September, 2020 Digital 109 Pittsburgh To Go Red September 1 Concert venues in Pittsburgh are Some two dozen sites in Pitts- homelessness,” Billboard's Taylor among those planning to partici- burgh are participating. These Mims quotes Brad Nelms of We- pate in the nationwide Red Alert include commercial venues such MakeEvents North America. Restart Campaign. as Club Cafe and Stage AE as Read Mims' full article by click- well as noncommercial venues ing here. On the evening of Tuesday, Sep- like Heinz Hall and the Pittsburgh tember 1, Playhouse. Even office buildings more than like Gulf Tower and the 40th 1500 con- Street Bridge will be in red. [See cert halls the list] and clubs in over 30 The effort is being spearheaded cities will by the #WeMakeEvents coalition. bathe their facades in “The entire live events industry is bright red. The goal is to bring on the brink of collapse. Without awareness to the dire situation financial relief, many businesses Click the graphic above to see live music faces if Congress does- stand to permanently close, and an informational video about n't pass the proposed Restart Act. families risk bankruptcy and the campaign. GOING RED ON SEPTEMBER 1 40th Street Bridge Lincoln Park Performing Arts Fifth Avenue Place Center Gulf Tower Mr. Smalls Theatre Hunt Library Pittsburgh Playhouse Koppers Building PPG Paints Arena (Penguins) Pittsburgh City-County Building Purnell Center for the Arts River Vue Apartments Building Rex Theater Lightwave International Roxian Theater Three Rivers Entertainment Stage AE Vincent Lighting Systems August Wilson African Ameri- Carnegie of Homestead Music Hall can Cultural Center Club Cafe Stephen Foster Memorial David L. Lawrence Convention Thunderbird Cafe and Music Center Hall Heinz Hall (Pittsburgh Symphony) Pittsburgh Applause 2 Pittsburgh Applause MORE SPECIFIC COVID-19 RELATED NEWS COVID Arts Grants Patron’s Fifteen local foundations and an to apply. Non-501(c)3 projects anonymous private donor have and collectives may use a fiscal Virtually formed The Covid-19 Arts sponsor to apply (assistance to Working Group (CAWG). to aid find and secure a fiscal sponsor is Limitless nonprofit arts organizations dur- available as part of this program). ing the pandemic. The parent company of Pittsburgh “This is not meant to fill in holes, -based ShowClix, Patron Tech- per se, but to really encourage our nology, has announced the launch arts leaders and cultural commu- of “Virtually Limitless” in re- nity to think about how we need sponse to the continuing COVID- to be different to make the whole 19 pandemic. sector stronger, more equitable, CAWG's grants will support arts more inclusive, more resilient and and cultural organizations located sustainable long term,” Maggie in the following Pennsylvania Richardson told WESA-FM's Bill counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, O'Driscoll. Beaver, Bedford, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indi- The fund has an initial commit- Virtually Limitless is meant to ana, Lawrence, Somerset, Wash- ment of $3.5 million. There are a provide performers and venues ington and Westmoreland. All series of deadlines in September with revenue-generating services 501(c)3 arts organizations, artist- and October for application. Visit for online events. driven projects, and unincorpo- https://artsreimagined.org/ for rated arts collectives are eligible more information. A press release explains: "This initiative aims to leverage the company’s suite of event technol- ogy to transform the industry COVID Cans Parade landscape by removing barriers Another casualty of the COVID- After losing the beloved retailer previously known to organizers. It 19 pandemic is the city’s holiday (and, before it another, Horne’s), boasts nonstop engagement that parade. the parade was taken over by Cox fully immerses event attendees, Media Group’s WPXI-TV. expansive access to audiences The parade’s cancellation may be previously unreachable, and, as a sign that two other major tradi- the name suggests, virtually limit- tions —- Light Up Night and First less possibilities for organizers to Night —- might not happen again successfully create virtual, in- The parade began by Kaufmann’s until 2021. person, and hybrid experiences." Department Store 40 years ago and has been held every Thanks- Learn how the initiative works, giving weekend. visit https:// www.patrontechnology.com/ www.pittsburghapplause.com www.pittsburghaebook.com Pittsburgh Applause 3 Pittsburgh Applause MORE SPECIFIC COVID-19 RELATED NEWS AMC Slowly Reopens PCT Seeks The movie screens at The Water- asked to stay home. Pretty soon, front are among those cautiously the number of customers had dou- Donors reopening nationwide, reports bled and in time there was a Lindsey Bahr for the Associated steady stream of people of all The COVID-19 pandemic has Press. ages coming through the doors ravaged the finances of artists, ready to experience the big screen performers, commercial entertain- again." ment and non-profit organiza- tions. These