16— MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, Dec. 8, 1990 KIT 'N' CARLYLE by Larry WrigM 32 APARTMENTS FOR 35 STORE ft OFFICE 71 HOLIDAY 81 OFFICE ft RETAIL 91 CARS FOR SALE 98 WANTED TO BUY/ tioiUToTeu^ im i yo)'^ RENT _______ SPACE_______ SEASONAL _______ EQUIP._______ _______ TRADE_______ Too /vioa<i(Me- /\u N e o)(Th y o u p ^ a r . EAST HARTFORD-lst MANCHESTER-Main St. TOYOTA-1989 Corrolla Month $1.00. Available location, near Center CHRISTMAS TREES-Cut COMPUTER-386-25, MONDAY your own. Try us, you'll 2MB, 80NBHD, 1.2, DX. 4 Door, 16K miles, We buy clean, late model used now. Large 1&2 bed­ St. Ideal for store/office. 5 speed, air. Kenwood ^ H ^ T o m p i r ) room apartments. Near like what we have. 1.44, FD, VGA, $2800. cars and trucks. Top prices 646-2426 weekdays. 9- stereo. Like New. Must Glastonbury line. In­ Open week ends only. Also, 386-SX, $1800. 5.__________________ sell-moving. $9000. paid. cludes heat, hot water, Yeomans' Tree Farm, Negotiable. 646-3023. Call after 5pm, 742- Mr. Duff - Carter Chevrolet appliances. Nice area/ 39 ROOMMATES Lake Rd. Andover. 742- 9665. 1229 Main Street busline. $525-$625. WANTED 8907. 87 MISC. FOR sa le" Manchester, CT LOCAL NEWS INSIDE 568-4306. Levy Leven- The new 1991 Entertain­ thal Nettleton. Senior 2 BEDROOM-Apartment. 92 TRUCKS VANS 646-6464 ment Coupon Savings 2 New exercise units. 1 Citizens Discount. Close to downtown and Books are now avail­ FOR SALE SanrljTBtn Stair stepper, 1 arm and ft ■ Linear Park projects funding. MCC. Call 646-7885, MANCHESTER-2 and 3 able for $30.00. Save leg exerciser. $79 for days and evenings. 50% on almost every- CHEVROLET-1981 1/2 Room apartments. both. Ask for Judy. 1- ton, 6 cylinder, 91 CARS FOR SALE Security. 646-2426. thing-Dining, theatre, 800-627-5878. 12;00- ■ Scenic road issue in Bolton. 51 CHILD CARE sports, travel and morel automatic, 6 foot body. Weekdays 9-5. 7;00 p.m. $1595. 649-9746. All proceeds will benefit Whats MANCHESTER-2 Bed- EXPERIENCED-Lbensed these non-profit or­ FIREPLACE-Stove includ­ CHEVY BLAZER-1978, rooms, large kitchen, day care Mom has ganizations for the ing hearth mate. Burns 4x4, 350, automatic, air, ■ DARE bears decorate town offices. appliances. $660 per opening. Infants and mentally retarded. New wood or coal. Excellent new paint. Looks and LYN News month/utilities. Security/ $00 W C tniw f S preschool. Quiet Seasons-647-1 624, condition. $400/best runs great. Many E references required. No lOEBa tu" Me-Min neighborhood. Large March Inc-646-4446, offer. 728-7049 extras. $3200. 646- IJJ ■ Bolton town garage revised plans. pets. 649-2003. yard and loving home. weekdays, 9-5. I 84 I Xll bV • ■ 384 I All 1 Greater Coventry As­ 1031. OPEN MON THRU FBI 9-9. SAT 9-5 Dec. 10, 1990 643-1608.