The CENTER for BUILDING TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE for APPLIED TECHNOLOGY NATIONAL BUREAU of STANDARDS DEPARTMENT of COMMERCE building technology publications 1965 -1975 / ^ ' NISID 7S-711 Site Analysis and Field Instrumentation NBS SPECIAL PUBUCATION 361 for an Apartment Application of a VOLUME 1 Total Energy Plant [>nn B. Coble and Paul Performance Concept National Burwu of Sondardi Buildings WaahTngton. O.C. »2M NBS BUILOtNG SCIENCE SERIES 70 Guidelines for Selection of windows and People: and Use of Foam Polyurethane A Literature Survey Roofing Systems his report presents the National Bureau of Standard's Introduction X (NBS), Center for Building Technology (CBT) publica- tions of the past decade. It links with two companion documents, NBS Special Publication 439, The Center for Building Technology: A Perspective (which discusses CBPs laboratories and special facilities), and NBS Special Publication 446, Building Technology Project Summaries (which reviews CBPs 1975 research projects by subject matter categories). These three publications provide a means of communicating the results of CBPs research, criteria and service activities to the building community and the general public. Publications constitute a major end product of CBPs efforts. They appear in several publication series (Building Science Series, Technical Note, NBS Report, NBS Interagency Report, Handbook, Special Publication, the Journal of Research, and the Consumer Information Series). This document, addressing only NBS published reports, is divided into two sections. The first. Titles and Abstracts, provides report titles, author(s), date of publication, selected key words and abstracts of the technical reports. The Key Word Index, starting on page 4<), can help you locate specific technical subjects. To use the index, first select a one-word summary of the building research subject you want to locate. The publication title and number for the subject in question is at the end of each key word list. Now, with the publication designa- tion turn to the Titles and Abstracts section of the report under the appropriate publication series. NBS publication abbrevia- tions are: BSS - Building Science Series TN - Technical Note SP - Special Publication H - Handbook NBSIR - National Bureau of Standards Interagency Report NBSR - National Bureau of Standards Report CIS - Consumer Information Series J. Res. - Journal of Research CBT is part of the Institute for Applied Technology, National Bureau of Standards. NBS undertakes basic and applied re- search in many disciplines other than building technology. Interested readers will find other NBS research publications listed in the NBS Special Publication 305, Publications of the National Bureau of Standards and its supplements, from which portions of this report have been taken. Most current CBT publications (excluding NBS Interagency Obtaining Reports and NBS Reports) are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, Publications D.C. 20402. Microfiche and paper copies of most CBT publi- cations may be ordered through the National Technical Informa- tion Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Two other sources are the Department of Commerce field offices and libraries designated to receive government publica- tions. The current price list and availability of publications listed in this report are givejn in Appendix C. Department of Commerce field offices are maintained in the cities listed in Appendix A.. Their purpose is to provide ready access at the local level, to publications, statistical statements, and surveys. Each field Office serves as an official sales agent of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. These offices make available for local purchase a wide range of Government publications. The reference library maintained by each Field Office contains many Government and private publications, periodicals, directories, reports, and other reference materials. The libraries listed in Appendix B are designated depositories for Government publications and are now receiving selected publica- tion series of the National Bureau of Standards for general reference use. While every Government publication cannot be consulted at all depository libraries, certain designated Regional libraries are required to receive and retain one copy of all Government publications made available either in printed or microfiche form. To obtain information on which publica- tions are available, please contact the depository library in your area. The Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540, makes photoduplicates of material in its collections for research use. National Bureau of Standards publications are on file at the library, so that copies of any Bureau document that is out of print usually can be obtained. Full information concerning this service may be secured by writing to the Library of Congress at the address noted above. In making such inquiry, it is important to give an accurate and complete identification whenever possible (author, title, place of publication, name of series and number, if known) of the document desired. Contents TITLES AND ABSTRACTS 1 3 Building Science Series 19 Technical Notes 26 Special Publications 29 Handbooks 30 NBS Interagency Reports 45 NBS Reports 46 Consumer Information Series 46 Journal of Research KEY WORD INDEX 49 APPENDIX A. 89 List of Field Offices of the U.S. Department of Commerce APPENDIX B. 91 List of Depository Libraries in the United States. APPENDIX C. 105 CBT Publication Order Numbers and Price List III Titles and Abstracts 1 . BUILDING SCIENCE SERIES Science Series Building reports disseminate technical information BSS2. Interrelations between cement and concrete properties. Part developed at the Center on building materials, components, 1. Materials and techniques, water requirement*) and trace structures. systems, and whole The series presents research results, elements. R. L. Blaine, H. T. Arni, B. E. Foster, R. A. Clevcngcr, test methods, and performance criteria related to the structural and L. Bean, and E. K. Hubbard, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) Bldg. Sci. environmental functions and the durability and safety character- Ser. 2, 36 pages (Aug. 1965). istics of building elements and systems. Key words: Cement; concrete; material properties; physical properties; trace elements; portland cement; spectrographic BSSO. Building research at the National Bureau of Standards, P. analyses. R. Achenbach, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), BIdg. Sci. Ser. 0, 59 pages (Oct. 1970). Section 1. Materials and techniques Key words: Building materials; building performance: build- The studies of the interrelations between cement and ing research; building systems; building technology; history. concrete properties are presented in a series of related articles. This first section presents the tyjje classifica- The history of building research and technology at the Na- tion of the cements and the areas from which they were tional Bureau of Standards is as long as the history of the institu- with the tests performed on the ce- tion itself. The participation of the Bureau in the application of procured together science and engineering to building materials and components ments and concretes. Also presented are the methods played an early and important role in the development of steel employed in the statistical treatment of the data and a and reinforced concrete as structural materials; in the un- discussion of the significance of the various statistical derstanding of physics and chemistry of cement, lime and gyp- techniques employed in the following sections dealing sum; in the evaluation of the fire properties of building com- with specific aspects of the interrelations between ce- ponents; in safe plumbing practices; in laboratory evaluation of ment and concrete properties. the effects of weather on deterioration of building materials; and in measurement of the heat and sound transmission properties of Section 2. Water requirements of portland cement building materials and constructions. The central and continuing The relationship between cement characteristics and objectives building of the research program are shown to be the the water requirements of near cement pastes, mortars, development of new technical information and new measure- and concretes made with 199 portland cements of differ- ment methods for building materials, components, and systems, ent types and from various areas were studied by fitting and the application of this knowledge to the specifications for multivariable regression equations with the aid of a digi- Federal procurement, to the national standards of the building in- tal computer. The principal variables which appeared to dustry, and to the building code structure of the nation. The Bu- have the greatest effect on water requirements were as reau has served as a major technical resource in three large-scale national efforts to accelerate the construction of economical and follows: (1) For neat cement pastes of normal con- effective buildings for housing and commercial purposes. One of sistency—fineness; (2) for the 1:4 and 1:2.75 mortars of these efforts is currently in progress and is characterized by an standard consistency— the air content, Al^Q,, and silica emphasis on the design of buildings to meet the performance modulus; (3) for concretes— the air content, AljO,, and requirements of the user rather than through the specification of FejOj. The use of A/F ratios
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