!NBT PKBSS ElUMI ’ AVEBAGB DAELY ClItCfUIiATION I *o«Mast kr O. ki Weather-Bareaev for Hie Month of'May, 1929 Bkw Havea , Conn. State L i b m r y — Com p. 5 ,3 3 0 'f e ' ' t ■ - ■■ Hembera of the AniUt Bureau of Fair and Saturday. Ctrculatlona EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE V O L . X L n i . , N O . 211. (Classified Advertising on Page 16) SOUTH MANCHESTER, COjNN., FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1929. ■ ...t MS Couple Push 'V 139 GRADUATES BLOODY BATTLE “L” Trains in High-Up Crash Baby Buggy 100 GET DIPLOMAS On Long Hike WHENSOYIErS DEMANDSFOR AS BLAST Bridgeport, June 21. — Ruth j HlfflTARIFF A T M SCHOOL Hoxle Mangey, a Stamford school nOTTBANDITS teacher, today told Judge Isaac; Wolfe in Superior Court, that she CHINESE and her husband, Howard C. Man- Rev. l)r. Raymond Calldns ley, now of Milwaukee, once sold Russian^ Lose 39 and Ene­ All Sections of Country Now all their possessions to travel from HEBE’S A PtSH STORY Georgetown, Conn., to ^Mllwaukee, Ask for P r 01 e c t i 0 n; FOB YOU, »T LADS Accident Similar to One i\ Commencement Speaker; where her mother lived, and that my 201— Turkish Leader when they reached Racine, Wis., their funds gave out. Then they Tries to Start Holy War Southerners and West­ Bangor, Me., June fil-— The Cleveland, 0^ Oecnrs ip Class Wears Caps and started to walk to Milwaukee, each “ best fish story of the season” pushing the carriage in which was was on record here today. Gowns for First Time. their young baby, until a truck­ Among Moslems. erners Combine Pleas. Inside the stomach of a seven Hong Kong— Main man gave them a lift. Mrs. Manley pound cod, three Islesboro received a decree of divorce on the fishermen—-L. E. 'Smith,' Bur­ ground of desertion. Moscow, June 21— ^Vlvid details Washington, June 21.— The etar ton Padton and Grover Parkin­ ing Which Hpnsed 4|S Bromides, idle phrases, habit of fierce fighting in Soviet Turkes­ of tariff protection has taken its son— said they discovered a forming expressions and words in tan, where trans-Casplan Cossacks course from the industrial east to sealed pint of whiskey. Patients, Complete^ w imitation are a handicap to the con­ drove out marauding bands of Af­ the agricultural west and the new­ versationalist to such an extent HERE’S CONFESSION ghan tribesmen, have at last reach­ ly-awakened south, it appeared to­ stroyed— Scores h jn r^ that they rob one of his individual­ ed Moscow six weeks after the last day, when southerners and western­ ity, Rev. Dr. Raymond Calkins told remnant of the raiders fled back ers rubbed shoulders with eastern­ DELAY OF VATICAN the 1929 Manchester high school OF HAMMER SLAVE across the frontier into the Afghan ers at the tariff hearings held by 30 of Victims Were B ^ ’ graduating class last night. “ Four hills. The total number killed is four Senate finance sub-qommittees. Occupied with reviewing the Idle Words,” the use of which is to conservatively estimated at 240, of J'i? be greatly regretted especially in which the Soviets lost 39 killed and tariff rates adopted by the House, WORRIES MEXICANS Ridden. the enemy 201. the four Subcommittees found west­ After Stimning Miss Hix, Dr. Commander Dibenko o f the Cen- erners and southerners demanding tral-Asiatic Military District report­ higher protection for local products London, June 21.— One ixi)Qdyed Snook Cut Her Juplar ed to the commisariat of war that and lower rates on raw materials No Answer Yet from Pope persons were killed and many -iia* a small band of Afghan Basmatchi, used at home. A few years ago, jured when a terrific explosion a mountain tribe that lives by these appeals came only from the in­ Vein With Penknife. banditry, invaded Soviet Turkestan dustrial east. On Church and State Dis­ rocked the East-Bund hospKal Va1 at a point almost unguai^ded bj the Com Belts’ Demands. Canton, completely destroyini: Asiatic forces of the Red Army. The demand of the wheat and pute; Walsh Wants Action main building in which 400 Columbus, O., June 21.— The The Basmatchi were commanded by corn belts for greater protection on tients were housed, according confession of Dr. James H. Snook, the robber baron Maxum Faisul, agricultural products has been Exchange Telegraph, dispatch re­ supported by the self-styled Amir At the highest point on New York City’s network of elevated lines matched by appeals for higher tex­ Ohio State University professor, to Mexico City, June 21.