Y#S*Rjb$Tr Xtr Naxsrfues 7*8 J*A{Y*,S Xg"Rass,Rsss' E**SAA.$T&&*.*###S#€F6,*T$'Cj"Ir.* **Sfst4$*.S.S.****.{E**'Qe * SS*8*Ip*Da**1R*S****Sbrf**#*Da*F{L+**'F S

Y#S*Rjb$Tr Xtr Naxsrfues 7*8 J*A{Y*,S Xg"Rass,Rsss' E**SAA.$T&&*.*###S#€F6,*T$'Cj"Ir.* **Sfst4$*.S.S.****.{E**'Qe * SS*8*Ip*Da**1R*S****Sbrf**#*Da*F{L+**'F S

y#s*rJb$tr xtr Naxsrfues 7*8 J*a{y*,S xg"rass,rsss' e**SAA.$t&&*.*###S#€F6,*t$'cj"ir.* **sFst4$*.S.S.****.{E**'qE * SS*8*ip*dA**1r*S****SBrf**#*dA*F{l+**'f S Edit*r aad AL{OR: fix "{. $T'ayxe Wb*tex, F&ysital S*iea*es, Ro*m 97#4, P*xsaeola J.C., Pexsae*la FX 3258,E. P&er"rye {9#4} 484-f 152 {ideys and v*ieerxail at all {i**s} Fresidest - .Oerais.Fisusc* {P{}4} 578-1597; V-P - fiave Ffalup*ws*i {9#4} 678-4#52; Sacre{ary - Bert Bla*k {##4} S?6-41$5; Treasl*rer lirzl L*rdusky {9#4i 434-3638 Ffeas* mail all d;res lc EAA,A, dds#,$,&eravrs'x ffxrcf*, Semscrofa, Ff. s#5*9, ****s#s.*f p#*a**&f s*s*hs8*s*{F*sas**s,f4e$.srr$sss*rs**s**is+**#s+ss**$* *a**&d.**4s**s f *'* ,4dr*-.*lrd-dt'fes#s Pwt #x,Sarffe a -q&*strf Mamy members of ihe fiAAA watehed the Russien Space $ratiea Mir and HASA Spn*e shuttle Actrafltie 3*i*ed *nd flyi*g iu furcqagion during ihek }:istorie rrndevoue in illrle *nd July, Thanks to gue;d ssverage by the Pensscoln Nsws Jorsm*l srd l*cal TXr, the public atr*o iisd *everal oppcrturrities to s*e tlrem. t{*re *re bn*f s*:a*eri*s of rcp*rts by EAA.4 m*mbers arid PJC ssrronom}' stud+nts. After Atla*tis w*n l*rm*h*d ort ?uesda1, June L'f , tr g*t *n the plione rvith NAS"4's n€rvs r*s& f*r best vi*wi*g tiffies for Atiffata and New Srleans. BiEl **sley als* s**t us updates bas*d on ttre orbitsl elemants end his STS-SV satellite vie*'ing prsgraec. Sus {irst *pportw:ity i8 $e€ the.m tin}qed wes at 9:-4i1 PM oa ?hursday, Jusre 2$, 1995. Merry,, Yrevor, and E w'stehed tlr*rn p*ss betrow F*lqris md ffie in the rlsrtkeast, *ever gettirng up t* Srst *ragrdtude. Ws were dis*ppaiafed, but they wer* quite distant. As Ss$ rspsrted, *ur vier.iag q:n SuraE 3Gth wes entirell'clonded eut. *n Sat*rdry- night, rve were el+uded *ut st 9:44 F&f, &*t Bert g*t some breeks in ti:e clcuds and watched thaem pess fr*m hIW t* $E- ke t*ak same photes (b"ine the* ** July l4th, Bert). Skies wete olesr oa Sunday evening, July 3nd, axrd tEre Weeiens ertd Etr**k& ?"**se slt aee.zed as th* pair, high i$ the morth*a*t eftd e!ffioat as bright at Jupit*r, almost made it fo the e&st6m lr*risEn be,f*re flrlaXly fadimg sut i-mto the Sartfa's ucsbra. We tried t* oqgardze * *lubl*lasslStarrrek 6edet stergaus fcr Mcnday evening, but slouds in tlie south. &ustrated our last chcnc,* to spot &c largest objeot roa:r h*d €ver e*ffiiblr*,ted in epase. &teriy thenhs t* Rick snd Bavid L,ittle, Jiro Lardusky, Mike Davry, Terr.v Cotton, Sffrt Black, lYarnen Jarvis, Harold $reyde" nnd Trev*r end Wa3tte W*oten, *s ursll ae cadets LousXla Feebles e&d the Keith femily. Thous*nds of folke eamped out oll the heach blaekets a*d awaiting the .luly 4th fr*worlcs had on!y, to losk averhead at 8:3? ort ?uesday evening for a groxt parade, urith Mu leading and Atiantis trailing ab*ut 15 d*grees behited, fu West Fl+ride they ra'ere ab{,uir as bngftt as "}'*p,i{*r, asd p*ssad allaost *veiheed. IE soemed tfoe $oyo*a capsu{e sti}i hed not dscked with Mir, for msry th*ught ws $&w a smail cbjec't vrry. e.Lose to ldir. Thry wrre visible fsr elnnost four mrnat*s snd *lisited these motes {rom PJC estrofisray studsnt$:. Sirrary R*berts was excited to sse bcth ships passuq in the ruighr, bl,rt missed them Wed*esday. Brittany Mix*xr thought they wrre 3**4S mites apart @rab*bly ab'out right) and *'ar,elling at a higk rate cf sp*ed {yar, 17,*SS mB}e is moving on} They lookad like n*'o ver.v hright sters chasing eesh other. $he rvas "glad t* w.itrress this historical cvetrt m,d shars it wrth my ehildraer". .Isr:?' Stepheus net*d it wffi a great time ti> be t*king A,ST 1005, F{e aad his family sighted tlw iink€d vekielcs cn Safimday a*d Su*dey fr*rr Nic*vitrle, with hir otdest san Josh first *otiag thom. &r ?uesdey the $'eather wss iaitlatly eloudy, bui ab*ut 8:3S the clouds broke while the f.