June 28, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7327 the opportunity to throw pies at teach- edly so, in the accomplishments of our MaliVai Washington, Ann Arbor, ers. This innovative program encour- athletes and coaches. However, it is the men’s doubles, tennis. aged family reading time and moti- families, friends, and neighbors of Eric Wunderlich, Ann Arbor, 200m vated students to read independently. these individuals who are especially breast, swimming. The students enthusiastically accepted qualified in their pride. Olympic talent The founder of the modern Olympic the challenge and worked very hard to cannot be attained overnight, it takes games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, is meet their goal. They succeeded in years to hone and develop; undoubtedly credited with having written the Olym- their endeavor, a magnificent achieve- an impossibility without the support pic Creed, which is as follows: ‘‘The ment by some motivated young people and encouragement provided by local most important thing in the Olympic in my State. communities. Games is not to win but to take part, Mr. President, we all know reading is At least 30 individuals with distinct just as the most important thing in life an essential skill that enables children ties to my State of Michigan will take is not the triumph but the struggle. to communicate and convey ideas more part in the upcoming centennial The essential thing is not to have con- effectively. Children who acquire good Games. Whether native born and quered but to have fought well.’’ reading skills will be better equipped raised, to attend school, to train, or to It is inevitable that next month in to compete in today’s dynamic world coach, they all share some sort of af- Atlanta records will be broken, heroes will be born, and Olympic legends will that demands an education as a pre- filiation to the Great Lakes State. be created. However, before the first requisite for self-sufficiency and par- While the following men and women event gets underway and the medal ticipating in a highly skilled work will participate in the Olympics first counts begin, each and every athlete force. Illiteracy is a problem that and foremost as Americans, I would and coach deserves our respect and ad- plagues West Virginia as well as the like to take a moment to recognize miration. For in the spirit of the Olym- Nation, and too many children reach them also as Michiganians: pic Creed, the dedication to undergo adulthood lacking abilities they need Bob Allshouse, Birmingham, team the years of intense training and prepa- for a secure future. Programs like the leader, table tennis. ration necessary to become an Olym- million pages project are consistent Frankie Andreu, Dearborn, men’s with goals set by the Department of pian, is a significant victory in itself. road, cycling. To be chosen to represent one’s coun- Education. They also complement the Thomas Carlton Bruner, Ann Arbor, goals of the National Commission on try, and State, is an awesome responsi- 1,500m free, swimming. bility; and I have full faith and con- Children, a bipartisan group of policy- Pam Bustin, Haslett, defender, field makers, educators, and individuals fidence our athletes and coaches will hockey. perform with distinction. I salute these that I led in looking for ways to David DeGraaf, Lansing, circle run- strengthen families and better the lives extraordinary men and women for their ner, team handball. achievements thus far, and look for- of tomorrow’s leaders. Tom Dolan, Ann Arbor, 400m free, The million pages project is a step in ward to news of even greater successes 200m, 400m IM, swimming. the right direction, going beyond basic on their part in the days ahead.∑ Greg Giovanazzi, Ann Arbor, assist- classroom instruction to develop a love ant coach, volleyball. f of reading and encourage the develop- Charlie Greene, East Lansing, assist- RECOGNIZING THE CENTERS FOR ment of these vital skills. Programs ant team leader, track and field. DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVEN- such as the million pages project are Grant Hill, Detroit, forward, basket- TION FOR 50 YEARS OF LEADER- helping to fight the battle of illiteracy ball. SHIP AND ACHIEVEMENT IN SUP- and giving West Virginia’s children a Mora Kanim, Ann Arbor, assistant PORT OF PUBLIC HEALTH better chance for a bright future. This coach, volleyball. program serves as a fine example of ∑ Mr. SIMON. Mr. President, today I Al Kastl, Mount Clemens, team lead- what happens when people come to- have the distinct honor of recognizing er, Greco-Roman wrestling. gether to promote a worthy cause, and the Centers for Disease Control and Mike King, Grand Rapids, head I hope others will learn from the Mead- Prevention [CDC] for 50 years of activi- coach, archery. ows challenge. ties dedicated to protecting the public Achieving this goal of 1 million pages Charles Karch’’ Kiraly, Jackson, health of the people of the United is a great honor, and again, Mr. Presi- beach volleyball. States. What began on July 1, 1946, as dent, I sincerely congratulate the Tom Malchow, Ann Arbor, 200m fly, the Communicable Disease Center has Meadows Elementary community. I ap- swimming. expanded its purview to include a wide plaud Jeannie Riley for working so Ann Marsh, Royal Oak, women’s foil, range of efforts in research and preven- hard to initiate the million pages Fencing. tion of disease, disability, and injury. project, the teachers of Meadows Ele- Floyd Mayweather, Grand Rapids, In service to humankind, our Nation mentary for embracing it with enthu- featherweight, boxing. and the world, CDC employees have siasm, the parents for reading to their Al Mitchell, Marquette, head coach, distinguished the agency and them- children and supporting this initiative, boxing. selves through their efforts in the lab- and the students for their tremendous Eric Namesnik, Ann Arbor, 400m IM, oratory, the office and the field at the effort and persistence in reaching their swimming. Atlanta headquarters, several sites na- goal.∑ Connie Paraskevin-Young, Detroit, tionwide and locations spotting the women’s track, cycling. f globe. Suzanne Paxton, East Lansing, wom- In 1996, the activities of the CDC re- SALUTING THE MICHIGAN PAR- en’s foil, fencing. flect the wide range of issues and ac- TICIPANTS IN THE 1996 SUMMER Jeffrey Pfaendtner, Detroit, men’s tivities necessary to promote the pub- OLYMPIC GAMES lightweight four, rowing. lic health. The CDC is still a center of ∑ Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, every John Piersma, Ann Arbor, 200m, 400m activity to combat infectious disease, 4 years, for 2 weeks the collective at- free, 800m FR, swimming. but today, it is much more. The CDC’s tention of the world falls upon those Annette Salmeen, Ann Arbor, 200m Epidemic Intelligence Service, estab- exceptional men and women who pos- Fly, 800m FR, swimming. lished in 1951, continues to train doc- sess the drive, ability, and character to Kent Steffes, Ann Arbor, beach tors to solve the most complex medical compete as Olympians. From July 19 to volleyball. mysteries and as the original focus of August 4, 1996, the centennial anniver- Todd Sweeris, Grand Rapids, men’s the CDC has expanded, new divisions sary of the Modern Olympic Games will doubles, table tennis. devoted to occupational safety and be held in Atlanta, GA. On this occa- Sheila Taormina, Livonia, 800m FR, health, chronic disease prevention and sion, America’s greatest athletes will swimming. health promotion, injury prevention, face their counterparts from 197 coun- Kirk Trost, Ann Arbor, assistant health statistics, and environmental tries. coach, wrestling. health have been established. The com- All of our Nation’s citizens have a Jon Urbanchek, Ann Arbor, assistant ponents of the CDC also reflect the di- vested personal interest, and deserv- coach, swimming. versity of society; currently there are VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:40 Jun 20, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00107 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S28JN6.REC S28JN6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS.
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