S3016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE April 27, 2000 career include serving as the Com- students, parents, administrators, and Development and Performance Insti- manding Officer and Executive Officer board members. Charter schools are a tute. The grand opening of the insti- of the Naval School of Health Sciences relatively recent phenomenon, but tute is May 1, 2000, which also happens in Bethesda, Maryland. His strong lead- they have already established their to be Michigan's Third Annual Charter ership and dedication to excellence in mark on our nation's public education School Day. The goal of the institute is education and training programs led to system. to foster high-performing students and unprecedented technological advances Mr. President, I am extremely proud effectively run charter public schools in training materials and methodolo- of the role the State of Michigan has by promoting development, achieve- gies. For more than thirty years Cap- played in the development of charter ment, and accountability. It will also tain Jack Caffrey has met every chal- schools. Since 1993, when Michigan be- disseminate information on and assist lenge and every assignment with en- came the ninth state to grant citizens schools with the design and the imple- thusiasm and zeal. He has served as a the freedom to establish charter mentation of charter school models. positive role model for all Nurse Corps schools, 173 public school academies, as Mr. President, I am extremely ex- officers and his contributions will posi- they are called, have been founded. cited that the week of May 1±May 5, tively impact military nursing and This places Michigan third in the na- 2000, is being officially recognized as health care for years to come. tion in number of charter schools, be- National Charter Schools Week. I am Captain Gloria Caffrey has also dis- hind just Arizona and California. In the hopeful that this will help to make our tinguished herself as an outstanding fall of 1999, over 50,000 students at- nation more aware of charter schools, Nurse Corp officer for more than thirty tended these public school academies, and the wonderful opportunities they years and has excelled in numerous ex- up from 30,000 in 1998. More impor- offer to teachers, parents, and students ecutive and clinical assignments. While tantly, 91 percent of Michigan parents throughout our nation. The sooner we her accomplishments have been many, said their charter public school did a fully realize the potential of charter highlights of her career include serving better job of educating their child, and schools, the sooner they will be able to as the Head of the Nurse Corps Assign- eight of ten said charter schools are fully reach this potential.∑ ment Section in the Bureau of Naval better at motivating students. f Personnel. In this role, she expertly It is my feeling that these numbers managed the assignment of 3,200 Nurse are an indication of the many benefits DR. WILLIAM SLOANE COFFIN Corps officers to billets Navy-wide. charter public schools offer to commu- ∑ Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, May 6th Captain Gloria Caffrey was instru- nities. They provide parents and stu- marks the 75th birthday of Dr. William mental in increasing the number of dents with choice in education. They Sloane Coffin. Protestants for the Com- Nurse Corps officers selected to Execu- allow teachers a degree of flexibility mon Good is celebrating that day with tive Medicine billets and was key in de- that cannot be found in traditional a tribute to Dr. Coffin in Chicago, and veloping policy changes affecting De- public schools. Furthermore, they I want to take a moment to call the fense Officer Personnel Management allow administrators and board mem- Senate's attention to the life of this re- Act grade relief and subspecialty re- bers a certain amount of innovation in markable man. ductions. Her superior leadership, vi- the founding, and also the funding, of I should begin by mentioning that sion, and dedication to duty has been schools, and in the decisions that are since his retirement, Bill has lived in an inspiration to all military nurses. made in how they are to be run. Vermont, and I am proud to represent Captain Gloria Caffrey leaves a lasting Mr. President, what charter schools a man whose dedication to peace, the legacy of excellence. do, first and foremost, is give teachers, environment, and social justice I have Mr. President, more than fifty years students, parents, and administrators long admired. ago, as I was recovering in a military the ability to experiment, to tinker William Sloane Coffin first came to hospital, I began a unique relationship with the system in the hopes of im- the world's attention during the 18 with military nurses. The Caffreys em- proving it, and they do this while at years he served as the Chaplain of Yale body what I know military nurses to the same time remaining accountable University. As an outspoken and coura- beÐstrong, dedicated professional lead- to local and state school boards. If our geous supporter of civil rights and a ers, stepping to the forefront to serve educational system is to improve, if we founder of Clergy and Laity Concerned their country and committed to caring are truly going to strive to provide our for Vietnam, he often sacrificed his for our Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Sol- nation's children with the education own safety to ensure and protect the diers and family members during they deserve, I feel that charter rights of others. He protested against peacetime and at war. Captains Jack schools are going to play a vital role in segregation laws in the South, and and Gloria Caffrey's many meritorious this process. with Dr. Benjamin Spock against the awards and decorations demonstrate Indeed, Mr. President, in charter war in Vietnam. Anyone who was for- their contributions in a tangible way, schools, we have a situation where ev- tunate to hear him speak on these but it is the legacy they leave behind erybody wins. Parents are able to send great moral issues of our time remem- for the Navy Nurse Corps, the United their children to a safe school environ- bers his tremendous eloquence, passion States Navy and the Department of De- ment where they will have more say in and conviction. What many people may fense of which we are most appre- the entire process. Teachers are able to not know is that he also served his ciative. It is with pride that I con- find new ways to do their own work, to country as an infantry officer in Eu- gratulate both Captain Jack Caffrey work together with one another, and to rope during the Second World War. and Captain Gloria Caffrey on their work with members of the community. From New Haven, Dr. Coffin moved outstanding careers of exemplary serv- Administrators are lifted from many of to New York City where he became the ice.∑ the restraints of the traditional public Senior Minister at Manhattan's River- f school system. And the greatest bene- side Church. His soaring oratory in- factor of all this will be our nation's spired people from all walks of life. RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL public school students. They are the Regularly challenging those who at- CHARTER SCHOOLS WEEK ones who will benefit from the com- tended his services to seek justice in ∑ Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, next petition, the experimentation, and the their own lives, Dr. Coffin set an exam- Monday, May 1, 2000, is the first day of innovation, because of the effect that ple by consistently doing so himself. the first National Charter Schools these things will have on our entire He founded the Church's well-known Week in our nation's history, an event public education system. disarmament program, traveled modeled after similar state level cele- Mr. President, I have long been a sup- throughout the world promoting peace brations in Michigan and California. I porter of charter schools and the many and respect for human rights, and re- feel that this is a momentous occasion opportunities they offer. It was my mains the President Emeritus of which provides the nation with an op- pleasure last year to have secured ``SANE/FREEZE: Campaign for Global portunity to acknowledge and cele- $925,000 in funding for Central Michigan Security.'' brate the hard work and many accom- University, which will use this money Mr. President, I have been fortunate plishments of charter school teachers, to establish a national Charter Schools not only to know of William Sloane.
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