- UNIONISTS MAKE MARK ON SWAPO LIST * UNHAPPY ANNIVERSARY FOR NIGE~IA1\ 00 'f 7 Niemoller accused' of aiiJing Unita • SfAFFREPORTER known a. I'Genel'al Acompanyspokesmao year. Judge Barold J08AN Nlemoller, one o(tbe CtvU Cooperation ltha" 8$ saying tbat admitted thatthe plane Levy namedl'Jiemol1er NtemoUer's rompeD}" had been flyJng to An~ in his Judgement as BUre8_Uagents accusedofkllUngSWapo acti~ Anton Lubowsld, has been acaiSed of CetTfing alrcrafl had been sup~ gola but not to support being. OD the basis or aid t. Unlta. plYIng Vnlta. Voila. prima Jade evidence, The aircraft belongs Nltmollerls-a former responsible for NlernolJer was Mall & Guardian to Nlemoller Pharma· CCB agent wbo testi· Lubowski's death. named by- an'.~:.!?la. b newspaper on Friday. tied at tl}e inquest into Itba told The The tbe murder or earlier this cont. on page Z oint uction - __ .; e Angolan army 'kidnaps' ami"b" laD S fr==:::===="'1l • TYAPPA NAt.fJTEWA against lonas Savimbi's Uni ta move­ ABOUT twenty Namibians were ment in Angola's ongoing civil war. Probe Namibians have been abducted be­ apparently abducted from a fore and forced to fighl Unila. Some into SA place near Namacunde, l Skm have since managed to escape and inside Angola, by soldiers return to Namibia. thought to be Fapla, on Sources from Angola said the young arms deal Saturday. men were being taken to the far north PRETORIA: Sources who spoke 10 The Namibian of Angola to places like Kanfufu and Annscor has con­ at Oshikango said Fapla soldiers has Cabinda, where it would be impossi­ - fmned it sold a con­ rounded up people al Parasa. near ble for them 10 escape. signment of arms - Namacunde. forcing young men be­ • It was reported last week that Na­ mainly AKA? rifl es tween the ages of 20 and 35 to sland mi bia and Angola will hold talks on - to an agent claim­ on one side. this problem. ing to re present the Some of the young men ran away Nampol's spokesperson, Chief-In­ Lebanese govern­ but were forced to stop when the sol­ spector Sean Geyser yesterday told ment, but denied il diers fired warning shots. They were The Namibian that this latest incident bad badanydealings then caughl and loaded into lorries. had not been reported to him. It was wilh the Angolan According to people who were at very difficult for the police to get in­ movement Unita, the scene. about 20 of the young men formation on people who were ab- '" Annscor manag­ were Namibians who had gone to buy ducted inside Angola, he said. ing directorTielman or sell goods al the open market at Several traditional leaders have GAY PRIDF; ••• A young man wearing an ostrich feather bat parades In de Waal told a Press Parasa, near Namacunde. warned people not 10 go to Angola Jobannesburg on Saturday to celebrate the Indusion of gay and lesbian conference at It is believed that the young men un til the situation has returned to nor­ In South Africa's interim Reuter via Annscor's Pretoria will be trained as soldiers to mal. headquarters the agent. a Eli Wazan. Boy sodomises five students PAC sings new song had called the cor­ poration last week and admitted the • FRANNA KAVARI the other. CAPE TOWN: The Pan "We've never had a problem with deal was a "fraudu­ . He apparently also tried to sodomise a ACricanist Congress should whites in the slnJggle, but (have) with lent one". A 16 year-old-youth appeared in 13-year-old boy from the same school those who seek constitutional guark ~ De Waal said the tbe Magistrates court at'Gobabis and when the victim resisted, assaulted recruit whites and devlse new on Friday on charges ofsodomising tees against black majority rule. arms weredeJivered him. slogans that recognised that the five p'upiJs at the Gooc:J Hope Police District Commissioner Nus new president was not a settler, We must even work among white "free on board" in Port Elizabeth on Primary School and assaulllng Labuschagne said the offences had been PAC general-secretary !Khoisan people." And on the question of winning mass August25.0ncethe another on the night of September committed on the same night, adding that it was the rust time a case of this X said on Saturday. support with appropriate slogans, he cargo had been taken 25. nature had been reponed from the school. Speaking at the PAC's Western said: "We are led by Nelson Mandela, on board it had be­ The victims, whose ages range from The case hat!. been postponed to an­ Cape congress in Salt River. he said il who is not a settler. come the property of seven to 16, live in a boys' hostel near Epukiro. The accused, who is not from other date and the accupi had been was important for PAC branch lead­ If the government fails, you cannot the-buyer. the school, allegedly entered the hostel remanded in custody. Labuschagnecon­ ers to c1~arly