff director; Linda Itcsier,ptofessional staff; Linda Belachew, Christine Elliott-Groves, minoritystaff director; George Elser, minority counsel; and Joan Cotiley,committee clerk. Mrs. SCHROEDER. Good morning, Iam happy to call the hearing to order this morning. As Chair of the Task Forceon Economic Security of the Select
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