____________ sociation for Retarded USED CARLIN-Oil burner NEWER-Large 6 room Citizens-742-0315. (Model 100 CRDl. Very SAMPLE SELECTION Local/Regional Section, Page 7. t ) 58 FLOORING 1M0 by NEA. irtc duplex. No pets. good conditbn. $75.00 91 CARS FOR SALE Security, references. NEVFR PLACED a want firm. Call 646-0271. DOZENS MORE TO Prague likely Available immediately. ad? There's nothing to it CHOOSE FROM! M m lb 21 HOMES FOR SALE 23 LOTS ft LAND FOR $650. a month. FLOORSANDING ... lust dio l 643-2711 and Schaller we ll help you word and 83 VOLVO 760 GLE teef r.« SS99S Weicker’s choice ________ SALE________ Evenings, 643-2289. ■Roots like new EN D R O L L S , Q u a lity Ybur Hometown Newspaper Voted 1990 New England Newspaper of the Year Newsstand Price: 35 Cents 'Specializing In older floors place your ad. 83 PONT PAR] (4795 HARTFORD (AP) — State 2 7 V." width - SO**, Pre-Owned Autos 84 DODGE D50 4i4 ac (4995 MANCHESTER-257 Lud­ 'Natural & stained floors LOT SIZE-1/2 acre. 'No waxing anymore 13" width - 2 for 50*1 Value Priced 84 MERCURY MARQUIS •• (3895 Rep. Edith Prague, an independ­ low Rd. See this im­ 34 HOMES FOR RENT MANCHESTER 140x100 Feet, corner John VerfaHle Newsprint end rolls can be USED CAR BEST BUYS! 84 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE <>e.e (4995 ent-minded Democrat who has maculate 10 room Gar­ lot. Business (B2 646-S7S0 LIVING CHRISTMAS picked up at the Manchester 1988 Honda Accord LXI $10,900 84 CHEV. S-10 BLA2ER i m (6995 crusaded for tougher laws rison Colonial that of­ TO'LLAND-3 Bedroom 2- zoned). 500 Center St. TREES Herald ONLY before 11 a.m. Coupo, 5 Speed. Loaded BSOLDSClERRAi* (3995 against drunken driving, was ex­ fers 4 bedrooms, 1st 1/2 bath. 2-Car garage. Monday through Thursday. Blast Manchester. Reduced 85 BUICK SKYLARK 4b m ac (4595 Students 1987 Olds Cut. Supreme $7,900 Family room with 19 Lewis Street pected to be named today as floor family room or to $1 95,000, 68 SNOW PLOWING ~ V-8, AT, A/C, Low Miles 65 CHEV. CAMARO (4995 den, 2-1/2 baths, 2 negotiable. 643-5153. fireplace. 289-3406. (Oft Spring & South Main) 1985 Honda Accord LX $5,400 8SOLDSCALAIS500>* (5995 commissioner on aging by fireplaces, screened Evenings, 642-7844. DRIVEWAYS- Park on street and 91 CARS FOR SALE AT, PS, PB, Stereo, Low Miles 85 PONTIAC FIREBIRD tm .m (4395 Gov.-elect Lowell P. Weicker porch and much more Dependable. Fully 1988 Acura Integra LS $8,995 85 PONT GRAND AM a u . (4995 destroys promote Jr., a published report said. FIND A CASH buyer for walk in behind barn. JUNK CARS-Towed free. for only $229,000. U&R insured. Reasonable 5 Spd., PS, PB, Sunroof, Cassette 66TOYOTA COROLLA tab* (5995 ■those golf clubs you never 35 STORE & OFFICE Prague, 64, the first Realty, 643-2692. rates. 649-6087. OPEN SATURDAY Call Joey, 528-1990. 1988 Hyundai GLS $4,995 86SUBARUGL.w (4995 use! Advertise them for Democratic lawmaker to en­ SPACE & S U N D A Y Need title. 4 Dr., 5 Spd., A/C. Sunroof 86CHEV. N0VA.bu.i«:b.4.b. (5995 sole In classified. Just dial DRIVEWAYS-Parking 86 PONTIAC 6000 LE Hdx).*. (6595 dorse Weicker during the guber­ 1 0 a m -4 p m 1987 Acura Legend Sed $13,900 Army NEARLY NEW CAPE-Ex- 643-2711 to place your ad. bts. Nothing too small. 