Phyciodes Tharos Pearl Crescent Asterocampa Clyton Tawny Emperor (Incl.Jlora, Taana, Louisa) __ P

Phyciodes Tharos Pearl Crescent Asterocampa Clyton Tawny Emperor (Incl.Jlora, Taana, Louisa) __ P

2003 BUTTERFLY COUNT FORM - USA TOTAL PARTY-MILES ti (___ 9~ -- on foot, * * * REQUIRED INFORMATION * * * 3;;...... bycar, __ by ~ ifany ofthe following is incomplete or illegible, your cou111 will Uses ofland (1st year count only): ___--- _-------J_____ _ _ be returned and there will be a U.S. $5. 00 resubmission fee to cover additional handling and postage costs. Thank vou for douh/e_-checking that your count form is complete and legible. Imminent threats to habitat: DEADLINE for complete, readable submission to be received by ------------~ NABA: September 5, 2003. Changes noticed since last year: Count Name, State Vflt.u<!Ll R./11£/l Mlv&. AILJ.l/t#s~J' ------- -- Year count hejd & submitted for publication (lst,2nd,etc.):_ _ _ DATE: 7/Jyo3 TIME: 'lf:tolt/f to 'f:~tt * * * ADULT BUTI'ERFLIES * * * TEMPERATURE: /J.. 0 to 13 °F °F = (°Cx 1.8) + 32 ifa species is not listed, write it in on a blank line. .hb [Number of] OBSERVERS (including_ garden watchers To indicate a subspecies, write it in after the species name. and _ children under 12) in~ [number of] PARTIES. P APILIONIDAE - Swallowtails TOTAL PARTY-HOURS ;).O l.-=::.. by garden watchers, Parnassius clodius Clodius Parnassian _/.Lon foot,~ by car, _ _ by _); _ _ Parnassius phoebus Phoebus Parnassian-unspecifted subsp. COMPILER'S NAME: /(l;JVWLTXoJVS)(J (P. p. phoebus) 'Phoebus' Phocbus Parnassian Address: 7<f~Ar.'f.[}iqll.£ l?.tJ.A{) WefT __ (P. p. smintheus) 'Rocky Mountain' Ph. Parnassian City: . ~recK>l<nd __ (P. p. behn) 'Sierra Nevada' Phoebus Parnassian State, zip: NT o m_o __ Battus philenor Pipevine SwallowtaiJ Email )(µ.;J./11i(oJ.dJ?; (d 'YPI~. a>/1 __ Battus polydamas Polydamas Swallowtail (Address and e-mail BUT NOT PHONE arc or publication.) _ _ Eurytides marce/lus Zebra Swallowtail Phone, work: home: 3 o - _ _ Eurytidesphilolaus Dark-kite Swallowtail OBSERVERS (alphabetically): Observer names (initial of first a_ Papilio polyxenes (includes kah/i) Black Swallowtail name and full last name) must be listed here. Attach another sheet _ _ Papilio joanae Ozarlc Swallowtail (or second copy of participants list) ifneeded. __ Papilio machaon Old World Swallowtail-unspecified subsp. - ~,tj£d:i._~~-D..._ _ _ _ _ _ (P. m. bairdiz) 'Baird's' Old World Swallowtail __ (J '. m. oregonius) 'Oregon' Old World Swalk ...i A•i __ Papilio ze/icaon Anise Swallowtail __ Papilio indra Indra Swallowtail __ Papilio cresphontes Giant Swallowtail __ Papilio omythion Ornythion Swallowtail * * * REQUIRED·- lST YEAR ONLY* * * _ft_ Papilio glaucus Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 0 CENTER AT {latitude)_·__ _'N, {longitude)__ 0 _ _ 'W __ Papi/io canadensis Canadian Tiger Swallowtail CENTER AT {describe in words)____ _ ____ _ __ Papilio rutulus Western Tiger Swallowtail __ Papilio multicaudata Two-tailed Swallowtail __ Papilio eurymedon Pale Swallowtail includes (in circle - 1st year count only) ___ ____ _ _ _!