*mily was ewarting &reworke at Nieevitle. ?Eris time Jerr3, spotted h4ir flffst, c,,rd ale.ced the cro*d. Exeitement Sre$/ as At$antis soon appe*red rn tke NW" aad both p*ssed dir*otiy *verkssd ire a memorable precession. They mde it aknost tc the $E horiuaxr bef*re fading int+ aur r.:mbra. Jerry aoted that the fireworks rv€r€ aiee, but thry will n*v*r overshadcw tlds meroory *f Jaaly 4, tr995. Sur trast view eacre rvith tlte astronomy elass at S:?3 PM ou Thursday evening. fuIis w-as scen pessing just soutia of the M*on, ba.:t Shuttle wss either te** faiart, sr tss f*r ie! advcrtee {it tanded the ctext ne*ffirng) of Mir to be spotm.d. For atr! furvotr*ed, it wrs a m*st memorable wcek. *Wayne lVoote* ?Trjg ,Mrq?"Ed?tr vtlLL;-h{E xx Hurnher ?-s Jraly*Aegr*t 19sE F*ge e .ft,fsrccrft's trl'efte Jwne 9th ELAA neeting Iler:nis Fl*usoh opened ihe mceting *t 7:05 PM with sbaut 30 members *nd four guests pre$*$t. Guer:ts were Keith and h{onica *enais, Mrs. Ralph Krroerr, and Mike Romero. The minutes of the }ast rneeti:rg *'ere a.pproved as puhlished. Treaswer Jirr Lardusky repcrted S700.69 itr *avings, S202.96 in ohecking. l{e also reportr:d that ws still hsve EAAA hats available for $5 The order for shirte has been made, and they '*'ili be available for $14 eech in sizes S, M, L, **d Xl--they are a nioe polo styl* in p*lv/eotton blrycld. Bill Bosley r€ceived his leve! II award, aad Stcva Henderson both le'vel i snd l1--conEatulations. Ralpir Knoen received ti:e Al- awards for absen ing all l iit lv{essier objects. The Pleasa&t Gro'r,e stargaue !i/&$ caneell':d due to ciouds. Deaais Hs$seb reported on his presentatioa to about lSil C'qrb Seauts at Carnp Euchee. *tre r*portud a te*eher from Bsker rvanied assistau*e wiih ac old telescope--Dr. WooteEt gave Denais several eyepieees to heip Keith Fisher *sd Mike Davcy held a star g,aze for Griole tssach Elementary stuclents on May i !th, with *bout 1()0 students prssent. &, May 26th, Terqy Cott+n hosted 9 studeats ort West Florida Btptist Aeademy ai his home. Itre rgported baze,Freveg ptsen!*g.faiet s18rs *&d dee$"$1ry objepls, birl ire. arid Ron Mr$iqa didFqint oul,*eve:al 'biiairies, +pen clusters, and sven globulars. At 9:3t], the haze cleared and lery steady seeing ailorryed a fine vie w of Jupiter snd tlree of its rnoo$s. Many haze summer *veniags dc surprise ur r*ith fiae saeing! Cur July l4th progrnr* wiii be * photographio tour of the 'Sur*mer Triangle', with cornmentsrf by Keith Fistrer" Beuriis Heusch, and Dave Halupru.ski. To assist with your own ph+tography of th* Milky Way, Camera Araeric* ha* Ektscfuorce l6{i$ at its stors by PJC on Nint}i Avenus, Our Shy lnterpretation sessicns cantirue et Ft. Ficken.s on June 16, 30, July 7, 21, and August I lth--t:e last is our only Augr.lst event, and is or.r farnily picalo and Fer*eid rreteor watqhl plao t* bring a pienic supper a;rd rt€et et tlre Elattrry Worth picaio area abcut ? FIt{, and brirg alotrg a blanket or lawn qhair foi met$or cbserving. Dave Btrakenrore reported on an air!.ine ticket f*r Fnday srrival aad Saturday returs f.or Jaek Horkheirner would range from $430 to 493. If he c*uld stay over rmtil $unday, the price w,ould &op to S?60. Dr. Wooten w'ilI work with Dr. Falma to see if P"TC or NSF funds *ouid essist us in bringing the popularizer here tbis fall. In nel+' business, Dr. Wooten noted the fins erticle in &e N*ighbcrs sectioa of the Thursdey Pensa*eia Nein's Journal. It featrsed cul cXub 16' aad mirror grinder 3oe Barber. We hope to have it at the Jraly 21st ga:e . R.aiptr Kn*en has built a Rew msunt for his IS"i it is very rugg;ed and he wili be glad tc share ptans rvith club crembers" Ftris old dobsciai*a mouet is avaiiable at a reasoosble price--cali him at 934-321?. Also, Dsi Heidernan hes tlre 4.25" Edrn'.rnr} t]trO neutonian {once owred my h{ieFrae} Sohwartz) wil}r two eyepieces ar.'ailetle f+r $1i$--cslt him at 477-3353. *The Errrie Clnrke hes ner* gotten Skv* cornputsr prosrsffi to drit'e his 16" lvleade. Riek Little, J:rn Lardusky, and Wayne W+sten have visitsd hiru, artd marr*'elled *1 hi* high4ech obs€rcatory.

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