includes even the The success of this reopening (or biggest intuitions like the Pitts- lack thereof) will likely affect burgh Cultural how other cinemas unlock their Trust (PST) Operated by AMC Theatres, doors to the public. which has people came to see the Vin Diesel launched a fund- movie “Bloodshot” for 15 cents a "AMC is only selling to 30% ca- raising cam- ticket. pacity, which in this location paign. meant about 25 people per screen. "When the doors at the West Each film only gets two screen- That campaign is called the Art Homestead theater finally ings a day to give employees am- Connects Us Critical Fund. A opened," Bahr writes, "masked ple time to clean. And showtimes dedicated web site explains: employees stood in the lobby to are also being staggered to help "Since mid-March, the Trust has greet patrons and help them navi- prevent too many people from been forced to cancel more than gate the new safety protocols in- congregating in the lobby." 4,000 performances and events, side, where masks are required leaving a cultural void in our (except when eating and drinking Read her full story by clicking community. In April, the Trust concessions) and the sick are here. identified a $6 million shortfall in our budget for the 2020 fiscal year. We have already made pro- gress toward closing this gap AWC To Reopen through generous contributions, The latest institution to plan a There will, of course, be safety including a lead gift from a Trus- reopening is the August Wilson measures for both staff and visi- tee as well as significant gifts Center, reports Amanda Waltz tors including temperature checks from other key stakeholders. Still, for Pittsburgh City Paper. and face masks. Read Waltz's full there currently remains a $3 mil- article by clicking here. lion shortfall. We are working to On September 18, the center will raise these much-needed funds by open with the new exhibition the end of this year." "Dominic Chambers: Like the Shape of Clouds on Water." As of the end of August, the cam- paign has raised just over $120,000. To donate, click here. www.pittsburghapplause.com www.pittsburghaebook.com Pittsburgh Applause 5 Pittsburgh Applause PG Closer To Strike & Loses Key Reporter An overwhelming vote in mid- “We want nothing more than to have also voted to strike. Read August has put the editorial staff negotiate a mutually agreed upon Fuller's full article by clicking of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on settlement," she quotes guild here. strike. leader Michael A. Fuoco. "Should the company refuse to rescind the In addition, long-time Post- illegal changes to our working Gazette TV reporter Rob Owen conditions, return to the bargain- has moved over to competitor, ing table and negotiate a fair con- The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. tract for both sides, we are pre- Read more by clicking here. pared to withhold our talent from MediaPost.com's Melynda Fuller the Post-Gazette, to effectively reports that the vote was 88 to 31 remove the newspaper’s heart and and came after three-and-a-half soul." years of failed efforts of the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh There are at least two more steps and Block Communications. before an actual walkout can hap- pen. Other unionized workers Children’s Museum Faces Race Issues The Children's Museum of A CMP press release explains For more information, contact Pittsburgh (CMP) has announced that "through facilitated engage- [email protected] and a new initiative promoting diver- ment sessions, hiring a leader to O'Driscoll's article is available sity and inclusion. guide our diversity and inclusion here. work, and establishing a perma- nent board committee to ensure continued progress." To do this, the museum's board is creating a permanent Diversity, Equity, Accessibly and Inclusion (DEAI) Committee whose chair This announced came as WESA- joins the executive committee of FM's Bill O'Driscoll reports of the board. There is also a newly allegations of racism at the mu- created staff position. seum. An open letter penned by former staff members claims "a At the core of this initiative are pattern of disrespect and dismis- engagement sessions where com- siveness towards partnerships munity members "can [help] de- with schools serving predomi- sign programs and policies to nantly Black learners." Read it by ensure that every child and family clicking here. The museum ini- feels welcome, safe, and seen – in tially dismissed the charges but particular Black, minority and later conceded "that there are marginalized children and fami- problems in our organization." lies." www.pittsburghapplause.com www.pittsburghaebook.com Thursday September 17th at 6:00 PM Then Join Us As We Watch WIFM’s Documentary at 8:00 pm Join us as we “toast the trailblazers” and celebrate the local television premiere of WIFM’s documentary, Trailblazer’s of the Suffrage Movement: Celebrating 100 Years premiering that evening at 8 p.m.
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