THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL M AGAZINE PUBLISHED Q UARTERLY BY THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHARLESTON, S. C. EDITEDY B A.. S SALLEY, JR., SECRETARY A ND TREASURER OF THE SOCIETY. VOLUME I I. Printed f or the Society by THE WALKER. EVANS & COGSWELL CO., Charleston, S. C. I90I. OFFICERS OFHE T South C arolina Historical Society President, G en. Edwakd McChauy. 1st V ice-President, Hon. Joseph W. Barnwell. %nd V 'u-e- President, Col. Zimmerman Davis. 3rd V ice • President , Henry A. M. Smith, Esy. -i-th V ice-President, Hon. F. H. Weston. Secretary a nd Treasurer and Librarian, A. S. Salley, Jr. Curators : Langdon C heves, D.. E IIuger Smith, S. P rioleai: Ravenel, Theodore I). Jervey, Charles. W Kollock, M. D. Rev. C. S. Vedder, I). D., Rev. John Johnson, D. D. Rev. Robkrt Wilson, D D. Boardf o Managers. kAll o the korkgoino offioeks. Publication Committee. Joseph. W Barnwell, Henry. A M. Smith, A.. S Salley, Jr, THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL M AGAZINE PUBLISHED Q UARTERLY BY THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHARLESTON, S. C. VOL.I— I NO. 1. JANUARY. lQOl. Entered a t the Postoffice at Charleston, S. C, as Second-class Matter. Printed f or (he Society by THE WALkER. EVANS & COGSWELL CO., Charleston, S. C 1901. .Joseph W Barnwell, Henry A. M. Smith, A. S S alley, Jr. EDITORF O THE MAGAZINE. A. S. S.vi.i.kv. .Ik. CONTENTS fPapers o the First Council of Safety 3 The M ission of Col. John Laurens to Europe in 17.sl ... .-^7 Letter f rom Gen. Christopher Gadsden to Mr. Thomas Morris 4 4 Barnwell o f South Carolina 4»> Notes a nd Queries S9 Publications R eceived 1* .H The S outh Carolina Historical Society 9u" N.. B The price of a single number of this Magazine is one d ollar to any one other than a member of the South Carolina H istorical Society. Members of the Society i^eceive the M agazine free. The membership fee is $3 per annum. In a ddition to receiving the Magazines, members are allowed free u se of the Society's library, and get 25 per cent, discountn o back numbers. Any m ember who has not received the last number will please n otify the Secretary and Treasurer. Address a ll communications, and make all remittances, to A.. S SALLEY, Jr., Sec. & Treas., Charleston, S . C. The S outh Carolina Historical a nd Genealogical Magazine. VOL.I. I JANUAKY, 1901. No. 1. PAPEESF O THE FIRST COUNCIL OF SAFETY OF THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY IN SOUTH CAROLINA, JUNE-NOVEMBER, 1775. {Continued f rom the October number. ] [70.] [COL. J OSEPH GLOVER TO HENET LAURENS.] Addressed: T o The H ofible Henry Laurens E6qr President o f the Council of Safety — Chas. Town. Sepf 2 2d. 1775 Sir./ I h erewith send my return of the Officers and the Whole of the men, liable to bear Arms in the Colleton County Regi ment of Foot under my Command, to the Council of Safety Agreeable to their directions to me. The two Saltcatcher Companys, you will Please Observe are the Largest, and all the male slaves from the age of sixteen to sixty years old, 4O. S CA. HI8TOKICAL AND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE. within t he Bounds of those districts don't Exceed one hundred and twenty five, a small Proportion of slaves to the number of whites, Compared witti the other Districts, I understand There are some Volunteer Companys formed & others a forming, and that some Commissions have been Obtained from the Council of Safety, without any Application Through me, as directed by your letter of the 261?; July to me, although I gave as general a notification as possible thereof. I therefore Can not Transmitt to yon The Officers names of those. And am sorry to inform you the Regiment are Throw'n into the ut most Confusion,by the selecting of those Volunteer Compa- nys. Especially in the patrole service For after the Commit tee of Intiligence gave information of the Battle at lexington, The Officers of this regiment mett Together and very Cheer fully came to a resolution to do their duty in every respect, The patrol duty was strictly attended to & our domesticks never behaved with more quiet & submission and the Offi cers never more Elert in Training their men, Imploying drill- masters, devideing their men into squads, and striveing who should Excell most in Bringing them on in their Exorcisis. But now the Patrol Service (which is one of the Materialest in the lower districts) Stagnated. In those districts where men are inlisted from are too little or no duty done & in other districts where the rendezvous are kept are over done several Officers have and are giveing up their Commissions they Complain of their men going away from them after be ing at the Expence & pains of Training them, Just, as they are persuaded or their