To Barbara G. Walker, the Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets

To Barbara G. Walker, the Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets

INDEX to Barbara G. Walker’s THE WOMAN’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHS AND SECRETS (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 1983) Compiled in 2003 by Cheryl Brooks With over 6,000 index entries (in 40 four-column pages), this Index provides a guide through the history of the lost goddess. Available in print or as a printable computer file from Beedy Parker 68 Washington Street Camden, Maine 04843 207.236.8732 and on the Internet at Copyright © 2003-2005 by Elizabeth C. Parker, who hereby gives permission to copy this material without modification and to distribute it to others for solely non-commercial purposes including discussion, inquiry, and criticism. All other rights are reserved. INDEX to Barbara G. Walker, The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets 1 Aaron, 126 as half of the Primal Androgyne, Agnes, Saint, 13–14 Alma Mater, 23 Ab, 2, 375 20, 33 Agni (Ambika), 14, 66, 141, 274, Almonds, 576 Abaddon, 2–3 knowledge of sex, 912 539, 803, 817 as symbol of female genitalia, Abaton, 2, 3, 828 Lilith and, 527, 541, 1044 Agnus Dei wax charms, 527, 569, 804, 1045–1046 Abel, 15, 68, 104, 116, 290, 541, as male birth-giver, 107–108, 753 Alpa Akshara, 2 864 516 Agrippa von Nettesheim, Henry Alpha, 39, 522, 546, 957 as Good Shepherd, 910 naming of the animals by, 708 Cornelius, 230–231, 714, 922 Alphabet, 2, 39, 140, 162, 396, 685 murder/sacrifice of, 132, 906, redemption of, 526–527 Ahriman (the Great Serpent/Satan), heathen, 871 999 reincarnation of, 848 8, 14–15, 62, 67, 163, 226, as invention of the Goddess, 888 Abelard, 146 rescued from hell, 290 553, 642, 652, 895, 1103 runic, 427, 870 Abhiseka ceremony, 3 sexual guilt of, 911 birth of, 1102 Sanskrit, 546 Abishag, 3–4, 379 sins of, 388 as enemy of Mithra, 664 See also Motherhood Abortion, 4–5, 655, 1063 stature of, 341 sacrifices made by, 132 Alpha Draconis, 908 Abraham, 5, 115, 839, 841, 894 transmigration of soul, 116 twin brother Ahura Mazda, 744, Altar, 23–24, 796 begat by Terah/Tara, 987–988 Adamah, 724, 946 1022 Alter ego, 861 as Moon-father, 940 Adamites, 41, 707–708 Ahura Mazda (sun god), 15, 33, 62, Alumbrados, 41 stature of, 341 Adam-Kadmon, 9 163, 226, 652, 677, 697, 744, Al-Uzza, 24, 1034 tribe of, 890 Adamu, 9, 289 1102, 1103 Amalric of Benya, 41 See also Brahma Addai, 584, 585 birth of, 1102 Am-Am, 560–561 Abrama, 5 Adelphos, 9 as patriarchal god, 258 Amata, 24 Abraxas, 6 Aditi, 10, 62, 343, 961, 1042 sacrifices made by, 132 Amazons, 24–27, 51, 53, 629, 653 Absalom, 6–7, 417, 949 Adityas, 10 twin brother Ahriman, 744, Fate-spinners of, 958 Absinth, 1093 Adonai, 895, 951 1022 female warriors, 257, 523, 764, Absolution, 754 Adonijah, 3–4 Air. See Elements 783–784, 958, 1038 Abtala Jurain, 21–22 Adonis, 10–11, 84, 399, 465, 1094 Air-soul, 945 horse cults of, 411 Abtu, 7, 313 Aphrodite and, 962 Akka, 15–16 male breeders of, 132, 534–535 Abydos shrine and oracle of Osiris, birth of, 465, 628, 702 Akki the Water Drawer, 676, 894 matriarchs of, 391, 518 7, 747, 751–752, 780 castration of, 143, 147 Aladdin, 16–17, 1040 oracles, 102 Abyss, 274, 281, 