— Virtual­ ceived from Hong Kong today, of Afghanistan, Bacha Sakao. — 90 feet above the street— two passenger trains collided. Here you tile tariffs from Southern states, ly all Mexico City newspapers to­ the brutal slaying of Miss Theora Goes Into Russia see the wreckage after one wooden train had telescoped the other, kill­ where industries have taken root Fire followed the explosion, Jad­ Hix, co-ed at the university, fol­ Faisul penetrated 40 miles into ing a guard and injuring 34 passengers. None of the cars toppled from after a transplantation from New day stressed the anxiety of Cath­ ing to the havoc. lows: Soviet territory to tbe town of Kali the high structure, but the debris caught fire after the crash, causing a England. The south likewise has olics throughout the nation'over May Have Been Filiiis. ; . i panic among the passengers. “ I met Theora Hix three years Labiob where he called a mass voiced a plea for a tariff on cotton the unexpected delay of the Vati­ A thorough investigation Into th< meeting of 800 Mohammedan in­ to match the fcr west’s cry for pro­ can in making known Its approval cause of the disaster was tifinie'dl- ago. habitants and proclaimed that he tection on shingles and other forest or disapproval of the Church and ately begun. The recent X-Ray ex­ “ The friendship continued in a was fighting for the liberation of products. From Florida and Cali­ plosion at the Cleveland clinic boo- very intimate way. ever since, in­ Moslem Turkestan, from the infidel fornia meanwhUe have coma de­ State dispute settlement, effected pital, which caused more tbgn ^23 asmuch as she was a very good Soviet yoke. mands of protection on fruits and by Archbishop Leopoldo Ruiz y deaths, was recalled, and 'possibil­ “ Two more tribes and British YALE’S OARSMEN DEFEAT vegetables: just as Louisiana has companion. Flores, apostolic delegate, and ity was expressed In some quarteri troops are coming to help me in joined with Utah in demanding that a similar cause may have “ I have been living with my this crusade.” he said, and took a higher sugar rates. The bid for President Fortes Gil. responsible for the Canton catt^ wife all during the three-year pe­ handful of British-made cartridges HARVARD IN TWO RACES tariff protection apparently has be­ The newspapers pay a great trophe. riod, and regard my wife very out of his belt and pointed to bis come nation-wide. deal of attention to the article Many Bed-Ridden. , highly and respect her very much English automatic rifle. At ' Kali .. _.._rrrT— - ■ ^ ^ ---------------- Insurgents Protest. Labiob enlistments swelled FaisuTs which appeared in the “ Osserva- Thirty of the ’victims •were i as a wife, but she lacked some of A different story however will be tore Romano,” semi-official Vati­ Miss Gladys R. Harrison. forces to 450 men with whom he ridden patients in the hospital- the companionship afforded by told within the Senate itoelf. There can organ, commenting on the con­ others were hospital workers, 'rtsit marched on the important caravan Blue Freshman and Junior REPUBLICANS SHUN a coalition of Democrats and Insur­ one who has the capacity to know Miss Hix. flict. The article was headed “ Pre­ ors and rescue workers. ' t. “ During the three years I knew center of Garm, which if captured gent Republicans will fight many better conversation, were listed by would control the route across the mature Optimism.” Red Cross workers, polled aiid" Miss Hix I did assist her in n^any Varsity Crews Shoot Out' j) £ p £ j £ i- schedules utlimately reported by Dr. Calkins as follows: “ Everybody desert to Soviet Parmlr. 3 Walsh Wants Action soldiers from the various ways toward an education, but I the Senate finance committee. The posts in Canton effected many r i » does,” “ I hope I’ll get by.” “ What Used Airplanes Insurgents already have organized Dwight W. Morrow, American can I do?” and “ It’s my tempera­ found out it wasn't appreciated as From Djushambe, the capital of cues. 'i-: much as I thought it should be. Ahead After Neck and ___ for the fight, which will be luanch- ambassador to Mexico, Dr. Miguel The cause of the explQ^on ment.” Soviet TuTkestan, Dibenko said he i ed as soon as the Senate returns Wear Caps and Gowiis. No Love Affair dispatched a cavalry detachment of Cruchaga, arbiter of the Mexican- been ascertained.' I'he lire For the first time in the history from its vacation 'on August 19. French claims commissions and wh^ch followed spread rapidiy.:i^^ “ Our association was not a love fifty men to Garm, together with Neck Contest on Thames. Congressmen Buy Tickets This group, including Senators of the school, the graduating class airplanes with rifles and machine Dr. Edmund Walsh, of the Cathol­ the main building was a .masisi^fil numbering 139 wore caps and affair in any sense of the word, Norris and Howell (R) of Nebras­ ic University, special papal emis­ debrie in a very short-time.: but in time Miss Hix developed a guns so that the population of ka, Frazier and Nye (R ) otJS- Da­ gowns -and they made an inspiring Garm might hold the city until the New London, June 21 Yale Bat Few to Attend Celor- sary, today transmitted through It is not yet known' ■wb.eUmiB more determined attitude in re­ kota, La Follette and Blain (R) of various channels irrgent messages there were any Americana o ra l^ .
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