THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY—PURDUE UNIVERSITY AT THIS WEEK Turn to Page 12 for details otthis weeks* Fall Festival. Budget request ID cards may benefit stresses faculty, non-health areas AIDS high-risk groups By KEVIN STEWART By JOYCE K. JENSEN News Editor Science Editor • T T he safest way to Increased funding of non­ In a program that has been I avoid AIDS is to health programs and more labeled “novel and contro­ be celibate. But that full-time faculty members versial," the Infectious Dis­ could be in store for the cam­ eases Clinic here is offering doesnl work for very pus if a recent IU budget pro­ an AIDS virus testing pro­ many people.* posal is approved. gram that may be the first of IU President John Hyan pre­ its kind in the nation. Dr. Robert Jones sented the 1987-89 biennium The free program offers budget request earlier this laminated identification given only to the person month for eight-campus IU cards with information about system, including a total bien­ whose picture was taken. whether an individual has nium operating request of There is no way of matching $231 million for IUPUI. been exposed to the deadly -names because names are virus. Ryan, in . presenting the never taken, he said. request to the Commission for According to Dr. Robert The picture is laminated to Higher Education on Sept. HJJ' Jones, the program offers the back of a card that has asked for a total of $282 mil­ anonymous testing fbr-dnti- the test Results and the date lion for the 1987-88 year and bodies to human immuno­ the test was given, according $309 million for the 1988-89 deficiency virus, which to Jones. The card has a two year. The commission will causes AIDS. I f antibodies to month expiration date. '^■' Wbiew -the request and for­ the virus are found, it means you don’t have anti­ ward it on to the State Budget the person has been exposed bodies, you have not been Committee. Aaron Hyre, a senior chemistry major, strums a few notes to the virus, Jones said. It infected with the virus," The request allocates an to relax and enjoy the hot weather last week. does not mean they have Jones said. “The safest .way operating appropriation of $53 AIDS, however. Photo by Tom Strattman to avoid AIDS is to be celi­ million for the health division Jones is director of the bate. But that doesn’t work and $48 million for the non­ Center for Sexually Trans­ for very many people." “I think that's an historic health division of IUPUI for administration's committment mitted Diseases at the IU event," said Howard G. Schal- to IUPUI, he said. Although the system is the 1987-88 academic year. Medical Center, and pro­ ler, executive dean and dean of To aid in achieving and “not 100 percent risk proof,* - " For the 1988-89 year, fessor of Medicine, Micro­ the faculties. maintaining a higher quality it is better than anything else though, IU has asked for an biology and Immunology. increase to bring the non­ Schaller said that for years of education in both the health currently available, he said. The program is offered for health sector of IUPUI up to the non-health division of and non-health divisions at When used with safe-sex con­ people who “engage in behav­ 'P t fjy it h the health division, IUPUI has been overshadowed IUPUI, IU has requested an ducts such as use of condoms, ior that puts them at risk," he he added, it can greatly with each to recieve about $56 by the health division, and this See BUDGET. Page 7 million. budget request reaffirms the said. “We’re giving them reduce the chance of acquir­ photo ID cards. I f they’re ing the virus. He described worried and bhey come in to the test as 95 percent accu­ be tested, a Polaroid picture rate. Parkers ignore warning signs is taken. There is no nega­ Although AIDS has been tive." primarily a disease of homo- By KEMP SMITH An area that size would nor­ or eight percent of the people Test results are ready in This semester, many stu­ mally have only three signs, he that get and accumulate them one to two weeks, and are See TESHNG. Page 9 dents have found parking tick­ said, but “I snuck one in there [tickets!" ets tucked into their wind­ where you turn left at the end" Ticket charges are at three supplied by the ever-present shields which will reduce their so no one would miss it levels. Parking meter viola­ Student Assembly Modem Vending. liquid assets from $5 to $25. The front Agnes Street sec­ tions, line-'- straddling and sponsors