539, 552, 580, 698 Dionysus as, 236 Alain, 353 queens, 170, 203, 783 cosmic, 709 Hebrew version of, 970 Alako, 17, 362 smith-god of, 944 before creation, 1001 killing of, by dogs, 241 Alalu, 23 worship of the Triple Goddess, of the Great Mother, 998 Orpheus as descendant of, 747 Alani, 17 1069 Lord of the, 1095 as possible father of Priapus, Alban, Saint, 18 Amber, 272 planetary spheres in, 800 816 Alberich, 18 Ambidextrous, 530 uterine/feminine/womb, 702, rebirth through, 138–139 Albigensian heretic group, 1084 Ambrose, Saint, 585 884, 908 as reincarnation of Odin, 734 Albion ("White Moon"), 18 Ambrosia, 650, 737, 778 Acca Larentia, 16, 857, 1046 sacrifice of, 113, 167 Alchemy, 18–22, 742, 889, 1042 Ambrosius. See Merlin Acedia, 7 Venus and, 1043 attempts to create gold, 118, Amen, 27, 384, 750, 798 Aceldama, 815 virgin mother of, 717 944, 949–950 Amen-Ra, 841 Achamoth, 7, 951 See also Tammuz (Adonis) belief in female World-Soul and, Amenti, 384 Achilles, 7–8, 25, 762 Adultery, 11, 162, 925 37 Amida Buddha, 711 canonization of, 880 Ady, Thomas, 1079 blue elixirs of, 837 Ami-Hemf, 552 as slayer/raper of Penthesileia, Aeacus, 383 female practitioners of, 18, 20 Amma, 27 783–784 Aegea, 856 Gnosticism and, 345 Amon, 430, 676, 829 Achilles Heel, 8 Aegeus, 143 Hermes and, 397 Amon-Ra, 765 Aciel, 8, 40, 163, 338, 385, 897 Aegis, 1, 11, 30, 634, 829 Virgin Mary and, 50 AMOR (as secret name of ROMA), Aconite, 317 Aegisthus, 172 Alcmene, 22, 856 764 Acorns, 257 Aeneas, 11–12, 44, 45, 763, 966, Alcohol, 18 Amphitrite, 27–28, 807 Acosta, Father José de, 47 972 Alcott, Dr. William A., 913 Amrita, 637 Acquarius (constellation), 377 Aeon, 12, 39, 61, 514, 583, 841, Alcyone, 662, 804 Amulet of Bes, 226 Acquarius (god), 16 938, 962 Alder tree, 279, 283 Amulet of the Two Jars, 985 Acquarius (zodiacal sign), 789 four primoridial, 274 Alecto, 22 Amulets, 272, 753 Acropolis, 772 Heracles as, 739 A (letter), 2 bullas, 232 Actaeon, 8, 58–59, 244, 342 Jesus as, 951 Alexander Helios, 170 Christian, 569, 667 portrayed as a stag, 410 Aesculapius, 762 Alexander I, Pope, 880 cross forms, 190 rebirth of, 362 Aesir, 12, 141, 324, 751, 1042 Alexander III, Pope, 194, 210, 713, dog forms, 244 Acton, Dr. William, 914–915 Aeson, King, 151 1005–1006 fish forms, 73 Acts of John, 376 Afterbirth, 252 Alexander the Great, 908, 989 of hair, 369 Acts of the Aspostles, 938–939 After-world, Egyptian, 788 Aleyin, 30, 144, 679 hand symbols as, 310 Acts of the Saints (Bollandus), 13 Agamemnon, King, 140–141, 172, Algol, 787 magic blood, 637 Acts of Thomas, 481–482 272 Al-Kasim, 863 menat, 751 Adah and Zillah, 8 Aganippe, 780 Allah, 22, 51, 635, 1100 Nefer, 188 Adam, 8–9, 635, 775 Agape, Saint, 12, 822 names of, 711, 866 pagan, 569 apple (fruit of knowledge) and, See also menstrual blood prophets of, 896 pentacle as, 782 49, 290, 951 Agape (love feast), 640, 967 Al-Lat, 22, 51, 711, 767 phallic, 227, 794 creation of, 815, 816, 818, 896, Agatha, 321 Allath, 1100 silver (moon metal), 672 1102 Agatha, Saint, 13 Allatu, 767 teeth as, 1069 as creation of Eve, 288, 289, Agathocles ("Glory of Agatha"), 13 Alleluia, 23 Ana, 1021 290 Age of consent, 825–826, 843 All Hallow's Eve, 647, 648 See also Anne, Saint as creation of Zoe, 1102 Age of Enlightenment, 1088 See also