Coranto 2 & Coranto 2 Headline An elegantly refined typeface for newsprint by Gerard Unger. www.type-together.com ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ ƌޕØÅЧ® Coranto 2 regular, 60/78pt abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyzßfiœæ ðŞžŧþőŁřĘõffţůČą {[(*&¶,:-@?!§«»‡)]} €£$¥ƒ¢0123456789 ‰£¢0123456789ªº 23/602¤#…∂∑≈Ω©™ COPYRIght ©2011 type TOGETHER, ALL rIghtS reSerVeD — www.type-together.com reasonably high contrast, tilted axis, open terminals and counters, tall x-height haeq An elegantly refined newsface articles for the trade press, and several larger publications, such as Landscape with Letters (1989), linking the usually limited Coranto 2 is based on Unger’s typeface Paradox, and arose from scope of type and typography with a wider cultural view. His a desire to transfer the elegance and refinement of that type to book Terwijl je leest — about reading —has been translated in newsprint. Coranto 2 has a larger x-height and in many places Italian, English, Spanish and German. He lectures frequently has been made more robust. in Holland and abroad, about his own work, type design, the Over the past twenty-five years newspaper production has reading process, and related subjects. seen spectacular improvements in paper and print quality, the introduction of colour printing, and vastly better register. TypeTogether Newspaper production still demands a lot of letter forms, but advanced printing brings out details better and makes typogra- Veronika Burian and José Scaglione met at the University of phy more appealing to readers. Reading whilst completing their MAs in Type Design, launch- For text type the newspaper is no longer an environment in ing the independent type foundry TypeTogether (TT for short) which survival is the chief assignment. Today, newspapers are in 2006. TT developed out of the desire to publish high quality not merely a matter of cheap grey paper, thin ink and super- typefaces and work on new type projects together (hence the fast rotary printing, and type design no longer has to focus on name). The foundry provides common grounds for intense surviving the mechanical technology and providing elementary cooperation with other type designers, creating an interesting legibility. Now there is also room to create an ambience, to give and diverse platform. a paper a clearer identity of its own; there is scope for precision TypeTogether’s main interest is finding innovative and styl- and refinement. One consequence of this is that newspaper ish solutions to old problems for the professional market of designers can now look beyond the traditional group of news- text typefaces, with a focus on editorial use. This is where the faces. Conversely, a newsface can be used outside the newspaper greatest challenges are faced: creating typefaces that perform — not an uncommon occurrence. well in continuous reading, that also have a high degree of The update to this beautiful font family, Coranto 2 2, includes personality. the addition of over 250 glyphs featuring full Latin A language The aesthetic and functional efficiency of TT’s fonts are support, new ligatures, 4 sets of numerals, arbitrary fractions accompained by excellence in technical performance. This is and superiors/inferiors. Furthermore, kerning was added and achieved using the latest font software, creating cross-platform fine tuned for better performance. Opentype fonts with extended character sets including: broad- er language support and all kinds of typographic refinements, The designer such as small caps, ligatures and multiple numeral sets. In addition to TypeTogether’s high quality library of retail Gerard Unger Born at Arnhem, Netherlands, 1942. Studied fonts, TT also provides custom modifications and specially graphic design, typography and type design from 1963–’67 at tailored typefaces; these can serve as vital elements of a com- the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam. He teaches as visit- pany’s visual identity, by communicating a unique feel. ing Professor at The University of Reading, UK, Department of A big advantage of being a small and specialized company is Typography and Graphic Communication, and he is Professor that this allows for closer, and more direct, collaboration with of Typography at Leiden University, the Netherlands. Free lance clients; this is often necessary to accomplish their goals, and designer from 1972. He has designed stamps, coins, magazines, respond quickly to their needs. newspapers, books, logo’s, corporate identities, annual reports The quality of TypeTogether’s work has already been recog- and many other objects, and typefaces. nized in several international competitions, including TDC and He has been awarded several Dutch and international prizes ED-Awards. and honours, such as two honorary doctorates by the univer- sities of Hasselt, Belgium and Tallinn, Estonia. He has written 9/12 pt (bodytext), 12/12 pt (title) COPYRIght ©2011 type TOGETHER, ALL rIghtS reSerVeD — www.type-together.com 8/10 pt (hungarian) 12/14 pt (english) Klubunk idén is szeretne támogatni két tehet- Extensive update to the original séges magyar zongoraművészt a TCU/Cliburn typeface zongoraversenyen való részvételre. 