understand the organi­ sing~ one settler, one bulle!. ..' conL on-page 2 and sodomised the five pupils, one after eluded. sation wanted to recruit , '. ,2 .Monday Octaber,3 1994 , TME ,NA!IIU~IAN SA anns deal I FROM PAGE 1 I on Thursday he said he lion with Wazan. All of was in trouble and a fu- these consignments had Hesaiditwasc1earon gitivefrom theLebanese been shipped to the customs documents that government who was Lebanon. "This is the iheshipmenl was headed hunting him." first lime we have made for Lebanon. one of ·the Smith added 'he agent a mistake." counttlcs to which had asked Armscor not He said the AK47s Annscorwasallowedto to disclose his name to wh ich had been sold to ellportinfantryweapons. Lebanon. Wazan were surplus de- A statement by De- . When askeJ why the fence force stock. fence ministerJoModise agentwasnotaskedwho They had been im­ slatingthatan independ- he had bought the arms ported to South Africa entteam tomvestiagethe for. SmIth said " it was a while the country was matter would be ap- short conversation". still assisting Unita in pointed by Justice min- Accordingto DeWaal. Angola. iS ler Dullah Gmar was Ar1nScor had no mfor- De Waal added also read to reporters. mation that the arms had Armscor was unable to DeWaal said Armscor gone to Uniiaashadbeen trace Wazan."He is not had received full pay- claimed In news reports. in his offices in the Leba­ men! for the deal worth De Waal said Armscor non and he is unobtain­ R2,4millionandthestate had an affidaVIt by the able," he said. ALL ABOARD ... Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Helmut on. hadAnn suffered no loss. ship's owners that the He added anns deal- ~~~~~~~~;;;.~~~~~;;;~;;;:~;~~~~~;;:!~~~~:::: ~ scorgeneraI man- consignment had been ers in general were "un- of the rides at the Show's The Show runs ager lor import and ex- taken 10 Yemen on the scrupulous" and that port Peet Smith said: buyel"'s instructions. Armscorwould infuture "When the agent called He said Annscor had make sure that end-user last week on Wednes- done five previous deals certificates were thor- Euro concern over elephants and a second time of more lhan RIO mil- verified. - F=~:::~==~~~~~~~::=~:::==~=~:,j JOHANNESBURG: Th. Europ.an statement. economic potential of MINISTRY OF REGIONAL AND Parliament on Friday passed a resolution The resolution, which live elephants is chan­ LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND opposing South Africa's plans to downlist follows a meeting of 11 nelled into forward­ HOUSING ON BEHALF OF its.lephantpopulationsfromApp.ndixIto African nations two looking projects for ru­ Appendix 11 of the Convention on weeks ago when it was ral development and WITVLEI VILLAGE COUNCIL International Tradoin Endang".d Sp.ci" decided to maintain ex­ conservation. (Cites) in November. istingelephantnumbers, "Now IS not the time said South Africa had 10 be trying 10 reverse a Tenders are hereby Invited for Downlisting the el­ TIle resolution said a failed to meet the crite­ worldwide trend," EIA ephant population would resumed international ria laid down in 1989 for spokesman Susie Watts Tender No: 9/2IW4-94 mean Immediate inter­ trade in elephant hides downlisting any African said. She said the sale of national trade in meat and meat would threaten elephant population. dead elephants could Contract Title: lHE SUPPLY, DE,J.1VERY AND lNSTALLATIONOF and hides with the inten­ African elephants, the "We should send the wrong signals LV AERIAL BUNDLED CONDucroR AND UNDER ~ion of future trading in Environmemal Investi- be ... finding ways of en­ and invite renewed GROUND RE11CULATION FOR RESIDENTIAL said in a that the massive AREAS IN WITVLEl Contract Description: The work 10 be canied OUI comprises of the supply, Sex aids fill mailbag CCB man accused install ation and comm issio ~g of the LV electrical reticulation of residenti al stands in WilVlei Proper and I FROM PAGE 1 I -----.e,.. pell.... L Omaluara townships. - ~~-~~ Tender 1>oo..u ... ~ _. • .:;ruler documents and drawings will be available from VWL Namibia. Kamenco Haus, 188 Sam Nujoma Drive. Windhodc Site Inspection: 10:00 on 4 October 1994 at the offices oflhe Witvlei ViUage Council Closmg time and date for tender: 11 :00 on 14 October 1994 at the offices of The Minislly of Regional and Local Govemmenl a.Q.d Housing, City Cen~ 7th Floor, Windhoek. Enquiries: Mr. A Koekemoc:r VWL Namibia!nc Tel: (061)'237704 Fax: (061) 233595 CE (PTY) LTD We have an opportunity jar a young dynamiCgraduate in our Geo­ processingjacility. The successful candidate will be based in Windhoek and will be groomedjor a GIS Management position. Strong recommendatimy; wiU be: (1) A B.Sc Geology or Geography degree.
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