festival, But the assembly orginally Since the second week of tion is closed because of unfin­ parking in the wrong lot all planned to serve the campus a classes, 60 to 75 students per ished construction,, according earn a $5 fine. postpones birthday giant cake for the university's day have been ticketed for ille­ to Gilbert He said new curb­ A $10 fine comes from park­ 16th birthday, big enough for gally parking in the first row of ing, landscaping and a Metro ing in a posted area, on a cross­ By LESUE L. FULLER students, faculty and staff, Lot 80 [the lot west of Lecture bus booth have yet to be built walk, blocking othep-^Cars or Campus Editor which was to have been Hall on Agnes Stffeetl, accord­ These additions are expected not havingji-pe«Tflt; 65 to 70 donated by an area bakery, The Student Assembly dis­ ing to parking enforcement to take up the remaining park­ percenyof all parking viola­ perhaps Roselyn's. covered this year that plan­ officer Phillip Burton. ing spaces. tions /fall in this category. But confusion over Modern ning a campus event is no The first 25 spaces of the Parking services officials Using an outdated ticket or an Vending’s contract with cakewalk after plans to throw front row of Lot 80 were closed wrote warning tickets the first old, stolen or forged parking IUPUI, plus “lack of proper a birthday celebration - for to parking in early summer week of classes, and attempted permit are about the only background" canceled out IUPUI fell through due to lack and “may be lost perma­ to make people aware of the offenses which earns a $25 plans for a campus-wide birth­ of lead-time and planning/ nently", according to John Gil­ altered parking situation, fine. day party. bert,^ assistant director of according to Gilbert He added that parking "I spent a week trying to find Parking and Transportation “The parking crunch still spaces are still available in See festival details, Page 12 the proper representative at Services. hits us between 10 a.m. and 2 Lota 70 and 73 on the north Modem Vending, then it turns Gilbert said the lot, which p.m.," he said. During those side of Michigan Street and Today's menu at the -Fall out I could have just gone over has four ‘no parking* signs hours,.the greatest number of Lot 86 by the newly expanded Festival includes old standbys to Mike Wagoner IStudent with arrows indicating students are on campus and purchasing and stores build­ 4ike hotdogs and hamburgers Activities director]," said Alex affected spaces, is better the most tickets are written. ing. marked than most on campus. Gilbert said only “about seven Page 2 SAGAMORE Sept. 29.1986 TO D AY _________________________________________ __ Tho Finance Club wtl conduct a business moating at 1130 a.m. In Worker injured at Fitness Center BS2008. For mora Information, contact Dave Cottongin at 247-9901. The IU P U I D ep artm en t o f G eo lo g y w l conduct a colloquium entUed “Lata Cretaceous-Early Tertiary Bngeogtaphy lor Southern An employee o f Hagarman Construction was Circum-Padftc." The topic will be presented by Dr. Wiliam seriously injured last Thursday at the con­ Zinsmeister of,the Department of Geosciences at Purdue University struction site o f the National Institute for Fit­ from 4-5 p.m. in Cavanaugh H a l Room 435. For mora dataiis, contact ness and Sport The site, at 240 N. Agnes S t, is Dr. Haaaan Amini at 274-7484. just south of the Indianapolis Sports Center. T h e IU P U I C a m p u s A d v a n ca la aponaoring a non-danominational. Ramon Toliver, 36, of 1335 Racquet Club informal Bible study from 12-12:45 p.m. In the Nursing School Room Road, fell while carrying material up a ladder 220. For mors Information c a l Jerry at 631-9508. on a 16 foot wall kbout 12:45 p.m, said S g t Bill The Organizational Communication Association wM bJ Abston of IUPD. It is uncertain how far Toliver conducting aiactions 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today through Friday. Sept. 22. fell because there were no witnesses, he said. Ballots may ba obtained through the departmental sacrataries in Mary “Toliver fell on iron rods," Abston said. T w o Cable Building Room 115 or 117. Annual dues of $10 a rt required to entered his body, one through the right side of be a voting member and win be accepted at the voting ale. For further the neck. The other lodged in the lower right Information, contact Michaal Balmart at 274-0566.
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