21 ország- Coranto 2 is based on Unger’s typeface Paradox, and arose from ból 89 jelentkező közül Polgar Éva és Fazekas Edi a válogató versenyek után bejutottak a a desire to transfer the elegance and refinement of that type to végső fordulóba, ami itt lesz Fort Worthben. newsprint. Coranto 2 has a larger x-height and in many places Ungar Tamás teljes ösztöndíjat ajánlott föl has been made more robust. Over the past twenty-five years nekik. A részvételi díj $1,100 fejenként. Ehhez szeretnénk erőnkhöz mérten hozzájárulni, newspaper production has seen spectacular improvements in amihez nagykelkű támogatásokat kérném. paper and print quality, the introduction of colour printing, and Bővebb felvilágosítás a művészekről a Fesztivál web oldalán található: www.pianotexas.org. vastly better register. Newspaper production still demands a lot “Young Artists Program” “Information on of letter forms, but advanced printing brings out details better Performing Artists” Éva és Edit koncertet and makes typography more appealing to readers. adnak az érdeklődők számára, amit rövid fogadás követ. Időpont: 2006. június 3-án, For text type the newspaper is no longer an environment in which survival is the chief assignment. Today, newspapers are 6/9 pt (czech) not merely a matter of cheap grey paper, thin ink and super-fast Národní divadlo začalo s vydáváním CD v roce 2002, po nástupu rotary printing, and type design no longer has to focus on surviv- nového ředitele Daniela Dvořáka, který do funkce šéfa opery přizval svého dřívějšího kolegu ze Státní opery Praha Jiřího ing the mechanical technology and providing elementary legi- Nekvasila. První vydanou operou byl Mozartův Don Giovanni, vyšly i živé nahrávky Zprávy pro akademii Jana Klusáka, bility. Now there is also room to create an ambience, to give a pa- Smolkovo Nagano a další. Zatím poslední je komplet s nahrávkou mimořádného provedení Prstenu Nibelungova od Richarda Wagnera, které vzbudilo velkou pozornost na scéně před 2 lety. “CD slouží jako dokumentace, propagace opery Národního divadla, je k dispozici 11/13 pt (english) knihovnám...” říká Jiří Nekvasil. V průběhu pěti let se objevova- la i díla českých autorů, například Dvořákův Čert a Káča. Extensive update to the original typeface “V současné době ty nahrávací společnosti, které to kdysi dělaly, jako třeba Supraphon, které nahrávaly a dokumento- Coranto 2 is based on Unger’s typeface Paradox, and arose from a desire to valy celou jednu generaci, dnes asi z finančních důvodů opery transfer the elegance and refinement of that type to newsprint. Coranto 2 netočí. Je to idea, která nás napadla už v našem působení ve has a larger x-height and in many places has been made more robust. Over Státní opeře, že v době, kdy zachytit hlas a umělecký výkon je technicky poměrně jednoduché, tu celá generace zůstane the past twenty-five years newspaper production has seen spectacular im- nezdokumentovaná. Nic po ní nezůstane. A já si myslím, v provements in paper and print quality, the introduction of colour printing, současnosti existuje v Národním celá řada zajímavých pěvců, kteří by neměli žádné kompletní nahrávky, nebýt této činnos- and vastly better register. Newspaper production still demands a lot of letter ti. Asi dvacet titulů je tímto způsobem zachyceno.” forms, but advanced printing brings out details better and makes typogra- Jak říká Jiří Nekvasil, operní tvorbu dříve dokumentovala vydavatelská společnost Supraphon. Díky ní byla například phy more appealing to readers. zaznamenána Rusalka s Miladou Šubrtovou z roku 1962, která For text type the newspaper is no longer an environment in which survival se dodnes s úspěchem prodává. Podle ředitelky společnosti Jany Gondové je návratnost takových nahrávek ale velmi is the chief assignment. Today, newspapers are not merely a matter of cheap problematická. grey paper, thin ink and super-fast rotary printing, and type design no longer has to focus on surviving the mechanical technology and providing elemen- 10/12 pt (polish) tary legibility. Now there is also room to create an ambience, to give a paper Posłowie z komisji edukacji chcą two- a clearer identity of its own; there is scope for precision and refinement. One rzyć przy uniwersytetach publicznych consequence of this is that newspaper designers can now look beyond the szkoły dla wybitnie zdolnych uczniów. Ale czy młodzież powinna być selek- cjonowana, a zdolne dzieci trafiać do elitarnych szkół? – To najlepsze 14/17 pt (spanish) rozwiązanie, uważa prof. Wiesława El surcoreano Hahn Bin que debutará en el Carnegie Limont, pedagog z Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, przy Hall en octubre olvidó su violín de medio millón de którym taka szkoła już istnieje. – W dólares en un taxi de Nueva York pero lo recuperó zwykłych klasach dzieci o ponadprze- ciętnych uzdolnieniach osiągają słabe horas después, informó la prensa este martes. El ins- wyniki. trumento, un Pressenda fabricado hace 184 años, fue Nie rozwijają skrzydeł i zniechęcają olvidado el lunes en el asiento trasero del taxi por el się do nauki.
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