/.._ Papilio troi/us Spicebush Swallowtail _ _ Papilio palamedes Palamedes Swallowtail _ ________ _ (Semi a map with first year counts.) PIERIDAE - Whites & Sulphurs Elevation: (low)__ to (high)__ ft Im· (circle unit of measure) __ Neophasia menapia Pine White Habitat (of area counted - I st year count only): - --- --- __ Neophasia terlootii Chiricahua White __ Appias drusil/a Florida White Pontia beckerii Becker's White * * *IMPORTANT INFORMATION * * * __ Pontia sisymbrii Spring White The following is very useful. Ifit's missing, your count won't be __ Pontia protodice Checkered White returned, but please provide as much ofthe 0 wing as possible. Pontia occidentalis W estcrn White AM: (circleappropriatcwords:) clear stlycle hazy somefog __ Pieris napi Mustard White (incl. angelika}-unspeeificd subsp. partly cloudy mostly cloudy intcnmttcnt light moderate __ (Pieris napi oleracea) 'Veined' Mustard White heavy drizzle hail; % time in AM sun was __ (Pieris napi marginalis) 'Margined' Mustard White shining:~% .J'Q.i Pieris rapae Cabbage White PM: (circle a · tc words:) clear mostly clear hazy some Ascia monuste Great Southern White fog artly cloud mostly cloudy intermittent light modente __ Ganyrajosephina Giant White heavy e rain bail; % time in PM sun was __ Euchloe ausonides Large Marble shining:Se> % Euchloe creusa Northern Marble WIND direction S /0 to /£mi/hr mi=km x 0.6214 __ Euchloe hyantis Pearly Marble-unspecified subspecies 2003COUNT NAME, State:_______ ____ _ _ _ l ycaena dorcas Dorcas Copper (inCludes dospassos1) __ (E. hyantis hyantis) 'California' Pearly Marble __ lycaena hel/oides Purplish Copper __ (Euchloe hyantis lotto) 'Desert' Pearly Marble __ Lycaena nivalis Lilac-bordered Copper __ Euchloe olympia Olympia Marble __ Lycaena mariposa Mariposa Copper __ Anthochoris cethura Desert Orangetip L YCAENIDAE - Hairstreaks __ (A. cethura pimo) 'Pima' Desert Orangetip · __ Hypaurotis crysalus Colorado Hairstreak __ Anthocharis sora Sara Orangetip (incl. j ulia, thoosa) _ _ Rabrodais grunus Golden Hairstreak __ (Anthochoris sara sara) 'Pacific' Sara Orangetip Eumaeus atala Atala __ (Anthocharis sara stella) 'Stella' Sara Orangetip __ At/ides halesus Great Purple Hairstrcak __ Anthocharis lonceo/ata Gray Marble _ _ Chlorostrymon simaethis Silver-banded Hairstreak. __ Phaeostrymon alcestis Soapberry Hairstrcak ] I Colias philodice Clouded Sulphur _L Satyrium titus Coral Hairstreak. _l Colias eurytheme Orange Sulphur __ Satyrium behrii Bcbr's Hairstreak __ Colias occidentalis Western Sulphur __ Saryn·um fuliginosum Sooty Hairstreak __ Colias christina Christina's Sulphur __ Satyrium acadica Acadian Hairstreak __ Colias a/exandra Queen Alexandra's Sulphur __ Satyrium califomica California Hairstreak __ (C. a. harfordi1) 'Harford's' Queen Alexandra's Sulphur __ Satyrium sylvinus Sylvan Hairstreak __ Golias meadii Mead's Sulphur __ Satyrium edwardsii Edwards' Hairstreak __ Golias canadensis Canadian Sulphur _L Satyrium calanus Banded Hairstreak __ Colias nastes Labrador Sulphur __ Satyrium caryaevorum Hickory Hairstreak __ Colias scudderi Scudder's Sulphur __ Satyrium kingi King's Hairstreak __ Colias "gigontea Giant S~phur __ Satyrium liparops Striped Hairstreak __ Colias pelidne Pelidne Sulphur __ Satyrium auretorum Gold-hunter's Hairstreak __ Co/ias interior PiJ;lk-edged Sulphur __ Satyrium tetra Mountain Mahogany Hairstreak __ Colias palaeno Paliteno Sulphur __ Satyrium saepium Hedgerow Hairstreak __ Colias eurydice CalifQi:nj~ Dogfa~e __ Satyriumfqvonius Oak Hairstreak-unspecified subsp. _ _ Colias cesonia Southern Dogface __ (S. f. favonius) 'Southern' Oak Hairstrcak __ Anteos clorirule Wl\ite Angled-Sulphur _ _ (S. f. ontario) 'Northern' Oak Hairstreak __ Anteos maerula Yellow Angled-Sulphur __ Callophrys dumetorum Bramble Hairstreak-unspec. subsp. _ _ Phoebis sennae Cloudless Sulphur (Cd. dumetorum) 'Bramble' Bramble Hairstreak __ Phoebis phi/ea Orange-barred Sulphur __ (C. d. apama) 'Canyon' Bramble Hairstreak __ Phoebis agarithe Large Orange Sulphur __ (C. d. affinis) 1mmaculate' Bramble Hclirstreak __ Phoebis statira StaW"a Sulphur __ Ca/lophrys sheridanii Sheridan's Hairstrcak __ Kricogonia lyside Lysjde Sulphur __ Callophrys xami Xami Hairstrcak Eurema daira B.arred Yellow __ Callophrys augustinus (=augustus) Brown E1fu;l Eurema boisduvaliana Boisduval's Yellow _ _ Cal/ophrys mossii Moss' Elfin Eurema mexicana Mexican Yellow __ Callophrys polios Hoary Elfin __ Eurema proterpia Tailed Orange __ Callophrys irus Frosted Elfin Eurema lisa Little Yellow __ Callophry~ henrici Henry's Elfin Eurema nise Mimosa Yellow __ Callophrys niphon Eastern Pinc Elfin Eurema dina Dina Yellow _ _ Callophrys eryphon W cstern Pine Elfin __ Eurema nicippe Sleepy Orange _ _ Cal/ophrys spinetorum Thicket Hairstreak ·__ Natho/is iole Dainty Sulphur __ Callophrys johnsoni Johnson's Hairstrcak __ Ca/lophrys gryneus Juniper Hairstreak-umpecified subsp. L YCAENIDAE - Harvester & Coppers (C. g. gryneus) 'Olive' Juniper Hairstrcak __ Feniseca tarquinius Harvester __ (C. g. siva) 'Siva' Juniper Hairstreak __ Lycaena arota Tailed Copper __ (C. g. nelsom) 'Nelson's' Juniper Hairstrcak __ lycaena phlaeas .American Copper __ Callophrys hesseli Hessel's Hairstreak __ lycaena cupreus Lustrous CopJ>Q". Parrhasiu,,r m-album White M Hajrstreak __ Lycaena xantho~des Great Copper _ _ Strymo.n melinus Gray Hairstreak __ Lycaena dione Gray Copper __ Strymon martialis Martial Scrub-Hairsleeak· __ Lycaena e4ithq Edith's Copper _ _ Strymon acis BaJ,1rarn's Scrub-Hairstreak __ Lycaena gorgon Gorgon Copper _ _ Strymon a/ea Lacey's Scrub-Hairstreak __ Lycaena hyllus (=thoe) Bronze Copper _ _ Strymon istapa (=colume/la) Mallow Scrub-Hairstrcak __ Lycaena rubidus Ruddy Copper _ _ Electrostrymon ange/ia Fulvous Hairstrcak __ (L. r. ferrisi) 'White Mountains' Ruddy Copper __ Calycopis cecrops Rcd-baoded Hairstreak __ lycaena heteronea Blue Copper __ Calycopis isobeon Dusky-blue Groundstrcak __ Lycaena epixanthe Bog Copper _ _ Ministrymon leda Leda Ministreak 2 2003 COUNT NAME, State:__ _______ Emesis zela Zeta Metalmark __ Ministrymon c/ytie Clytie Ministreak Emesis ares Axes Metalmark . __ Ministrymon azia Gray Ministreak __ Apodemia mormo Mormon Metalmark (includes dury1) __ Erora /aeta Early Hairstreak __ Apodemia palmerii Palmer's Metalmark __ Erora quadema Arizona Hairstreak __ Apodemia nais Nais Metalmark L YCAENIDAE - Blues NYMPHALIDAE - Brushfoots __ Brephidium exile Western Pygmy-Blue __ Libytheana carinenta (=bachmanil) American Snout __ Brephidium isophthalma Eastern Pygmy-Blue __ Agraulis vanil/ae GulfFritillary __ Leptotes cassius Cassius Blue __ Dryadu/a phaetusa Banded Orange Heliconian __ Leptotes marina

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