if ^lls^wVIK %:^I1I STATE COLLEGE /J{7r�PA7Ar/OA7All fJ^Ar�/?^f/rY Ofl>firA S/6AfA Pf t So The Grand Council of The International Fraternity of Oelta Sigma PI Gentleaiens Chi We, the undersigned Brothers of Alpha Sigma Praternity, a ohaT3ter hereby earnestly petition for a charter to establish of the International Praternity of Delta Sigma Pi on the campus of Angelo State College, San Angelo, Texas, of AlDha Sigma Chi was formed exolusiTely for the purpose The affiliation with Delta Sigma Pi Professional Fraternity. in dur present alms, purposes, and requirements reflec-ted comnehsurate Constitution and By-Laws were patterened after and are with the same high ideals of Delta Sigma Pit.. In -oursuit of this affiliation, the Brothers of Alpha Sigma set Chi Praternity oledge to uphold the rules and regulations ^s forth in the Constitution a.nd By-L8.ws of the International its traditions Praternity of Delta Sigma PI and further to carry out and programs. ZV\/^ (x )q\I)A^x. t ^ 77^'Tf^lcM- KAJ^aat^^ \AcMjy A->> P^^,.% i)A^L^ r7jSJiAau /iAyLy.7l TAAC^y yA},.yApj jJ^yy/v^^y7^Ae^ ^ (K^""Tyf-^^ AA^nA THE HISTORY OF SAN ANGELO San Angelo Is located at the confluences of the South, Middle, and North Concho Rivers, It is 220 miles west of Port Worth and 215 miles northwest of San Antonio, San Angelo,, the county seat of Tom Green County, is on the West Texas plains at the northern edge of the Edwards Plateau and the southeastern rim of the Permian Basin, San Angelo began its existence in 186^-, but life in the area was so hazardous that the citizens asked for the protection of government troops in I865. This request brought about the founding of Fort Concho which was the largest and best known of the western frontier posts. The settlement was across the river from Fort Concho and became known as "Over the River", although historians disagree as to where the name originated. There are three different stories as to how the toxirn got its name, but each of them give credit to 3. J. DeWitt, a pioneer West Texas merchant. The most logical of the stories says that the settlement was originally named "Santa Angelia". The local inhabitants mispronounced the name making it "Santa Angelo". This pronunciation made the first half feminine gender and the last half masculine gender. When the name was sent to postal authorities it was converted to San Angelo, Although San Angelo is presently the county seat of Tom Green County, it was not the original county seat. When the election was called for a county seat in Tom Green County, San Angelo was so sure of winning, because of the fact that they had the fort, the soldiers, and the government payroll, that they laid down on the job. Ben Picklln, however, a small town three miles away on the opposite bank of the river, took a great interest In the election, and, as a result, was able to win the county seat. On August 24, 1882, after numerous rains had already flooded much of the county, a cloud burst occurred throughout the entire area and Ben Flcklln was flooded. Of the three hundred pioneers who lived in the town, sixty-five were drowned and some of the bodies were never found. The flood was so intense that personal items that were washed out of houses were later found in the river at Austin, Instea.d of rebuilding Ben Picklln, the county seat was relocated to San Angelo and the homeless were given la.nd upon which to rebuild. The population of San Angelo was said to be 800 after the flood. J. G. Preusser, one of the first Justices of the Peace in the county, was the first mayor of San Angelo, In the early 1900 's, the area to the south and west of San Angelo developed into the greatest section in the United States for raising cattle, sheep, wool, and mohair. To the north and ea.st, numerous farms produced large crops of cotton, oats, wheat, and grain sorghums. This agricultural production all around San Angelo caused the city to become known as the "Trading Post" of the southwest. The discovery of oil nearby In 1923 added to the growth of the city, and by 19^0, San Angelo had a population of 25,802, Th,e Board of City Development lists the present population at 7^,127. The region has a wide economic base of trade and service industries, agriculture, oil and gas production. Industry, tourism, and government activities. Because of its many lakes and rivers, Tom Green County has more running water than any other county in the state, therefore, San Angelo is the principle tourist area in West Texas. Agriculturally, the city Is the "Wool Capital of the World" and home of the National Miss Wool of America pageant. More wool is marketed through San Angelo than