humour takes them, The majority Con sists Chiefly of men whose residence are of no long duration in any district, and will Elect & Palm Officers on the district, many of whom do not know how to Perform their duty, any thing Equal to the Officers whom are displaced. It do not lay in my Power to Pirsuade them to keep their Commissions, They observe that they mu6t be Subservant to their men6 hu mours That if Proceeded against for neglect of duty They will go into some Volunteer Companys by which means all subordination and authority must be at an end, the Volunteer Companys, unless Limited to some Bounds or Restricted for FIRST C OUNCIL OF SAFETY OF THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY. 5 a C ertain time, will Plague their Officers. I am Credibly Informed of one mans haveing inlisted in the Fusaleers Com pany in Cha*. Town, who is an Overseer at Godfreys savana and have since inlisted in two other Volunteer Companys, his former Officer of the district Ordered him into the ranks (his not having a Certificate) made him stand his Draught, his lott was to hold himself in readiness for the first march, this Shews the necessity of Confineing men to their duty and not to be left in a time of Exegincy to their Voluntary will and Pleasure, I have caused the malitia Troughout this regiment to be draughted agreeable to the Council of Safety's direc tions, but find The draughts will be all splitt to pieces by the Volunteer Companys now formed and Forming so that I find there will be many remnants of Companys who do not Enter with the Volunteers. Through the regiment Extent about one hundred and Twenty miles. I am at a loss how to Compose those men into a body and fear in any Emergency to be at a greater loss The Volunteer Companys having such a latitude. I have Caused the Council of Safety's Declaration of an alarm, To be Published to Every Company Through the Regiment — I think it my duty to give to the Council of Safety the above Information & state of the Colleton County Regiment as it stands at Present — I am with the utmost Obedience and re gard for the Council of Safety — Sir y our Most Obediant Humble Serv* Joseph G lover P. S I h ave Jus received an order for four Barrils of Powder from you. The Regiment are much in want of Ball and no Bayonets to be had Endorsed : J os-Glover. 22 Sept1:. 1775— R eef 24* 55 5 5 F rom the private collection of A. S. Salley, Jr. See The Sunday Neu>8r Charleston, S. C, March 5, 1899. theRegimentFootAofMusterrole,theofAn inColletonCountyccuratereturn —CJosephGlover Elliott Colonel—SamuelLieutenantJamesLarochJosephJunrAdjutant.Major—Gloverolonel Privates 95 53 47 63 66 41 78 76 55 68 84 ICO 131 957 yJofaephReturnedGlover.b Serjeants! o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 26 MortonWilkinson H Thomasutchin FJunrGeorge ord SThomas mith JosephGlover J unr Ensigns W Isaaceight JacobCarter WmSniely Miles Allen Junr son JohnGough JosiahMiles MBenjamin athews.. PeterB.Guerardeau . Com'?,Coll?.Jos^.Gloverby — Lieutenants OThomas sborn EdwardPerry& PRichard erry ThomasRoberts John &Seabrook William Baker.. JohnSanders.... SDunlap.amuel Clark James JohnLaroch ThomasFord..... Thomasw John8* Skirving. William WMclaughlin m WilliamSanders.. ClayWilliam Joseph Fickliug... ThomasLadson... ThomasLadson.. DFerguson...avid Captains John Sommere HenryH yrue JohnWilson IsaacHayne FordGeorge Snipes L3• out.tornastname Last57tornout.name LowerSaltcatchert WadmalawIsland Godfreys Savanah. UpperSaltcatcher8. SouthCarolina) Distiicts IslandI'Msito IJohn's sland \ 5*A1775yeugust BeachH ill Horse S hoe Willtown Ponpon Chehaw RoundO Stono FIRST C OUNCIL OF SAFETY OF THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY. 7 Endorsed b y Glover: The Colleton County, Regiment — Return — Endorsed, b y Henry Laurens : Return of the Colle ton County Regiment 5 August 1775-58 [71.] [ROLLF O OAPT. WILLIAM OA8TON's COMPANY.] To t he Council of Safety in Charles Town South C arolina District Between Broad and Catawba Riv ers adjoining the new aquisition and Broad River September 25th 1775 we the subscribers hereto have in Compliance With the Resolutions Entered into also Instructions given by the Provincial Congress held in Charles Town on Saturday June 17th 1775 and for the purposes therein mentioned associated and formed ourselves into a Volunteer Company of horse men And whereas by an Election held at the house of Mr Francis Kirkpatrick this day by us the subscribers we have duely Elected and Chosen William Gaston to be our Captain Thomas Robins our first and James Kirkpatrick our Second Lieutenants we therefore humbly pray you to grant and give out Commissions or appointments for those our officers an Chosen 4" F rom the private collection of A.
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