Halloween Ana-Babd-Macha trinity, 1018 Dionysus as, 237 Age of Faith, 190 All-Seeing Eye, 1026 Anahid, 28 Eve created from rib of, 9, 261 Ages of creation, 248 All Soul's Day, 648, 803, 888 Anahita, 126, 664 given a soul by Sophia, 1102 Ages of man, 216 Alma, 954 Ananias, 28, 790 as God's flesh, 745 Aggression, male, 797 Al-Mah, 23 Ananke, 28–29, 380 2 INDEX to Barbara G. Walker, The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets Ananta, 29, 904 See also Psyche (soul) as Holy Dove, 803 fertilization of women by, 1050 See also Anat/Anantha Animism, 99, 849 husband of, 391 goddess Pomona, 806 Anastasia, Saint, 29 Ankamma, 37 labyrinths and, 523 golden, 72, 168 Anat/Anath(a), 29–31, 94, 142, Ankh (Cross of Life), 38, 188, 396, Mother, 161 of immortality/eternal life, 48, 391, 527, 679, 721, 904, 1095 456, 522, 637, 750, 789, 1054 as mother of Aeneas, 966 49, 392, 393, 399, 427, Anata the Infinite, 903 Anna, 373 as mother of Priapus, 816 774, 778, 806, 870 Anathema, 30, 31, 32, 56, 64 See also Anne, Saint Mysteries of the Rose of, 867 magic, 362, 377, 774 Anath (Mari), 29–31, 32, 74, 94, Annals of Ashurbanipal, 51 Pearly Gates of, 582 pentacle in, 1019 277, 336, 368, 468 Anna-Maya, 266 as Queen of Heaven, 1028 as sacred fruit, 884 as goddess of death, 391 Anna-Nin, 38 rites and festivals of, 421, 1045, serpent and, 49, 288 as the Great Whore, 822 Anna Perenna, 77, 153, 740, 819 1091 as symbol of Bacchus, 788 Anatolian mystery cults, 664 Annapurna, 38 secret number of, 523 as symbol of death, 268, 357 Anaximander, 28 Anne, Saint, 31, 38–40, 612 as sexual aspect of Goddess, as symbol of paradise, 280 Ancestor-worship, 115, 304 Annunciation, angel of, 789–790 1045 as symbol of the heart/soul, 107, Anchises, 10, 147 Annunciation Day, 78 as Stella Maris, 958 112, 362–363, 372 Andrew, Saint, 32, 781 Anointed One, 642, 652 symbolic representation of, 972 trees, 778 Androgyne(s), 20, 32, 32–34, 763, Anointing as temple harlot, 583 Apricot, 778 870 of carved phalli, 311–312, 313, temples and shrines, 44–45, April, 45 Adam and Eve as, 289 642 203, 253, 314 April Fool's Day, 79 God merged with Sophia as, of kings, 3 Triple, 401 Apsaras, 963, 1038 951 Anqet, 904 as Triple Goddess, 147, 286, Apsu, 998 primal, 1029, 1095 Antaeus, 202 302, 401 Apuleius, 698, 801 as represention of sexual union, Antheus, 10, 236, 399 Aphrodite-Mari(na), 10, 44, 156, Aqa, 713 1042 Anthony, Saint, 733, 893 314, 582, 585, 602, 779, 990 Aquarius (zodiacal sign), 396, 900 Andromeda, 35, 399, 787 Anthropomorphism, 73 Aphrodite Pelagia, 781 Arabi, Ibn El-, 53 Androphonos, 35, 45 Antic Hey, 40 Aphrodite Salacia, 313, 314 Arabia, 51–54 Anemone, 706 Antichrist, 40, 110, 227, 438, 785 Apis, 30, 410, 413, 893 Arabian Nights, 16, 17, 169 Angel(s), 35–36, 947 as demon of hell, 386 sacrifice of, 941 Arachne, 54, 957 abyssal, 729 at doomsday, 251 Apis-Osiris, 126 Aradia, 54 of annunciation, 789–790 as firstborn of a virgin mother, Apocalypse, angels of, 274, 900 Aramaiti, 54 of the Apocalypse, 107, 274 313 Apollo, 46–47, 60 Arcadius, 218 as carriers of souls to heaven, recognition of, 885 believed to be father of Plato, Archangels, 951 374 Anti-feminism, 767, 770 1050 Archeology, 186 creation of, 951 Antinomianism,

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