any other inland city in the world. The principle government activity is Goodfellow Air Force Base, a Security Service Command training center. Some of the major industries in San Angelo are Armour a.nd Company, Sthlcon, and Levi Strauss, Prom a rugged frontier tot�m, San Angelo has developed to a modern city. Along with San Angelo 's growth, Angelo State College has grown and prospered at a rapid rate and has become an educa.tional institution worth of praise. A FISTORY OF ANGELO STATE COLLEGE In September of 1928 San Angelo College opened its doors for the first time. The people vlo were Involved In that first small college had a dream of a four-year college for San Angelo. The dream came true 37 years later when Angelo State College became a realitj'-. Our college is the product of the hopes and dreams of farsighted people who fought hard and long to gain their goal. We are all rart of a dream that has com-e ture�the dream of Angelo State College, Originally organized as a part of the city schools of San Angelo, San Angelo College opened its doors in 1928 to an enrollment of 112 students. On Se-otemb^r 1, S,A.C. became a ser)arate Junior Cpllege District encompassing the entire ar-ea of Tom. Green County, The 58th Legislature of Texas created a new state-supported, four- year institution offering the bachelor's degree to be known as Angelo State College.' The transfer of authority from, the local Board of Trustees to 'he Board of Regents of State Teachers -Colleges became effective Sei^tember 1, 19^5. Presently A,S,C. has an approximate enrollment of 2,100 students. Time passes quickly at A.S.C., and soon ve will find ourselves at a signpost directing us in the paths that ednction has raved. Our futu:^e, Hke the futu-e of Angelo State College is great and bright. The above was taken picture In the capitol building at Austin Texas. The occasion is the signing of the bill designating AAgelo State as a four year sphool. The following persons were present at the signing. (left to right) Louis Saibert-Member of ASC Development Committee Marshall Jones-Member of ASC Development Committee Scottle Johnson-Member of ASC Development Committee Dr. Lowmann-Dean of ASC Gov. John Connley-Governor of Texas Senator Dorsey B. Hardman-Senator of San Angelo District Rep. Ben Barnes -Speaker of the Hduse (Texas) Dr. Ramond Cavlness-President of ASC ANGELO STATE COLLEGE 2601 w. Avenue N SAN ANGELO, TEXAS 26903 AREA CODE 91S TELEPHONE 949-4666 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT January 31, 1967 Grand Council Delta Sigma Pi 330 South Campus Avenue Exford, Ohio Gentlemen: The local professional business fraternity on the campus of Angelo State College is making a request for affiliation with Delta Sigma Pi. It is a pleasure to endorse this petition in behalf of a very fine group of young men. At Angelo State College, which dates back to 1928 as a two-year college, but which has been a four-year college since 1965 only, students in the field of Business lead to the Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and General Business Administration. Approxiraately 561 students were enrolled in the various programs in Business Administration during the fall semester which has just closed. It has been our pleasure to attend programs, on more than one occasion which the young men of our local professional business fraternity have sponsored. Without exception, they have demonstrated ability to organize proceedings in a proper and pleasing manner, with both club business and the special features of their programs. There is a definite need for a group of interested male students to acquire an affiliation such as merabership in Delta Sigma Pi would raake available. The President and other appropriate administrative officers of Angelo State College pledge themselves to the support of such an arrangeraent, and enthusiastically endorse the petition of our local group. Yours very truly, * i\ A �� h 7 /=-;�-� � ^ R. M. Cavness President vs 0V/^ ANGELO STATE COLLEGE 2601 WEST AVENUE N SAN ANGELO, TEXAS 76903 OFFICE OF THE DEAN January 30, 1967 Grand Council Delta Sigma Pi 330 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio Gentlemen: This letter is being written as part of Alpha Sigma Chi's petition for membership in Delta Sigma Pi. I am pleased to be able to recommend this group to you for consideration. Angelo State College, a state supported, co-educational, senior college, is the most recent addition to the state system of higher education in Texas. The college has been in existence as Angelo State College since September, 1965.
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