86IROC CAMARO t r«. (8595 human OFFICE/SPACE-1 mile to V-6, AT, Full Power natorial campaign, would not pandable upper level, 6 $20 any tree 86 MERC. LYNX ; q ) ]» * .. (3495 1-84. 600 Square feet, Free estimates. Call 1984 Plymouth Horizon $2,800 comment on whether she was in panel doors. Secluded. 646-3331. CENTER 66TOYOTACRESSlDAitA»w.Ac (9995 all utilities included. 6 4 7 -9 5 4 6 4 Cyl., AM/FM Cassette, Low Miles line for the post, 'vhich pays 2-Car garage. Low FINDING A cash buyer $650/month. Peterman 1987 Acura Legend L $14,900 86 BUICK CENTURY » *.4 -4 (5995 86 BUICK SOMERSET c*. .i *l (5895 complex $70,000 per year. maintenance yard. Top for sporting goods equip­ 69 FIRE WOOD MOTORS Auto, Leather, Loaded rights Realty, 649-9404. 86CHEV. N0VAva«,wM (54 95 of the line features and m ent Is eosy when you 75 TV, STEREOS AND 1987 Acura Integra 5 Dr. $7,500 “Quality Used Cars” 86 TOYOTA n,,b...iwo.i.LU>... (7995 finishing. Appliances. advertise in classified. $50 a truck load. $95 for 2. APPLIANCES AT, PS, PB, AMTFM Stereo 461 Main Street 86 BUICK SKYHAWK W4$ at ac (5695 Willington, $154,900. 1987 C hrysler Lebaron $6,600 By FRAN RICHARDSON Gorby accepts Cut to length. Quick 86M0NTECARL0$wS(ULi>r,. (8995 By SCQTT BREDE Philips Real Estate, SEARS-15.9 Cubic inch Manchester, CT Coupe, AT, A/C, PS, PB The Associated Press deliveries. Ask about 67 CMC SAFARI VAN neu).« (6595 742-1450. 32 APARTMENTS FOR freezer; Qak dining set; 1987 Pontiac Grand Am $5,600 Manchester Herald peace prize reasonable tree 87GRANDAMLE7Qr«. (7995 F Sony, 31 inch TV. Call 649-4304 Turbo, AT, A/C, Sharp ________RENT________ removal rates. 546- 87 TOYOTA CAMRVDLX (7995 INDIANAPOLIS — A natural OSLO, Norway (AP) — 9706. 742-6634 after 6 p.m. 1986 Merc Lynx 48K $2,895 1989 Acura Integra RS $10,900 MANCHESTER — Nearly 40 OWNER SAYS "MAKE 87 COROLLA DLX . b a* ac (6995 gas explosion rocked an apartment ^ — Soviet President Mikhail S. Gor- BQLTQN-2 Baxtroom 1986 Chev Celeb. Euro $4,995 3 Dr,.Autp. A/C,^AM/FM Slereo eTPONT-TTODO-nr^-—-- ■ (2«6- Manchester High School students AN -------- a F F E R ^ H t "SB^ASONED HARD 1988 Honda Prelude SI $12|900 ■ complcxmt an Army base; injuring- bachev accepted the 1990 Nobel apartment. $575 plus Property for Lease as Dry 1986 Dodge Lancer $4,495 87 PONTIAC FIREBIRD t e ,* (6995 $299,900. Majestic 5 WOQD. Cut, split and 91 CARS FOR SALE AT, A/C, PS, PB, PDL, Cruise were arrested last week for no ap­ Peace Prize in absentia today. utilities. 643-0926. Storage/Retail --180 Park 1985 Dodge 600 Convert. $3,995 87 CHEV. CELEBRITY.• (5995 17 residents and rescuers. A 5-ycar- bedroom Center Hall delivered. What a deal! 1990 Acura Integra LS $14,400 parent reason and dragged right out He said problems in his 1985 Ford Escort $2,395 87 PONTIAC FIERO z* at >- $4995 old girl was missing and feared dead Colonial with 2 family COVENTRY-Convenient Street Cheney Historical Call 643-6824.
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